FALL 2025 TO FALL 2032

Based on Personages and Convergences

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

‘And by that same Word, the present Heavens and Earth are reserved for Fire, being kept for the Day of Judgment and Destruction of Ungodly Men. Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your Notice: With the Lord 1 Day is like a 1000 Years, and 1000 Years are like 1 Day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His Promise as some understand Slowness, but is Patient with you, not wanting anyone to Perish but everyone to come to Repentance’. – 2 Peter 3:7-9

The purpose of this study is to present several ‘Tribulation Period’ Timelines that appear to synchronize with the Years 2025 and 2032. The Tribulation Timelines are based on the Year 32 AD, which one surmises was/is the Crucifixion Year, etc. One is utilizing and assuming that the 1 Day-to-1000 Year Prophetic Template is valid in perhaps attempting to pinpoint the Return of Jesus. If the Crucifixion Year was indeed 32 AD, then exactly 2000 Years or ‘2 Days’ that have correlated to the Church Age would be the Year 2032.

                    1 Day is as 1000 Years – 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4

     32 AD ------------------------------- Church Age -------------------------------- 2032 AD
Crucifixion Year                    (2 Days or 2000 Years)                         Return of Jesus?

From 2032, one can then Reverse Engineer the 7-Year Tribulation, which would put the Tribulation Timeline starting in the Fall of 2025. This Timeline would make Israel, in 2025, 77 Year Old since 1948. And then the Mid-Point of the Tribulation would be in 2029, etc. Then the 84th Year would correspond to 2032, just the same. One will show in the various Timelines that both Numerical Values of 77 and 84 reoccur in the Age of several Personages of the Old and New Testament. And?

The Timeline appears to match 3 other Tribulation Timelines of mine, based on Anna, Caleb and Jacob, when factoring in a 32 AD Crucifixion Year, as one has presented over the Years. In the case of the Jacob Timeline, Aaron at ‘God and Minute’ YouTube Channel has come onboard with the 2025 to 2032 Tribulation Timeline. He makes a ‘Good Case’ for Jacob, i.e., Israel marrying both Sisters based on the Numerical Factor of being 77 and 84 Years Old.

This Timeline consisted of Jacob’s 2 Labors of 7 Years for Rachel, but ended-up being deceived by his Uncle, Laban who Jacob went to live with at his 700th Birthday. There were 2 Sisters, Leah and Rachel but Jacob ended-up being given Leah, the Oldest 1st, presuming Jacob had married Rachel. Many End Times Students of the Bible presume that Jacob was ‘Young’, rather and not in his 70s when all this occurred. And no doubt, the Sisters would have been considerable younger.

Synchronization of Prophetic Times
But the Marrying Age for Women to Older Men was the Custom in the Middle East. This Custom still exists to this Day. Now, as to the 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline? As noted, it is based on 32 AD being the Year of the Crucifixion. Check. This Timeline is what one has been teaching for a long while now. See the Chart Link below one made, as that incorporates Aaron’s study of Jacob’s Age with those of the Timelines and Ages of Anna, Caleb, the Psalms-to-Years Theory of Psalm 77-84 by Karl Lawley that all appear to synchronize to one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timelines.

How Old Was Jacob When He Married Leah & Rachel?
God A Minute?

The 2 Numerical Factors that appear are recurring, are thus correlated to Israel's Years since 1948. And in so doing, those 2 Numerical Factors are 77 and 84. And to reiterated, those are the 2 Numbers, Year Anniversaries, or Age of the People that occur also in the case of Anna, Caleb and the Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline by Karl Lawley. One will see why when looking at the Timelines, compared, side-by-side how they appear to synchronize with each other when compared. Of course, it does not conclusively ‘Prove’ that one's Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline will be the case, but it is pretty neat. Have a look.






End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

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Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the  Astronomical Signs above  that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth. Lastly, the Book will delve into how the Church Age plays in all this and how Israel will resort to a False Messiah that brings a false sense of Peace and Security.  ​

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3 World Wars Israel Still Has to Fight
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting ‘Drunk’ over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was  placed at the Center of Humanity.

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A People of Signs and Wonders
What is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble?' Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire ‘Trouble’. One can argue that since Israel’s Modern ‘Re-Birth’ in 1948, there has been nothing but ‘Trouble’. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years.

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In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

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Burden of the Nations
This Book ascertains Events surrounding Israel as the Fig Tree Nation and how it is being contested by the Nations and coming from the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’. It is a ‘Battle over Zion’ and who will get that as the ‘Winner takes All’. This was not the case initially when the Palestinians had a chance at having their own State. They rejected the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947. This book will examine the Political, Social, Religious Factors of how Israel is fast approaching its ultimate Rendezvous.

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