Globalist Babylon System

  • Who is behind BlackRock and what is it all about? 
  • Does the Firm have Nefarious Aspirations?
  • How does this Firm control the World?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The following is a Transcript of a YouTube Video regarding a ‘Secret Meeting’ of the Executives at the New York Building where BlackRock is headquartered. This came about as the YouTube Presenter, Nelson Walters happened to be in the City and had booked a Hotel Room in that City Block in the Month of August in 2024. There also happened to be an Anime Convention that is addressed in his Observation that could have had indirect or direct inference to the Meeting of this ‘Shadow World Bank’.

In the Observation, one will understand why as Walter, an End Times Student of Prophecy assesses what the Meeting could have been about and how it had possible Occult and/or Nefarious Implications of what is planned for the USA, the World and Israel is next to occur. And who and what is BlackRock? They are only the Entity that essentially controls the major Companies and Politicians of the World.

Here below is the Basic Information about what is publicly disclosed about BlackRock, the Worshipers of the Black Cube and 1 of the many Financial Arms of the Synagogue of Satan, in one’s Estimation. An Undercover Interview with a BlackRock Executive confirms all the Speculation. They basically ‘Make or Break’ People and/or Governments. They are the Real Shadow Government and Black Hand, rather. The following below is the Transcript from Walters in abbreviated format, emphasis added.

BlackRock is an American Multinational Investment Company. Founded in 1988, initially as an Enterprise Risk Management and Fixed Income Institutional Asset Manager. BlackRock is the world's largest Asset Manager, with US$10 Trillion in Assets under Management as of December 31, 2023. It is Headquartered at 50 Hudson Yards in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, BlackRock.

Its Aladdin Software keeps track of Investment Portfolios for many Major Financial Institutions and its BlackRock Solutions Division provides Financial Risk Management Services. BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson.

Due to its Power and the sheer Size and Scope of its Financial Assets and Activities, BlackRock has been called the World's Largest Shadow Bank by The Economist and Basler Zeitung. BlackRock has been the subject of Conspiracy Theories, and it owns both Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems. Some conspiracy theories have incorporated Anti-Semitism, the Theory that Jewish People, including BlackRock founder Robert Kapito, are part of a Cabal responsible for COVID and a COVID Agenda’. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlackRock

Nelson Walters
What I Saw - What it Means


As I turned the corner, to BlackRock’s New York City Headquarters, 39 Story Building, I saw this Incredible Site; 10 identical SUV Limos parked in a row. And around them, protecting them were these great big muscular Security Guys, not too friendly-looking. So, who is going to get in these Limos? Who was inside that building? Was it Bill Gates? Was it Klaus Schwab? Was it Obama? How about BlackRock CEO Larry Fink? And making all of us even more surreal, in the Park behind the street were literally dozens and dozens of People dressed as Demons and Witches.

Where did they come from? What about the Timing of this Meeting? [August 25, 2024] Why was this important? Why were there these 10 Limos there? Obviously, for very-very Wealthy and Powerful People, Important People. What were they discussing inside? Believe it or not, we have a video of a BlackRock Executive describing the Things that likely were talked about in this Meeting. And we are going to talk about all that Today.

This is Bible Teacher Nelson Walters. And that very Strange Scene is what my Wife and Daughter and I experienced last Sunday, August 25th about 6:30 in the evening, as we were strolling around behind the BlackRock Headquarters. Well, what in the World were we doing there? Well my Wife and I were taking my Daughter to College. She is about to start College in New York City. And I had strangely booked a Hotel, 75 Yards from that Headquarters. We spent the entire Week in their Backyard.

Now, if you have not heard of BlackRock, they are a Financial Management Firm that controls Businesses that are worth $30 Trillion or about 1/3 of the entire Value of all the Businesses on Earth. They are housed in a 39 Story High Skyscraper that they share with Meta. You know, formerly known as Facebook? So, the Financial Arm and the Propaganda Arm of the Globalist Governance takeover are housed in 1 Building in New York, 50 Hudson Yards. Well, is it not that convenient? But I bet 1st, you are really wondering, how People dressed as Witches and Demons just happened to be all around that meeting?

You know, it was not Halloween. It was August. But this Week, there just happened to be an Anime Festival 2 Blocks from BlackRock's Headquarters. Every Day, 100s and 100s of Young Adults dressed as their favorite Anime Characters, walked right by BlackRock. Many with Swords, Axes, Wizard Staffs. Some getting Starbucks; all very-very Demonic. So, was it a coincidence that the Big Meeting and the Demonic-Looking-Hordes were all there together? I certainly do not think the Globalist Executives planned the Anime Festival at the same Time as the Meeting. Honestly, I believe they wanted as few People as possible, watching what was happening.

