Study of the Pre-Inca Pyramid Complexes
by Luis B. Vega
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‘All who came before Me are Thieves and Robbers, but the Sheep did not hear them. I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Gate; if anyone will enter by Me, he shall LIVE and shall go in and out and shall find the Pasture, The Thief comes only to Steal and Kill and Destroy; I came that they may have Life and have it Abundantly’. –John 10: 8-10
The purpose of this study is to suggest that the Tiahuanaco Pyramid Complex is Designed to correlate to the Orion Constellation. The Illustration will show the various Star Markers of the area that appear to match, approximately the Stars of Orion. Moreover, the Pyramid Complex Area, is also suggested to have a Fusion, of not only the Orion Stars, but the Star Cluster of the Pleiades and its corresponding Hexagram Template as also found and Depicted on Cydonia, Mars.
The Pleiades City corresponds to the Town of Tiwanaku. The Face of Ala-lu corresponds to the Statue Monoliths of Viracocha or ‘Orion’. He is as the Guardians of the Star Gates for which Orion is one of the Sentinels of the Cosmic Silver Gate or Gate of Man. The D&M Pyramid corresponds to the Puma Punku Platform. One of the other corresponding Star Markers is to the Museum that is formed as the Inca Cross. This ‘Cross’ corresponds to the Cosmic Pyramidion shaped Orion Nebula.
To some Researchers, this is one of the Entrances or Star-Gates to Heaven itself. The Stars of Orion’s Belt is considered by some to be the Pattern of just where the ‘Center’ of YHVH, the Creator’s Throne is situated. As it is apparent that such Pyramid Complexes were designed to track Time, could such Builders have known when the Time would be when the Orion, the Son of the Creator was to return?
One Theory of where such Knowledge of the Cosmic Patterns were derived, is that ‘Aliens’ from those Places, transmitted such Knowledge to Humanity. But only certain classes such as the Priestly Caste would be known as ‘Secret Information’. Others suggest that such Celestial Beings were and are and will be the Fallen Angels that will 1 Say, ‘Show-Up’. These Celestial Beings are in Rebellion to the Creator, YHVH that are deceiving Humanity into thinking they are ‘Aliens’ come to Save Humanity.
The Ancient Peoples of the Americas, like the Tiahuanaco and other Pre-Inca Civilizations, knew about the Cosmology of the ‘Orion’ or Christ to come. This same Motif and Pyramid Template is found in other Ancient Sites all over the world. More astonishing is that this same Orion and Pleiadian Pattern is incorporated even in the Modern World Capitals.
Son of the Creator
Pertaining to Orion, the La Mana Pyramid Stone with the Depiction of Orion and the Proto-Sanskrit Phrase was found in the Equator. It states that the ‘Son of the Creator’ would come from the Orion Constellation or ‘Gate’. It reads, ‘the Son of the Creator comes from Here’. If True, this would be or is Amazing. And it would lend Credibility to the Notion and Hypothesis that Jesus could have come from this Place, relative to one’s Perspective on earth of where Heaven is Situated beyond the Stars in Heaven itself.
This study does seek to draw a Biblical Correlation as Jesus stated that He is the Gate to Heaven, the Door that leads to the Father and is the Good Shepherd that leads the Sheep through it. The study will attempt to show a possible Celestial Correlation between the Orion-Silver Gate and the Tiahuanaco Pyramid Complex in Bolivia that ‘Mirrors’ this possible Reality on Earth, as it is in Heaven. The Tiahuanaco Archeological Pyramid Complex is suggested to be a Template of the Orion Belt Constellation in particular at Tiahuanaco.
This is where there are 2 Star Gate Configurations that have their Direct Correlation to the Silver Gate. The following are the suggested Astronomical Correlations of the Pyramid Complex in relation to the Constellation of Orion. The Guardian of the Gate is Viracocha. This Personage is none other than Orion, the Teacher and Redeemer that promised to return at the End of Days to Save Humanity from Extension. So, the Question is, was this ‘Orion’, Jesus Christ? Were the People of Tiahuanaco merely Expecting such a GOD-Man based on the Storyline of how the Gospel of a Coming ‘Orion’ was to occur?
