Raising the Red Flag of Blood and War

  • What is the Cydonia Mars Triangulation about?
  • Are there Star Gates on Earth like in Qom?
  • How is the City connected to War and Mars? 

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study it to incorporate one’s Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Theory with Modern-Day Geo-Politics. How so? The subject will center on the surmised Star-Gate Triangulation Layout of the Ancient Iranian City of Qom. One will show that the 3 Main Structures at the center of the City along its narrow River mirrors the 3 Structures at Cydonia, Mars. This Triangulation on Mars is comprised of the Face of Mars, the Pleiades Pyramid City and the Giant Pentagon Fortress.

The 3 Structures of Ancient Qom are the following, in one’s Interpretation. The Face of Mars, that of the Rebel King of the Planet Nibiru, Ala-lu corresponds to the Heydarian Sports Stadium. The Pleiades City corresponds to the Mosque Complex that encompasses the Khomeini Square. Then the Giant Pentagon corresponds to the Qods Musalla Mosque, etc. See Chart associated with the Study for a Visual Outline of this Triangulation, on Earth as it is on Mars.

One’s Cydonia, Mars Theory is that this Geometric Configuration involves the Cosmic and even Spiritual Properties of a Star-Gate. This Sacred Space, when transposed by Religious Ritual, Blood Sacrifices and Earth Ley-Line Energies, activates it to cross in-between Dimensions. Such is one’s Notion that the Primary Source of this Configuration is what Heaven itself is ‘like’. This is to presume a Biblical World View and Interpretation that the Book of Genesis establishes. The Book teaches that YHVH, is the Creator of the Heavens, all 3 of them and then the Earth and what is below the Earth, etc.

And what are the 3 Heavens? This is alluded to as the Apostle Paul had a Vision of how he was taken to the ‘3rd Heaven’, for example. That is where The Triune GOD-Head resides. Then the 2nd Heaven would be the Cosmos or where the Sun, Moon and the Stars are situated. Then the 1st Heaven is the Atmosphere that surrounds Earth. And with this Divine Pattern, one theorizes that the very Cosmos, or the 2nd Heaven and on Earth have this Primary Source Layout replicated. It is as if ‘Heaven on Earth’ is mirrored.

And that is what Paradise is all about. Since the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, Mankind has attempted to ‘Return to Eden’. And 1 way has been to replicated Heaven on Earth, if at least by the Triangulation of what is found their originally in the True Paradise of YHVH. And it is not only Mankind that has replicated this Sacred Triangulation, Hidden in Plain Sight, but one also theorizes that the Angels had too. This is where Cydonia, Mars comes into play.  This is also to suggest then, that Mars, prior to the Creation of Adam had direct Contact, Communication and Civilization.

Gap Theory
One is also a Subscriber to the Gap Theory that stipulates that before Adam, there existed a whole Time or Epoch that goes back to Immemorial Proportions. In other Words, one believes that the Earth is both ‘Young’ and ‘Old’. The Young Earth is consisting of the present ‘Renovation’ of Genesis 1:2 that is a Time Period of 7000 Years. This Time-Frame mirrors the 7 Days of Creation, etc. but the Genesis 1:1 World is perhaps 1000s of Years Old, if not more.

These Triangulations are found on Earth in all major Religious and/or Centers of Power. They occur in how Ancient Sacred Sites were chosen and configured. Likewise, one has demonstrated that this same Cydonia, Mars Triangulation is incorporated into Earth’s Modern City Layouts. And again, these 3 Structures are ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. Why? Those that rule Earth presently are still connected and have communication and Communion with the Spiritual Realm. And presently, according to Jesus, it is the Chief of the Fallen Angels, Lucifer that is the ‘God or Prince of this World’.

This Cydonia, Mars Triangulation is perhaps 1 of the best-kept Secrets of Humanity for all Times. Lucifer and his Earthly Appointed Human Bloodlines do not want to be exposed for who they serve. It is really like the Film, the Wizard of Oz. The ‘Great Oz’ is behind the Curtain, controlling every Nation and Kingdom on Earth, for now. This is why Jesus had to come. In part, it was to reclaim the Power, Dominion and Authority YHVH had given Adam to rule a Refurbished Eden in Lucifer’s Domain. One is presuming that Lucifer had some sort of Kingdom or Dominion on Earth.

