How Resonances affect the Human Body

  • What are 'Solfeggio Frequencies' and are they Real?
  • What does Sound have to due with the Creation? 
  • How is Frequency connected to the Human Body?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to consider what the Solfeggio Frequencies are and how they affect the Human Body. One will show how Resonance was used by the Creator, YHVH to fashion the Universe, the Solar System, His Temples on Earth, i.e., Solomon’s Temple, and lastly the Human Body or Form. It is based on the same Divine Template that originates in who and what YHVH is. One was asked about this Topic and the following will be one’s Knowledge on the Subject of the Solfeggio Frequencies Hz, etc. One knows some Aspects about it, other than how such a Topic/Study is related to Astronomy and the Resonance of the Planets of the Solar System and the Body.

One has done some Research and will share a Link to Articles that are related to this study, if anyone wants more Insight. Now, one would not normally share such Research. And also be aware that as one delves into this Subject, it has been hijacked by the New Age. But it is like the Study of Astronomy that has been left behind by Christianity also. So, here is the deal. One will share what one only knows, at this Point in Time. YHVH created the Universe, Ex Nihilo, or ‘Out of Nothing’. But as the Bible states, GOD ‘Spoke’, ‘Let there be Light’. Thus, Sound or Resonance came out of His Being and Essence that transmitted Life. In our Frame of Reference, it is Matter, Space and Time.

One highly recommend reading about the Creation based on the Numbers 1 to 9. That is all it took and, what and how each Number is a Layer of Creation, etc. And? So is Sound. In fact, a Factor of 7 Frequencies. As YHVH breathed into Adam, thus again, GOD ejected that Light, Sound and Resonance into the Body of Adam. That is what then produced the 7 Chakras that the Human Body is based upon, 7 Frequences, based on Light Sound and Energy, i.e., Frequency. It is truly Amazing. So, the Lower Portion of one’s Body, corresponds to the Red Shift in Color and the Lower Frequencies of Sound. As the Chakra Position moves up to the Head, the Light shifts to the Blue Spectrum and resonates at the Higher Frequencies. And? So?

Realize that Sound, Light and Frequency affects our Body, that in turn, affects our Spirit that in turn affects our Soul. This is why Sound or like in Music, ‘Can Tame the Beast’, as they say. Perhaps one has heard or read of the Experiment done on Plants. In a Controlled Experiment, identical Types of Plants were subjected to Heavy Metal Music, while the other was played Classical Music. Guess which one Died? Realize also that Sound is Energy. How so? People do not realize that for example, many People who go to Laud Rock or Metal Types of Music get within 3-10 Feet of the Giant Speaks. If they prolong there, they will go Brain-Dead as their Brains and other Organs will be ‘Cooked’ by mere Sound. Think of your Microwave Oven. Food is cooked by Frequency.

A 7-Fold Frequency

Do not stand close to the Microwave. Better yet, throughout your Microwave with your TV. As to Loud Music? You can put a Raw Egg in such Size Speakers and in a matter of Minutes, it will be Cooked or Hard Boiled. It is because the Human Body is resonating on Frequences, that are affected by Light, Sound and Energy or Heat. This is the Definition of Light. One can see it, one can feel it, one can hear it, etc. Jesus said, ‘I AM the Light of the World’. If GOD Elohim is Triune, then Light is Triune, which it is. This is why Music is used to Heal People involved in Trauma or Abuse.

Or as one will see, Frequencies can be and are used to Harm People and make them ill. This is why the Church Sings or should when it gathers together. The Frequencies of such Music, if it is ‘Good’ Music, especially if it worships the Father and Jesus, elevates one’s Resonance. Have you all noticed or experienced that when one has finished an Amazing Worship Service, one’s Consciousness is so Elevated that it seems our Worldly Problems melt away? That is why Godly Music is prescribed in the Bible. When the Body of Christ is gathered. Why? That is 1 Method the Holy Spirit uses to Heal our Body, Spirit and Soul. It is through Melody, which is all Frequencies.

