
Astronomical Signs Above and Geo-Political
Events Below

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

Apparently a ‘Severe’ Geomagnetic Storm is headed to Earth during the Time-Frame that the ‘Severe’ U.S. Hurricane, Milton headed toward Florida. As of October 7, 2024, a CME, Coronal Mass Ejection has been emitted by the Sun and headed towards Earth. It is believed to have been triggered by the Comet in Virgo. Coincidence? Another CME occurred on the 9th. See Video Link below for an Assessment by a Stefan Burns.

It is believed by some People that this is the Type of ‘Energy’ that is feeding into what was and is presently occurring on Earth. You had the ‘Hurricane of the Century’, matched with the ‘Comet of the Century’, etc. Think of how the Water Currents of Gulf of Mexico are feeding into the Hurricane. It is how the Solar Currents are then emitted and interfaces with Earth’s Electro-Magnetic Sphere and then picked-up by one’s Brain Waves. Yes, it is ‘Far-Out’. 

The Theory is that Electro-Magnetic Waves in the Cosmos affect one’s Brain Waves and thus Consciousness and this in turn, affects one’s Behavior or Mind-Set. To a Degree, one would tend to agree. It has to do with that Research on the Earth and Human Body Chakras one shared in prior studies. Here below is a YouTube Channel of Stefan Burns that comments on all Subjects related to Astronomy. One has liked what he has had to say, though one believes he is not a Believer or Follower of Jesus. So, one is just referencing his Assessments and Work. But his Assertions about Frequency is True.




Now as to CMEs? One has done some Research, way-back-when, pre 2012 that was leading-up to that Infamous ‘End of the Mayan Calendar’, if you all remember. Around 2003 is where one had researched the CME Cycles and thought that 2012 would ‘Be It’ in terms of the Rapture Event. These CMEs are what is going to happen during the Tribulation Period. At a certain Point in Time, a CME will be so intense, that it will burn-up 1/3 of all the Grass and Trees on Earth. Image that. How horrific.

'Then the 1st Angel sounded his Trumpet, and Hail and Fire mixed with Blood were hurled down upon the Earth. 1/3 of the Earth was burned-up, along with 1/3 of the Trees and all the Green Grass'.-Revelation 8:7

'Then the 4th Angel poured out his Bowl on the Sun, and it was given Power to scorch the People with Fire. And the People were scorched by Intense Heat, and they cursed the Name of GOD, who had Authority over these Plagues; yet they did not Repent and give Him Glory'.-Revelation 16:8-9

Now notice the next Bow Judgment. It has to do with how thereafter, the Kingdom of the AntiChrist goes ‘Dark’. It is reminiscent of how it went Dark in Egypt during the 10 Plagues Judgment, but the Area of Goshen were YHVH’s People were living had Light. One is supposing that after the CME occurring on Earth, it will be to massive and effectual that it will knock-down the Power Grids. There will be no Electricity: no Cell Phones, Cell Towers, Satellites, HAARP, Electric Vehicles, any Type of Electronics, Computers, Servers, Internet, Gas Stations, Hospitals, Credit Cards, etc. 

‘And the 5th Angel poured out his Bowl on the Throne of the Beast, and its Kingdom was plunged into Darkness, and Men began to gnaw their Tongues in anguish and curse the GOD of Heaven for their Pains and Sores; yet they did not Repent of their Deeds’. -Revelation 16:10-11

Now, that will be truly, ‘Global Warming’. And it will be Jesus implementing that as a Tool of His Wrath. The Heat all over the World will be so intense, that People will Die, Crops will die. These Solar Conditions will exacerbate the degree of Famine and Inflation of Food Prices, etc. As to the Mayan Calendar of the ‘End of the World’? It is because on December 21, 2012, the Earth happened to cross the Galactic Plane.

If one draws a Line horizontally, bisecting our Milky Way Galaxy, then Earth traveled over that Imaginary Line on that Precise Date of the Winter Solstice. Coincidence? But that was and is ‘Huge’ in terms of the ‘Great Year’ in how Cosmic Time is calculated and what ‘Age’ the Earth and Humanity is heading towards. This is of course, if one is taking into account, and has to take into account, that the Earth is older than just 6000 Years from Adam. Here below is a Chart and Article, attempting to capture this Phenomena of the Solar Fare Cycles based on the Patterns of CMEs emitted, etc.



Solar Flare Frequency Countdown from 1965-2012



Solar Flare Frequency Count 1965 - 2020

A ‘Bust’ and a ‘Birth’
But be aware that the Research one did is now nearly 2 Decades ‘Old’, so some of the Data Points and Assertions need to be Updated, etc. Now, these Charts and Subject Matter are 1 of those that one would not normally share here as they border on the New Age Interpretations and Narratives. But one finds them very intriguing, as the Creation Mythos of the Meso-American Civilization, for example echo this Pattern and how the coming Age is that of the 5th Sun, that Humanity is about to enter. To the Luciferians, this is the Return to their Golden Age when Lucifer ruled on Earth, presumably. See Book, Earth Earliest Ages and the Research by Pastor Larry Ollison.