Pyramid Complex Cydonia, Mar Pyramid Complex
Tiwanaku Town Pyramid City
Puma Punku D&M Pentagon Pyramid
Kalasasaya Face of Ala-lu on Mars
Pyramid Complex Orion Star
Kerikala Complex Alnitak
Putuni Alnilam
Kalasasaya Mintaka
Museum Nair al Saif of the Orion Nebula having Pyramidion Phallus
Puma Punku Saiph
The Orion Template encompasses the area and corresponds to the various Stars. For example, the Puma Punku Site corresponds to the Star Saiph. The Tiwanaku Complex has 3 Main Square Building Configurations. The following are various suggested Astronomical Correlations from the Constellation Orion and the Cydonia Pyramid Complex of Mars. Apparently Orion and the Pleiades are seen to interface in many of the Ancient Pyramid Sites and even on another Planet. These 3 Chambers or areas closely Approximate the Angle Size and Degree of that of the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. These Pyramids have most notably been recognized as a Star Map of Orion and the Cosmos.
Gate of the Sun
The Tiahuanaco Site is considered a Pre-Inca Civilization that knew the Calculations, Mathematics and Sacred Geometry of the Constellations and Replicated them on Earth. At such Places they incorporated the Topography of the Landscape to mirror that of the Constellations with Mounts, Rivers and Landmarks. The Kalasaya Observatory was an Intricate System of keeping Celestial Time, based on the Equinoxes and Solstices. The Orientation of the ‘Gates’ keeps Track of the ‘Markers’ to show the Movement of the Cosmos. The Pyramids functioned as a ‘Time Keeper’ as well as Religious Ceremonial Purposes.
The Priestly Class had and has such an Understanding and Wisdom from the Ancients that some attest to coming from Fallen Angels and a pre-Flood Civilization such as Lemuria and or Atlantis. Puma Punku is one of the most Under-Excavated and Researched Archeological Sites in the world. The Building ‘H’ Blocks and Workmanship is beyond Amazing and Unreplaceable with Modern Machinery, as are all the other Megaliths from Peru and Bolivia’s Ancient Pre-Inca Sites.
Such Techniques are said to appear similar in Composition and found in Egypt, Mexico and Asia. The following suggests that the Tiahuanaco Star Gate Complex, Mirrors the Giza Pyramid Complex with the 3 Pyramids or Stars of Orion, etc. The Acapana Pyramid resembles the Positioning and Outline of a ‘Sphinx’ Type of Design. It has the same Orientation to the East, the Rising of the Sun. The Orion Star Map is seen all over the World and especially in Ancient Religious Pyramid Sites, such as in Ur, the Ancient Home from which the Biblical Abraham came out of.
The study suggests that based on the Orion Celestial Template over the Tiahuanaco Pyramid Complex, the Gate of the Sun is correlated to the Silver Gate of the Cosmos. The Glyph is that of Viracocha the Shepherd Teacher. This Personage can be correlated to both Orion and Auriga the Shepherd at the Silver Gate as Guardians. This is the possible Celestial Correlation between the Orion-Silver Gate and the Tiahuanaco Pyramid Region of Bolivia. The Location is just South of Lake Titicaca on the Bolivian Side of the Border and North-West of La Paz. The following is the 4-Quaderant of the Silver Gate of which Orion is the Guardian, the Celestial Sentinel, etc.
The Teacher, Lover, Hero Redeemer
Son of Man
The Good Shepherd of the Gate
The Wrath, Judgment
The Redeemed Congregation—Bride
Orion, the Keeper of the Gate of the Gods
The small Town of Tiwanaku is usually associated with the PYRAMID COMPLEX that actually is divided into 2 main Locales. The Primary Pyramid Complex is called Kalasasaya. It encompasses the 3 Main Structures that this study strongly suggests correlates to the Orion Belt Stars and subsequently the same Motif as the Great Pyramid of Giza Complex in Egypt along with the Sphinx. This study suggests that the Main Pyramid, called Acapana, correlates and functions much like the Sphinx of Egypt in keeping Astronomical and Astrological Time.