‘And do not get Drunk with Wine, for that is Debauchery, but be Filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Singing and Making Melody to the LORD with your Heart’. -Ephesians 5:18–19

The Word ‘Melody’ is the Key as that is in reference to how Melody produces a Frequency, a Vibration that then resonates with one’s Body. It then produces Healing. This is why in some Medical Fields, Light, Sound and Frequency (Energy) are used to Heal and Repair the Body. However, this is where the Rabbit Trail goes Conspiratorial. How so? Imagine the Science that is known but is being kept Secret from Humanity. Why? It is not about ‘Curing’ a Patient but ‘Treating’ a Patient. How So? If Doctors ‘cures’ a Patient, they lose a Customer. If they keep ‘treating’ a Patient, they have an Income for Life. Not implicating any Doctors here but more so, of Big Pharma, etc.

So, what is the Conspiracy behind the Study of Resonance or Sound? Well, as it is part of the Human Bodily Creation and Constitution, and as shown is and can be and should be used more for Healing, the Frequencies bombarding Humanity have been altered. How so? Below are Articles on the Subject of how the Luciferians, the ‘Usual Suspects’ changed how Music is played, for example and what and how Medicine is Practiced in the West, especially. Realize also that the Ancient Civilization, notably those of the East had this Understanding, more so and is practiced to a degree even now. Another item is the Blue Screens on Computer and Fluorescent Lighting, etc.

But the Study of the 7 Energy Pressure Points of a Body, i.e., Chakras has been relegated to Pseudo-Science and as mentioned, the New Age has jumped on it to use it. Why? They know it opens ‘Portals’. Notes in Music are called ‘Keys’ for a Reason. They open one’s Consciousness. Frequencies are used to alter their State of Consciousness to commune with Spirits on the ‘Other Side’. This is what Yoga is all about and Meditation. This is why the Buddhist Chant ‘Om’ to tune themselves with Beings existing at the Higher Frequencies, etc. The Government knows this and the Big Corporations.

Sound as Notes called ‘Keys’
For the New Age, it is about altering one’s Bodily Frequencies, so much that they are in-tuned to the Frequencies that ‘Unlock’ the Body and dissect it from one’s Spirit. And? That is when People have Out-of-Body Experiences, Astro-Travel, along with the aid of Narcotics, etc. For Big Tech, the Luciferians use it to control the Masses. i.e., Music Industry. Here below are 6 Main Solfeggio Frequencies. In reality it should be 7 as it corresponds to the Frequency just above one’s Head. Here is an Excerpt from 1 Article.

Using Tuning Forks, a study on the Effects of Sound on Matter examined the Sound Waves produced by each of the 6 Original Solfeggio Frequencies. They discovered that the Number of Nodes and Antinodes, or Tops and Bottoms, of the Sound Waves are all divisible by 3, 6, and 9. Here are the Solfeggio Hz Frequencies.

1. 396 Hz Frequency
2. 417 Hz Frequency
3. 528 Hz Frequency
4. 639 Hz Frequency
5. 741 Hz Frequency
6. 852 Hz Frequency

Miraculously, all of the Solfeggio Hz Frequency Numbers can be reduced to one of these Numbers. For example, 369: 3+6+9 = 18; 1+8 = 9. And this is what Nikola Tesla had to say about Resonance or Frequencies in the Universe. ‘If you only knew the Magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the Key to the Universe’.

So, with all that for Context and Background, here is the ‘Conspiracy’. Again, thanks to the ‘Usual Suspects’. Here below, one will allow the Author to disclose how, currently, 440 Hz has been implemented, to say it in his own Words. It essentially changes how People listen to Music or when they play Records, for those old enough to have done that or what People put in their Ears to listen to now. It is all based on a 440 Hz Frequency or Resonance. And? That is not Natural and instead of Healing, it Damages the 7 Chakras within one’s Body. That in turns affects the Mind and then the Soul, etc. One then becomes, ‘Out of Alignment’ sort of speak and ‘Sick’. And it is a way to Manipulate and Control People.

There is allegedly something Sinister and Evil about 440 Hz. It is said that the Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted the 440 Hz Standard in 1935 as part of a ‘War on Consciousness leading to ‘Musical Cult Control’. Without going too far down this rat hole, this Theory says that tuning all Music to 440 Hz turns it into a Military Weapon.

I quote from one of the many Online Articles on the subject: ‘The Monopolization of the Music Industry features this Imposed Frequency that is ‘Herding’ Populations into Greater Aggression, Psychosocial Agitation, and Emotional Distress predisposing People to Physical Illnesses and Financial Impositions profiting the Agents, Agencies, and Companies engaged in the Monopoly’.


