

Start of the Tribulation Period?

  • Who is saying that the Rapture is to occur in 10/9/24?
  • What does a Planetary Parade have to do with it?
  • Is the Start of the Tribulation to occur on that Day?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com

One was asked to comment on the Video Teaching about the October 9, 2024 Rapture Date pertains to me. No Problem. But before one gives one’s Assessment, one will reiterate one’s Bias. One is more convinced that the Rapture Event concludes a Time Period, i.e., the Church Age. And that the End of that Time is likened to a Harvest, a Summer Wheat Harvest.

Wonders in Heaven Prove The Bible, 2024 Rapture and Judgment

This is why one is more convinced it should or will occur before the Anniversary, of say, the Revelation 12 Sign. One could be wrong, but as to the Evidence, one has now written 3 Books on the Theory, etc. Now as to the Teaching of Brother Daniel from ByteMaster YouTube Channel? Here are my Reactions. One enjoyed the Teaching. The Presentation and Graphics was outstanding. However, some of this Astronomy is off, in one’s Observations. First, he starts with defining the Celestial Quadrants of the Universe.

He identifies the 4 Coordinates with Leo, Taurus, which are correct. But the other 2 he noted are correct. He identified Ophiuchus as the ‘Man’ and Pegasus as the ‘Eagle’. Here is a Chart that more accurately depicts the 4 Celestial ‘Corners’ of the Known Galaxy. And realize that based on the Axiom of ‘As Above, So Below’ is founded on the Mirror Principle. It presumes that the Primary Source is Heaven or YHVH Himself. And from that Source Point, all is reverberated out in the same Pattern.

As the Bible does then afford the Reader a Glimpse into the very Throne Room of YHVH, it is there that the 4 Heavenly Corners are mirrored from. One can read about the Description of how the Throne of YHVH is fashioned by the 4 Living Creatures, etc. And these Four Living Creatures, having the Head of a Lion, Man, Eagle and Bull are what the Cosmos is defined with. But not only that, but the 4 Gospels then take-up their Domain or Disposition of who each of the Gospels is reminiscent of what the Motif conveys.

Matthew       = King           Lion              Leo                          Regulus
Mark             = Servant      Ox                Taurus                     Aldebaran
Luke             = Man           Human         Aquarius                  Fomalhaut
John             = GOD          Eagle            Scorpio                   Antares

Planetary Parade
This Celestial Coordinate should be Scorpio, which in Ancient Times was the Eagle. It is also the Standard of the Tribe of Dan that is also a Serpent. Combined is a Feathered Serpent, etc. The Man Motif should correspond to Aquarius. Now, how one is certain of this ‘Error’ on his part, is that the 4 Galactic Corners also correspond to the Prime Star of each Constellation: Regulus, Aldebaran, Antares and Fomalhaut. One is however in accord that the likelihood of the Rapture Year could very well be 2024.

Survey of the Universe

But in the case of Daniel’s 7-Year Tribulation Timeline, he then places the Start of the 7-Year Tribulation also in 2024, the same Year. It could be, but in one’s Calculations, there is approximately 1 Year of a Gap Time. One can be wrong. He correctly places the Birth of Jesus on September 11, -3 BC. However, based on this Start Date, he marks the Crucifixion Year as being 31 AD. This is ‘Impossible’ if indeed Jesus, at the Time of the Passover Crucifixion Month of Nisan was 33 Years Old.

Based on these Calculations, Daniel is convinced that the Rapture will occur on October 9, 2024. It could happen, one is not sure. He mainly bases it on how there is a Planetary Parade of the 7 Planets in each of 7 Constellations. He then superimposes them to correlate them to match the 7 Seals of Revelation. If it is a Template of sorts, Prophetically? It could be. But the Rapture of the Bride of Christ and the whole Array of the 7 Seals cannot occur on the same Point in Time.

One can argue that Planetary Parades are not that rare and have occurred prior in recent Years. One can make the same Prophetic Associations as many had done when they occurred. To say that the Planetary Parade of October 9, 2024 is distinguished? One is not convinced entirely. One did like the Pleiades Association and Correlation to the 7 Churches that are Topographically aligned with the Star Cluster of the Hyades in the constellation of Taurus. One did a study of this Astronomical Phenomena that is rather striking and significant. See Chart for a visual also.


What one is rather perplexed or not understanding is how he uses the ‘Moon Calendar’ to then ‘Recalibrate’ the Dates that will then appear to match his Calculations. Nothing wrong with that but on this Point, one is not too familiar with the ‘Moon Calendar’ and why it should be used instead. But apparently if one uses this Calendar, then Jesus was not born on September 11, -3 BC,  and that's how he arrives at a 31 AD Crucifixion Year, etc. So, in one's Assessment, if the Rapture Day occurs, due to the Planetary Alignment of October 9, 2024? It will remain to be seen. But consider that for 2024, there is yet a Planetary Parade of 6 Planets in June. Why would his Event not be just as Prophetic or Significant? The Expanse in the Sky will stretch from Taurus to Aquarius.

The Planets plus the Moon, totaling 7 Celestial Bodies will be seen on the Morning of June 4, 2024. It will occur just before Sunrise looking East from the Northern Hemisphere, ext. The Order of the Parade will be: Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Moon, Mars, Neptune and Saturn. Depending on one’s Reference Point, the Cloud-Cover or Atmosphere will not allow many to be seen without the aid of Telescopes.


Sacred Patterns of Heaven on Earth
What is Heaven like? Many have had Out of Body Death Experiences and Describe Heaven with the Most Pleasant of Sights, Smells, Animals, Scenery, etc. But in terms of its Structure, how is it Configured? What Measurement Standard is being used? Now one realizes that this will not be possible to Ascertain. But are there Clues as to how it is Configured and what are its Dimensions, perhaps? Yes. Biblically Speaking, the Bible do provide a Patchwork of Data Points that this Book will seek to Investigate and Present as Evidence.

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​War of the Seeds
This Book seeks to unlock the Secrets of the Celestial Blueprint of the Last Days based on the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Jesus Christ; that is His Pattern of the Body Form and its Dimensions that occur on a Prophetic Scale. Such Patterns are seen in the literal Lifespan of Jesus’ Life Timeline, the Ark of the Covenant, the Solar System and the Human Form to name of few that this Book will examine and present. These Alignments and Eclipse Patterns could lend some Clues, as to the Timing of Christ’s actual Birth and Return.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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