
A Harbinger of the Death of Kings and Rulers

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The following is a study with a Chart, depicting the Comet C/2023 that is deemed the Star of Jacob, as it traverses through the Revelation 12 Sign on its 7-Year Anniversary. One will also provide a Timeline of how long it takes the Comet to streak across the Constellation of Virgo, like a ‘Bullet’, or a Missile’. It makes a Crisscrossing Path with the following Observations that will link the Assassination of Nasrallah to the Date the Comet 1st became visible and reached Perihelion September 27, 2024. Coincidence?


Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary

One will provide the Evidence and one’s Interpretation of what this Comet could possibly mean Prophetically. How is this Comet possibly tied to the End Times and Bible Prophecy? Consider that on September 11, 2024, the Comets began to make an ‘About-Face’ at Sextans and re-enters the Constellation of Virgo. On the 23rd of September, the Comet began to have its Tail light-up.

On the 27th, it reached Parhelion and that is when, coincidentally, Netanyahu was giving the Speech at the UN and Nasrallah, Leader of Hezbollah was killed in Lebanon. The Comet then accelerates across Virgo where the Apex of the Comet reaches the exact Point it entered Virgo 180 Days prior. Is it a Forecast of an All-Out-Attack on Israel? Will that be the start of the Psalm 83 War?

Will it be a Death and Birth Transition Period? If the Meaning of Comets are to be considered and taken seriously, then watch-out for October 10-12. This Time-Frame will be extremely Dangerous for Israel and the Bride of Christ. How so? The 2nd Portion of the Study will delve into the Meaning of Comets. The following is the Timeline of the Comet’s Trajectory across Virgo.


SEPTEMBER 11, 2024
Comet started to do its About-Face and re-enter the Constellation of Virgo. 

SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
On the 7-Year Anniversary of Revelation 12 Sign, the Tail began to light-up.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
The Comet reaches Perihelion on this Date. It was the 1st Time Comet able to be seen on Earth with the Naked Eye. This is the Date also that as Netanyahu of Israel was making his Speech at the UN, to a virtually empty Chamber and Nasrallah, the Leader of Hezbollah was killed.

OCTOBER 2, 2024
Just before entering Virgo the Comet, the Feast of Rosh HaShanah begins, on the Rabbinical Calendar.

OCTOBER 7, 2024 
As the Comet enters Virgo, there is a Quadruple Alignment with the following Celestial Bodies. Note that this is the 1 Year Anniversary of the Hamas Attack on Israel from Gaza.


OCTOBER 10, 2024
The Comet exits the Virgo Constellation at same Point it entered it. It is as though an ‘X’
Marks-the-Spot is made. Note that the Comet entered Virgo’s ‘Womb’ Area 18 Days (6-6-6) after Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024.

OCTOBER 10-12, 2024 (RED ALERT)
Here is where one is issuing a Red Alert! As Comets are Harbingers of Death, Birth and Demise, October 10 will signal a Monumental Event concerning Israel and the Body of Christ on Earth?

OCTOBER 11, 2024
On this Day, the Comet begins to leave Virgo but then this is on the Eve of Yom Kippur. In the Past, the Muslims have attacked Israel on its ‘Holiest Day’, i.e., the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

OCTOBER 16, 2024
On this Day, which is Sukkot in the Rabbinical Calendar, the Comet reaches the Constellation of Serpens.

OCTOBER 24, 2024
During the Feast of Simchat Torah, the Comet is dead-center in the Heart of Ophiuchus


This next Portion of the Study will delve into the possible Meaning of Comets. What did the Ancient Civilizations on Earth think about Comets and still do? In this case, it is about Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan. The ‘T’ is silent and pronounced, ‘Su-Chin-Shan’, reached its Perihelion on September 27, 2024, that is when Nasrallah died. And? Are there not 1000s of People, all over the World that Died and were Born on that Day?

Why is Nasrallah being singled-out? A Comet’s Meaning, potentially depends on the ‘Who, What, Where and When’ to ascertain a possible Interpretation. One is considering only the Top World Leaders, as Nasrallah was. And also, how Hezbollah is at the Forefront of attempting to Destroy Israel on Earth presently.

Nasrallah is Dead
With that in Mind, one has to consider where the Comet is positioned at, in the backdrop of the Constellations and where it is going. Consider the Color of the Comet even. Then, more importantly, what is the Meaning of the Motif of the Stars that constitute the Constellations where the Comet is passing through. In this case, Virgo. Here is some Research about the Meaning of Comets for Context. The Word 'Comet' is derived from the Latin Word 'Cometes'. It originates from the Greek Word κόμη (Komē). The Original Meaning refers to the ‘Hair on one's Head'. Comets have highly Elliptical Orbits.