WOW Faith Church

What is ‘Positive’ about where the Trajectory the Earth is on now, is that it is heading back to a Time when it had a ‘Golden Age’. The Great Year is divided between the Ages of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Lead, just like the 4 Seasons on the Present ‘Standard’ Earth Calendar and Cycles of the Seasons, etc. It really is fascinating as that Cosmic Pattern is also what the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar was consisting of. It is as a ‘Facsimile’ of how the World Empires have been constituted since Babylon, that being the Head of Gold and how Human History has descended and will eventually lead to a 10-Toe Confederation of Lead and Clay, etc.




So, one hopes that all this Information is of some Value and one is just offering Perspective. But what is occurring presently in the Heavens Above and on Earth Below is amazing. It is a ‘High’ Watch Time in the Cycles of Events that are Rhythmic and Prophetic, one could add. In one’s Assessment, something is about to ‘Bust’ or be ‘Birthed’. But as cynical as one is, remember also that the ‘Signs are not the Event’, in general. But was it a ‘Coincidence’ that as the CME occurred, the Planet Mercury was ‘Birthed’ out of the ‘Womb’ Area of the Constellation of Virgo, on October 9, 2024?

Now as to what that ‘Bust’ or ‘Birth’ will be? That will remain to be seen as in Hind-Sight, one has a better Focus. But being Student of the Study of the End Times, we all realize that a Transition is about to occur. The End of the Church Age Commission is to conclude some Year now. Then the Transference to the Spiritual Economy of Israel will follow. It is because YHVH is not done with Israel, his ‘Wayward’ Wife that needs to be Reconciled. Even the Rabbinical Orthodox Jews realize that they are on the Road to Redemption.

Mark of the Graphene-Oxide Beast
However, how Sad that they are Blind to their True Redeemer, Jesus, at least most. And as it has been observed, presently on Earth, is a very Unique Time in how the 2 Witnesses of Israel and the Church are existing, side-by-side. This only occurred back in 32 AD, one surmises when the Church Age was ‘Birthed’ and co-existed as a Witness with Israel. This similar Overlap existed until the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, thus, that ‘Prophetic Overlap lasted 38 Year or 40 Years since Jesus started His Ministry at the Age of 30.

That was the Jewish Year overlap of 29-30 AD (30 AD + 40 Years = 70 AD). Once the Bride of Christ is Raptured, Israel will truly be ‘Alone’. But to the Luciferians, this will be their ‘Great Reset’. Even the World is taking note as Stefan Burns realizes how the Inner Solar System is literally ‘Exploding’ with Signs and Wonders. One appreciates his Excitement.

If only Christians would be too of the nearness of the Rapture and Return of Jesus. The difference is that Believers and Followers of Jesus ‘Have the Book’. It is His People that ought to know what is happening and why. These are the ‘Birth Pangs’ as literally the Sun can be seen, as in a Metaphor, of having Contractions and is ‘Pushing-Out’ a ‘Delivery’, i.e., Revelation 12 Sign 7 Year Anniversary and the ‘Man-Child’ that is to be Raptured even, one would say.

As one had observed Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas' entrance into the Constellation of Virgo in 2024 occurred 18 Days (666) after the Great American Eclipse. It was brought to one’s Attraction by Cory at End Times Darkness Descending that Comet Hale-Bopp was viewable to the Naked-Eye for a record 18 Months (6+6+6).

He stated that both Comets pointing to 2017 and both Comets acting in concert with each other as a sort of ‘Tag-Team’ to point the World's Attention to the AntiChrist, especially given Hale -Bopp's travel course through the Constellations. Here is a Link to 1 of Cory’s Articles assessing what has been the prominent Astronomical Signs Above and the Geo-Political Events Below occurring in Tandem, one would concur.



Adding to the ‘666’ Biblical Mystery. If you all remember that from the 1st Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, being 33 Days before the Revelation 12 Sign that occurred on September 23, 2017, to the 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 was 2422 Days or 6 Years, 7 Months, and 18 Days excluding the End Date. But delineating the 7 Months and 18 Days makes it the following.

6 Years, 6 Months, 6 Weeks, 6 Days

Carbon Foot-Prints
Also, the Path of both Eclipses, marking that ‘X’ over the USA, intersected near Cedar Lake, that was 6.66 Miles from Carbondale as in the Element Carbon = 666. Carbon 12 in constituted by 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Electrons. Note also that the Human Body is made-up of guess what % Carbon? Yes, you guessed it, 18% or 6-6-6. Coincidence? See a visual depiction of this Element in relation to the Human Body.




