False Christ dedicated to Mars Mullo

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

In this study, one will be demonstrating how the Modern French City of Nantes was designed, built, and configured according to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. This Phenomena, one surmises, is how there was once a vibrant Civilization of Beings on Mars, i.e., Angelic Begins created by YHVH, etc. The Red Planet of War was full of Life, Oceans and an Atmosphere. It is believed by some, including the Popular and Controversial late Zecharia Sitchin, that Mars suffered a Catastrophic Demise.

Based on his Interpretations of the Ancient Sumerian Creation Tablets, Sitchin argued that there was once a Planet in-between Jupiter and Mars. This was referred to as Tiamat, or ‘Rahab’, etc. Based on the Theory of there being a 2nd Sun, called by many Names throughout successive Human Civilizations: Red Dragon, Nemesis, Destroyer, etc., this Planet X or Nibiru caused the Planets to collide. This produced the Asteroid Belt. This is the Event that most likely led to the Destruction of Mars' Atmosphere.

However, Dr. John Brandenburg wrote a Book showing Evidence of this Catastrophic Event based on Nuclear Radiation Residue found on Mars. It is also surmised by other Mars Researchers that have a Biblical Filter, as one does, that Mars was a Center of Angelic Battles. This is due to the Luciferian Rebellion that started in Heaven with the Contention of Lucifer, the Anointed Cherub that sought and still seeks to usurp the very Throne of the True Creator GOD, YHVH. In this Context, the remnants of a Destroyed Civilization is slowly but meticulously being disclosed.

This has been the case, thanks to the many Probes and Rovers, Humans have sent to Mars. There are many unexplained Anomalies being found on the Surface of Mars, to include the Famous Cydonia Site, which is defined by 3 Massive Structures. This is what constitutes the Triangulation. It is based on Sacred Gematria and the Scale of their Sizes is mind-blowing. In comparison to adjacent Structures, the Cydonia Complex still has even far larger size Structures yet to be fully identified.

But for the purposes of one’s Martian Motif Theory, one is strongly suggesting and correlating the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation of these 3 Structures with Sacred Sites on Earth. This Design is found in both Ancient Sacred Sites that involved the Mysterious Monolithic Circles to Skyscrapers in Modern City Layouts. Why? One’s Working Theory is that this Template found on Earth, on Mars, in the Stars of the Cosmos is a ‘Mirror’ or Reflection of what is the Reality in the Realm of the Creator GOD YHVH in Heaven. It is a Pattern and Intention of replicating ‘Heaven on Earth’. But what is at the core of such Knowledge is the Power that is welded on Earth by such Beings that are still on Mars.

Hidden in Plain Sight
Of course it is speculated that after the Catastrophe, the Beings on Mars that survived moved Underground. But one’s Supposition is that as such Being had direct Contact with Humanity on Earth, that has not abated. In Fact, it is increasing to the point of a current Soft Disclosure, of the UFOs. The following is some Context for the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation found in the Layout of the Modern French City o Nantes.

Nantes, Gallo: Naunnt, Breton: Naoned is a City in the Loire-Atlantique Department of France on the Loire, 50 Km (31 Miles) from the Atlantic Coast. The City is the 6th largest in France. Nantes Metropolitan has over 1 Million Inhabitants. Nantes belongs historically and culturally to Brittany, a former Duchy and Province, and its omission from the Modern Administrative Region of Brittany is controversial. Nantes was identified during Classical Antiquity as a Port on the Loire. It was the Seat of a Bishopric at the End of the Roman Era before it was conquered by the Bretons in 851.

Although Nantes was the Primary Residence of the 15th-Century Dukes of Brittany, Rennes became the Provincial Capital after the 1532 union of Brittany and France. During the 17th Century, after the establishment of the French Colonial Empire, Nantes gradually became the largest Port in France and was responsible for nearly half of the 18th-Century French Atlantic Slave Trade. The French Revolution resulted in an Economic Decline, but Nantes developed robust Industries after 1850 (chiefly in Shipbuilding and Food Processing).

Deindustrialisation in the 2nd half of the 20th Century spurred the City to adopt a Service Economy. In 2020, the Globalization and World Cities Research Network ranked Nantes as a Gamma World City. It is the 3rd-Highest-Ranking City in France, after Paris and Lyon. Nantes has been praised for its Quality of Life, and it received the European Green Capital Award in 2013. Nantes is named after a Tribe of Gaul, the Namnetes, who established a Settlement between the end of the 2nd Century BC.

