Rapture Timing Watch?

  • Is the Shroud of Turin depicting Jesus' Death?
  • What occurred at the Moment of the Resurrection?
  • What is so mysterious about the Shroud?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to comment on the Artificial Intelligence A.I. generated Image of Jesus by Midjourney that became an Overnight Social Media Sensation in August of 2024. The A.I. Image rendered was of the Face of Jesus Christ, claiming to be based off the Shroud of Turin that used the latest in Artificial Intelligence technology, etc. The Image was generated by a British Tabloid that featured this Story, claiming to be ‘New Evidence’ that the Shroud, confirms what many Christians believe was the actual burial cloth of Jesus that dates back 2,000 Years Ago.


The Daily Express

But here is one’s issue with the A.I. of the Image. Midjourney is an A.I. Tool that is trained only on a vast Collection of Images that exist already in the entire Internet Database. It searches those Images from the Internet and its own database to then render an Image that is really then only a Composite of what the Image of Jesus has been already perceived to look like and painted. And? At this Point in Time of A.I., Tools like Midjourney are still being developed and can only render Images that are an Artistic Bias. The A.I. Rendition of the Jesus Image is really based a pre-disposed composite.

It depends on the Programming. It is the same Tool that has also created False Images of notable World Personalities. Midjourney allows users to choose from multiple versions of the same Image. So, even the final Product or Rendition is subjective. Now, to be fair, the Technology of A.I., as it gets better, can help to create more realistic likenesses of Historical Figures, for example. Now, as to the Shroud of Turin being authentic and the one that Jesus was covered with when buried in the Garden Tomb?

The Topic has come-up before and one has produces some Charts about it see End Notes. But one is convinced, based on what one has researched, that the Shroud of Turin is the ‘Real Deal’. Even the Jewish Photographer, Barrie Schwortz who was authorized to photograph the Shroud has ‘nearly’ become a Christian in how he is convinced it is not just a Medieval Tapestry that was painted over. Here is a good review of a particular ‘Angle’ of Research done by a Christian named Russ Breault.

Prophecy Watchers

Journey to Turin

The other Christian that often brings-up the Topic also is L.A. Marzulli. As it is known, the Shroud ended-up in the Italian City of Turin. When the Siege of Jerusalem began, all the Believers, being warned by Jesus fled to Judea and Samaria and then to the Utter-Most Parts of the World, etc. It is believed that the Shroud made its way to Antioch were the Apostle Paul was from and the Believers were 1st Called ‘Christians’. Then due to the subsequent Roman Persecutions, the Shroud made its way to different Churches for Safe-Keeping. Eventually the Roman Catholic Church took possession of it.

It is a Miracle they did not destroy it. Now in reading some Material about the Ancient Jewish Burial Customs, it was also customary to put a Head-Cloth over the Face of the Deceased. Being significantly smaller, it did not survive the Shroud’s Journey together. At some Point in Time, the Head-Cloth was separated and ended-up in Oviedo, Spain. This is when the Spanish Empire Ruled the World and the Spanish Inquisition was being implemented in Full-Force.

Evidently the Spanish Nobles and Roman Catholic Clergy had the Power to extract the Head-Cloth form wherever it was last Safe-Guarded. There has been Research done on it and it appears that there is a 1-for-1, 100% Match to the Marks, Fabric and Face Indentations that are found in the Face Area of the Shroud of Turin.


Now in terms of why the Jewish Custom put a Head-Cloth on the Deceased? Some would argue that it is not seen or noted, for example in the burial of Lazarus or any other Figures noted in the Bible. But just because it is not noted, does not mean it was not done or practiced. For example, the Shroud of Turin has those 2 Impressions of the Coins that were placed on the Eye Sockets. Yet, that Tradition is neither mentioned in Scripture also, but apparently practiced. But why the Head-Cloth? Consider it as a Veil. Consider it as what Moses had to put on, over his Head, to hide the Reflected Glory of YHVH on the Face of Moses.

And that Physical Effect was due to those Times YHVH conversed with Moses, ‘Face-to-Face’, as the Scripture states, as a’ Man would talk to a Man’, etc. But it also suggests what occurs after Death, that presently with a Dead Person, there is a ‘Veil of Death’ or Darkness beheld or placed upon the Head of a Person. But upon the Resurrection, that Veil is lifted and set aside for the New Birth, New World, New Glory and Vision to be had. And that same Experience and Condition is what is promised to all those in Jesus that will likewise experience such a similar Physical Resurrection.