But for a Person like me, who is Spiritually Sensitive, it certainly let me Glimpse, maybe a Real World Approximation of what was going on in the Spiritual, in that Place. Next Question you might have is, ‘Hey did you take some Pictures of who came out? Well I lifted my Phone to take a Picture of the Limos, but as soon as I did, one of those Security Guards, you know, the real Muscular Guys? His Head swiveled to take a quick look at me. And he kind of frowned and I decided I would just put my Phone down, rather than have him seize it and crush it under his Boot. Security tends to want to destroy Records of such Things.

So, I just kept the Mental Picture of that Time intact. And for this Video, let us give a shout-out to my Advisory Board of Brit Ashley, Michael Taran Fisherman and Ryan Rigo, for providing some of the Research. So, who are these BlackRock Folks, Biblically? Are they in the Bible? They are part of Mystery Babylon; the Merchants of this Globalist System described in the Bible, as a Harlot or Temple Prostitute. In Revelation 17:1, 2 and 18, notice the Relationship of this Entity with the Kings of the Earth.

‘Then 1 of his 7 Angels who had the 7 Bulls came and said to me, come I will show you the Judgment of the Great Prostitute who is seated on Many Waters, with whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Sexual Immorality. And the Woman that you saw is the Great City that has Dominion over the Kings of the Earth’.

So, this World System or World City commits Immorality with the Kings of the Earth. And by that, it rules over all of them. It is not the Kind of Immorality that you are thinking in Modern Days. We do not understand these Temple Prostitutes committing Immorality with a King. But in the Days of Babylon, this was something known as ‘Hieros Gamos’ or Holy Marriage. It was a Ceremonial Act, once a Year between the King and the Pagan Goddess of the Kingdom. She was a Fallen Angel and represented, in this Act by the Prostitute who served in her Temple.

By it, the King gained his Right to Rule. And the Pagan Fallen Angel Goddess gained control over the King. Her Control over him was based on her granting him the Right to Rule. In Modern Days, the Kings are Congresses, Parliaments, Prime Ministers, Presidents of our Governments. And the Harlot is the World System that exists outside of Government that controls them and dominates them with Donations and Bribes. It grants them the Right to Rule by funding their Campaigns.

Do you doubt this is True? Let us listen to a Sting Video where the BlackRock Executive, Serge Varley thinks he is on a Date. And he does not know he is being recorded, So, he spills the Beans about how Mystery Babylon rules over the Kings of the Earth. And please, I know there is Bad Language in this. Please excuse the Language. This Guy is Secular and an Immoral Person. But it is interesting, so listen to it, Please.

Let me tell you, it is not through who the President is. It is who is controlling the Wallet of the President. And who is that? The Hedge Funds, BlackRock, the Banks. These Guys run the World…Campaign Financing. Yep, you can buy your Candidates. So, how so? All of these Financial Institutions? They buy Politicians. 1st, there is the Senators. These Guys are F**ing Cheap. You got 10 Grand? You can buy a Senator. It does not matter who wins. They are in my Pocket at this Point…I can give you 500K, right now. No Questions asked. Are you going to do what needs to be done? Yeah, of course. Why not? Does like, everybody do that? Does BlackRock do that? Everyone does that. –Serge Varley

So if you think Elections matter? This Guy says it does not matter who wins. They control the Money that elects the Politicians. Either way and in turn then, the Politicians vote the way that they want, no matter who wins. But the Propaganda Arm of the System, Mystery Babylon wants you to think that Elections matter. That it is the most Important Thing in the World. I mean, we are experiencing that in the United States right now. Look at what the Bible says about this in the Verses we looked at Revelation 17:1 and 2.

‘Come I will show you the Judgment of the Great Prostitute who is Seated on Many Waters, with whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Sexual Immorality and with the Wine of whose Sexual Immorality the Dwellers on Earth have become Drunk’.

Now, going back to the Days of Hieros Gamos or Holy Marriage. Part of the Yearly Festival was passing out Free Wine. In Today's World, that Wine is the Propaganda that Elections matter, that the World is not controlled by these Merchants. The Wine is also the Affluence we have in this current System that makes People think it is Ok, that the Merchants make these Decisions for us, because we are Rich. Again, sorry for the Language. These People use.

You are kind of like F**ing Gatekeeper at BlackRock. Yeah, I am. I decide People's Fate every F**ing Day. I literally decide how somebody's Life is going to be shaped. That is so Powerful. I love it. Yeah, it is. I do not know… That. The whole Thing, of like, Domination from a Concept is so F**ing interesting. …They [BlackTock] do not want to be in the News. They do not want People to talk about them. They do not want to be anywhere on the Radar. Why not? I do not know, but I suspect it is probably because it is easier to do things when people are not talking about it. –Serge Varley

June 19, 2023

In the Bible, in Revelation 18:23 tells us that the Merchants of the World System use Demonic Sorcery to gain Power, selling your Soul to the Devil in other Words. For your Merchants were the Great Ones of the Earth; Great Ones being Commanders. ‘Because all the Nations were deceived by your Sorcery’. So, it is no Surprise that the Anime Demonic Costumes were all around the Meeting that took place, in my Opinion.