And when Lucifer rebelled and fell from Heaven, the real ‘Star-Wars’ has been going on across all 3 Heavens. Ultimately, realize that according to the Bible, it is on Earth that this Luciferian-Led Angelic Conflict will be resolved. Theologically, that Victory over Lucifer and his Demons and Fallen Angel Dominions and Powers was secured at the Cross of Calvery. It was Jesus, GOD in the Flesh that came down from the 3rd Heaven to redeem Adam and restore Eden.

It will not be until Jesus’ Return that those Thrones and Dominions will be made to be vacated and Lucifer will be imprisoned during the 1000-Year Kingdom of Jesus on Earth, etc. But until that Time and Place, this Star-War rages on for the Hearts and Minds of every Human. Why? It is the Heart and Soul that is the Prize and Lucifer seeks to take away as many from being Redeemed by turning to Jesus for the Forgiveness of Sins and Free Gift of Eternal Life.

Lucifer realizes that he is a Defeated Foe, but so long as there is ’Time’, he is struggling to change the Course and eventual Outcome to the very last Minute. And this struggle is seen in how the Sons of Persia are in contention with the Sons of Jacob. And the City of Qom in Iran demonstrates this in a very tangible and religious manner. How so? This is where one ties-in the Geo-Politics as of this write-up. On July 31, 2024, Israeli Assets carried-out a successful Assassination of the HAMAS Leader, Ismael Haniyeh. This occurred right after the installation Ceremony of the newly ‘Elected’ Iranian President. It is really only a Figure-Head Office.

The War In-Between the War

Nonetheless, Haniyeh and his Body Guard were reported killed in a Bomb Explosion at their Apartment Suite. This brazen Act, carried-out by the obvious Suspects, i.e., Israel, although Israel did not claim it had done it was embarrassing for Iran. And? The issue is that Iran is seeking the preeminent Place in leading the Muslim World and the Middle East. It is championing the Cause of the Palestinians. To do ‘Nothing’ will be seen as being ‘Weak’ and succumbing to the ‘Zionist’ Regime, etc. Iran then vowed that it would ‘Attack’ Israel during the 9th of Av. This did not materialize, wholesale although barrages of Rockets being fired from across the Lebanon Border occurs on a daily basis. The following is from Wikipedia.

Qom is a City in the Central District of Qom County, Qom Province, Iran, serving as Capital of the Province, the County, and the District. It is the 7th largest Metropolis and also the 7th largest City in Iran. The City is 140 KM (87 Miles) to the South of Tehran, and on the Banks of the Qom River. Qom is considered holy in Shi'a Islam, as it is the Site of the Shrine of Fatimah bint Musa, Sister of Imam Ali ibn Musa Rida (Persian: Imam Reza; 789–816).

Its Theological Center and the Fatima Masumeh Shrine are prominent features of Qom. The City is the largest Center for Shi'a Scholarship in the World, and is a significant Destination of Pilgrimage, with around 20 Million Pilgrims visiting the City every year, the majority being Iranians but also other Shi'a Muslims from all around the World. Some Researchers have considered the word 'Kom' in the Ancient Name of Komidan (Komiran) to mean 'City'.

Qom dates back to Ancient Times. Its Pre-Islamic History can be partially documented, although the earlier Epochs remain unclear. Excavations at Tepe Sialk indicate that the region had been settled since Ancient Times (Ghirshman and Vanden Berghe), and more recent surveys have revealed traces of large, inhabited places south of Qom, dating from the 4th and 1st Millennium BC. While nothing is known about the area from Elamite, Medes, and Achaemenid Times, there are significant Archeological Remains from the Seleucid and Parthian Epochs, of which the ruins of Khurha (about 70 Kilometres or 43 Miles southwest of Qom).

The Arab Conquest of Qom from the extant Arabic Sources. According to Balāḏori, the 1st tentative Conquest of Qom took place in 23/644 by Abu Musa Ashaari. The decisive step for the later Urban Development of Qom occurred when a group of Ashaari Arabs came to the area. These Ashaaries originated in Yemen and the 1st important Figure among them was the 1st Conqueror of the area of Qom, the above-mentioned Abu Musa Ashaari.

The Arabs required a great deal of Pasture for their large Herds of Cattle and were much wealthier than the Local Persians, they slowly started to buy Land and take over more Villages. The decisive step for controlling the area was the elimination of the Local Persian Noble Class that took place after the Death of Yazdanfadar in 733. The majority of these Non-Muslims were Zoroastrians, who made their living mostly as Farmers.

