

Rapture Timing Scenarios

  • What did Jesus say about World Wars to come?
  • How many World Wars are there still left to happen?
  • How is the Rapture Timing a Clue to this Time Table?

 by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 


‘Jesus answered: Watch out that no one Deceives you. For many will come in my Name, claiming, I am the Messiah, and will Deceive Many. You will hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars but see to it that you are not Alarmed. Such Things must happen, but the End is still to come. Nation will rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom. There will be Famines and Earthquakes in various Places. All these are the Beginning of Birth Pains’. -Matthew 24:4-8

The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come.

Nuclear Weapons have already been used, mind you. A major difference is that at no other Time in Human History has Mankind possessed the Technology and Capacity to annihilate the entire Human Population and Terraform the Earth with the Weapons of Mass Destruction. To this end, this Book will present one’s Opinion and Assessment to Wars and Rumors of Wars, from a Political Science, Military and Biblical Frame of Mind and Perspective. The Bible has a lot to say about the End Times and about World Wars.

Perhaps no other Book has this sort of Commentary that is Divine and that claims to come from Non-Human Origins. Consider that fact, as being very sobering. One’s Challenge is to decide if one will accept the Biblical Worldview and Narrative. Because if one does, one will be ‘In the Know’ and has a chance to Prepare for what is coming. And in fact to totally avoid what is coming. Nuclear Wars, plural. If one dismisses the Warning of Jesus and what the Bible foretells, then one will be caught off-guard and swept into the Nuclear Nightmare that is sure to come. It is not a matter of War being a ‘Rumor’.

It is now about not if but when. One will consider how World War 3 is composed of 3 Stages. And one will consider who will be ‘Nuked’ 1st. One will explore how Dark Forces are really behind all of this and why. There is a Sinister Plot that is Luciferian to the core. It is really a Spiritual War that one is involved with and Humanity is in the Balance. One will consider the Geo-Political Circumstances that will lead to the World Wars and the Biblical Apocalypses.

An example will be the Azovmena Prophecies in this Age of Deception and how the World War will be a result. It will largely be due to the Financial and Economic Collapse of the U.S. Petro Dollar. There will be a Rest needed and as with the prior World Orders, a World War determined who will come out on Top and who the Leader will be. As it is now, the USA has been relegated to a ’Has Been’ Nation’, much like how Rome Fell and was Disintegrated.

One will then look at the Astronomical Circumstance that one is convinced accompany such World Wars and Events that occur or are confirmed, in Tandem with Celestial Signs. To this End, this Book will be one's Best Attempt to Chronicle how one is more convinced that the Spirit of Darkness, of Lucifer is fomenting World Wars that are coming for sure. Hopefully this will be on the other Side of the Rapture. Please consider purchasing a Copy for one’s personal Study or to give to others as a Gift. Your Patronage will help Support this Type of Research.

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Prologue…………………………………………………    11

World War 3 – In 3 States…………………………….    23
World War 3 – Who is Nuked 1st?............................    31
World War 3 – Nazis did not Lose War……………...    39
U.S. Selective Service Registration………………….    53

Azovmena Prophecies………………………………...    59
In an Age of Deception………………………………..     69
Death of the Petro-Dollar……………………………..     77
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling – Arms………………….    83

12 Reasons Supporting Biblical Astronomy………...    89
Biblical Solar Calendar………………………………..    115
Leo New Year Gate of Heaven……………………….    121
Spring Equinox Synchronizations……………………    129

Christ Star 2024………………………………………..    137
Planetary Parade………………………………………    151
Purim Blood Moon Triad………………………………    155
9th of Av Astronomical Signs…………………………     163
Corona Borealis Nova…………………………………    169

Nuclear Apocalyptic Images………………………….     179

Sinai Pentecost Day Count……………………………    191
Feast of New Wine Celebration………………………    201
New Wine Rapture Timing…………………………….    209
New Wine Rapture…………………………………….     223
New Wine Pentecost…………………………….…….    237

Rapture New Wine Timing…………………….………    241


Pentecost New Wine - True Date?...........................    251
Pentecost New Wine - Calendar of Months…….…..    257
Pentecost New Wine - Wedding at Cana……….…..    265


Is the Rapture Found in Daniel’s 70th Week?..........     273
Why the Rapture is not in June………………………     281
Is the Rapture Imminent or Not?..............................     295
Rapturitis………………………………………….……     301

Jerusalem Covenant………………………………….     311    
What does Quran say about Israel?.........................    321
No One Knows the Day or the Hour?.......................    327
Summary of the Signs………………………………..     337

ABC’s of Salvation…………...………..…………..…..    345
Book Resources……………………..…………………   353

© 2024 PostScripts Publications
End Times Apocalypses
Rapture Timing Scenarios


Category: Religion & Spirituality
Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License

Publisher: Lulu

Binding: Paperback
Interior: Color
Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

Publication Date Revised: June 20, 2024
Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-304-26938-6

© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #979.
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