Preparations for the Biblical AntiChrist

  • What is the 'Israel' New Order?
  • How does it differ from the 'New World Order?'
  • Is there a Difference or are they all 1 in the same?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The World is being set-up for the coming Transition into the One World Government. It is the Objectives of the Globalist Luciferians who know Biblical Prophecy, more than most Bible Believers, one would venture to say. It is Biblical what is next to occur in terms of a One World Order and Government. And it is to be accompanied by their New World Religion. And that is? It is the Ecumenical Aspirations to mesh all the Abrahamic Faiths into a Hybrid Platform, with all other World Faiths. And at the Center of this New Theology will be controlled and regulated by the Luciferians. Their World Capital will be in Israel, in Jerusalem and from the Temple Mount. It will be a Nimrod with a Tower 2.0.

But to con the World into accepting the ‘Pure Doctrine of Lucifer’, there has to be a Problem-Reaction-Solution Matrix in place. To achieve this Goal, the Synagogue of Satan wants and needs the Chaos to reach a certain Threshold. It is needed, Spiritually, to establish their New World Order, it would appear. And it is from Jerusalem, the coming World Capital that from there, the Mark of the Beast will be eventually implemented, monitored and executed, etc. At the core of the Luciferian Objectives, is to draw all Human Worship to Lucifer. YHVH will allow this to play-out, once the Restrainer is set aside.

And this will be constituted by what many End Times Students of Prophecy explain the Rapture Event will be, in how it will help facilitate this Transition to the ‘Israel World Order’. Eventually, Jesus’ World Order will be established when He comes back. This will be at the End of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. And it will be from Jerusalem that will indeed be the World Capital. The Luciferians are just Copy-Cats as they know that the Heavenly Jerusalem is in Heaven, and the Earthly one is in Israel, etc. To that end, the Stage is being set to surround Israel, forcing it into a Corner where it has to capitulate to ‘World Peace and Security’. It will be forced to use its Nuclear Weapons, or the Samson Option to overcome the Disproportionate Odds against it, in terms of Military Manpower and Human Capital.

It has too as Israel is out-numbered and the only advantage it has is to go Nuclear, thus the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus for starters. This will allow for the Need and Demand by the World to make Peace at any Cost, i.e., the Covenant. But that Covenant will be with ‘Death’ as Isaiah foretells as that will essentially be the Deal with the Devil. And at the Center of this Endeavor is the Sanhedrin. Why? It believes Netanyahu is to hand over the Keys of Jerusalem to the ‘Messiah’ they will designate. It is the one Jesus stated that would ‘Come in his own Name’. Now many are ‘Demonizing’ Netanyahu because of the War with HAMAS.

Prime Prophetic Real Estate
But he is also taking on the Jewish Leftist that have a stranglehold on the Judicial System. Then, Netanyahu is also capitulating to the Orthodox Voting Political Block. True. However, the greatest Israeli Ally, the USA is fast becoming its Enemy. Even the Republican Party that has been Pro-Israel is wanning in its Unconditional Support. But the Democratic Party is just as much in the Control and Pockets of the Synagogue of Satan. Presently, from a purely Military and Geo-Political Perspective, Israel is surrounded by the Inner-Ring and Outer-Ring of Muslims that does seek its total Destruction. This is the basic Definition of Genocide.

But as Students of Biblical Prophecy, one realizes that despite the ‘Who, What, Where and Why’, the Israeli-Muslim Conflict is a Spiritual one. Israel is the only Real Estate promised by the Creator, YHVH to a specific People being given a Specific Territory on Earth. This is why it is so contested. Now Israel knows this and has used the USA, its greatest Ally to fight its wars. How so? The Iraqi Invasion for one.

The Strategy was and is still to take off the Pressure and use the Might of the U.S. Military to equalize the Odds against Israel’s Survival. It is because Israel’s Sin has been to rely on World Empires and Strong-Men to be its Savior and ‘Messiah’. To that End, the List of Nations to be taken out comes from the Former NATO Commander, Wesley Clark. He publicly leaked the Pentecost Paper that the following when Clark was in San Francisco giving a Talk back in 2001.

‘We're going to take out 7 Countries in 5 Years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran’.

Now, the Inner-Ring of Muslim Factions, like Hezbollah is not to be compared to HAMAS. And in the past, Hezbollah Rockets are no longer the type that miss their Mark. Their Rocket Technology is no longer ‘Dumbed-Down’ to only create Fires. But try living in Israel, looking over one’s Shoulder for Muslims trying to Stab you and Rocket fired on a Daily Basis, indiscriminately at Civilians, not knowing where it will hit. Try keeping a Psychological Straight Face and Mind about it.

This is why, precisely, Israel needs to preemptively strike at the Hezbollah Strongholds. Here is the Red Line for Israel. If Hezbollah will resort to the Biological and Chemical Rockets being shot into Israel, that will be a Game-Changer as they say. As the Mullahs of Iran correctly stated, ‘Israel is a 2 Bomb State’. Meaning that it will only take 2 Nuclear Detonations to kill-off 90% of all Jews living in Israel. There are approximately 7.2 Million Jews living in Israel.