The Mongol Invasion led to the Total Destruction of Qom by the Armies of the Mongol Generals, Jebe and Sübedei, in 621/1224. In 1964–65, before his Exile from Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini led his Opposition to the Pahlavi Dynasty from Qom. The Fordow Uranium Enrichment Facility is located 20 Miles North-East of Qom. In January 2012 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced that Iran had started producing Uranium, enriched up to 20% for Medical Purposes.Iranian Authorities state the Facility is built deep in a Mountain because of repeated threats by Israel to attack such Facilities, which Israel believes can be used to produce Nuclear Weapons. However, attacking a Nuclear Facility so close to a City considered so Holy in Shia Islam brings concern of a potential risk of a Shiite Religious Response.


However, the Geo-Political implications were stated by Iran in a Religious Act that involves the holiest Muslim Shi’ite Shrine that is in Qom. And what was that? The Shi’ites raise the Red Flag of Revenge over the Dome of the Jamkaran Mosque. So, the Retaliation of Iran against Israel is certain to occur. But Biblically and Prophetically speaking, Iran will let its Proxy Para-Military Factions, like the Quds Brigade lead the Charge. Iran will reserve and save its Military Might for the Outer-Ring Muslim Coaling to be led by Russian.

This is the Gog-Magog War. The following is research on what the Red Flag of Revenge means. The Red Flag has the following Inscription, ‘O ye Avengers of Hussein’. The Flag commemorates the Death of the Shi’ite Imam Hussein ibn Ali. This is the Difference between Shi’ite Islam and Sunni Islam. The Shi’ites follow this Descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. As Muhammad’s Grandson, Hussein, is one of the most Sacred Figures of Shia Islam. He was killed in 680 AD at the Battle of Karbala.

That is in present-day Iraq, by the troops of Caliph Yazid. And according to their Eschatology, there are only 12 Imans. And the Last One is the Mahdi, their version of the Messiah. And oddly enough, he is to return with Jesus as the Prophet and also make a Pact of Peace with the World for 7 Years. The Red Color of the Flag symbolizes the Blood of Muslim Martyrs. The Red Flag of Revenge has only been raised 6 Times in recent History. Most recently was after the U.S. Assassination of Islamic Revolutionary Guards al-Quds (Jerusalem) Corps Leader, Qasem Soleimani.

The same flag was a common sight in the streets of Tehran on Monday, during the tribute paid to Soleimani, without necessarily implying Revenge. Thus, the Slogan of ‘Ya la-Thara al-Hussein’ has become the Shi’ite Rallying Cry for its Believers. They chant it to beacon the ‘Return’ of the ‘Hidden Imam’, the last of the 12 Imams that are only recognized in the Imamiyyah Branch of Shia Islam. This successful Assassination took place in January of 2020. The Soleimani Assassination was for being the Mastermind in injuring several U.S. Military Personal in Iranian Airstrike that had hit several U.S. Military Bases in Iraq.

And now with the back-to-back Assassinations of Haniyeh in Teheran and Shukr in Beirut, has all but secured the Gog-Magog Invasion of Israel in the Near Future. But in terms of Political Rhetoric, Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ordered a Direct Attack against Israel in response to the killing of Haniyeh.  old and is the main Theological Center of Education in Iran. For example, the Mosque on which the Red Flag of War was raised acquired its official importance in the Islamic Republic of Iran following Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s rise to Power in 1989. And based on Research, it is reported that the Jamkaran Mosque has been significantly enlarged over the last 30 Years.

It now features 5 Domes, which according to Historical Precedence, has been practically nonexistent in Shia Islam, as Shia Mosques usually only have 1 Dome, etc. So, Qom being 1 of the Holiest Sites in Shia Islam, every Year, millions of Shia Muslims visit the Jamkaran Mosque in a Pilgrimage. This occurs on the 15th Day of the 6th Islamic Month of Shaban. It also marks the Birth Anniversary of the 12th Shia Imam, called the Muhammad al-Mahdi or the Muslim Messiah one noted prior. The following is an Excerpt from Wikipedia that describes the Main Highlights associated with the Ancient City of Qom in Iran.




Counterbalancing the Extremist Threats


Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ in another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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