
When is the 9th of Av, Really?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

‘Bring your Worthless Offerings no more; your Incense is detestable to Me—your New Moons, Sabbaths, and Convocations. I cannot endure Iniquity in a Solemn Assembly. I hate your New Moons and your Appointed Feasts. They have become a Burden to Me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your Hands in Prayer, I will hide My Eyes from you; even though you multiply your Prayers, I will not listen. Your Hands are covered with Blood’. -Isaiah 1:13-15

One was asked about the ‘Jewish’ Calendar, and when is the 9th of Av? So, here is one’s Take. One will be pleased to read that one is in Agreement that the ‘True’ Date of the 9th of Av was the 14th. But one will be disappointed overall. One will show why one is not a ‘Fan’ of the Physical ‘Sighting of the Sliver of the Moon’ Practice to determine ‘Officially’ when YHVH’s Calendar is to start or not.

Starting from one’s Understanding of Scripture and what one has also researched and heard of other Watchmen, there is no Scripture that one is aware of that specifically instructs the Priests to ‘Clock’ the Months of the Year by the Physical Sighting of the Moon, to be based solely on a Month beginning on such a Day. Now the Bible does speak about certain Feasts of YHVH that do occur ‘New Moons’, etc. That being said, a lot of True Protocols are not mentioned in the Bible but are still Valid and True, like the Counter Argument that the 3 Minor First-Fruit Feasts of the Grain, Wine and the Oil are not in the Bible. 

One has shown that they were and are but not in an emphatic way. So, perhaps this Counting of the Jewish Lunar Cycle is 1 such Stipulation and Protocol. Notwithstanding, here is one’s main Objective to this Protocol of ‘Sighting the Sliver of the Moon’ to determine the 1st Day of a Month. Say there is a Thunderstorm and it is Cloudy all Day for 1 or 2 Days over Jerusalem as the Month turns. But it cannot be ‘Official’ until the Temple Priest made that Observation, etc.

Thus, the Priests or those in charge of the Physical Sighting will not be able to perform this Protocol. Does that now mean that Time is suspended and the Months will not start or cannot start until the Sky is clear and the Moon and Stars can be seen at Night? By that Time, being 3-4 Days out, the Moon will have entered its Quarter Phase already. One’s Point is that Man cannot ‘Stop’ or Pause the Lunar Cycle based on this Celestial Body being ‘Sighted’ or not. Now the Sun? That is another consideration based on Joshua’s Long Day. So, one is just pointing-out that the Rabbinical Jews around 300 AD, due to no longer having a Physical Temple from where they did Sight the Sliver of the Moon, but only as a Confirming Witness, set-up the Hillel 2 Calendar.

Hillel 2 Calendar
It based on pure Mathematical Calculations. And no longer was it a Solar-Lunar Calendar of which the Julian Calendar mirrors, to this Day. And the Orthodox Christians in the East still use to this Day, by the way.  This is why this Rabbinical Calendar based on the Lunar Cycle, exclusively gets out-of-sync with the Solar Creation Calendar, over Time regardless of the New Moons.  Here below is the Deductive Reasoning as to way one is not a Fan of this Rabbinical Calendar and the Practice of some Jewish Groups, mainly the Karaites that in Modern Times have taken-up this Practice.

it is the case even though they are not officially recognized as Priests nor do they administer and serve in the Temple that is required, based on the Jewish made Temple Practices of Old. One is not discounting this Temple Protocol as many other ‘Traditions’ that are Man-Made were nonetheless incorporated in what YHVH has allowed. It is like when YHVH created Adam, He allowed Adam to name all the Animals, etc. Another such example, was how King David chose the 24 Courses of the High Priests for the Temple Services.

Nisan 1 = April 8-9 Coinciding with the New Moon Solar Eclipse


The following is when the Months should have started, based on this Practice or Tradition that the Sighting of the ‘Sliver of the New Moon’, is what determines when the Month is to ‘Officially’ begin. To be fair, it is completely corresponding, Astronomically to when the New Moons actually do occur. And what is the Issue then? Not all New Months corresponded to New Moons in the Solar-Lunar Calendar. That is the Discrepancy.