Physicians Heal Thyselves…
One will not get into the Military Application of how Resonance and Frequency has been and will be more frequently used, no Pun intended against People. There are Military and increasingly, Police Vehicles that are mounted with Frequency Guns to ‘Zap’ People with, being used for Crowd Control, for example. The Frequency is so intense, it will make your Ears bleed and the Ear-Drums become damaged. In some cases, permanently. And one will not delve into the Cell Phone Towers or what the Radiation being emitted from your Cell Phones is doing to disrupt and destabilize your DNA even.

Now Personally? Here is what one often does. One is not giving Advice or suggesting one do this. But one finds YouTube Channels where Music is not played in the 440 Hz Frequency Range, but rather those that are played at 432 Hz. The Hertz (Symbol: Hz) is the Unit of Frequency in the International System of Units (SI), often described as being equivalent to 1 Event (or Cycle) per Second. As the Articles state, this is the Natural Occurring Frequency that is in-tune with what is called the Schumann Resonance. That is what the Universe, the Solar System, Lightning is resonated to, 8 Hz.

So, for example, one finds Music that is very Melodic, Low Frequency as in being played by a Cello, a Violin or Harp. One uses Headphones in a Relaxed State, Medium to Mid-High Volume, either on a Couch or Bed, with one’s Body stretched-out. In such Experiences, as various Musical Notes are played, one can sense the Vibrations going into one’s Body. Realize that as Sound enters one’s Ears, that is then sensitized by one’s Brain and interpreted. But that Frequency resonates or reverberates throughout every Cell of one’s Body. One can sense the Body even vibrating.

And that Frequency showers every Cell with that Sound Energy or Resonance to ‘Realign’ any Damaged DNA, for example. Well, at least that is the Theory. That is why having the Correct or Corresponding ‘Sound Wave’ or Resonance will harmonize with one’s 7 Chakras as it then ‘Aligns’ the Body, the Spiritual Body that one is composed of, to Heal because of Sound and through Sound. Now to be clear, one is not saying such a Practice is a ‘Cure-All’, but that is why finding Worship Songs that have a deep and lasting Melody will elevate one’s Spirit and ultimately, one’s Soul.

And in turn, that could help contribute to even aiding in the Body’s Natural Repairing and Healing Process to occur. So, in one’s Opinion, would or does it ‘Help’? Absolutely. As to the 2 Articles not written by me, one is referencing? Just realize that one is suggesting reading what is Elementary and Exploratory in Nature. One does not know the Authors beyond the Articles so, Discretion is Advised beyond that.

In the following Chart, one is just showing how the Human Body/Form, related to the 7 Chakras or the 7 Frequency Energy Points are or can be appearing to correspond to the 7 Planets. And the Planets follow the same Color Scheme as the Light Spectrum, i.e., the ‘Rainbow’ Color Sequence. This is Amazing and beyond ‘Evolutionary Coincidence’. What one is insinuating is that one’s Body can be compared to how the Solar System is even delineated with, its Color, Size, Frequency and Orbit. And that it is based on the Original Source, that being YHVH.

Cosmic Consciousness?
In essence one can suggest that the Human Body is as a Living, Breathing and Walking Solar System, Divine Temple and a Microcosm of the entire Universe even. One will show that this Divine Template has 7 Main Applications. All that to say that it is a factor of Frequency, based on Light, Sound and Energy, i.e., Resonance. Coincidence? No. Consider how the Bible describes the Throne of YHVH in that it has 7 Spirits before it. And? That is the connotation that one would argue correlates to the 7 Frequencies or the 7 Chakras that YHVH breathed into Adam.

Pattern of the Planets within the Solar System

It is the Pneuma or the Holy Spirit, thus that is associated with the Church Body on Earth. More miraculously, is that those that Call and Come to Jesus for Salvation are bestowed the Gift of this Divine Spirit, GOD the Holy Spirit. In some mysterious way, it becomes fused with one’s Essene and Being. Not that one becomes ‘God’ but that this Aspect of the Creator is residing within one’s Being, and that is subject to the 7 Frequencies that now ‘complement’ each other, or should.