The Origin of the Name Namnetes is uncertain but is thought to come from the Gaulish Root *nant- 'River, Stream'. Its 1st Recorded Name was by the Greek writer Ptolemy, who referred to the Settlement as Κονδηούινκον (Kondēoúinkon) in his Treatise, Geography. Nantes may have been the major Gaulish Settlement of Corbilo, on the Loire estuary, which was mentioned by the Greek Historians Strabo and Polybius. The Namnete Root of the City's Name was introduced at the End of the Roman Period, when it became known as Portus Namnetum ‘Port of the Namnetes’.

Its 1st Inhabitants were apparently attracted by small Iron and Tin Deposits in the Region's Subsoil. Its history from the 7th Century to the Roman Conquest in the 1st Century BC is poorly documented, and there is no evidence of a City in the area before the Reign of Tiberius in the first century AD. During the Gaulish Period it was the Capital of the Namnetes People. Nantes never became a Large City under Roman Occupation. Although it lacked Amenities such as a Theatre or an Amphitheatre, the City had Sewers, Public Baths and a Temple dedicated to Mars Mullo.

After an Attack by German Tribes in 275, Nantes's Inhabitants built a Wall; this Defense also became common in surrounding Gaulish Towns. The Wall in Nantes, enclosing 16 Hectares (40 Acres), was one of the largest in Gaul. Christianity was introduced during the 3rd Century. The 1st Local Martyrs (Donatian and Rogatian) were executed in 288–290, and a Cathedral was built during the 4th Century. During the French Wars of Religion from 1562 to 1598, the City was a Catholic League Stronghold.

The Duke of Mercœur, Governor of Brittany, strongly opposed the succession of the Protestant Henry IV of France to the Throne of France in 1589.The Duke created an Independent Government in Nantes, allying with Spain and pressing for Independence from France. Despite initial successes with Spanish Aid, in 1598 he submitted to Henry IV (who had by then converted to Catholicism); the Edict of Nantes (legalising Protestantism in France) was signed in the Town, concluding the French Wars of Religion.

Nonetheless, the town remained fervently Catholic (by contrast to nearby La Rochelle), and the local Protestant Community did not number more than 1,000. Nantes has long had Ethnic Minorities. Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Communities were mentioned during the 16th century, and an Irish Jacobite Community appeared a century later.


The following will now be one’s Assessment of the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation found in the Modern French City of Nantes. Nantes is a Prime Example of how this Martian Motif is ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. To the unobservant or uninformed, such a Triangulation incorporated into the City Grid using Streets, and Monuments as Ley-Lines seem unapparent. However, this Cydonia Triangulation is about Power. How so? Realize that these Beings or Entities are on Earth, as they are on Mars. Some People would identify them as the Fallen Angels that the Bible teaches abide in the ‘Air’, i.e., Principalities and Powers, etc.

Such Divine Entities mingle with Humanity and have chosen only certain Human Bloodlines to bestow Power and Authority over Earth’s Regions, Nations, Provinces, and Cities. Such Humans constitute the Ruling Elite in most cases who are, really the ones running the Governments of the World. These are the Globalists who are Luciferian also. The Aim of such Spiritual Beings, still in Rebellion against YHVH and His Christ, Jesus is to totally control and rule Earth, as they once did and on Mars.

Thus, as one who subscribes to a Biblical Narrative, the ‘Fight’ is on for Earth and Humanity until Jesus returns to take control and possession of Earth. Until that Time, such Triangulations are still being used to control People, Resources for the purpose of furthering Lucifer’s Agenda. In the case of Nantes, the following Triangulation is based on one’s Interpretation of how the 3 Main Structures found at the Heart of Nantes constitutes this ‘Star Map’. In turn, it mirrors after the one found in Cydonia that in turn is modeled after what is found in Heaven, etc. Starting with the most prominent Edifice of Nantes, is the Fortress that corresponds to the D&M Pentagon found at Cydonia, Mars. This Structure is called the Château des Ducs de Bretagne.

Life Force
The Fort is facing South-West, in a 90 Degree Rotation from what the Martian Motif Triangulation is laid-out as. Then there is the corresponding Face of Ala-Lu or the Famous Face of Mars. It is corresponding in Nantes to the Cathedrale Saint Pierre et Saint Paul, etc. Consider that the Cathedral is inferring the ‘Christ’ Figure-Savior that the Luciferians ascribe to Ala-Lu. But in Biblical Revelation, it is ascribed to being Lucifer’s AntiChrist. In this case also, there is a 180 Degree Rotation on Earth.

