
Free Book List to Download

  • Why the COVID-19 Shots are Bio-Weapons.
  • What does the Research show and suggest?
  • ​What is the next 'Desease X' about and when?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

All that the Doctors, Nurses, Scientists and Researchers warned about the Dangers of the COVID mRNA ‘Kill-Shots’ turned-out to be True. Yet, despite the Evidence that has now been collected and available, there is still a Spirit of Cognitive Dissidence and Plausible Deniability Syndrome that has also Mind-Spelled the People with. The forced COVID Injection Mandates by the Government, the Face-Masking and shut-down of the World Economy was just a Dry-Run.

The next ‘Plandemic’ is in the Works as the World Health Organization, the WHO has been working hard, behind the scenes to usurp any and all Health related Decision-Making Powers away from People and Nations. Eventually, it will be under the Auspices of the U.N., that the coming World Government will usurp the National and Personal Bodily Sovereign of every Human on the Planet. To that end, one has attempted to expose this Luciferian Work for what it is. It is to Deface the ‘Image and Likeness’ Humanity was created with and endowed by YHVH since Genesis. One is welcome to download any of one’s Books and to also share them with others.

Programmable Human Tissue
The COVID-19 Injections are not a ‘Vaccine’. The purpose of this Book is to ascertain Evidence from Medical, Political, Social, and Religious Factors that demonstrate how the Neo-Eugenicists in Big Pharma have colluded with Compromised Governments, Media, and the Medical Industrial Complex to fuse Man with Machine at the DNA level to transform Humanity into Living Biological Networks. Why? To implement Population Control Protocols. The Great COVID Contamination, Control and Culling of Humanity has begun, 1 COVID Injection with Liquid Metal, ‘Black Goo’ at a Time. 


ORDER ONLINE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/130432494X/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1&tag=wwwcampusboocom587-20&condition=new

The Future of Human Identity
The purpose of this Book is to note how the Gene Editing mRNA COVID-19 Shots are Dangerous and will be catastrophic. It will construe the necessary Genetic Scaffolding to make Humans, Biological Computers to program Living Tissue. It is as computing Programming Molecular Circuits that will control Molecular Information and Behavior. The Book will present several Key and very Important Interviews with Doctors and Virologists that have publicly denounced the Medical Martial Law that has subjugated Humanity into re-Creating Adam 2.0, where Man merges with Machine.

PDF: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=F18D5BF95B5644F2&id=F18D5BF95B5644F2%2114333&parId=F18D5BF95B5644F2%216153&o=OneUp  

ORDER ONLINE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1304325164/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1&tag=wwwcampusboocom587-20&condition=new

The Great Culling of Humanity
How do you kill 6 Billion People on Earth? You lie to them. The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several COVID-19 Events surrounding the Political, Social, Religious Factors demonstrating how the Neo-Eugenicists have colluded with Compromised Governments, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex to fuse Man with Machine at the DNA level to implement Population Control Protocols. Through a Mass Psychosis of Fear and ‘Science’ Fiction, the Great COVID Culling of Humanity has begun, 1 COVID Injection at a Time. 


ORDER ONLINE:https://www.amazon.com/dp/130432429X/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1&tag=wwwcampusboocom587-20&condition=new

Rewriting Genetic Code
The purpose of this Book is to show how the Gene Editing mRNA COVID-19 shots are Dangerous and Experimental in their Applications. And how it has been based on the greatest Medical Hoax in Human History. One will provide the various Sources from those who invented the mRNA Technology that warns of its misapplication and abuse in helping Cull Humanity. And eventually, it is a Means to an End to Control Humanity from the very essence of what a Human is, Genetically. The Aim is to have every Human Biometrically Identified and ‘Tagged’ like Cattle to monitor and regulate Behavior, Thought and in Action.

PDF: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=F18D5BF95B5644F2&id=F18D5BF95B5644F2%2114223&parId=F18D5BF95B5644F2%216153&o=OneUp

ORDER ONLINE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1304325296/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1&tag=wwwcampusboocom587-20&condition=new

Glossary of Words
The purpose of this Book is to provide the Reader with a comprehensive array of the major Scientific, Medical, Political and some Theological Terms concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Why? The Objective is to have a better sense of what the Words, Terms, and Concepts mean. It is to be better educated in understanding such Words when coming across either Scientists, Doctors, Virologists, Politicians and even Theologians who use them to make a more Informed Decision as to whether to take the new mRNA Shots for example.


ORDER ONLINE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1387543490/?aod=1&tag=vanrey-20

And the Medical Martial Law
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Systematic Array of Scientific Evidence that dispels the 'Official Narrative' pertinent to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Or is it a 'Plandemic'? The Studies presented in this Book will consider the various Sources that strongly suggest that the release of COVID-19, although real, is being abused to foment the need to undergo and implement the Global Economic 'Reset'. This New COVID World Order will be contingent upon all People needing to take the coming COVID Vaccinations that has Technology unlike any prior type of Immunizations. It will essentially be a recreation of Humanity 2.0, but with deadly Adverse Effects. 

PDF: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=F18D5BF95B5644F2&id=F18D5BF95B5644F2%2113713&parId=F18D5BF95B5644F2%216153&o=OneUp    


Free Online COVID Warning Resources Webpage
COVID-19 Warning of mRNA Shot Dangers

© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1043.
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