It is because the Lunar Cycles are not the same as the Solar ones and thus, despite the New Moons occurring precisely every ~30 Days, there are actually 3 Phases of the Moon that have to be taken into account. That is based on the Position of the Moon in relation to Earth’s Rotational Phase. One is assuming a Spherical Model of Earth, etc. Here below are the actual New Moon Days, that according to the Rabbinical Lunar Cycle, are Astronomically correct. But again, they do not necessarily correspond to the ‘True’ start of the 1st Day of the Months, when synchronized to the Spring Equinox.


May 8: New Moon – May 9 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.
June 6: New Moon – June 7 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.
July 5: New Moon – July 6 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.
August 4: New Moon – August 5 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.
September 3: New Moon – September 4 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.

October 2: New Moon - Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then. (Total Solar Eclipse and Yom Teruah.)

November 1: New Moon – November 2 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.
December 1: New Moon – December 2 Sliver of Moon and 1st of Month then.

And here is the ‘Proof’ and Answer to the Question of when does the 9th of Av really start? If one counts 30 Day Months from Nisan 1 or April 9, 2024 then the 5th Month, Av should have started on August 5, 2024. This would then make it the 1st Day. Subsequently, the 9th of Av would start on the Sunset of August 13 and that makes August 14 the ‘True’ and Numerical Count ‘Correct’ Day of the ‘Full Day’. Now consider as an Analogy how the Lunar Calendar works. It is like a Sine Wave that oscillates up-and-down from the Y Axis on a Graphic Plane.

Eventually the Sine Wave will intersect with the Y Axis that represents the Solar Calendar Count based on the 2 Equinoxes and the 2 Solstices. This is what defines the Quadrants of the Universe and serves as the Grand Celestial ‘Clock’. This is mirrored then on Earth with the 4 Season,  etc. Yes, lots of amazing intricacies. But as presented before, here is the Link to the Solar Calendar that one uses and has shared, although based on one’s Sinai Exodus Day Count and Timeline, it is off by 2 Days.

Solar Calendar


What has convinced one, personally, of why the Rabbinical Calendar is out-of-sync is that one uses the Sinai Exodus Day Count as a ‘Plum-Line’ or ‘Ruler’ because it is based on the Solar Quadrants. Based on the Nisan 15 exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt, and one’s Interpretation of the Day Counts, one can count to the Day, the 9th of Av. Based on the Solar Calendar that is synchronized to the Spring Equinox, the 9th of Av, should have been overserved back on August 7, 2024, just 3 Days out from the New Moon or New Month., etc. See these 2 Charts for reference.

The Point is that based on the Sinai Exodus Day Count, as a ‘Ruler’, the Feast of New Wine occurs on a July 23 ‘Fixed’ Day. Then it is 15 Days later, a Lunar Cycle that the 9th of Av is to occur. For the Year 2024, this means that it was on August 7, 2024, a whole Week or 7 Day prior to the Rabbinical Calendar 9th of Av of August 14. This means that the Rabbinical Calendar is precisely 7 Days off for the 2023-24 Year Cycle.




However, here is an example of how despite the Rabbinical Calendar being ‘Off’ by 7 Days, it is in-sync to ALL the New Moons. That is the Point, regardless of the Equinoxes and Solstices, etc. Thus,  August 5, 2024 was the 1st of Av in the Rabbinical Calendar and will always be. That is the Problem. The Rabbinical Calendar does correspond though, Astronomically to the Sliver of the Moon.

Lunar Cycles
So, this has been very Technical, sorry but it is to confirm, at least based on the Question asked, ‘What is the True 9th of Av?’ One can show, based on the Lunar Cycles, that the Sliver of the Moon occurred on August 5, 2024, making it the 1st Day of Av. Then 9 Days later made the 13th of August, at Sunset the Eve of the 9th of Av, in that the 14th is Technically the Correct Day, Astronomically, the Day of the 9th of Av. It would then corroborate with the Conjunction of Jupiter with Mars.  

But realize that this Lunar Cycle method of the Rabbinical Jews determining their New Months, is solely based on the Sliver of the new Moon for each Month. This is how they determine the 1st Day of their Rabbinical Month, although Astronomically ‘Correct’, becomes out-of-sync when compared and pegged to the 2 Solstices and the 2 Equinoxes. This is where one does not fully comprehend the differences  of the Intricacies of the Solar-Lunar Overlap. So, that is where one is at on the ‘Learning Curve’, at the moment.