Then those that ‘Remain and are Alive’, will be snatched-up, together to then meet Jesus in the Clouds. Most have considered how fast that Rapture Event will take. It has traditionally been explained that ‘In the Twinkling of an Eye’, means how fast an Eye-Lid takes to Open-and-Close, which is Fast. But one read that it is actually the Time it takes for Light to pass through the Pupil of a Human Eye, which is as fast as the Speed of Light. Imagine that?

Circumstantial Evidence

That is how ‘Fast’ the Resurrection-Rapture Event will take, when it finally occurs. The World will literally, ‘Not see it Coming’. Now as to comment on the Jesus A.I. Generated depiction of who is behind the Shroud of Turin? It is an ‘OK’ Rendition as one can see some of the similarities of the Shroud Image in the A.I. Generated Picture. But since A.I. is only going off of a 1-Dimensional or Flat Surface to generate the Image from already existing Images, it is lacking and predisposed. What one is more convinced of in how or who this Man is and looked like is based on the National Geographic Study and Depiction using a Computer Model with 3-Dimensional Data Points.

In that case, the Face of the Man, from a Side-View ‘exactly’ matches the Painting done by the Child-Prodigy, Akiane Kramarik’s, Prince of Peace. Now in one’s own Research into the Shroud, one’s only Contribution was/is that the Wound where the Spear pierced Jesus’ Side and went through several Organs and the Heart was amazingly in Phi Ratio to the whole Body of Jesus, from Head to Feet.

This is the case if one takes the entire Cloth, divides it in half and then superimposes the Phi Ratio Spiral for a better Visual Effect. What the Phi Ratio suggests is that even where in the Body of Jesus, the Piercing of the Body of the Son of GOD, in the Flesh would occur as foretold by Zechariah; that the Messiah would be ‘Pierced’ through. The other Amazing Aspect is that the Garden Tomb, having 3 Sections is like a Facsimile of the Tabernacle and Temples of YHVH, Israel possessed. See Chart Link for a Visual in the End Notes. Even where Jesus’ Body was laid in the Garden Tomb was in Phi Ratio in reference to the total layout of the Tomb.

Then, the very Site of the Cross, according to the Research of the Late Ron Wyatt, is also in Phi Ratio from the Place of the Skull to the Garden Tomb. Coincidence? No. It is Mathematics as YHVH is a GOD of Numbers, Sacred Gematria and Patterns. One has shared the Shroud of Turin Charts and others before but for those that might be new or as a refresher of what Jesus went through to Redeem His Bride. Russ Breault explains that the Shroud, if it is of Jesus, is like a ‘Receipt’, a ‘Bill of Sale’ that recorded a Transaction. And the ‘Proof’ is the Blood that has stayed ‘Red’ in Color. Normally, Blood turns Brown over Time. But due to the Torture and Enzymes released at the Crucifixion, the Blood Cells remained Red.



It is rather interesting, the Timing as to why the Shroud of Turin or of Jesus has come up in the Summer of 2024. One thinks it is not a coincidence when it is being reported to the whole World. Perhaps is this a Sign in itself of the Pending Resurrection of the Body of Christ on Earth? How ‘Soon’? That is to be determine still. But the Topic of the Shroud speaks of the Resurrection in itself. It is of how at the Moment, exactly 72 Hours from dying on the Cross of Calvary, in-between the Place of the Skull and the Garden Tomb, Jesus rose from the Dead. He resurrected bodily from the Place of the Dead.

In a Flash
The following is a Testimonial of a Muralist and Particle Physicist, Isabel Piczek that explains the Energy or Radiation required to have such an Imprint on the Shroud Fiber. It is taken from an Interview by L.A. Marzulli at Echo Park, Los Angeles, California around 2016. Emphasis added.

Shroud of Turin!
L A Marzulli

Shroud of Turin is not a Painting. It cannot even be denied. This Shroud cannot be a Painting, because it breaks almost every Rule of Nature. And when the Natural Law is broken, that is it. And let me tell you why. Everybody, every Layman thinks that a Painting is Paint Particles on some Surface. No. It is Paint Particles tied together by some kind of Liquid. And that goes on the Surface. And as long as that Liquid is completely Continuous, you see a Continuous Image, and that is a Painting.

