
Exposing the Secret Service

  • The Luciferians tried to Take-Out Trump.
  • The Secret Service is not working to Protect. 
  • Trump will go down in American and World History. 

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com  

‘In Politics, nothing happens by Accident. If it happens, you can bet it was Planned that way’. -U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt

One was asked to comment on the Assassination Attempt of the Former U.S. President, Donald Trump. One has not commented regarding the Attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13, 2024. It occurred during an Election Rally. One just does not know all the Details and was obviously not there. One is only going off what is allowed to be shown, spun, and/or witnessed by some People that were there interviewed. As with you all, perhaps one has heard the whole Spectrum of Fallacy or Fact. One Thing is for sure, with such Events like this, you will have the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ surface. 

You have ‘some’ Christians that are propagating that Trump is the AntiChrist because this was the ‘Fatal Mortal Wound’ of which Trump survived. This is just Bad Eschatology or Scriptural Ignorance. What part of ‘Fatal’ is not understood? It means ‘To have Died’. Trump did not die. One has read, seen, heard from it being all Fake and Staged to a Miracle from GOD. From the Initial Video images, in one’s Opinion, it ‘Appeared’ not Authentic of an Assassination Attempt. Now one believes there was a Shooter, a real Bullet, real Blood and a real Miss. But the Stagging that occurred thereafter seemed like some Photo-Op.

To have stayed that long on Stage without ‘dragging’ Trump off the Stage and to ‘Wait for Trump’s Shoe? One Thing is for sure, that Iconic Picture of Trump with Blood running down his Cheek, with Fist clinched will forever be Iconic in America’s Political and Presidential History. One would say, this was and is his defining Moment. Perhaps that was and is the Moment Trump won his 2nd Term. But from a purely Political Science Perspective, it does follow the ‘Play-Book’ of what the ‘Powers-That-Be’ will do and apparently have done to Trump. There is the Play-Book 3 Main Objectives to ‘Take-Out’ the Unwanted in any Level of Politics.

The Powers ‘Behind the Veil’ will offer Politicians Money, Stock Options, Insider Trading like with Pelosi. They will ‘Bribe’ Elected Officials with Women as a Honey Trap, etc. But if there is no ‘Cooperation’, they will use their Media Agencies to dig-up ‘Dirt’ from one’s Past that would compromise one’s Character. And if there is none found, they will still Lie by inferring and suggesting. That alone is enough, and it works.

The Powers ‘Behind the Veil’ will then resort to the next Weapon, Criminalize the Person through Judicial Indictments. This is where real or Trumped-Up Charges will surface. It is a Ploy to get the Person so emersed in a Judicial Quagmire, that it will take Money and Years to resolve. It is set-up to cast doubt on the Qualification of a Person seeking a Political Office that has to be Compromised so that the Powers-That-Be ensure their Agendas are followed.

When #1 and #2 Options fail, the Powers ‘Behind the Veil’ will resort to the elimination of that Person or Persons to ensure their Agendas are carried out. This is where Back-Door Deals are made as all the Agencies and ‘Stakeholders’ at the Table of the Decision-Making Apparatus that really run the USA have to be in Agreement. In the Case of Trump, they have tried all 3 now and have Failed.


As to the Personal Assassination Attempt on Trump, the Crowd was perhaps in Shock and did not know what to do. Who would? But what happened on Stage? If one had such type and Caliber of Secret Service Detail, one would have been Nervous about it. It was more telling of how inept, in one’s Opinion they were or are. They too did not know what to do and were Scrambling. No offense to the Women Secret Service, but you want Tall, bulking Younger Men who are Strong and are trained in using their Firearm in a Scenario like this. In several instances, the Women Secret Service were so Nervous that they could not holster and unholster their Firearms.

This should be Motor Memory at this Stage of their Training, or lack thereof. That is what one can comment on, for sure if anything at this Point in Time. As more Details come out, one can better assess the Evidence and make a more Rational and Intelligent Opinion. Up to this Point, probably the most chilling and legitimate 1st Person Witness that attested to what was happening came from that BBC Interview of that Young Trump Supporter wearing Orange Shirt and had a Red Beard. In one’s Political Science Opinion, this is the ‘Smoking Gun’.

This Young Man better stay out in the Open, with Family and not be alone or ‘They’, will ‘Disappear’ him. Why? He just exposed the Secret Service. Then there is that Interview with the ER Doctor that tended to the Man that was shot in the Head and died. It was reported that 2 other People were Shot as well and were taken to the Hospital. But one finds it rather odd, that as soon as the Gunman, on top of the Roof, was nor seen by the Secret Service who were panning the Tops of Roofs as the Young Trump Supporter attested to.

The Secret Service Snipers were deployed on Top of the Building next to the Rally Stage, knew where the Gunman was at when they had to shoot him. This is why when Trump was Elected President, it was leaked to him that both the White House and his Trump Tower were Compromised in being Wiretapped and listened to. He paid and got his own Security Detail, which were brilliant moves, and necessary.