Based on the Lunar Cycles, the 'Sliver of the New Moon' occurred on August 5, regardless of a Physical 'Sighting'. It does not need to be 'Confirmed'. That is one's Opinion. But the August 5th Sliver is Astronomically Correct. To answer your Question, it would make the 9th of Av the 14th of August. But consider that the Jewish Days start the Evening Prior, as in Sunset of the 13th of August. Hope that helps.

Here is a very intricate Chart that attempts to explain the various Phases of the Moon and how they are determined. Study it carefully and go over it more than once, as it takes a lot of Concentration and Effort to comprehend it all. But it shows how intricate YHVH has incorporated even the simple Phases of the Moon to be totally relevant in helping determine Years, Months, Weeks and Appointed Times, etc.

Basic Features of a Lunar Phases

It is part of the Cosmic Dynamic that YHVH prescribed would be used, along with the Sun and Stars for the benefit of Mankind. And it demonstrates, visibly the Glory and Attributes of an Invisible Creator GOD, YHVH that reveals Himself in the Bible. And True to Form, such a Celestial Array testifies, without Words, that even the very Gospel of the Christ, Jesus is written in the Stars, i.e., in the 12 Constellations. They themselves make-up the Celestial ‘Clock’ of which the 12 Hour Clock is patterned after.

It is what the Apostle Paul alluded to in the Book of Romans, for example, that by the Visible Creation and the Sun, Moon and the Stars alone, YHVH brings all of Humanity to account that it is without excuse in refuting or rejecting YHVH’s existence or that there is ‘No God’, etc. Here is a very intricate Chart that attempts to explain the various Phases of the Moon and how they are determined. Study it carefully and go over it more than once, as it takes a lot of Concentration and Effort to comprehend it all.

What is a Lunar Month?

But it shows how intricate YHVH has incorporated even the simple Phases of the Moon to be totally relevant in helping determine Years, Months, Weeks and Appointed Times, etc. It is part of the Cosmic Dynamic that YHVH prescribed would be used, along with the Sun and Stars for the benefit of Mankind. And it demonstrates, visibly the Glory and Attributes of an Invisible Creator GOD, YHVH that reveals Himself in the Bible.

And True to Form, such a Celestial Array testifies, without Words, that even the very Gospel of the Christ, Jesus is written in the Stars, i.e., in the 12 Constellations. They themselves make-up the Celestial ‘Clock’ of which the 12 Hour Clock is patterned after. It is what the Apostle Paul alluded to in the Book of Romans, for example, that by the Visible Creation and the Sun, Moon and the Stars alone, YHVH brings all of Humanity to account that it is without excuse in refuting or rejecting YHVH’s existence or that there is ‘No God’, etc.


Basic Features of a Lunar Phases

Here is another Chart for good measure, as the Topic is about what constitutes a New Month. And is it that it always, automatically is relegated to when the New Month is to occur. No. The Chart will feature the 3 Aspects of what can be and are the 3 Lunar Month Factors.

= 27.2 Days Node to Node

= 27.3 Days Star to Star

= 29.5 Days New Moon to New Moon


Basic Features of the Lunar Months



A Study Series on the Basics of Cosmology

Chart Study


​War of the Seeds
This Book seeks to unlock the Secrets of the Celestial Blueprint of the Last Days based on the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Jesus Christ; that is His Pattern of the Body Form and its Dimensions that occur on a Prophetic Scale. Such Patterns are seen in the literal Lifespan of Jesus’ Life Timeline, the Ark of the Covenant, the Solar System and the Human Form to name of few that this Book will examine and present. These Alignments and Eclipse Patterns could lend some Clues, as to the Timing of Christ’s actual Birth and Return.

Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books.

​Blood Moon Omens
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Retrospective and Comprehensive study of the Tetrad and Blood Moon Sequences that occurred since 1949 that suggest a Prophetic Reconstitution of Israel, the End of the Church Age, and Start of Daniel’s 70th Week. The various studies provided will look back how the Blood Moon Phenomena sparked a renewed interest in Biblical Prophecy of the Last Days.

Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books.



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