I truly believe GOD was allowing me to see the Spiritual Reality of what was going on inside of BlackRock at that moment, based on the Costumes I was seeing all around the outside. But what kind of Decisions were being made inside the Halls of that Skyscraper? What kind of Decisions do these Merchants make? How about in regard to War? Do they like War? Let us listen. Again, sorry for the Language.

Do you have any Thoughts on the Ukraine-Russia War? Ukraine is Good for Business, you know? Right. We do not want the Conflict to end. Why? We do not want the Conflict to end as a Country. The longer this goes on, the weaker Russia is. I give an example, Russia. Russia blows-up Ukraine Grain Silos. Price of Wheat is going to go mad-up. So, what are you going to do if you are a Trading Firm? The Moment that News hits, within a Millisecond you are going to pump Trades into… into whoever the Wheat Suppliers are. Into their Stocks…Within a 1 hour or 2, that Stock goes F**ing up. And then you sell and you just made… I do not know how many Millions…

Why would a News Channel promote a Side in War? Because it is also Good for Business too. I mean, what is News? They are pushing, like, the same Talking Point, like you generally when you look at News… It is Propaganda. The Ukrainian Economy is tied very largely to the Wheat Market, the Global wheat Market. This is fantastic if you are Trading. Volatility creates Opportunity to make Profit. War is real Good for Business.

So, they use and probably cause Events like this to gain Money and use the Money to gain Power. And all of this is facilitated by the Fallen Angels. The Demonic Powers control the Global System and the Politicians through Hieros Gamos and Intoxicate People of the World. That is how it works. I call these People Globalists. Globalists possess Extreme Wealth and they can live anywhere in the World that they choose. They have Diversified International Business Interests, all over the World. And they share these with other Globalists and frequently receive Invitations to Events like Davos and the World Economic Forum W.E.F.

You know these groups. And because they can live anywhere, they have no Allegiance to any 1 Nation. Rather, they use the Nations. And if your Nation Rises or Falls, it only matters to them, based on the Power they obtained. We care about our Nations. They really do not. They also do not really care about Issues, except how it gains them Power as the Black Rock Executive described. Other Issues they latch-on to and use in the same way, are Man-Made Global Climate Initiatives, Global Health Issues like Pandemics, Central Bank Digital Currency, Digital ID, Population and Migration and the So-Called Social Justice.

Boy, those are a lot of very Current Topic Issues are they not? Well, how do they use these Things? Take the recent Pandemic for instance. According to a Report by Oxfam, during the Pandemic the World's Wealthiest Individuals saw their Fortunes rise dramatically with the 10 Richest Men in the World, doubling their Wealth from 700 Billion to 1.5 Trillion. Meanwhile, the World's Poor and Middle Classes, including Small and Medium-Sized Businesses like the one that I had, collectively lost about 1.3 Trillion Dollars due to the Economic Disruption. Just consider the Local Shops? People were no longer visiting them during the Lockdown.

Instead, of course they were buying from Amazon. See how it works? An even greater Power Grab is coming. Coming within the next Month. So, if you want to know why the Meeting took place at Black Rock in August? It is because of what is Happening next Month [September]. The United Nations, which is an Extension of these Globalists, in a way are planning what they call, the ‘Most Important Meeting of a Generation’. In the Back of my Mind, I wonder if an Anime Festival will be organized at the same Time? But I digress. Out of this Meeting, they hope that a Document will be created, a ‘Pact for the Future’ with the Nations of the Earth formalizing the System of Hieros Gamos, that is currently in place.

So, that the Control of the Nations is delineated in a Formal Covenant. Yes, probably the Covenant with the Many of Daniel 9:27. But some of you are probably saying, ‘What does that have to do with Jerusalem?’ I thought everything in the End Times had to do with the Middle East? Well, a lot of it does. But that BlackRock Executives Video was filmed back in 2023, long before the current Middle East Conflicts. And I think that these Guys, these Globalists have had a Hand in what is going on in the Middle East Today, just like they did in the European Conflict that the Executive was talking about.

But what is the Next Step after the U.N. Summit for the Future? Where does it go from there? Well, in Revelation 17:16, we learn the Antichrist will destroy the World Governed System we just talked about Today. Yes, the Beast and the 10 Kings hate this System according to the Bible. And will burn it with Fire. So, that means the 10 Kings and the Beast must come to power 1st. They must exist…Till then, this is Nelson and I will see you there.



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