The Secret Service
Consider the Assassination of John Kennedy. It has now come-out that in many Documentaries one can see Online of how it was a Set-Up, a Ritualistic Murder, a Sacrifice. Kennedy insisted on an Open Top Motorcade. The back of the Car had Hand-Handles and Foot Rests on the Bumper for the Secret Service Men to shield the President. One can hear the recording of the Head of the Secret Service Detail ordering the Men off the car at the Last Minute.

And to the bewilderment of the Secret Service men already on the back of the Car, stepping-down as they threw their arms in the air in bewilderment. Why? It was to give the Gunmen, plural, a Clear Shot. One did an Analysis based on Google Maps and the Triangulation of the Site from an Esoteric and Luciferian Ritual Point-of-View. Here is the Article if any are interested to delve into this Rabbit Hole. 

But if one was the U.S. President, one would have ‘0’ Confidence and Faith in the U.S. Secret Service Agency, based on its Historical Collusion with the Powers-That-Be. They are not working for the People of the USA nor the U.S. President. Now, one is not saying all Secret Service Agents are Compromised, but at the Top, one would bet they are. It has been demonstrated already.

Study of the Occult Overtones

So, in light of one's Study into the Occult and Luciferians ruling the World from ‘Behind the Curtain’, here is what one surmises is the Case, or could be in Trump’s Assassination Attempt. The following Information Pieces were derived from @Scripted.World.

1. The Donald Trump Assassination Attempt happened exactly 3 Months, 3 Weeks and 3 Days from the November Elections in the USA. It is a 3-3-3 x 2 as it is his 2nd Election Attempt.

2. Some People that are into such Occult Correlation note that the Illuminati Playing Card, titled, ‘Enough is Enough’ has the following Phrases. ‘At any Time, at any Place, our Snipers can Drop you’.

3. And here is what U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt had to say about Politics. ‘In Politics, nothing happens by Accident. If it happens, you can bet it was Planned that way’.

The Young man wearing Orange Shirt with Red Beard witnessed the Shooter crawl on the Roof of another Building and pointed to the Police and Secret Service that there was a ‘Shooter on the Roof with a Riffle’. And the Police and Secret Service did nothing. OK, here is where one can comment, based on prior Political Assassination Attempts and Conspiracy to Commit some. The prior Assassination Attempts on U.S. Presidents, like Andrew Jackson, McKinley, etc.

There have been 4 Sitting Presidents who have been killed by Assassins.

1 Abraham Lincoln (1865, by John Wilkes Booth)
2 James A. Garfield (1881, by Charles J. Guiteau)
3 William McKinley (1901, by Leon Czolgosz)
4 John F. Kennedy (1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald)

There have been 3 Presidents have been injured in Attempted Assassinations.

1 Ronald Reagan, (1981, by John Hinckley Jr.)
2 Theodore Roosevelt (1912, by John Schrank)
3 Donald Trump (2024, by Thomas Matthew Crooks)

And there were Plots uncovered about what to take-out Andrew Jackson. In many cases, it was the Establishment, the Elites, the Bankers that wanted them eliminated because the Government Policies were not what ‘They’ wanted. In the case of Andrew Jackson, he wanted to abolish the U.S. Central Bank that lent and printed the U.S. Money Supply with Interest.

The Assassination of John Kennedy was for the same Reason. In the case of Ronald Reagon, the ‘Trump’ of the Day, sort-of-speak, was shot by Hinckley, who had dinner the night before with the Vice President, George H.W. Bush. Go figure. From a Historical Perspective, the U.S Alphabet Agencies, in league with the Mafias, the Bankers have colluded or really, ‘Conspired’ to eliminate those who stand in their way.

Remember what Alan Greenspan stated in a TV Interview about the Federal Reserve. He was their Chairman under Reagan. He stated that, paraphrasing, the Federal Reserve is the Highest Law and Office in the Land. This means that it supersedes the U.S. Constitution and the Office of the President, the Supreme Court and Congress, the House of the People, etc.

In some Military Bases and Installations, the U.S. President does not even have the Security Clearance to set foot on. This is how you know that the USA is not run by the People elected to represent them. And to stress that the USA is not a Democracy, contrary to Popular Opinion or flunking U.S. History Classes. The USA is a Representative Republic. It means, the Laws and its Politics are deferred, to be made and debated by their Elected Representative, so, it would appear. But as you all know, one's Perspective about the U.S. Politics, in general, the USA is being Played. It is a Dichotomy of Delusion and Illusion of Choice.

‘They’, the Power-That-Be give the People Pepsi-Coke, Ford-Chevy, Republican-Democrat, etc. It is like a Ping-Pong or Tennis Match. They play the Crowd and when they get fed-up of 1 Side, they switch to the other. All the while the Goal Posts or Agendas are moved along, ever so slowly and unbeknown to the Spectators, the U.S. Citizenry. It is a Ploy, a Plot until you wake-up 1 Morning boiled as the Proverbial Frog in the slow-cooked Water Pot.