The other Primary Archeological Site is Puma Punku. This is an Amazing Site as the Stones quarried and brought there from over 100s of Miles. The Stones have a Workmanship unparalleled to any other Ancient Pyramid Design and Construction. This study suggests that in keeping with the Orion Star Map Theory, Puma Punku correlates to the Star Saiph. Upon further Correspondence, there appears to be definite Land Markers to also correlate the other Boundaries of the Constellation Orion.
There is ample Evidence that the most Ancient Civilizations on Earth had Direct Contact with one another Civilizations, despite Oceans. One Theory that has become popular in Modern Times is the Alien Astronaut Theory. It states that Beings from other Planets or ‘Suns’ such as the Pleiades or Orion, came to Seed the Race of Humanity. The main Reason for such Structures remains a Partial Mystery, although it is thought that such Centers were used for Spiritual and Religious Purposes. Such Structures functioned also, as it has been Postulated as Centers that kept ‘Time’, Astronomical and Astrological.
This Pre-Inca Civilization is thought to have been established at the same Time as the Great Pyramids of Giza and Teotihuacan in Mexico among others like Ur and Babylon. There is even the famous Fuente Magna Bowl that can be read in Sumerian Cuneiform and Proto-Sumerian Hieroglyphs and verified by leading Linguistic Experts, although still Controversial. The Pre-Inca Civilization perhaps was one of the societies that ventured to spread around the World once the Biblical Account of the Tower of Babel occurred and the Single Language known to Mankind was Confused.
The various Evidence suggests that all the immediate Post-Flood Civilizations had a Common Core to everything as suggested by findings in Language, Architecture and Astro-Archeology. The Tiahuanaco Star Gate Complex, had a specific fascination with Orion and the Pleiades. Above all the rest of the Constellations. What was and will be so particular about Orion and the Pleiades?
Why is it that most, if not all Ancient Civilizations, after the Flood of Noah Commemorated their Worship Centers into a Cosmic Mirror of Orion? One striking Clue was found in Equator from the same time period that these pre-Inca and some would say pre-Flood civilizations that shows a Plausible Explanation. If this is any indication of the Etymology of where the Veneration of such Pyramid Complexes are coming from, Orion, it stands to reason that perhaps the Ancients know of the Redeemer story or Gospel written in the Stars as E.W. Bullinger attested to and wrote about it.
Age of the 5th Sun
What is amazing to consider is that the Tiahuanaco Pyramid Complex is Mathematically Sound and based on the concept of Phi, or the Golden Number or Section. The Constellation of Orion has Phi Ratio Bodily Proportions, even as a Human Body would. This is Amazing. If one Superimposes the Phi Ratio in a Spiral motif, it intersects the 3rd Star Structure on Earth, corresponding to Mintaka in Orion’s Belt. It also intersects the Main Star of Alnitak or that of the Great Pyramid Correspondence. This Precise Location centers on the Stone Figure of Viracocha. He is in the Midst of 1 of the Courtyards, that this study suggests is that of Orion, the Guardian of the Gate, the Silver Gate of the Cosmos.
Moreover, the Phi Ratio Spiral converges on the 9-Stepped Acapana Pyramid. The 9-Step Pyramid Design is a Trademark of the Americas. It is seen in Chichen Itza and Copan, for example. Thus, the Height of the Pyramid was also a Factor of phi. The Sun Gate is believed to have kept the Time of the Solar Year from the Winter Solstice to Spring Solstice and the Equinox. This would Mirror how, for example, the Sun enters the Golden Gate, or the Gate of GOD on December 22. This is on the Winter Solstice as the Sun enters through the Silver Gate in Summer Solstice on June 22.
The Timing of the Year was believed to be Marked by the pillars on the Opposite Wall of the Complex. Perhaps the Great Pyramid of Giza as the Tiahuanaco Star-Gates and Pyramid Complex were and are Time Clocks that Mark the Season of when the Son of the Creator is to come. When? In the Age of the 5th Sun. At least in the Americas, the Civilizations spoke about the coming 5th Sun or Age of Aquarius of True Peace and Harmony after an Age of Darkness. Edmund Kiss (1937) has done Extensive Research with Precise Measurements according to the sacred Egyptian Cubit.