And that is how one’s Body is likewise constituted like the List below one is suggesting is seen also in the Menorah. One strongly suggests that this Divine Resonance is what also constitutes the Body of Christ on Earth. And this is based on Time, as in the 7 Time-Frames since Pentecost. Now realize that this Knowledge and Topic, you will never hear in Church. Nonetheless, consider the following.

7 Energies or Frequencies of Resonance based on YHVH

3-Solar System (7 Planets viewed from Earth’s Perspective.)
4-Earth (7 Mountain/Areas that are Sacred Sites.)
5-Man (7 Chakras or Pressure Points from Anus to Area above Head.)
6-Body of Christ (7 Churches of Asia)
7-Tabernacle/Temples of YHVH (7 Main Accessories)
  -Altar of Sacrifice
  -Laver of Water
  -Table of Bread
  -Altar of Incense
  -Menorah of 7-Lights
  -Ark of Covenant

And as mentioned, have Discernment about all that one is presenting. But one cannot wait to ask Questions about this ‘Chakra’ Correspondence that ultimately is about the True Source Pattern of YHVH. All ‘Things’ follow from that which is the ‘True’ Template. Is there any Evidence to this Assertion or Theory? How about Astronomically? In this following Chart, one contorted the Cosmos to depict how if the Universe is set to have the Celestial Sentinels of Ophiuchus and Orion, at each End, then the Center Piece As

Above, So Below
Constellation will be, guess who? Cepheus, the King. One used the Stellarium Software to be able to depict this Rendition of the Cosmos ‘Mercy Seat’ or Throne of YHVH. And guess who is beside Him? The King’s Queen, Cassiopeia. And as the 2 Sentinels are each guarding their corresponding Gate, the Golden Gate and the Silver Gate? One just sees how that Expanse that encompasses the entire Known Universe is as the Mercy Seat. It is as if the 2 Celestial Guardians of the Galaxy are the 2 Cherubim that flank the Mercy Seat of YHVH.

Celestial Throne Pattern

And that, by the way, is based on the Original that  is found there in Heaven, the very Throne of YHVH, etc. And guess who will be there 1 Day at His Side? The Bride of Christ, as the ‘Cassiopia’, prepared, redeemed and enthroned to be ‘Co-Heirs’ with Jesus. Also realize that one is showing how it says in Psalm 19 that the Sun runs the Circuit or ‘Frequency’ as if chasing the Bride. And that it is in a Tent or House. Realize that the Known Universe is thus modeled after the ‘House’ of YHVH that is in Heaven.

And that Divine Pattern or Model is what the Universe is then Patterned after. Does not the Bible state that Heaven is YHVH’s ‘Throne’ and Earth is His Footstool? This is why then the Tabernacle and Temples of YHVH were and are in the same Proportion of a Body. And that is how one’s Physical Body is thus, like the Temple, like the Earth, like the Solar System, like the Universe. It is, as one surmises, because the Source Pattern is what Heaven and YHVH is constituted with.

And Mankind is made in His ‘Image and Likeness’. And all that is based on Frequency, Resonances as in Light, Sound and Energy, etc. So, one just reiterated what one had written a while back on this Subject of the Solfeggio Frequencies. It is not ‘A Lot’, but if True, it is profound. But in revisiting the Topic, it made one contemplate again of how True, King David said about Mankind in his Psalm. To think that YHVH has placed His Love, Attention, Care, Plan and Purpose upon Mankind.

‘When I behold Your Heavens, the Work of Your Fingers, the Moon and the Stars, which You have set in Place— what Is Man that You are mindful of him, Or The Son Of Man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the Angels; You crowned him with Glory and Honor’. -Psalm 8:3

The more one studies and delves into Astronomy, Ancient Archeology, Prophecy, etc., one is more in Awe of what Mankind does not know and who YHVH is. Humanity has no Idea, well, a little bit and the Best is yet to come in Jesus. This is why it is so sad and disheartening of how the Road to Destruction is wide and many or most of Humanity has rather chosen to be on it. If they only knew what Jesus has to offer. Many People do and still reject Him. Many People reject Jesus, sadly because of the Church’s Witness. It is not stellar and on this Side of the Rapture, one is living in Laodicea Time.

