Sacred Ritual Site

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The following is a study of how the Standing Stones at Stenness are configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. These Monolithic Stones have been erected at the northern most extremity of Scotland. The Sacred Site is steeped in Norse Mythology and Religion. One’s Working Theory is that such Sites were not only used for Religious Sacrifices that in many cases involved both Animal and Human ones, but served as a ‘Gateway’ or Star-Gate that pierced Dimension. Dimensions of what?

If one subscribes to the Notion that there are Multiverses or Planes of Existence, then such Places served as Transition Zones. And Blood Sacrifices, Magic Ritual and Sacred Gematria facilitated such a Piercing of Space, Time and Matter. For what purpose? Who was and is on the ‘Other Side’. One is convinced that such Sacred Sites, encircled with Giant Monolithic Pilons, served much like what CERN is attempted and has attempted to do. And that is exactly to ‘Pierce’ the Veil of the Fabric of Space and Time.

What is on the ‘Other Side’ are Entities that are exist in the Spiritual Realm that are far more Intelligent and Able than mere Mortal Humanity. This is in terms of Intellect and Physical Abilities. Now, as one does subscribe to the Biblical Worldview, one is convinced that such Sacred Sites served to make contact with the ‘Other Side’ and those Being that exist and abide there. In Biblical Terms and Understanding, such Being are Fallen Angels and Demons.

This is not a Popular Explanation, but based on Ancient Folklore, it is exactly what is understood. One is convinced that Earth is not only inhabited by mere Mortal Humans. Based on the Biblical Narrative, the Creation of Humanity has only arrived as of late in comparison to the Ions that such Divine Beings, such as Angels and other types of Beings existed prior to the Garden of Eden. Moreover, such Entities are not Benevolent as they deceptively portray themselves.

In fact, according to the Genesis Account, such Entities are in a War of Rebellion against the Creator of all that is, YHVH. And these Malevolent Entities, i.e., Fallen Angels and their Demons Spirits which are the Dismembered Substance of Giants, are actively involved in the Affairs of Humanity. The Notion of Giants exiting on Earth is True and are documented in the Bible. In fact, Giants are still ‘Alive and Well’ in certain parts on Earth, to this Day. Where? You have the Account of the Giant of Afghanistan where the U.S. Army Soldiers confronted one and was captured.

And there were Giants in the Land…

You have the Account in Malta how a Teacher with a whole Class of Middle-School Children went missing when exploring the Hypogeum Chamber. Prior to that Incident, a Woman had taken a Tour with 2 other Women Friends. One of the Ladies ventured to an Entrance to a Chamber that upon arriving at the other side, she encountered several Long White-Haired Giants. She was able to exit the site with the Ropes tied to her Body. She stated that she saw ‘Nothing’ and kept that Experience to herself until Years later.

What was and is Odd, is that upon returning to the Hypogeum at a Later Time, the Tour Guide was not present and the Tour Guide that was there at the 2nd Tour stated that the Tour Guide that led the Women initially had not ever existed. The Point is that such Monolithic Circles, Configurations and Altars were perhaps erected with the Help of such Giants that roamed the entire Planet. And where did the Giants come from?

According to the Biblical Account, in Genesis 6, it states that Giants were and are a Genetic Hybrid Race that resulted by such Spiritual Entities, i.e., the Fallen Angels and their Rape of Human Women. Why? According to the Book of Enoch, the Angelic War that is occurring presently has spilled-over into the Human Existence and Condition. It is the case that these Rebel Angels seek to deface the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Humanity that is the only Species that has this Divine Imprint to its Construction.

And as the Leader of the Angelic Rebellion, Lucifer, he successfully convinced the 1st humans, Eve and then Adam to join his Rebellion. And that has been the ‘Story’ of Humanity. Now the Acquisition of Humanity would have been assured if it was not for a Rescue Mission that the Creator GOD, YHVH embarked on. And that was to send GOD the Son to take on a Human Physical Constitution to ‘Save’ or Redeem as in ‘Buy Back’ Humanity from its Deception and Eternal Death. If it was not for Jesus, Humanity would suffer the same Fate, Judgment and Condemnation as will Lucifer and his Angels, etc.

So, what one is insinuating, based on one’s Cydonia, Mars Triangulation found all over the World, is that this Sacred Site, of the Standing Stones of Stenness is a Prime Example of such Star-Gate or Portal as in a Gate-Way where Humans and such Fallen Angles interacted. And it is through Sacred Gematria, Religious Ritual and Blood Sacrifices that these Sacred Sites ‘Active’ the Doors and ‘Pierce’ the Dimension to the ‘Other Side’, etc. One is not implying that the People of such Areas are willfully ‘Satanic’ but that the Class or Cast of Humans that are ‘In-the-Know’, do realize that they are given Power of Control.

