Angelic Winged Serpent Gods from the Star

  • Why are Cydonia Mars Triangulation Patterns on Earth? 
  • Who are the Winged Angel Being that visited the Maya?
  • How are such Ancient Sacred Sites connected to Mars?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to present Evidence that the Ancient Mayan Capital of Ek Balam is configured to the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex Triangulation. One’s Working Theory is that this Triangulation found on Mars is in itself Evidence that ‘Once Upon a Time’, Mars had a thriving Civilization. There are Remnants of vast Oceans, an Atmosphere and Pyramids. The Question is who were these Beings that built those massive Structures? For example, the Face of Mars is 1.5 Miles long and 1 Mile Wide. Where did these Martians go? It is as mysterious as where did the Maya go?

Part of one’s Working Theory is that, whatever Type of Beings existed on Mars, they were not Human. Nonetheless, they had direct contact and communication with Earth, pre and post-Adam of Genesis. One is of the Opinion that there existed a similar Type of Civilization on Earth that predated the Genesis Creation Account of Adam. Such are the Mythos of the 4 Prior Ages of Earth and how it is to enter the 5th Sun or Age. But it has only been 6000 Years since Humanity has existed. And that these same Beings from Mars and from who knows where else, are still on Mars and still on Earth, interacting, in Contact and Communication with the Descendants of Adam to this Day.

They still control and influence the Affairs of Men. And the Evidence or one would venture to say, the Proof is how the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation is found incorporated into Earth’s Sacred Sites, like Ek Balam. One postulates that such Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern were and are Nexus Points on the Ley-Lines of Earth’s Magnetic Grid. These Sacred Places on Earth serve and serve as Portals or Star-Gates from where such Beings or Entities from Mars, Venus or other Places traverse in-and-out of Dimensions on Earth. Now who these ‘Martian Beings’ or Gods were, that descended from the Stars, is based on the Relief found in the Main Pyramid Acropolis at Ek Balam. There are 2 distinct Entities or Begins, Human-Looking but have Wings.

These Beings that showed-up to the Ancient Maya People were Angels or Angelic Beings. Now some have argued that the Figures are just Mayan Warriors dressed in ‘Bird-Wing’ Costumes. Perhaps as some outfits that many Warriors had did take on an Animal Motif and Dressing, etc. But nowhere in any other type of Maya Relief Carvings are Artwork do the Warrior Class have such a distinctive Dress as that having Angel Wings on their Backs. One is convinced that it was a depiction of the Angelic Beings and more precisely the Fallen Angel Kind that are at War with the Creator of Heaven and Earth that come from Mars to Earth. And this is Biblical in the sense that Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch speak of this precise Narrative. And what is then Amazing is to consider that such Beings have never left Earth. Here is the Historical Context.

Ekʼ Balam is a Yucatec-Maya Archaeological Site within the Municipality of Temozón, Yucatán, Mexico. It lies in the Northern Maya Lowlands, 25 Kilometers (16 Miles) North of Valladolid and 56 Kilometers (35 Miles) North-East of Chichen Itza. From the Preclassic until the Post-Classic Period, it was the Seat of a Mayan Kingdom.

The Site is noted for the preservation of the Plaster on the Tomb of Ukit Kan Lek Tokʼ, a King buried in the side of the largest Pyramid, called El Trono ('The Throne'). Ukit Kan Leʼk Tokʼ ruled from 770 to 802 AD. Ek' Balam is mentioned in a late 16th-Century Relación Geográfica, an Official Inquiry held by the Colonial Government among local Spanish Landowners. The Doorway to the Acropolis Pyramid Complex is in the shape of a Monster-Like Mouth.

A series of Vault Capstones depict the Lightning Deity Kʼawiil. In the Post-Classic Codices this Maya Deity was identified with Power, Creation, and Lightning. He is characterized by a Zoomorphic Head, with large Eyes, long, an upturned Snout and attenuated Serpent Foot. As a Creator God, K'awiil usually has a Torch, Stone Celt, or Cigar coming out of his Forehead that symbolizes the ‘Spark of Life’.