If the ‘Son of the Creator' was to come from Orion, then it would stand to reason that this personage would be a combination of a Warrior, Shepherd, Gatekeeper, Redeemer, etc. Jesus in the Gospels did attribute His Character as a Teacher, Shepherd and Redeemer. Jesus was not just ‘one’ among several of these mentioned. But Jesus claimed to be the Absolute and the Sole Fulfillment of such Motifs and even of the Orion of the Cosmic Storyline. Thus, this study has attempted to illustrate the Measurements of the Tiahuanaco Pyramid Complex using Google Earth Coordinates. Much more accurate research has been done by Jim. M. Well, the author of Atlantis- Bolivia for example. It is that the Pyramid Complex is that of Orion.
These Approximate Measurements show that this Pre-Inca Civilization had a Keen Understanding of Mathematics. But more so, they had the Sacred Knowledge of the Golden Section and certain Key Numbers that are understood in the Secret Orders. Such numbers are 13, 144, 33, and Factors of 666, etc. As noted, these Ancient Peoples apparently had Direct Contact with the Outside World or Worlds, as their Technology to build Pyramids are the same and based on Astro-Archeology. Such is this Pyramid Complex that is Mirrored to Orion and whose ‘H’ Stone Blocks are unmatched and unable to be Fashioned, even by today's Modern Technologies.
This Site is famous for its ‘H’ Letter Building Blocks that are multilayered in the same Block. Clocking Celestial Time
This is amazing to consider, if such a Society only had Chisels to do it with. Some researchers believe these Ancient Civilizations possessed a Technology at Stone Cutting and Forming, that is unknown to Modern Science and Engineering. Perhaps it was due to some sort of Layer Cutting Tool as the Tolerances are not able to be Replicated today. Then, one Suggests that the Sacred Knowledge had to do with Keeping Time, Celestial Time.
Thus, the Building of the Pyramid Complex corresponded to the Celestial Constellations, of Orion in particular. Perhaps the Pyramids also functioned to ‘Clock’ the Time, the Celestial Orion was to come down to Earth, etc. In the Americas, this notion was known as the Tzolk’in. This Segment of Time was directly connected to not only the Earth Energy Ley-Lines but those of the Human Body. This Segment of Sacred Time was correlated to the Gestation of a Human Being, that being a 260 -Day Cycle of approximately 9 Months.
This turns out to be 5/7 of a Solar Year, which thus has the Phi Ratio or Fibonacci Number Sequences, being based on the Numbers 5, 8, 13 and 20, etc. These Cycles were understood to be ‘Rhythms’ of Sacred Occurrences. Then there is the Discovery in La Maná, of over 300 Artifacts in the Equator, to include the Sotomayor Collection known as the World Map Stone. It is a Half-Ton Megalith showing the large Land Masses of Atlantis and Lemuria or perhaps Mu in the Pacific. The Common Characteristic of all these Ancient Civilizations and beyond, is that they were Pyramid Builders. And who built their Pyramids according to the Stars of the Constellation, etc.
Thus, there is Concrete Evidence that the Pre-Inca Peoples had Direct Contact with the other Ancient Civilizations such as Egypt, Asia and perhaps Atlantis and Lemuria as the famous Stone Map was found that shows a Circumnavigation of the Planet with the area of the Inca and Jerusalem as their Focal Points. The Continents are the same, plus Atlantis is what also is Depicted. This would corroborate Plato’s Assertion that Atlantis was beyond the Pillars of Hercules and sank as the Continents drifted apart.
Thus, the illustrations of Puma Punku attempts to approximate the Measurements of the complex using Google Earth Coordinates. There have been detailed Measurements already of the Complex, but this will give an idea of the Angle and Scope of the Orion Pyramid Site. What is amazing about Puma Punku is that the Style of the Block Workmanship pertaining to its Clamps, is almost identical to those used to build the Pyramids in Mexico and Egypt.
As this study suggests that the Puma Punku Pyramid Complex venerated Orion, it would not be a surprise as Orion’s Shield or Symbol was that of a Cross according to the Tiahuanaco Peoples. And here again, one finds a Biblical Association of Jesus and the Cross of Calvary Association. The Inca Cross is consistent with the Viracocha or that like that of Quetzalcoatl Motif. The Great Teacher had the cross as the means by which he was put to death. In some Depictions he even has a Lance that is thrust in the side as Jesus Christ was on the Cross of Calvary.
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