But it is at a Cost of innocent Animals and in many cases, Baby Sacrifices. The following will be one’s Interpretation of how the Sacred Site at Stenness corresponds to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. How so and why such a Connection? Realize that as the Spiritual Beings exist in the Spiritual Plane, their scope of Travel and Transformation can take them to other Realms, such as Planets even. The Bible does allude to how the ‘Stars’ or Planets are all Named by YHVH and have Angels assigned to them, as does Earth. In the Bible, the Old Testament teaches how YHVH ordered the Governance of the Nations according to certain Powers and Principalities, i.e., Angels.

A Stairway to Heaven?
Thus, one’s Working Theory is that such Entities once lived on Mars when it had an Atmosphere, Oceans and Life. It still does, as many Students of Mars suggest that the Remnants of the Planet’s Destruction went Underground. This is much like the Notion that Giants, to this Day still exist deep underground on Earth, etc. The following is the Basic Information taken from the Wikipedia Page about the Standing Stones of Stenness, with Emphasis. It was essentially a ‘Clock’.

The Stenness Standing Stones tower about 19 Feet High and are elegantly slender with distinct Angular Edges at their Tops. Based on the Angle and distance between known Stones and Stumps, it was long believed that the Stones of Stenness was a Circular Monument containing 12 Equally Spaced Megaliths around its Circumference. The Standing Stones of Stenness are Neolithic Monument, about 5 Miles North-East of Stromness on the mainland of Orkney, Scotland.

It is next to its larger Circular Monolith Monument, the Ring of Brodgar. But the Stones of Stenness may be the Oldest Henge Site in the British Isles. The Surviving Stones are sited on a Promontory at the South Bank of the Stream that joins the Southern Ends of the Sea Loch, the Loch of Stenness and the Fresh-Water Loch of Harray. The Name, which is pronounced ‘Stane-Is’ in Orcadian Dialect, comes from Old Norse, meaning ‘Stone Headland’. Based on Radio-Carbon Dating, it is thought that work on the site had begun by 3100 BC.

There were originally 12 Stones, with some standing-up to 6 Meters (16-17 Feet) High, focused on a Large Hearth in the Center. Although only 4 Stones remain standing, it is still possible to get a sense of the Scale and Importance of the Area. Although the Site today lacks the Encircling Ditch and Bank, Excavation has shown this Site was a Henge Monument. The Stones are Thin Slabs, approximately 30 CM (12 Inches) thick.

They were originally laid-out in an ellipse about 32 Meters or (105 Feet) in Diameter on a levelled Platform of 44 Meters or (144 Feet). The Watch Stone stands outside the Circle to the North-West and is 5.6 Meters or (18 Feet) High. Once there were at least 2 Stones there, as in the 1930s the Stump of a 2nd Stone was found. Other smaller Stones include a Square Stone setting in the Center of the Circle Platform where Cremated Bone, Charcoal and Pottery were found.

The Site is still associated with Traditions and Rituals, by then relating to the Norse Gods. One Stone, known as the ‘Odin Stone’ which stood in the field to the North of the henge, was pierced with a Circular Hole, and was used by Local Couples for plighting Engagements by holding Hands through the Gap. The Folklore is believed that Lovers would hold Hands through the Hole in the Stone and swear their Commitment to each other with the God Woden (Odin) as their Witness. It was also associated with other Ceremonies and believed to have Magical Power.

There was a reported Tradition of making all kinds of Oaths or Promises with one's Hand in the Odin Stone; this was known as taking the ‘Vow of Odin’. But in December 1814, Captain W. Mackay, a recent Immigrant to Orkney who owned Farmland in the vicinity of the Stones, decided to remove them on the grounds that Local People were trespassing and disturbing his Land by using the Stones in Rituals. He started in December 1814 by smashing the Odin Stone. This caused Outrage and he was stopped after destroying another Stone and toppling a 3rd.

The Mysterious Standing Stones of Stenness are also called the ‘Antiquarian Temple of the Moon’. It is labeled as such, undoubtedly owed to the Crescent-Moon-Shape of the surviving Earth-Work. The Toppled Odin Stone was re-erected in 1906 along with some Inaccurate Reconstruction inside the Circle.