The Hesitation on the part of the Muslims and the Luciferians, who are using the Muslims, need Jerusalem intact. It will be their World Capital, as mentioned. It is the Crown Jewel of YHVH on Earth. And by controlling Jerusalem, being the Crossroads of the World, you can control the World, etc. However, contrary to Middle East Pundits, the Samson Option is not a M.A.D. (Mutual Assured Destruction) Scenario nor Outcome. How does one know that? The Outcome is in the Bible. This coming Psalm 83 War and the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus will see Israel come on Top.

A.I. Warfare
What the World has to worry about now is how A.I., and Drone Warfare and Super-Soldier Operations will come into full use. The next Plandemic and War Effort will no doubt utilize A.I. For example, it has been reported that there are New Bio-Weapons that are now A.I., based. And more chilling, is that they are designed with Human DNA being targeted for specific Races. This has come-out in recent Years, thanks to the mRNA COVID-19 Plandemic and Fauci’s Gain of Function Research. So, one is agreeing with the Bible Narrative, that the Regional War between Israel and Iran, along with its Proxies will go Nuclear, at some Point in Time.

For sure, the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38-29 will have such effects. And that is the Plan, according to Albert Pike, the Highest Masonic Authority who wrote Morals and Dogmas for his Luciferian Freemasons, etc. He predicted the 3 World Wars that would usher-in Luciferianism out in the Open. And how the coming World Ruler, whom the Jewish Sanhedrin will call their ‘Messiah’, will be in turn the Biblical AntiChrist instead. But it will be from Israel, from Jerusalem, and from the Temple Mount that the World will be united around. Rallying around what? The New Temple of ‘Peace’, the 3rd Temple that will be the ‘House of Prayer’ for all the Nations, etc.

So, when the Middle East goes Nuclear, will the Land not be Poisoned for 100s of 1000s of Years? True, during the Outer-Ring of Muslim Nations led by Russia, known as the Gog-Magog War, there will be Radio-Active Contamination. But due to Advanced Science, the Adverse Effects of Nuclear Detonations can be mitigated. One would agree that the World will suffer a major Economic Collapse because of the Rapture Event. It is for no Reason also, that the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are about a False Peace, War, Famine, and Death. In terms of a Living Wage? The Hyper-Inflation will be so bad, that the Poor will need to work all Day just for 1 Loaf of Bread, if they can find a Job.

So, the Bible does foretell of ‘Strange Diseases’ and Viruses that will be popping-up and spreading, by Design A.I., Design. But it is only because of how they are A.I. Designed and Generated and based on their Gain of Function Properties. This Protocol is when Scientists take a Virus and make it more Potent and Lethal. This is what Fauci was involved with in partnership with the Wuhan Lab in China. They ‘Weaponized’ the COVID-19 Strains with. And as a Population Control, a Police State will eventually emerge to control People. The Luciferian Vision of their Utopia will devolve into a Police and Medical State of Tyranny, emerging on the ‘Other Side’ of the Rapture Event, etc.

Now, who is solely at fault when it comes to the coming Israel World Order? It is not just the aim of the ‘Neo-Cons’ as some Political Pundits assert. No, the Left is just as much onboard if not more about ushering-in their Luciferian Protocols. They are all about Trans-Humanism. They want a Humanity 2.0, with their Virus Passports, Injections as proof to be able to Work, Travel and Socialize in Public, etc. There will be Military Checkpoints as that already happened during the COVID Plandemic Lockdowns, in such places as in Canada and Australia. The COVID-19 Plandemic was all a Test-Run. Evidence has been provided already of how there are indeed ‘Concentration Camps’, just waiting for the Order to be operational, etc.

But as an End-Times Student of Prophecy, one recognizes that not all hold to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario and Timing. However, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario is the only one that can explain what the End Result will be like, Death, Fear, Repression, etc. As the Apostle Paul amply described the Blessed Hope, i.e., the Rapture Event, it is when all the World is calling for ‘Peace and Security’ that instead, ‘Sudden Destruction’ will come upon the World. Yes, Millions will be dying after the Rapture Mile-Stone. And more so than Millions dying, it will be Billions dying, as the Book of Revelation infers.

One subscribes that it will not be until the Rapture Event that the Details and Scenarios of the coming Psalm 83 War, the Isaiah 17 destruction of Damascus will occur. The Gog-Magog War will ensue as the Outer-Ring of Muslim Nations led by Russian, Turkey and Iran. One holds to the interpretation that this War will occur sometime during the 7-Year Tribulation Period. Presently, based on one’s Biblical Worldview and Interpretation of Events, the Restrainer is still Restraining. 


War on Iran: The Perfect Storm from Hell
Lord Stirling 



End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

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Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the  Astronomical Signs above  that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth. Lastly, the Book will delve into how the Church Age plays in all this and how Israel will resort to a False Messiah that brings a false sense of Peace and Security.  ​

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3 World Wars Israel Still Has to Fight
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting ‘Drunk’ over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was  placed at the Center of Humanity.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

A People of Signs and Wonders
What is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble?' Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire ‘Trouble’. One can argue that since Israel’s Modern ‘Re-Birth’ in 1948, there has been nothing but ‘Trouble’. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years.

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In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

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Burden of the Nations
This Book ascertains Events surrounding Israel as the Fig Tree Nation and how it is being contested by the Nations and coming from the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’. It is a ‘Battle over Zion’ and who will get that as the ‘Winner takes All’. This was not the case initially when the Palestinians had a chance at having their own State. They rejected the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947. This book will examine the Political, Social, Religious Factors of how Israel is fast approaching its ultimate Rendezvous.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1045.
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