The Minute the Liquid is hurt, missing, parts of it missing or entirely missing, it cannot be a Painting. It is because it is against Natural Law. So, as long as we do see a Continuous Image, you have to have an absolutely Intact Continuous Paint Film. And that is very important, the Liquid which carries a Painting. This Shroud has an absolutely Continuous Image. There is no Interruption and there is not one bit of Liquid Dying Material on it. This is Nonsense. Nobody can paint like that. Such a Painting does not exist. It cannot exist.

I really was drawn to this Shroud. I really felt that this is Extremely Important, not only from the Religious Point of View, but from the Scientific Point of View, because some New Kind of Science opens through this Shroud… Everybody looks at the 2 Images. This Reason, 2 separate Images which have nothing to do with each other, it seems like. And about the Things of it? That they were on both Sides of this Shroud. And they were wrapped around a Figure. So they were not Flat. They were wrapped around. So, what does that mean? You look at… Why is it so separate? Why one would not influence the other? And then you realize, for Heaven Sakes, we never noticed it, that there is a Horizontal Object.

It was never noticed before, going through, which slices this Shroud, this Shroud Body into 2 Halves. One has nothing to do with the other. What is this single Phenomena that causes that? We are dealing with 2 Event Horizons. And they are already a little bit familiar with the Event Horizons. Only they are a little bit different than these Shroud Event Horizons. The Event Horizon is an object which when you approach, it cuts Space-Time into 2 Halves.

One you can know, up to a point, which you are approaching from your Side. But that will be a Point when you cannot do anything anymore, but is behind it. The Last Photon would hit it; the Last Time Quanta would hit it. And after that, ‘Whoosh…’ Nothing. …For all Practical Purposes, Time and Space have stopped. We are very close to it and I will explain.

…Suddenly at the Event, it began to levitate. Yes, the Gravity was defeated. The 2nd Law. Then Time and Space stops. And there is a Total, for the 1st Time in the History of the Universe, there is a Total Time Collapse. And even Nature, the Scriptures kind of hint at it; that Strange Things were happening. That was the Moment when Time stopped. Well, then when Time stops, the very Last Information it had, it would project on the Event Horizon, on both Sides.

And then finally they had no Event Horizon. It then released its Secret; that there was a ‘Big Bang’ Type of Singularity. There was an Explosion which cannot be described. The Universe would have stopped existing, if somehow it would not have been cut to a very, very Minimal Time. And that is why we see on this Shroud, an ‘Unknown Thing’ which looks like Burn, but it is not.


It is explained that at that Moment the amount of Energy required to imprint the Body into the very Fibers of the Shroud Cloth, from within would have taken Atomic Bomb Energy or Levels to achieve. It is explained as if a Photographic ‘Flash’ was made of the entire Body, from both the Front and Back of the Body, at the same exact Time.

This Effect, coming from the Body, outwardly, exposing the Fibers then with the ‘Negative’, as with a Photographic Image is ‘Impossible’ to do by mere Paint that would run and mix. Here are some YouTube Videos on the Shroud of Oviedo.



Shrewd Manager Ch


Plymouth Church











Scientists demand the Shroud of Turin to be re-analyzed amid growing Evidence it could be Authentic

A 2,000 Year Old Relic”: Researchers Date ‘Shroud of Turin’ to Time of Christ With Groundbreaking Blood & X-Ray Analysis


Phi Ratio of Time and Testimony of Christ’s Body

Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one's Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to ‘Convince’ , or to ‘Prove’ the Year, as that is beyond one’s Ability. 

Purchase a Copy on Amazon Book. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *


Vengeance of Jesus
The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle the Reasons, Evidence and Events that will cause the Wrath of the Lamb to fall on Humanity. The Wrath of what Lamb? Jesus. One will present the Evidence and Clues of what that will look like as it is chronicled across the Daily News Wires and throughout the Bible. But also, how it has been foretold in detail in the Book of Revelation. What is the Wrath of the Lamb and who is the Lamb? In the Book of Revelation, specifically, the revealing of who this ‘Lamb’ is unveiled.

Purchase a Copy on Amazon Book. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *


​War of the Seeds
This Book seeks to unlock the Secrets of the Celestial Blueprint of the Last Days based on the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Jesus Christ; that is His Pattern of the Body Form and its Dimensions that occur on a Prophetic Scale. Such Patterns are seen in the literal Lifespan of Jesus’ Life Timeline, the Ark of the Covenant, the Solar System and the Human Form to name of few that this Book will examine and present. These Alignments and Eclipse Patterns could lend some Clues, as to the Timing of Christ’s actual Birth and Return.

Purchase a Copy on Amazon Book.


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1056.
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