Related to the Place and Timing?

  • Is the Rapture of the Bride of Christ like Elijah's? 
  • Are the 3 Cities visited prior to Rapture significant?
  • Will the Rapture coincide with that Time-Frame?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

In attempting to ascertain the Rapture’s Timing, one will consider a possible Prophetic Location Correlation from the Old Testament. It is a Teaching based on how the Rapture of Elijah occurred, at a specific Place and Time. It was on the Banks of the River Jordan. Could this Sequence of Locales be also indicative of how the Rapture of the Church Age Believers will likewise go down? Consider how Elijah and Elisha passed through the 3 Towns of Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and then went down to the Jordan River. It was there and then that Elijah was Raptured in glorious fashion, having been picked-up by the ‘Chariot of Israel’, etc.

These 3 Locales are rich in Prophetic Innuendos. For example, there is the account of how Jacob’s had his Dream at Bethel about the Ladder to Heaven. One can surmise that it served a place where there is an Open Door or Portal into Heaven. All 3 Locales serve as such, in one’s Opinion. Essentially, that is what will occur at the Rapture as Jesus will open that Door or ‘Star Gate’ into Heaven itself as the Rendezvous takes place in the Clouds. What an amazing Spectacle that will be to behold and experience.

Israel crosses into Promised Land. Observed Passover.

50 Day Count would be First-Fruit of New Grain.

50 Prophets School and 50 Day Count would be First-Fruit of New Wine.
This is the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Event, theorized.

This is the Place that the Rapture of Elijah occurred.
50 Day Count would be the First-Fruit of the New Oil.


One is just asking, about how it could be a possible Rapture Timing Sequence, based on these 3 Locales and then the Jordan River, as that is the Place and the Timing from where Elijah was Raptured into Heaven. And? Many End Time Students of Prophecy conjecture that the Rapture of the Bride of Christ will be like that of Elijah, perhaps.  What one is thus correlating is how these 3 Locales, of Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and then going down to the Jordan River for Elijah’s Rapture, correspond to a (3) 50-Day Count.

Swing Low Chariot
One surmises that the last Locale, that of the River Jordan, after the 3 50-Day Count would synchronize with when the Opening of the Portal to Heaven in like manner is to occur as it was for Elijah. Sure, it could be and might very well be a ‘Stretch’. But let one consider the possibilities. What if the Rapture’s Timing is or will be corresponding to the Place and Time from when and where Elijah was Raptured from? And that Place and Time was after trekking through the 3 Towns of Gilgal, Bethel and Jericho.

And the Place and Time of the Rapture had to ultimately to do, in some way with the Jordan River, etc. Thus, if one uses this Time Template of the (3) 50 Day Count from the 3rd and Last Town traveled through, being Jericho, it would mean that the Place and Time of Elijah’s Rapture occurred on the Feast of New Oil. This is based on one’s New Wine Theory that stipulates how the Acts 2 Pentecost Event was the 2nd of the 50-Day Count to correspond to the Feast of the First Fruit of the New Wine.

The 1st 50-Day Count corresponds to what is traditionally been considered only as the Jewish Shavuot. This is the Traditional Church Age ‘Pentecost’ that one disagrees with this Count. One has written 3 Books on Day Count Discrepancy and Misinterpretation based on one’s Research. See End Notes for References. Based on this Penta-First-Fruit Feasts, and based on the Solar Calendar, the Feast of New Oil always corresponds then to September 11. The 2nd First-Fruit 50 Day Count always corresponds to a July 23 and the 1st 50 Day Count always corresponds to a June 2.

From Feast of Unleavened Bread

+50 Days

1. First-Fruit of the New Grain            June 2

+50 Days

2. First-Fruit of the New Wine             July 23 (Leo Astrological New Year)

+50 Days

3. First-Fruit of the New Oil                September 11

Now what one wishes to also note is that for any given Year, there are at least 2 Main Calendar Dates for when Tishrei 1 will occur. This is the Day of the blowing of the Trumpets called Yom Teruah. And it is also called Rosh HaShanah, the Head of the Year. This is before YHVH ‘flipped’ the Start Date from the 1st Month, having been Tishri before Exodus to now being the 7th Month. And it was then directed that Nisan would be the 1st Month, etc.

Also note that the Tishrei 1 in the Year 2024, on the Chabad Calendar occurs on the same Day as the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2. It is a ‘Wedding Ring’ Motif and it occurs in the Constellation of Virgo. Based on one’s interpretation of the Solar Calendar Day Count, from Nisan 15, the Feast of Trumpets occurs on September 16.

A Jordan River Rapture?
The Feast of Trumpets, based on the Rabbinical Calendar in this case, does synchronize with it being on September 16, 2024. But the Chabad Calendar has Rosh HaShanah or Tishrei occur on October 2, 2024, the same Day as the Annular Solar Eclipse.  


= September 16, 2024

= October 2, 2024

So, could the 50-50-50 Day Correlations be a Clue as to the possible Rapture Timing in how Elijah and Elisha passed through 3 Cities, Gilgal, Bethel and Jericho before going down to the Jordan River. It was there that the Rapture of Elijah occurred. So, this 3rd 50-Day Count corresponds to the ‘Jordan Rapture’ in some Capacity, perhaps. If so, it would then correspond to the September 11 Date and that being the Feast of New Oil.

Again, this Rapture Timing Scenario is taken from Nisan 15 and is synchronized to the Gregorian Day Count based on one’s Solar Year Calendar of April 15 + 150 Days (50+50+50). Then the following Date is to be considered. As it is, this Date is now Infamous for what occurred in the USA, back in 2001. The Term ‘9-11’ is forever etched in the National Psyche of Americans and the World for that matter. But it is also, ‘Mystical’ in the sense that based on one’s Calculations, it correlates to the Feast of the New Oil.

= September 11 (Rapture Timing?)

And for striking is how, based on some Astronomical Calculations, it is also believed by some, include this Researcher that it is the Anniversary of Jesus’ Birthday. Could this instead be the Rapture’s Timing? Again, it perhaps is just one’s Wishful Thinking but one has a healthy Measure of Premonition about it. If not the Rapture, then something else that is or will be relevant to the next Phases or Prophetic Steps to be had.

Consider that many compare it to a Birthing Process. And there is a Point of No Return, one has been told. Once that Threshold of a Birth is imminent, it is sure to occur. The Birthing is the Crescendo and one surmises, as many do also that it will very likely coincide with ‘Sudden Destruction’ and a Peril to the Bride of Christ, and thus the need to be ‘snatched’ from the Judgment to come as was Noah and Lot.




Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil. One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. ​

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Book.

Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ Thay say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2. One will present the Circumstantial Evidence of one’s Research, spanning Decades worth of Study and Inquiry.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Book.

Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, and thus the Pentecost of Acts 2 occurred. The Book will present Evidence that there are at least 3 main Theories based on differing Calendar Start Dates.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Book. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *

The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from political, social, religious and esoteric sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture. It would appear that the world is vastly different now and going through an apparent 'reeducation, redefinition and reset'. The book will consider how the present transformation of Humanity will see it come through on the other side of the Rapture. 

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Book.



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