Consider the following Association with Graphene-Oxide that are in the COVID Injections that one is convinced will factor in the roll-out of the Mark of the Beast 666. Revelation 13:6. That is the ultimate 666 Association as the Luciferians seek to interface Man with Machine. Consider the following Definition of Graphene from Wikipedia.

‘’Graphene is an Allotrope of Carbon consisting of a single Layer of Atoms arranged in a Honeycomb [Hexagon] Nano-Structure. The Name is derived from ‘Graphite’ and the Suffix -ene, reflecting the fact that the Graphite Allotrope of carbon contains numerous Double Bonds. It is a 2-Dimensional Form of Crystalline Carbon. Graphene is a Parent Form of all Graphitic Structures of Carbon: Graphite’.

And it will, very well be, through the 18% Carbon that the Human Body is made-up of. It will be a Natural Match. That is why the COVID Injection Mandates were a Test-Run. Back to the Eclipses. Then if one factored and added 13 Days prior to the August 21, 2017 Eclipse, being the Number of Rebellion, it would have made the entire Timespan between the Eclipses exactly 666% of a Common Year.

Then if one wants to further ‘Connect the 666 Dots’, literally with the Eclipses, Comets, Revelation 12 Sign and the Tetrad Blood Moon, remember also the last Blood Moon of the Tetrad of 2014-15. That Lunar Eclipse occurred on September 28, 2015. It was a Super Moon as well and on Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles, etc. But from there to the Revelation 12 Sign was exactly 726 Days. And as you all can recall, in the Strong’s, the Number ‘726’ is the Word Harpazo, i.e., the Rapture. Perhaps mere Coincidence again.

Strong's Concordance
726. Harpazó

Properly, Seize by Force; Snatch-Up, Suddenly and Decisively – like someone seizing Bounty (Spoil, a Prize); to take by an Open Display of Force (i.e. not covertly or secretly).

Original Word: ἁρπάζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: Harpazó
Phonetic Spelling: (har-pad'-zo)
Definition: To Seize, Catch Up, Snatch Away
Usage: I seize, snatch, obtain by robbery.

All this ‘666’ Numerical Association reminded one of how in 1 Kings 10:14, King Solomon was paid that ‘666’ Talents of Gold for his Yearly Salary. A Talent was an Ancient Unit of Measurement for Weight and Value in the Bible. A Talent ranges from 75 to 100 Pounds or about 35 to 45 Kilograms. If one uses the 100 Pounds and converts that to the present Day Value of Gold, as of October 2024, ($2600 per Ounce) it would be approximately the following Monetary Value.

1 Talent = 100 Pounds
1 Pound = 18 Ounces

666 Talents of Gold Salary x 100 Pounds = 66,600 Pounds (33.3 Tons)
= ~33 Average Truck Payloads
66,600 Pounds / 18 Ounces = 3,700 Pounds or 66600 Pounds = 1,065,600 Ounces
1,065,600 Ounces x $2,600 Ounce of Gold = $ 2,770,560,000

3,700 Pounds x $2,600 Ounce of Gold = $9,620,000 Year Salary in Gold

On some Online Talent-to-Ounce Converters, it is the following based on the Troy Ounce though. Regardless of which Equation one uses, the Salary of King Solomon was over 1 Billion a Year in Today’s Money. Solomon was essentially the wealthiest Man alive on the Planet at the Time. And he needed to be with all them 1000+ Women, needing to go Shopping at Tiffany’s and all.

666 Talents = 704773 Ounces x $2,600 Ounce of Gold = $1,832,409,800.

And how in Daniel 3:1, the Statue erected by King Nebuchadnezzar in the Plains of Dura was 60 Cubits high, 6 Cubits Wide and presumably 6 Cubits long in keeping with a ‘Square Base’ (60-6-6), etc. Obviously, it is all a connection to the ‘Glory of Man’ as 6 is the Number of Man, created on the 6th Day in Genesis.






Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why? 


The Hour of Testing
The purpose of this Book will Chronicle various Events that are preparing Humanity to be Transitioned into the Tribulations Period. It is a Timeframe of 7-Years where the Luciferian Globalists, Israel and the World will be Tested for 1 Prophetic Hour. Jesus warned that this Last Sabbath Cycle to conclude Man’s Rule on Earth will be the worst and most Horrific Time that Mankind has experienced. See and Read how Jesus will Rescue His Bride as the Signs approach the End of the Church Age that is concluded by the Rapture Rescue.


Rise of the Prison Planet
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Events, Places, People and Issues that are making Earth into a Prison Planet. In fact, it already is. And to this end, this Book will thus present various chapters of Topics, Events and or Occurrences that deal with Geo-Political, Astronomical Nuances and Theological Constructs that show how the Prison Planet will be moving in a direction where the entire Earth into a Prison Planet. How so? How do you Imprison all the Humans on Planet Earth? You Lie to them. It is called the Great Delusion, the Great Lie.  


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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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