
Forwarded by Petr, Radim and Magdalena


The Book of Ruth deals with the Wedding of the Orthodox Israelite Boaz to the Gentile Woman Ruth. This Book is perceived by many Teachers of Scripture as a Type of the Wedding of the Lord Jesus with His Bride - the Church.

For this Reason, it is important to know in which part of the Year the Wedding took place. When examining the Book of Ruth in detail, we find that the Season of the Wedding is accurately recorded here. 

Let us go through the individual Verses that clarify this:

1. Naomi and Ruth Return
They came from the Land of Moab to Bethlehem and arrived at the beginning of the Winter´s Barley Harvest in the Spring. Ruth went to the Field to gather Ears of Corn and came upon a Field that happened to belong to Boaz. That Day she gathered an Ephah of Barley and it was the same Day she first met Boaz.

So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her Daughter-in-Law, with her, which returned out of the Country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of Barley Harvest. (Ruth 1:22)

And she went, and came, and gleaned in the Field after the Reapers: and her Hap was to light on a part of the Field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the Kindred of Elimelech. (Ruth 2:3) 

So she gleaned in the Field until Even, and beat-out that she had gleaned: and it was about an Ephah of Barley. (Ruth 2:17)

2. The Wedding of Boaz and Ruth.
The Wedding could not take place during the Harvest, but only at its End. Throughout the entire Grain Harvest, Ruth dwelt with her Mother-in-Law Naomi.

So she kept Fast by the Maidens of Boaz to glean unto the End of Barley Harvest and of Wheat Harvest; and dwelt with her Mother-in-Law. (Ruth 2:23)

3. The 3rd and 4th Chapters already took place in 1 Day.
We know that the Winter Barley Harvest in the Land of Israel is long over (the Month of April-May) as well as the Winter Wheat Harvest (the Month of May-June). We know from the 2nd Chapter that the Wedding took place after the Total (General) Harvest of Grain (Ruth 2:23).

Since Boaz was threshing Barley at the Time of his Wedding to Ruth, it must have been Spring Barley, which is harvested after the Winter Wheat Harvest, i.e. in the Month of July. At that Time, the Winter Barley has been in the Granaries for about 2 Months.

And now is not Boaz of our Kindred, with whose Maidens thou wast? Behold, he winnoweth Barley to Night in the Threshing-Floor. (Ruth 3:2)

Also he said, Bring the Vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured 6 Measures of Barley, and laid it on her: and he went into the City. (Ruth 3:15)

Another Confirmation that it was Spring Barley - he gave her 6 Measures of Barley. Furthermore, it follows that all the Grain Harvest had already been completed and the Last Crop, Spring Barley, is being processed for Storage (he threshed it on the Threshing Floor).

4. Preparation of the Wedding.
Noemi gave Instructions to Ruth what she has to do. As we have Instructions in the Holy Scriptures what we are to do to be Partakers of the Wedding of the Lamb.

And it shall be, when he lieth down, that thou shalt Mark the Place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and uncover his Feet, and lay thee down; and he will tell thee what thou shalt do. And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do. And she went down unto the Threshing-Floor, and did according to all that her Mother-in-Law bade her. (Ruth 3:4-6)

Ruth did exactly what Noemi told her to do. The moment when Boaz realized that the Woman is laying at his Feet was at the Midnight (as in Matthew 25:6 - And at Midnight there was a Cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh....), and when he recognized that it was Ruth, he decided to act. When Ruth came home, Noemi prophesied her that Boaz will finish the Matter that Day.

Then said she, Sit still, my Daughter, until thou know how the Matter will fall: for the Man will not be in Rest, until he have finished the Thing this Day. (Ruth 3:18)

5. Wedding Day.
When Ruth left the Threshing-Floor, Boaz immediately goes to the City (Ruth 3:15) where he immediately acts on the Matter and accepts his Role as a Kinsman (Redeemer) for Ruth. He meets the Elders at the Gate, resolves the Situation in a Legal Way, with the End Result that he claims Ruth as his Rightful Wife that very Day. This Wedding Contract was confirmed by the Elders including all the People at the Gate.

And Boaz said unto the Elders, and unto all the People, Ye are Witnesses this Day, that I have bought all that was Elimelech's, and all that was Chilion's and Mahlon's, of the Hand of Naomi. Moreover, Ruth the Moabitess, the Wife of Mahlon, have I purchased to be my Wife, to raise up the Name of the Dead upon his Inheritance, that the Name of the Dead be not cut off from among his Brethren, and from the Gate of his Place: ye are Witnesses this Day. And all the People that were in the Gate, and the Elders, said, We are Witnesses. (Ruth 4:9-11)

All this took place in 1 Day, after the Spring Barley Harvest, i.e. in the Period at the End of July - beginning of August (Spring Barley ripens 3.5 to 4 Months after Sowing the Grain). We know from the Scriptures that the Feast of Pentecost falls in this Time Period. We have already talked about the Fact that the Wedding of Boaz and Ruth is a foreshadowing of the Wedding of the LORD Jesus and His Church, and this Wedding of Boaz and Ruth took place in the Period of Time of the Feast of Pentecost.

