Theory Revealed for the Last Days

  • Why has the New Wine Theory come-up now?
  • Why where the Temple Scrolls released Years later?
  • How will this new Understanding affect the Church?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

As to the Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory? Perhaps the LORD is speaking to the Church in the Last Days about it because it is the Last Days. And this New Understanding of what the Acts 2 Pentecost really signifies is now extremely pertinent to the Church Age. It is perhaps what is occurring in how Danile was told about the Details of the Last Days and he had trouble understanding it all. But it was not for him to know as it pertained to the Last Days. And only then would such Understanding be given. As one who 1st introduced this Alternate Theory, it has now not just been me.

One must also realize that there are other Unsung Watchmen that do not even have a Website. It is like the 7000 that GOD had reserved that did not bend the Knee to Ba’al. They were there all along, so it was not just Elijah, or me. As for me, one’s Website is all that one really has and it is Tiny in comparison to what other Watchmen have. And realize that it is not or one does not consider it a Ministry. As noted, one is just sharing one’s Studies and Personal Interest and Research. Also, one often questions its Impact. The Website only averages about 100 Hits or People a Day. So, it is only perhaps impacting that Many or so Few. But that is in one’s Earthy Reasoning and Perspective.

As the Scripture says, ‘Do not despise the Day of Small Things’. So, one just leaves it up to the Holy Spirit to do the Marketing. One has purposely not done a YouTube Channel because of the amount of Drama it causes. And it was impressed upon one’s Mind and Heart to not go there with one’s Research, at least at this Time. So, it has helped me avoid all that Ugliness that also does exist, unfortunately in the Church Body. It is hard to imagine that one’s little Website and Articles would be ‘It’ to close-out the Church Age with as many Brethren have commented to one personally. It is an Honor to be considered that it could be the case, but if that is the case, how sad as then 99% of the Church is not Seeing it, Reading it or Understanding it.

But one thinks of now of all the Nations on Earth at the Time of Jesus’ Birth, no Nation or People knew it had occurred, as foretold. Only the Magi in Persia and they were a Hand Full. Imagine that? Out of all the People on Earth, only the Magi, Mary, and Shepherds were told. All of Israel as the ‘Church’ in comparison did not know and missed the Event. One suspects the Rapture Event will be no different. Back then, it was the Greatest Event when the Creator took on Human Flesh to Redeem it. At the Rapture, it will be an Off-World Experience that will boggle the Mind of those left on Earth. So, perhaps in these Last Days of the Church Age, it is no different from Jesus' Coming in the Clouds. Most Churches do even believe in the Rapture. And the few, 1-3% that do, it is a Circus about it.

High Rapture Watch Window

Also, most Churches, at least in the USA do not teach Prophecy. So, most Professing Christians are going to be Shocked and Unprepared at what is coming. When one was studying the Rapture of Elijah, it was the same Principle. Out of all of Israel, 100 People or Prophets knew of this Up-Coming Rapture Event. They were the 50 Prophets at Bethel and 50 Prophets from Jericho of the School of the Prophets that knew the ‘Day and the Hour’, even. What one would wholeheartedly agree with, is that in going Public with one’s Research, one has prayed that the LORD would lead those Brethren that would benefit from such Studies.

One’s Research is not for most, as the aim of the Research is for those that already have a Solid Foundation into Prophecy and Scripture. This is why only the 100 od Brethren that do read and follow one’s Research have the Appreciation of such Topics, etc. For most, this is either over their Heads or it is a matter of throwing Pearls to Pigs, respectively. So, as to the possible Rapture Timing? As noted in prior Posts, one is only a 1 Time High Watch Timer. It is every Year, based on the July 23 (723) Factor that is to prove one’s Theory. It would be hard to believe that the World, as it is, falling apart can keep going and hold it together much longer. Another Year? Something has to give. Perhaps that will be the Rapture. That will change everything.

From that Moment forward, the World will be gauging its Days, Pre or Post Rapture Event as they do for BC and AD. If not in this present Year, then it is just a Dress Rehearsal, which is Good to always be preparing for. But as with all Wedding Rehearsals, one ultimately anticipates and expects the actual Wedding to commence, no? But because of this High Rapture Watch Window (July 22-23), one has a Break from School. So one has more Time to dedicate to Research and Writing on the Topic. etc. After July 23, one usually gets ready to head back to School. And one’s efforts at Research and Writing will greatly be reduced. It has been a Cycle of sorts. One will be doing just 1 Article per Week, as before, if at all.

It was commented to me that perhaps some sort of ‘Discovery’ could be made and that the Information could lead to more profound Information about the Pentecost New Wine Correlation could be had? How about this Thought? What if 'They' already have discovered such Documents? But the Issue is that those Documents have not been released to the General Public, by Design? Sure, it sounds like a Conspiracy Theory, but one would not put it past 'them', those that wield such Access and Power over what has been Discovered but withheld, in one’s Opinion. Consider the following.

According to Research, it was only in 1977 that Yigael Yadin published in Hebrew, ‘Editio Princeps’. It contained his Hebrew Commentary of the Temple Scroll from Qumran 11Q Temple. This was 29 Years in waiting for any such Information to be released to the Public about the Temple Scroll Document, from the original Year that the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, in 1947. It was then not until 1987 that the 1st English Translation was made and available for the General Public to read what it said. This was thanks to the Translation done by Work of Maier and Martinez, etc. This was then 10 Years further out from the Hebrew Commentary by Yadin. The Point is that the Main Source was in ‘Their’ Hands. So, who is to say that such Information about the True Date of Pentecost is known but not made Public? Here below are some Links to the Research about the Temple Scroll.


Supplement Series 34 Johann Maier
Hebrew Studies
Vol. 28 (1987)
Published By: National Association of Professors of Hebrew (NAPH)


'The introduction, translation and commentary on the Temple Scroll by Johann Maier has been thoroughly revised and updated by the author for its English edition, taking account of improvements in readings, and, among other recent secondary literature, the English translation of Yadin's Edition, to which cross-references are given. Students of Second Temple Judaism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls in particular, will at last have a convenient English edition of this most important document from Qumran'.

As to the possible July 23 (723) Rapture occurring on the Anniversary of the Acts 2 Pentecost that one Theorizes was/is the Feast of the New Wine? Well, as with every Year, one has considered that possibility for Decades now. One always is convinced that, ‘This Year Appears to Fit’. But as a Scientists and Students of Prophecy, one can only ‘Apply, Rense, and Repeat’ the ‘Experiment’ or the Hypotheses that have to be Tested. And that is limited to Time as one has to wait for it.

One has been Looking and Waiting since 1980. But 1 Year, one anticipates that one’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory will be 'Proven' by Time itself, aside from one’s Research, if at all. Until then, off to other Topics of Interest, nonetheless. Until then, one will be waiting for the Blessed Hope, Jesus, at the Golden Door, longing to Walk with Him in Heaven in the Cool of the Day, as it was in Eden.


Temple Scroll


Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil. One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. ​

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Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2.

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Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, on a July 23 Date.

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​Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.

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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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