FALL 2025 TO FALL 2032?
Globalist Babylon System Timeline
by Luis B. Vega
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EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com
One has previous stated that what does start the Tribulation Period is when the 1st Daily Offering is made on the Altar of Sacrifice. This is when the Tribulation Period Clock Commences‘. In one's Timeline, one interjects a Gap Time Theory, wherein the AntiChrist, to be revealed after the Rapture, must have an allotted Time. It will not be much be enough to then 'Conquer the World‘ through 'Peace and Safety'. Then the 3rd Temple must be erected and the Daily Sacrifices must commence. This takes Time.
You then have to factor-in the Ashes of the Red Heifer and realize that there is a Waiting Period of Months before all of Israel is then considered 'Kosher‘ to present the Daily Offerings in the New Temple. As to how this Timeline factors into the possible Timing of the Rapture? One only has a 'Once in a Year’ High Watch Date, which is a July 23 (723) corresponding on the Gregorian Calendar.
So, one’s next High Watch Date is July 23, 2025. But note that this is less than 3 Months before one’s projected Start Date for the Tribulation Period on October 18, 2025. Time would be too short to establish Daily Offerings, much less built the 3rd Temple. Or could it be just enough ‘Time’ for all that to occur. One is of the Persuasion that such Events and Prerequisites as the Identification of the AntiChrist, the Daily Sacrifices, the 3rd Temple and the Start of the Tribulation will be expedited.
So, sure, the Rapture could occur sooner than a July 23, which in that case, the only other possible Rapture Date one could conceive is Nisan 17. Why? That is when Jesus resurrected. And the Rapture of the Bride of Christ, being extracted from the Body of Jesus on Earth is to follow the Order of the Resurrections. But, if one’s Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Rapture Date is not correct, then there will be a need, obviously to shift one’s Timeline and the Year of the Crucifixion to a Post-2025 Timeline. Presently, here is one’s 2025-2032 Timeline-Theory.
Beginning of the Tribulation Period:
October 18, 2025 (Shemini Atzeret)
Midpoint (Revelation 12 Sign 2.0):
April 1, 2029
End of the Tribulation Period :
September 11, 2032 (Sabbath of Return)
When is the Rapture?
As a ‘Disclaimer’, realize that one only is offering Conjecture, Speculation and Point of View. As these Topics of the End Times are not Salvific Issue, it is an area of Extreme Interest that one has just dedicated Time into researching such Topics. And it is based on where one is at the End Times ‘Learning Curve’. It is different for everyone and all have a differing Vantage Point. But here are one’s Response to your Inquires and Observations regarding one’s Timeline.
1- One admits that one is using a Hybrid Timeline based on the Fusion of the Rabbinical Calendar and the Torah Calendar. One starts the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline with the Rabbinical one and ends with the Torah one. Why? One does not really know which is the one that YHVH is ‘clocking’ and counting from.
2-So, one is surmising the start of the Tribulation Period, 3 Days after Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah. It is a Sabbath. Likewise, one is ending the 2520 Day Count 3 Days after the End of Rosh HaShanah in 2032, which is also a corresponding Sabbath, the Sabbath of Return, etc.
3-It is correct that a 2025 July 23 Acts 2 Pentecost Rapture, i.e., New Wine correspondence will be cutting it close, if at all. However, Prophecy is occurring in a ‘Snowball’ Metaphor Type of Speed, presently. This is insinuating that Prophetic Events will occur incredibly fast, relatively speaking as they presently are, no?
However, one’s Theories, are based on a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. Then one’s New Wine Theory of a July 23 Date, is based on a reinterpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. And one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is based on the Shemitah Cycles corresponding to the latest one, being from Fall 2022 to Fall 2029. If they turn-out to be incorrect, then all of them will ‘Collapse’. This is why one always qualifies one’s Research and Suppositions/Theories in that ‘Time will always Tell the Truth’.
But as mentioned, that is what one is presently able to only see and surmise from what one understands. Obviously, one cannot see clearly and only as the Years, Months and Weeks go by, does the End Times come into better Focus. It might very well be the case that one will end-up having to, once again, readjust the Tribulation Timeline. But consider how then the Essenes will have gotten it ‘Wrong’ also as they too surmised and calculated a 32 AD Crucifixion Year.
They also calculated that the 70th Week of Daniel is to start in 2025. Not that the Essenes have it ‘Correct’ either, but in one’s Estimation, they have provided a Corroborating Witness of one’s Research, up this Point in Time, which is neat. However, there 7000 Year Timeline or 7-Day Creation Template has the Millennial Kingdom starting in 2075. It has to do with the Last Jubilee Count of 50 Years. Thus, if one factors that out, it is 2075 – 50 Year Jubilee = 2025. Or the following.
Essene Start of Millennial Kingdom 2075 – 50 Year Jubilee (-7 Year Tribulation Period)
= 2075 – 43 Year Factor
= 2032
End of the Church Age
One is still scratching one’s Head about this and not sure how to reconcile it in the scheme of things, pertaining to one’s current Tribulation Period Timeline. So, consider that if 32 AD was indeed the Crucifixion Year, exactly 2000 Years, assuming a 365 Day/Year Calendar would be 2032 as noted. But one’s Question would be and is, does it have to be precisely when the Church Age Ends? This is based again in the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template.