From the above, it is very likely that the Wedding of the Redeemer (Jesus) with his Bride – Church, mostly made-up of Gentiles, will take place in this Period and we will see the Fulfillment of our Blessed Hope, that is meeting our Redeemer in the Clouds. It is also interesting that Ruth received 6 Measures of Barley from Boaz (her Redeemer) on her Wedding Day. It reminds me very much of the 6 Stone Vessels in which Jesus turned Water into Wine at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee.    

At Pentecost, the Earnest of the Spirit was given unto us (2 Corinthians 5:5), and at Pentecost the Church can receive from the Lord the Fullness and much-awaited Rest and a Place where we will do well. Noemi talks to Ruth about this Rest and leads her to prepare for the Wedding Day (Wash, Anoint yourself, Dress Well - a Foreshadowing of the Church's Preparation for the Wedding).

Then Naomi her Mother-in-Law said unto her, My daughter, shall I not seek Rest for thee, that it may be well with thee? And now is not Boaz of our Kindred, with whose Maidens thou wast? Behold, he winnoweth Barley to Night in the Threshing-Floor. Wash thyself therefore, and Anoint thee, and put thy Raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the Threshing-Floor: but make not thyself known unto the Man, until he shall have done Eating and Drinking. (Ruth 3:1-3)

Let the same thing apply to us that Boaz, as Ruth's Redeemer, confessed about her: the whole City knows that you are a Virtuous Woman. This is a Testimony of the Holiness of the one who expects the Rapture, prepares for the Wedding of the Lamb and loves Christ's Coming for the Church.

And he said, Who are you? So she answered, I am Ruth, your Maid-Servant. Spread your Skirt over your Maid-Servant, for you are a Kinsman Redeemer. And he said, Blessed are you of Jehovah, my Daughter! For you have shown more Kindness at the End than at the Beginning, in that you did not go after Young Men, whether Poor or Rich. And now, my Daughter, do not Fear. I will do for you all that you speak, for all the People of my Town know that you are a Woman of Strength. Now it is True that I am a Kinsman Redeemer; (Ruth 3:9-12a)

Note: Why does Scripture speak of a Harvest of Winter Barley when the Church is compared to a Harvest of Wheat. It is for the Reason that the Time of the Wedding of Boaz and Ruth will be clearly revealed. If Boaz was winnowing Spring Wheat on the Threshing-Floor, which ripens at the same Time as Spring Barley in the Spring Sowing, then the Time of the Wedding would not be possible to clearly find out, because the Time difference between the Harvest of Autumn and Spring Wheat is about 3-4 Weeks.

However, the difference between the Harvest of Autumn and Spring Barley is about 2-2.5 Months. If it is recorded that Boaz winnowed Barley, it is Spring Barley, because Winter Barley, which has been stored in Granaries for a long Time, cannot be harvested at this Time. With the End of the Spring Barley Harvest, the Spring Wheat Harvest is also ended for the above Reasons. So, the entire Grain Harvest is over and the Wedding of Boaz and Ruth can take place during the Season of Pentecost. When the LORD reveals it to us in this way, it is clear that He wants us to know the Period of the Wedding of Boaz and Ruth. Whereas the Book of Ruth is a Foreshadowing of the Wedding of the Lamb with the Church, we can look to the Feast of Pentecost with our Blessed Hope of our Wedding.

Here are some Additional Consideration of the Feasts established by GOD.

The Feast of Weeks begins before Passover, when the Sickle is 1st placed on the Winter Barley. The Sickle was 1st placed on the Winter Barley about 9 Days before the Priest lifted the Sheaf of Barley at Passover. It is very likely that Jesus fulfilled the Feast of Weeks with His Ascension.

Jesus fulfilled the 1st 3 Spring Feasts at the Time of Passover, He fulfilled the Feast of Weeks with His Ascension, and He will fulfill the last 3 Autumn Feasts at His 2nd Coming to Earth. So how can Jesus personally fulfill the Feast of Pentecost?

The sending of the Holy Spirit about 2000 Years Ago was not the fulfillment of the Feast of Pentecost, because Jesus did not take part in the Event directly, as He took part and will take part in the above-mentioned Feasts. The Feast of Pentecost can only be fulfilled by Jesus by His Descent into the Clouds and the Resurrection and Rapture of the Church.

This is what we expect to happen at Pentecost. It makes a lot of Sense and I do not know what other Activity of the LORD Jesus could fulfill the Feast of Pentecost. On the Feast of Pentecost, the Priest raises 2 Loaves of Baked Leavened Bread to Heaven, and this can be understood as a Harbinger of the ‚Lifting-Up‘ of the Church to Heaven.

All the Important Activities, i.e., the 3 Comings of the Lord to the Earth or near the Earth in the Clouds, have always taken place or will take place on the Feast Days. This Fact shows that the Rapture of the Church cannot happen on any Ordinary Day, but only on a Feast Day.






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