The City's Defensive Walls were made-up of 2 Concentric Walls which served as Defense against Attack. There was an Entrance Arch and the Oval Palace had its Alignment connected to the Cosmos. The Roads stem-off of the Center of the Pyramid Complex and were configured in the 4 Cardinal Directions. It was based on an Architectural Allusion to the idea of the corresponding 4-Parts of the Cosmos.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ek%CA%BC_Balam


In terms of the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Correspondence at Ek Balam? The most striking Structure is the Pyramid interfused within the Acropolis. This Pyramid, the largest, called the Throne corresponds to the D&M Pentagon Pyramid on Mars. The Structure #3 is called the Place of the Nuns and this corresponds to the 7 Women or Virgins of the Pleiades. And is it not the case that Nuns are supposed to be Virgins? Then there is the Oval Palace. It corresponds to the Face on Mars or that of the Rebel King, Ala-Lu. What one is convinced is that the Triangulations found on Earth, both ancient and Modern, and those found on Cydonia, Mars and in the Cosmos are a Facsimile of the True Triangulation that is found in Heaven.

Wherever it is at, it is from where Lucifer fell from, the Shining One. Each of the 3 Structures correspond to the Trinity. And amazingly, the ‘Throne’ Pyramid, that of the Pentagon corresponds to GOD the Father. The Pleiades corresponds to GOD the Holy Spirit. Lastly, the Face of Mars corresponds to GOD the Sun, etc. The replication on Earth is an attempt to replicate ‘Heaven on Earth’. But as mentioned prior, one postulates also that such Sites are Star-Gates from where these Winged Beings traversed in-and-out of Heaven and from places on Earth. In other Ancient Earth Civilizations, these Fallen Angels manifested themselves to the Ruling Class and Priest.

War for Mankind’s DNA

They in turn controlled and subjugated the Masses with their False Religion and Rituals, etc. But it is really no different now. The various Blood Lines claim Divine Right and even Special Blood or ‘Blue Blood’ of Dragons for example. But it was this hierarchical structure of Power that established an Intercession between mere Mortal Mankind and the Winged Serpent Gods from the Stars and Planets, etc. In a Biblical Interpretation, one can see how, for example in the Last Book of Revelation, it speaks of a Blood Connection, directly with these Entities. How so?

In terms of Human Creation, Genesis 3:15 sets the Stage for a DNA War, the ‘Seed War’. It is how the Divine Beings, those Non-Humans, would interject their Essence, Genetically. In terms of the Seed of the Woman, that would be and is Jesus. He was both GOD and Man, etc. But then so would the Seed of the Serpent be as well. This was and is to be the AntiChrist of Lucifer. In some mysterious way, the Genetic Manipulating will be such that the coming AntiChrist will be a Hybrid. This interpretation also ventures into how the Mark of the Beast that will be mandated to every Human’s Body to be taken in, will also change the Human Genome at the Chromosome Level.

This is to occur after the Rapture Event and at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. There is a Dichotomy of this Relationship with the Winged Gods, in that they demanded Human Sacrifices. And also in so doing, Humans ensured that these former Creator ‘Serpent’ Gods would return and Manifest themselves once again. According to the Mythos of the Meso-Americans, these Winged ‘Serpent’ Beings from the Pleiades, from Mars, Venus, etc., were the Teachers of Civilization. Such Winged Serpent Beings are found all over the World. For example, in India the Epic Text of the Mahabharata details the Ancient Account of Sky Beings known as ‘Nagas’.

They date as far back as 2500 BC. They were Genetic Hybrids, half Human and half Serpent Entities. And they look nearly identical to the Mayan Winged Serpent Creator God, Kukulcan. Then there are similar Beings found in Ancient Chinese Mythology. Then there is Viracocha of the Inca in Peru who was this Wisdom-Bringer or the ‘Light-Bearer’, etc. There is also the Plumed-Serpent God of the Cherokee, for example, who believe that Time and their Calendar is based upon a ‘Rattlesnake’ that they can see in the night sky, as in a Constellation, the Pleiades.

The Narrative of the Winged Beings ‘Serpent Gods’ from the Stars is attributed to being the Giver of Wisdom. They were on the Beings that gave Humanity the tools of civilization, working with Metals and with Instruments. But these Beings only have this Technology and Knowledge certain People. And they placed these Ruling Elites in Position of Power. This is the case for this Present Day. And one is convinced such World Elites are still in contact and interaction with, on Earth as well as on Mars, etc. This is why the Maya built Observatories as well as Temples and Pyramids. They kept track of these Winged Beings. And because of this, the Mayans were the most advanced Astronomers and Time-Keepers of their Day. They kept track of the ability to understand that Venus was both the Morning Star and the Evening Star.
It was the same Star.