Savior Complex

Trump like Netanyahu are Populists. They love their Country and are Patriots. One can give them that. Trump loves the USA. Netanyahu loves Israel. One cannot take that from them. But for Trump to have gotten where he is by no ‘Accident’. To have Real-Estate Ventured, High-Rises, and Casinos, TV Shows? You have to work with all the Mafias of New York: the Irish, Italian, Jewish, Russian, then your hardcore Luciferians, etc. Trump was a Registered Democrat whose ‘Friends’ who often associated with and entertained were the Clintons, Epstein, etc.

Consider that it was reported by Jeffrey Epstein’s former Pilot who testified in Ghislaine Maxwell’s Sex Trafficking Trial. He stated, under Oath, that he flew the most Powerful Men on Earth to the ‘Lolita Island’. According to him, if it is true, that included former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, who flew aboard Epstein’s Private Plane. The Pilot’s Name is Larry Visoski, who said he would typically be given Notice if Clinton or High-Profile Passengers like him would be flying. The Record shows that the VIPs included the following.

This is just part of the Flight List that was later unsealed by the Judge. Violinist Itzhak Perlman flew to Michigan with Epstein for the Interlochen Center for the Arts summer camp. The Pilot said he remembered Prince Andrew, Maine Senator George Mitchell, Ohio Senator John Glenn, Bill Gates and actor Kevin Spacey on the Flights. This is not to implicate them all in assuming they all had Sex with Underage Girls. But Pictures have now surfaced that Underage Girls were photographed in the Island and were explicitly trafficked for that purpose. Why?

In Politics, there is a Dirty Secret that Spy Agencies, like MOSSAD, of which Ghislaine Maxwell’s Father worked for, as well as Epstein entrapped U.S. High Ranking Officials to Compromise them and Blackmailed them with. When one did one’s Internship at the U.S. Capital during one’s College Years as mentioned in prior Posts, one heard from 1st Hand Eye-Witnesses of how during High-Level United Nations or other Summit or World Conferences, the CIA would bring Young Girls and Boys to the various Hotels of Foreign Dignitaries.

It is in hopes of Honey-Trapping them to get Secrets out of them, by Blackmailing them with Video Footage, etc. Let one repeat that. The U.S. Spy Agencies are involved with Sex Human Trafficking. Now, as to one’s Reaction, as of this Write-Up of what is occurring in regard to the Assassination Attempt? One was disgusted at how the Leftist Media Controlled Narrative down-played the Assassination Attempt. It was mere ‘Noises’ and ‘Firecrackers’ going off.

Or that Trump was ‘OK’ and ‘Nothing really to see here, move along’, etc. And then how on Social Media, this is rather disturbing how Generation Z People actually loathed and lamented the Shooter, one of their own for having ‘Missed’. Or how shamefully, some Professors of Canadian Universities publicly posted the same. Consider if it was the other way around. If a Democrat or Biden was Shot? There would be Inner-City Riots again and the Excuse to finally ban all Firearms, etc.

It is a Society with Symptoms of a Sick and Depraved Mind, just like the Bible foretold the Last Generation would be like. It would be one of a Reprobate Mind. Can one not see why, regardless of who’s Savior President will be ‘Selected’, this Society, this USA will be Judged? Sure, many Christians, especially the Evangelicals support Trump. One can see why. He has done some Amazing Things, noted in prior Posts. But he is not the USA’s Savior. Yet, it was under his Administration that rolled-out the Kill-Shot as a Military Operation.

One is bewildered as Trump suspected Vaccine-Injury of his youngest Son. And he wanted to Appoint Robert Kennedy Jr. as head of the Investigatory Committee looking into the whole Vaccine Industrial Complex. Then ‘Nothing’ happened. And, in one’s Political Science Opinion, it is the Evangelicals of the USA that now aspire to Something or Someone like a Trump to ‘Fix’ the Nation for them. Why?

It is because for the past 30-40 Years or so, the Prosperity Gospel and Easy-ism had Lulled to Sleep what the Church of Jesus should have been doing all along. They allowed the Leftists in Schools, Churches, and City Halls to take over and make the Laws. And this is now what the USA has reaped. And in one’s Opinion, it is ‘Too Little, Too Late’. It is only the Gospel of Jesus that can save a Nation and Society.

Anything else or Anyone else is a Façade. Sure, having a President that can bring some Law and Order is great but from a Biblical Point of View, also considering the History of Nations and Empires, the USA will have to be judged, just the same. And in one’s Eschatological Assessment, it is the Rapture Event that will be part of the National and World Judgment. As it the case of a BC and AD Reference Point, the World will have a Pre and Post Rapture Time Marker from here-on-out. People will speak of, ‘Was that before or after the Disappearance?’


Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA.  The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' means? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is, that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA. ​

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Celestial Omens of Judgment
The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc.

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Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.

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Orchestrated National Collapse
The Fall of the Phoenix chronicles the Code of the 33 Sabbatical Cycle Countdown since 1792 for America’s Demise. Various Celestial Signs are taking place that appear to also be Signaling a Prophetic Countdown to the coming Fall of the Phoenix, America. This Book will also focus on Key Spiritual Signs of the Times that appears to have also 'Clocked' America’s Destiny that have sown the Seeds of its own Destruction. It appears that the Fall of America, the Fall of the Phoenix in Biblical Prophecy will be the Resetting of this New Beginning.

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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1015.
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