
Gaining Support and Recognition

  • What Feasts are converging on this July 21 Date?
  • Are these Feast pertinent to the Rapture Event?
  • ​The Difference between July 21 and July 23 Date?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

Thanks to all those that have for the Measure of Confidence in one’s Pentecost New Wine Theory. Truly. One is just doing some Inner-Reflecting. One is such a Doubting Thomas or Gedeon. It is not so much about the specific Date of a July 23 (723) in one’s Version of the Theory. One can say that one have been amazed at how many Angles throughout the Years, the Number or Date has come-up. And you all have been there since then. There are only 3 or 4 Points of this 723 Connection, so one has just highlighted and noted those.

The issue for one’s Pentecost New Wine Theory, that always is the Factor that is illusive, is ‘What Year’? One has been going through this July 23 Rapture High Watch Window for Years, as you all are Witnesses of. But this 2024 Year does seem different, as others have stated, than the Years before. Maybe it is because so much Craziness is coming to a Head. But also with this 2024 precise Year perhaps being ‘The Year’, one has also come across some amazing Timelines that converge for 2025, as one has also presented. So, it would appear.

But remember, that all this is also based on one’s Interpretation. For example, as noted. If one subscribes to the September 11, -3BC Birth of Jesus, based on the Astronomical Triple Conjunction of Jupiter with regulus in Leo, then that Equation only works for a 32 AD Year Crucifixion, in which Jesus was on His 33rd Birth-Year. If the Crucifixion Year was in 33 AD, as most End Time Students popularize, then keeping with the same Astronomy mentioned as a Bench-Mark, Jesus would then be on His 34th Year in the Year 33 AD.

And that would not be in-sync with Scripture that states Jesus had a 3.5 Year Ministry, starting when He was 30 Years of Age, as that is when Rabbis could take-on Disciples, etc. So, one ‘Cautiously Optimistic’. We will soon, very soon see, if it will be a ‘Boast or Bust’ for 2024. If ‘Nothing’, then one is then shifting one’s Studies to the next series of Topics, like World War 3, Financial Collapse, the next Plandemic, and Civil War...

If not aware of, Dr. Awe has a New Video on this Pentecost New Wine Theory, being on the 9th of Av. He is Doubling-Down on that Aspect, which is totally fine, one am too. But one noted that there have been a few others that have posted on his Video Comment Section that he is totally dismissing the July 21 Solar Calendar Count. Here is the Biblical Solar Calendar Source for this Date in 2024.


Convergence of Feasts
Here is the Link Online to Dr. Awe Video on this Pentecost New Wine Theory, being on the 9th of Av.

The RAPTURE is in the EXODUS 9AV!

Dr Barry Awe

One such Person that has brought Attention to the July 21 Solar Calendar Count is ‘Brother Dana’. It is whom Carole shared a Video about Paul’s Journey on one’s Online Community. And how that ‘Last Voyage’ of Paul was or is like the Rapture Rehearsal. Perhaps, but one found that Rapture Journey very interesting and encouraging. Here the Post from Dana on Dr. awe’s Video Comment Section.

Dr Barry please see my latest community post. I think God may be planning to use multiple calendars as a way to fulfill multiple feast days on the same nominal date. In the case of New Wine, He may be planning to use the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar- after all, we only know of the existence of the New Wine Feast from the Dead Sea Scrolls. That would be July 21st.


All this aligns with this month's full buck moon on July 21st:

- On the Hebraic calendar described in my latest video, July 21 is Shavuot.

- On the ancient priestly Enochian solar calendar, July 21 is the 1st day of the month of Tammuz. Psalm 81:3- "Blow the trumpet at the new month, at the full moon.."

- On the Dead Sea Scrolls calendar (dsscalendar.org), July 21 is the Feast of New Wine ("Acts 2 Pentecost"). And we first learned of the existence of that feast from the Dead Sea Scrolls!

- On Torah Calendar, July 21-22 is Tu B'Av (the festival where men choose brides who dance in the field).

Is God going to use multiple calendar types as a way to enable multiple feast days/verses to be fulfilled on the same day?



When we look at Stellerium - we discover that the true date of Shavuot falls on 15 Sivan according to Jubilees 15:1 - which converted to Gregorian - 7/21/2024

This is interesting: In addition to the above note - On the Torah Calendar - Tub'av falls on 7/21/2024 - when brides are chosen.

On the DSS calendar ( Dead Sea Scroll ) - First Fruits of New Wine fall on the 3rd Az - 7/21/2024.

Here we have 3 feasts - Shavuot, Tu B'Av,and First Fruits of New Wine- 3 different feasts, 3 different calendars - ALL falling on the same day - 7/21/2024 ( Full Moon ) Only Yahweh could do this.


Remember that although the World is spiraling into deeper Despair, Depravity and Distress, it all by Design. It is about maximizing ‘Their’ Chaos to they can maximize their ‘New Order’ after the Rapture Event. From a Natural Perspective, ‘Things’ in the World would appear to be ‘Falling Apart’. But for those Believers and Followers of Jesus, it is understood in the Context of being the Last Days, at least those that are Watching and are attempting to Discern the Times.

And not that ‘Watching’ or attempting to discern the Times makes one more Righteous or Qualified to go in the Rapture. But Watching and Waiting is a Command of Jesus, nonetheless that is expected of any Follower of Jesus. Now how that looks like for each Individual will be different for everyone. And realize that not every Believer in Jesus believes in the Rapture. Now, why there is a 2-Day disappearance from the Solar Calendar July 21 New Wine Feast Day to one’s July 23 New Wine Feast Day comes down to injecting the Start Count.

The Solar Calendar Count, although technically correct, does not account for the Scriptural Adjustment of factoring-in the ‘Day after the Sabbath’ or the ‘Marrow After’. And this is where the Debate begins. Which Sabbath? As presented in prior Write-Ups, in one’s Estimation, there are 2 Prime Candidates. The Sabbath is either Nisan 15, the Day after Passover, as the Passover is consider, technically a Sabbath. Then the other Candidate is the Weekly Sabbath. So, in both cases, the Day Difference from the July 21 Day would be within a 2 Day Count. And also, that there are other Factors that one has relied on to strengthen the July 23 Date, like it being the Astronomical Leo New Year and when the Israelite Captives left Babylon, etc.



Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil. One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. ​

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Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2.

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Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, on a July 23 Date.

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​Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.

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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1021.
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