Some appear regularly, like Halley's Comet, visible every 75 to 76 Years, etc. Other Comets have such Large Orbits, that they visit the Inner Solar System once in 100s of 1000s of Years. As Comets approach the Sun, it is attracted by its Gravity. It is at this Point in Time that Comets also enter Earth’s Observable Range. It is the Heat from the Sun that starts to evaporate the Frozen Gases and Ice. This produces the Effects of the Radiation and the Solar Wind produces the Tail that is the Comet's recognizable Trademark.

Many Comets do not make it in this Observable Range as they may burn-up, break into pieces or even disappear, as they pass the Sun. Now as to the Ancient Understanding of what Comets meant when they appeared and were observed by Humanity from Earth? It is understood that Comets became the Symbol of all kinds of Disasters. The Appearance of Comets were and are connected to Deaths, Riots, Wars and Slaughter.

Most notably, Comets signaled the Death of Kings, Rulers or Leaders. For example when Julius Caesar was Assassinated in Rome in 44 BC, his Successor, Augustus, announced that Caesar's Soul had ridden-off with the Comet that was recorded that Year. Also, some will argue that New Comets are discovered every Year. Most do not even approach a Magnitude of Brightness where they would be visible even by using Telescopes and/or hand-held Binoculars.

The arrival of Comet Tsuchinshan can thus be associated with the Death of Nasrallah and the Destruction of HAMAS and Hezbollah, along with their Leaderships. So, it is about an Ending and a Beginning of something or someone. Is it any Coincidence that the Constellation of Virgo is the Beginning and the End of the Mazzaroth or the 12 Signs of the Zodiac? Surely, the Comet’s arrival signals a Period of Upheaval. It has been, for Israel, as the Motif of Virgo is associated with. And it has been like the Revelation 12 Sign is depicted, Prophetically. It is now about a New Beginning being Broadcasted, perhaps. Will this be the Luciferian’s Reset? The New World Order?

Will it be the End of HAMAS and Hezbollah but the beginning of the Inner-Ring Confederation of the other Muslim Faction that will retaliate against Israel? But other People who study the Stars and Comets state that they also consider the Direction in which the Comet is pointing to. It is implying the Direction where the Disasters are surmised to happen. But as Comets go, their Appearance from Earth’s Vantage Point means that they are ‘Temporary Influences’ in World Affairs, etc.

Destroying Hezbollah Leadership It is also surmised in the Study of Comet that they are the most Effective when it is at its Brightest. So, the Comet begins to enter Virgo for a 2nd Time. It is as a Double Witness and emphasis. It does its U-Turn at Sextans, the Constellation that is pointing to Virgo. It is an Instrument to take Measurements of the Stars in relation to Earth. Then there is the Wedding Ring Solar Eclipse in Virgo, and on the Civil New Year. The Planet Mercury is there in Conjunction as if to take note that there is a ‘Message’ to be discerned by all these Astronomical Signs.

It is as if the Sign is about a Wedding of the Virgin but is being ‘sprayed’ with Bullets or Missile’ in the case of Israel, literally. It is about the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that signals a Rapture to occur. Israel is going all-out. From a purely Military, Political Science and Prophecy Perspective, it is Incredible what Israel has been able to accomplish against the 7-Front Muslim Menace. It has to. This will for sure escalate the War and bring about Psalm 83. Just a matter of Time, and it is ramping-up, incredibly Fast. October 2, 2024 looks great for ‘Peace and Safety’ then Sudden Destruction, Isaiah 17 Style.


From the Drudge Report

Countless of Muslims in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Lebanon are celebrating the demise of the Hezbollah Leadership being Killed-Off by Israel. Not stating publicly, but many Muslims are glad Israel has essentially destroyed Hezbollah, as it has been a Stranglehold on the People, their Economy and Identity.

For Decades, the Billions in Financial Aid given to them by the USA, the EU, and the Rich Arab Gulf State has been squandered in a Muslim Religious Quest to destroy Israel. Perhaps 1 of the 7 'Red Dragon' Heads has been cut-off but what is coming next is that the Confederation of Muslims Factions that will not let this Embarrassment be un-answered against Israel.




Mahyar Tousi TV


End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

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Then Sudden Destruction
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Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


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Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

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Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

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Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


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Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1080.
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