Now many have asked, ‘Why is one conjecturing that such Sacred Sites are configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation?’ Based on one’s Research and Biblical Worldview, one is more convinced that this Star-Gate Triangulation is Multilayered in that it is a Replication of what is found in Heaven itself. That is the ultimate Template and Pattern that is reverberated in the Cosmos, on Planets, like Mars and on Earth. One argues and has demonstrated that such Ancient Sacred Sites like Stenness are still utilized and incorporated into Modern City Layouts. The following is one’s Interpretation of the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation mirrored with the Standing Stones of Stenness.

The Main Circle that encompasses the original 12 Stones of Stenness corresponds to the Giant D&M Pentagon on Mars. If one notices from the Chart, Top View, the enclosure is defined by 5 Sides, thus a ‘Pentagon’ shape. Then the Barnhouse Settlement Structures correspond to the Face of Ala-Lu. Lastly, the Church with adjacent Cemetery corresponds to the Configuration of the Pleiades Pyramid City at Cydonia, Mars. What is spectacular about the Stenness Stone arraignment is how the Direction or Orientation of the 3 Structures exactly match the Direction of the Triangulation found on Cydonia, Mars. However, the Positions corresponding on Earth, at this Sacred Site are inverted.

It has to do with the Energy Ley-Lines on Earth that function much like a Longitude and Latitude Grid. And that as noted, the 3-Dimensionalization of the Sites, through Ritualistic Magic and Blood Sacrifices are what ‘Activates’ the Door or Portal to all the Levels of Existence, right up to Heaven itself. Is there any Evidence of this Notion found in the Bible? Yes. Consider the Ancient Account of the Portal or Gate-Way that opened-up during the Dream of Jacob. This is the famous Incident of how there was a Staircase or Ladder to Heaven. And who was at the Top?

It was a Pre-Incarnation or Christophany of Jesus. And sure enough, the Sacred Site of Bethel has this Triangulation Pattern as well. And it was the Sacred Site for a Period of Time where the Tabernacle of Moses was pitched, etc. This was and is referred to as the ‘House of GOD’, as in that of YHVH’s. And thus, one argues that were Heaven is at, wherever that may be and in whatever Dimension it .exists, there is an Original Triangulation of ‘Buildings’ that configure this Star-Gate. But on Earth, such Star-Gate Triangulations have been commandeered by many Fallen Angels, to this Day. Angels are associated with Gates, Star-Gates and Portals. You have the Account in the Garden of Eden of who Cherubim Class Angels are stationed to the Entrance or Gate of Eden on Earth. In Essene, it is the attempt to replicate ‘Heaven on Earth’.

Ancient Aliens?
Then you have the Astronomical Sentinels of Ophiuchus and Orion that are the Guardians of the Golden and Silver Gates, ‘Star-Gates’ and so forth. Then in the Future, the New Jerusalem, with Streets, Structures and Rivers will have 12 Gates, or Star-Gates with Angels at their Entrances. Now, the Alternative Narrative, is that such Beings and Star-Gates are what has been constructed by Ancient Aliens, etc. Although this Notion would sound plausible, it is partially True. But what is deceptive is that there is a coming Disclosure of how such a False Narrative will be used to explain-away the Rapture Event.

Based on the Biblical Narrative, it is presently the Church Body of Jesus on Earth that is restraining all-out Evil and the Manifestation of these Fallen Angels. But once the ‘Bride of Christ’ is removed, that is all those Followers and Believers in Jesus are taken to Heaven, all Hell will be break-out. And even according to the Book of Enoch, the Giants will be resurfacing. Imagine that. Thus, how it was in the Days of Noah, that was, will be again, according to Jesus. And what was prevalent in those Days as it is now is how the Genetic Manipulation of Humanity has been attempted to deface the ‘Image and Likeness’ of YHVH found only in Humanity.

Thus, at the Genetic Level, such Malevolent Beings, i.e., Lucifer and his Fallen Angels are seeking with the Aid and Help of all those Humans believing in their False Gospel will initially succeed in Transforming Humanity at the Genetic Level. This is leading to the Topic of the Mark of the Beast, etc. But this is why, one is more convinced that the World, Humanity must be alerted to how its Ancient Past will once again be a Reality and how such Sacred Sites will be utilized to allow the Fallen Angels and Demons, unrestricted Access into the Realm of Earth, on the Human Plane. And it will not be ‘Good’. It will be like when Columbus ‘Discovered’ the New World. It did not go ‘Well’ for the Natural Inhabitants.

Chart 1-PDF
Chart 2-PDF

Free Online Cydonia Resource Page


Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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