Lastly, the Pleiades Pyramid City found on Cydonia, Mars corresponds to the City Center that incorporates the Place Royale adjacent to the Basilique Saint Nicolas. Notice how the Statues that adorn the Plaza are all Women. This is attributed to the 7 ‘Daughters of Atlas’ that the Pleiades represents. The 7 Stars correspond to the 7 Street Ley-Lines. Lastly, the Distances amongst the 3 Triangulated Structures in Nantes all have Biblical Numerical Values.

You have .33, .72 and .13 Units of various Measurements that are also based on Sacred Gematria. Now why is all this important to note? Consider that such a Triangulation is set on Earth’s Gravitational Force Ley-Lines. In essence, these Sites on Earth serve as a ‘Hub’ or Center-Point where Energies are directed and concentrated. Why? Such Sacred Sites, in one’s Research provide a ‘Portal’ or Star-Gate from where such Entities, i.e., the Fallen Angels are able to transverse Dimensions, to-and-from Earth, Mars and even Heaven. Is this Biblical? Yes. See Jacob’s Ladder Account.

This is what CERN is all about. But in these Cydonia, Mars Triangulation cases, the Sacred Space functions exactly like a CERN. Only to activate the Portal or Star-Gate and have that be ‘Opened’, it requires incredible amounts of Energy, as it does with CERN. This is where Earth’s Magnetic Forces come into play as they are harvested at such Sites. How? The other way that such Energy Levels are attained is through Human Blood Sacrifices. This is why in all Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, such Human and/or Animal Blood Sacrifices and Rituals were and are performed. Why?

It provided the Energies of the Life Force that the Bible stipulates is contained in the Blood. This is why in Ancient Times, most if not all major Religious Temples and City Layouts were configured to this Triangulation Cydonia Pattern. It is why, in 1 Aspect, Human and/or Animal Blood Sacrifices were performed; and it is still occurring to this Present Day. This is why the Elite Family Bloodlines of the World have their Secret Societies and Secret Meetings.

It is there and then that Human and Animal Blood Sacrifice Rituals are performed, in a Circle, much like Nantes, in this case where the City Layouts are configured with the Triangulation of Buildings. It is set-up as a Portal, a Door, a Star-Gate from where the Fallen Angels come in-and-out of such Dimensions and manifest themselves. The other form of acquiring the Energies required to ‘Open’ such Portal is through Sex. Realize that the Sexual Energies that Humanity has been bestowed with is 1 of the most Powerful Energies in the Universe. Thus, this is why also at such Luciferian, Occult and/or Satanic Ritual Meetings, Sex is incorporated.

This is why, presently on Earth, such Fallen Angels have Power and Authority and bestow that to their Human Elite Bloodline Families who collude with their ‘Luciferian Gospel’, rather than Jesus’. This is why Jesus came from Heaven to Earth, taking-on Human Flesh, being both GOD and Man, to reclaim Earth and Humanity. Jesus is Reversing the Curse in how Lucifer deceived the 1st Humans on Earth, created in the Image and Likeness of YHVH in Eden. One is not insinuating that all those French that are living presently in the Modern City of Nantes are all ‘Luciferian’ and are in the Conspiracy aligned with such ‘Principles and Powers’.

However, the Elite Ruling Class of Nantes and other Major Earth Cities that do control the Media, Medicine, and Magistrates have and are actively conspiring with such Evil Forces thinking they are doing ‘Good’. It was not until Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary that the Days of these Evil Entities were defeated. Although Lucifer and his Fallen Angelic Beings and Demons are presently restrained on Earth by GOD the Holy Spirit, found dwelling in Believers and Followers of Jesus, it will not be until Jesus returns that the entire Earth will be reclaimed.

And why this Understanding of what is really going on, on Earth and who is behind the Real Power and Control is important is that after the Rapture Event, Lucifer and his other Evil Entities will surface and be fully Disclosed on Earth. They will portray themselves as the ‘Ancient Aliens’ having come back to ‘Save’ Humanity from its Destruction. It is Lucifer, the False Savior Christ that will then install his AntiChrist in a last attempt in commandeering the entire Earth and Humanity. Remember, according to the Bible, there is a Heavenly War going on and it has spilled over into the Cosmos and now on Earth. In fact, this War that started in Heaven will end on Earth with Jesus’ Return.



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Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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