Using Sound, Light and Frequency to Assemble the Chip

It is the Last Iteration of the 7th Timeframe of the Laodiceans that has not helped to be the Witness Jesus is requiring of His Followers. So, how are the Solfeggio Frequencies related to these Last Laodicean Days? Have you heard of the Mark of the Beast? It will be all about Frequencies and Resonance. How so? One surmises that the way the Luciferians will be able to track who will get the Mark or has it, or not will be based on needing every Human possible to be injected with their Graphene Oxide. Why?

That substance can and is easily programmable. It can be configured to any Component, as it serves as the Building Blocks for any type of Device. The Amazing Aspect about it is that it fuses with one’s Blood and ultimately, the Goal is to fuse it with one’s DNA. It is precisely why ‘They’ wanted as many People taking it. The Nano-Particulates self-assemble within the Bloodstream to compose the Chip from within the Body. It was a ‘Trojan Horse’ Syndrome on a Worldwide Scale. Truly Criminal.

And what does it take to have that Graphene Oxide be stimulated to assemble in any Formation or Comportment? Frequency, Light and/or Sound. Hello 5G Towers. Was it any coincidence all those 5G Towers went up when all people were Locked-Down? No. It is very interesting why some People believe that 528 Hz can perhaps help repair DNA in those that took the Shots. And one agrees wholeheartedly about how the Megalithic Monuments were constructed using Frequency and Sound to levitate the Stone. It is a ‘Lost’ Technology, at least to the Public. The Government knows and uses it for their Research, i.e., Area 51, etc.

This is why all Sacred Sites found around the Earth, both Ancient and Modern are situated in these Ley-Lines and ‘Chakra’ Pressure Points. They follow the Earth’s Magnetic Field. The Stones that many of the Temples were built from also functioned to resonate Frequency as they are composed of Quartz. Think of Stonehenge and the many Standing Stones Circles incorporated in many Temples. These Sacred Temples served as Gateways, Portals or Star-Gates where dimensions are crossed. And the ‘Key’, literally is the use of Frequency that open and closes such Nexus Points.

As to the Medical War on Humanity? And how Frequency has been used and still will? One will leave the Link to 2 of the Books one wrote about the Dangers of the COVID Shots and how Graphene Oxide was in the Solution, which the Media denied and ridiculed. The Books will show Pictures of how the Graphene Oxide assembles under a Microscope. Even Hydra-Created Microscopic Creatures were injected into People as well. Truly horrific what they did to Humanity. And all that was the Beta Test.

What is coming next will be their Perfect Brew. And there will be no Religious, Psychological or Medical Exemptions allowed. Hopefully this will occur after the Rapture Event. Here are the Chapters that one wrote in researching the COVID Plandemic, pertaining to the Topic of how Graphene Oxide was and is still in the Shots. Feel free to download any or all of the 6 Books one wrote on COVID.


The Great Culling of Humanity
How do you kill 6 Billion People on Earth? You lie to them. The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several COVID-19 Events surrounding the Political, Social, Religious Factors demonstrating how the Neo-Eugenicists have colluded with Compromised Governments, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex to fuse Man with Machine at the DNA level for Population Control Protocols.


Page 105
Work and Research of Craig Paardekooper



Programmable Human Tissue
The COVID-19 Injections are not a ‘Vaccine’. The purpose of this Book is to ascertain Evidence how the Medical Industrial Complex is seeking to fuse Man with Machine at the DNA level to transform Humanity into Living Biological Networks. Why? Through a Mass Psychosis of Fear and ‘Science’ Fiction, the Great COVID Culling of Humanity has begun, 1 COVID Injection at a time. 


Page 27
Hail Covid Hydra!
Covid Injection Examined Under Microscope

Page 55
Black Goo
Making the Body a Human Network Device

Page 85
Aluminum-Based Life Forms Found in COVID-19
Vials Under Electron Microscope

Page 111
Biometric ‘Chip’ in COVID
Shots to Monitor Vital Signs?




Articles by Luis B. Vega

Fingerprint of God’s Creation

Planetary Orbits related to Resonance, Space, Time



Planetary Orbits related to Resonance, Space and Time

Articles by Others

Alan Cross
Global News

Vivify Tribe Founder
Nia MacKenzie, MSc Psychology


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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