So, this would mean that one should not be assuming and subtracting the 7-Year Tribulation from 2032 but rather adding it. Thus, this would mean that it is in 2032 that the Church Age ‘Ends’ with the Rapture and it is from then, that the Tribulation starts. The End would be 2032 + 7 = 2039. Is this ‘more correct’ then? But what about the 70 or 80 Year Limit of the Last Fig Tree Generation, if one considers 1948 as the Countdown Year? 1948 + 80 = 2028.
Just by this Equation alone, it would appear that the Year 2028-2029 would corroborate with being the Mid-Point of one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline. And what about the ‘Final 4’ as presented by Brother Gary? Beyond 33 AD, it will ‘not work’. Or it is just that we are not seeing nor considering all that is there but are not allowed to conceive it, just yet. The Research continues.
Now, there are Prophetic Factors that have to play-out for the Timeline to be correct. Consider the Fig Tree Parable. Because of the Fig Tree Generation, one cannot see the Rapture Event occurring after 2026. If the Rapture Event is to be on July 23, 2025, it would not too late for the Start of the Tribulation on October 18, 2025, as mentioned.
One is just holding-out on Hope that the 3 Month 'Gap' is enough Time to have the False Jewish Messiah be Identified, prepared to be Crowned, sanction the Temple, have the World give him Power, have the Red Heifer Ceremony to procure the Ashes, finish the 3rd Temple, then consecrate it and then Dedicate it that Sabbath after Simchat Torah of October 2025. Beyond this 3 Month 'Gap'?
It will have to be a Recalibration and Recalculation of 'Everything' on one's Part. But have this in mind. One has been studying the End Times now since April 1980. That is now 44+ Years. One's 1st Book read was Revelation and then Daniel. Yet, one has not 'figured-it-out'. That that one is 'Special' but to point-out that despite a Person's diligent attempts at delving into such Topics, they are yet to be fully comprehended, much less 'Solved', if not by the Revelation given by the Holy Spirit, as He sees fit to do so.
Here are some more Thoughts about 3 Months not being enough Time of a ‘Gap’ to have the Tribulation Period start in the Fall of 2025, if the Rapture is pegged to one’s July 23 New Wine Theory Date. Consider that the Premise of this Rapture 723 correspondence is based on one’s Dream/Vision, initially. And then as one has conjectured, that as the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine is when the Church began, one is only using Logic to surmise that perhaps the End of the Church Age is to conclude on its Anniversary.
Triangulation of Clues
It seems and appears Logical, but it does not have to be the case. What if, as mentioned prior that 1 of the 3 Concrete Clues of when the Rapture Event will be, is based on the Order of the Resurrections. So, what if Nisan 17 is that Correspondence after all? That would give then the ‘Gap’ Time, approximately 6 Months or ~90 Days for the Tribulation to begin and have all the details converged by then in the Fall/October of 2025, etc.
Also consider that if around Nisan 17 would or could be the Rapture, following the Anniversary of Jesus’ Resurrection, rather, that would be or could be also the Timeframe when the False Jewish Messiah would be ‘Revealed’. And is not then the Passover connected and directly associated with Moses? And are not the Rabbinical Elders of Zion looking and expecting their Moses 2.0 to show-up? And get this. What if at that Convergence of Time and Place, the 2 Witnesses will also appear?
And as it has been conjectured also, there are those that are convinced that 1 of the 2 Witnesses will be Moses himself. Would not that be Wild? This is predicated on the Circumstantial Evidence of how at the Mountain of the Transfiguration, it was after all, Moses and Elijah that met with Jesus. They represented the ‘Law and the Prophets’, etc. And the Scripture specifically states that it had to do with what was to occur In Jerusalem. Now, it can be in the Context of what transpired during the Life and Ministry of Jesus as He was Crucified in Jerusalem. But what if it is a case of a Double-Fulfilment Prophecy?
What if the Discussion was also to be and is of how thereafter, it will be how Moses and Elijah will likewise enter Jerusalem and eventually be Martyred at the End of their 1260 Day Commission? And do they not lie in the Streets, Dead for 3.3 Days, somewhat like Jesus was and then are Raptured up to Heaven? So, one is suggesting that one will be open and looking for that Nisan 17 Date in 2025 that could instead by a High Rapture Watch Date and Candidate, based on the Order of the Resurrection Typology. One will see.
Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book.
Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine.
Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
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In the Midst of the Tribulation
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Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why?
Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined?
The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from political, social, religious and esoteric sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture.
Abode of the AntiChrist
The Olivet Discourse basically consisted of a Prophetic Outline or Blueprint that would involve the Restitution of 3 Factors that have to be in place before Jesus' 2nd Coming.
© Published by Vegapost Productions
A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.
This is PostScripts News Article #1103.
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Luis B. Vega | vegapost@hotmail.com | www.PostScripts.org
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