Long Count Calendar
The Maya, for example, had the Knowledge of the Planet Venus Orbits within the Solar System. It was so precise that within a 6,000 Years Observation, the difference the Maya Calculated was only a few Hours off when using Modern Computer Models. The Maya were one of the only Ancient People that invented a Mathematical System that is called ‘Place Value Mathematics’. It is how they used the Number ‘0’, Zero as a Place Value, etc. The Maya had been using knowledge of the Earth's movement in Space to track Time. For example, the Mayan Calendar had the following Cycle of Years. To the Maya, Timing was crucial because the Stars were revealing when the Winged Gods from the Stars were going to come back.

(2 X 400 Years) + (18 x 8000 Years) = 144,000 Years

The Maya that created an elaborate Calendar System based on the Solar Cycles. It was so ‘Accurate’, that their Solar Year was 365.2422 Days. It was more accurate than the Modern Atomic Clock of 365.2420 Days. The Maya Calendar,  known as the Long Count measured Time in Cycles of 394 Years or 144,00 Days. A measure of 144,000 Says is called 1 Baktun. The Long Count Calendar also measured Time in a Series of 13 Baktun Cycles totaling 5,125 Years.

But back in 2012, there was the Infamous Mayan Calendar. It was taken from a Site near the only Inscription in Stone that mentions the Year 2012. It was in reference to how at the End of this Calendar Count, the Winged Gods would be descending to Earth. This was based on the Long Count Calendar that ended on Friday, December 21, 2012. This was the Winter Solstice. What did occur, Astronomically was the extremely rare Alignment of the Earth with the Milky Way Galaxy. The Mayans knew Earth’s place in the Universe and they also knew how old the Universe was. The Mayans put the Date of the Universe at 16.4 Billion Years Old.

The Solar System is apparently not a Fixed Plane as the Pleiades are believed to be and from where these Beings with Wings came from. It is surmised that the Star Alcyone of the Pleiades is the Center of all fixed Stars in the Universe. Thus, it is the Center of all Creation. But what is also interesting is the Name of Ek Balam. The Word Balam is phonetically similar to the Balam of the Bible and the Canaanite God of Lighting, Ba’al or Bal, etc. The Mayan Creation Myths of the Popol Vuh begins with ‘Nothing’ existing, just like in the Bible. There was a Watery Surface but there was no Sky or Land. The Gods emerged out of this Water and decided to make Humans. According to the Maya Timing, Creation began in 3,114 BC.

Now what is also very intriguing is that the Maya Creation Myths also has this Character that is rather ambiguous. He is called Bolan Yakti. He is described as being very tall and very ‘Shiny’ as in glowing. This is also how the Bible describes Lucifer as being the Shining One in Eden, that possessed a Serpent Type of Animal to interact with Eve, etc. Amazingly, the Maya reference to Bolan Yakti at Temple 14, clearly came to Earth over 900,000 Years Ago. Clearly, this would have been prior to Humans ever existing on Earth. But if one subscribes to the Gap Theory, then Begins, both the Winged Ones and Beings on Earth, Non-Humans existed before Adam.

Revelation 12 War
It is surmised that something very significant happened on Earth and to Earth. This is where on surmises the destruction of Mars' Atmosphere occurred. Perhaps this was due to the Angelic War that the Bible teaches is what is presently taking place. Could it also have been the Fall of Lucifer? According to the ancient texts of the Chilam Balam, the God Bolan Yakti will someday return and battle the deities of Heaven in an Epic War.

Is this the War of Revelation 12? The Book of Revelation talks about some Great War in Heaven. It is about Lucifer’s Last Attempt at invading and taking-over Heaven. It is a War between the Arch-Angel Michael and the Great Dragon or Serpent. But these Fallen Angels with Wings can be those Entities as depicted and worshiped in the Fort Pyramid of Ek Balam, etc. The Eschatology of the Maya appears to match that of the Bible.

There is that Last Great War in Heaven that occurs at this Final Age. It is when the Winged Gods that came from the Pleiades, Mars and Venus are to return. This Battle between Good and Evil Angels, in Heaven, in the Heavenlies and on Earth will result in the near-annihilation of all Mankind. But this is the Place and Time that it is the Return of Jesus that is the Genuine and will be the Good that defeats the Darkness and the Rebellion of Lucifer and his Winged Angel Beings.


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Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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