
What to Expect at Tisha B’Av Synagogue Services

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate from Jewish Primary Sources, that the Observance, Meaning and Protocols of the 9th of Av, are diametrically opposed to what the Observance, Meaning and Protocols of the Acts 2 True Pentecost and Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Wine represents. And that one is arguing that it is ‘Impossible’ for the Feast of the Acts 2 Pentecost, to coincide with the New Wine, to ever occur on a 9th of Av. Now, can the Rapture Event occur on a 9th of Av? Absolutely. But one’s Point is that those that are arguing that the 9th of Av was and is when the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine occurred, are using a Rabbinical Calendar that is skewing the Day Counts.

One is presenting this study as one who, for Years posted Articles about the Notion that Leviticus 23:16 should be interpreted as a Double Count of 49+1 Days, and then that there was and is to be a Subsequent 50 Day Count. That led to supposing that the Acts 2, True Day of Pentecost was not on the Traditional Jewish Feast of the First Fruits of the New Grain, that the Jews call Shavuot. But rather, that it was on the 2nd 50-Day Count of the New Wine. Nonetheless, the Church Tradition accepted this Day Count with Adjustments that also depended on when Passover occurred, etc.

Upon further Research, one became more convinced that the True Day of determining when Passover would occur depended on the Spring Equinox. Then upon isolating the Day, from there, 2 Start Dates could be considered in determining the 100-Day Count to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Event. And that Day would correspond with the Golden Calf Incident of Exodus, wherein the Israelites were found reveling in the Feast of Wine when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the 10 Commandments. One Interpretation of the Day Count had to do with when the Hebrews left Egypt, on Nisan 15. This could be considered the ‘Morrow after the Sabbath’, as Passover is considered a Sabbath. The other Day Count is considered by the very Interpretation of the what determines ‘Morrow after the Sabbath’ as also found in the Bible.

This Stipulation is given in Scripture of when the Sheave would be waived. One was and is more convinced it is dealing with the Weekly Sabbath of that Passover Week, so it would be the 1st Sunday after Passover, instead of ‘Complete Sabbaths’ that is how other Brethren are counting it, etc. One’s Theory, thus argued and argues that the 100th Day from Passover is fixed, based on the Spring Equinox, that does not ‘Float’ about the Year as do the Feasts of YHVH that are based on the ‘Floating’ Lunar Calendar, i.e., the Rabbinical Calendar. And realize that the Rabbinical Calendar was not invented until the early 300’s when the Jewish Sanhedrin disbanded. They then set the Jewish Calendar solely based on the Lunar Cycle Mathematical Predictions.

Diametrically Opposed Days
So, why is the Rabbinical Calendar being used by End Times Students of Prophecy to determine the Biblical Feast Days of YHVH, like precisely with the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Convergence? If one keeps to the Solar Calendar Count and Interpretation of the ‘Morrow after the Sabbath’, being Nisan 15, 100 Days later would be the True Feast of the Acts 2 Pentecost, coinciding with the Feast of New Wine. But then, one further argued and demonstrated that based on the Sinai Day Count, and converting that to the Gregorian Calendar, the 100th Day would always be a July 23 Day Count. Why?

One is presuming an April 14 Crucifixion Month and Day as then, the True Non-Rabbinical Calendar was in-sync with the Julian Calendar. Based on the Sinai Day Count, it was on the 100th Day since leaving Egypt when Moses came down Mount Sinai with the 10 Commandments, written with the Finger of YHVH. And that same Day was the Feast of New Wine, one conjectures. The Camp of the Hebrews ‘Rose-Up to Play’ and indulged in Revelry to the extent of Worshiping a Golden Bull, or Calf, etc. But this was not the 9th of Av. The 9th Av was still to come, about a Week and a Half out.

This is one’s Theory, granted. And the subsequent Years are yet to Prove one’s July 23 (723) Interpretation. One can be wrong about this Supposition, using only the Creation Calendar, etc. But one’s Point is that the New Wine Feast speaks about, in generalities, being Merry. It is about a Wedding, Celebrating, and Worshiping, etc. One will demonstrate that the Acts 2 Feast of True Pentecost New Wine was such a Time of being Merry, Celebrating and Worshiping for what Jesus had promised, the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And as many End Time Watchers have now caught-on about the Pentecost Double-Count Association based on Leviticus 23:15-16, it is now being seen how the very Scriptures allude to Acts 2 being also the Feast of the New Wine.

But one is bothered that it is being associated with the 9th of Av. One’s Point is that it is impossible for the Acts 2 Feast of Pentecost to occur on or be considered the same Day as the 9th of Av. One will provide the Rationale below, from the Chabad Jews who stipulate what has been the Tradition of the Jews since the Destruction of the Temples. Notice that the 9th of Av is ‘Diametrically Opposed’ to what the Feast of the New Wine represents. So, one has argued against the Traditional Day that the Western Churches have thus, also celebrated Shavuot as being the Pentecost of Acts 2. However, upon further Research over the Years, one then came to the Conclusion that the Acts 2 Pentecost coincided with the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Wine, etc.

This was surmised and corroborated by the discovery of the Temple Scrolls that clearly documented 3 Feasts of 50 Days that correlated to the First-Fruits of the New Grain, Wine and Oil. One’s Point is that the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine could not have occurred then on the 9th of Av for the following Reasons. One will use the Descriptions and Protocols that Observant Jews are to adhere to during the 9th of Av. It is nowhere near what the New Wine is all about. The 9th of Av is totally Antithetical to what the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Feast represents. Consider the following. The 9th of Av is about being commanded to be ‘Sad’. It is considered a Day of Mourning, not of Joy and Celebration.

Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine was not on 9th of Av
It is a Day when the Tragedies of Israel are recounted, not the Victories one has in Jesus. It is about Worshipers not Dressing-Up as one would in a Wedding. The 9th of Av is not about Pleasure as Worshipers are commanded to not be ‘Comfortable’ for that Day. The Mourning and Reverence for this Day is so extreme, that Worshipers meeting do not great each other. Worshipers are considered Mourners, not as a ‘Bride to Be’.

And in some Jewish Communities, the Services are performed in Darkness as only the Light of Candles are used and as many that can, sit on the Floor. And astonishing, Torah Teachings are prohibited. So, here is one’s Point and Rationale for why it is ‘Impossible’ for the Acts 2 Pentecost that coincided with the Feast of New Wine to have been the 9th of Av. If it were so, then Peter and the Disciples were not adhering to the Jewish Tradition and Protocols of how to comport on the 9th of Av.

In Acts 2, the Disciples were not hiding in Darkness, and not Teaching the Scriptures by Candle Light. They were not abstaining from greeting one another. They were not behaving as Mourners sitting on the Floor lamenting and recapping Israel’s Failures in their Faith. No. Compare and Contrast the Days for oneself. See if what one is arguing makes sense or not. The following is an Excerpt, with emphasis from the Chabad Website on what are the Protocols and Comportment on the 9th of Av.

Tisha B’Av (9 Av) is the Saddest Day of the Jewish [Rabbinical] Calendar, marking the Destruction of our Holy Temples in Jerusalem. On this Day, we do not Eat, Drink, Wear Leather Shoes, Groom ourselves or do many other things. Of course, there are special Synagogue Services unlike those held on any other Day of the Year. Here is what you need to know.

Brief Overview
Services are held 3 Times [the that Day of the 9th of Av]:

The Evening
This is leading into Tisha B’Av, after the Fast starts. The Primary Event of this Service is the reading of the Book of Eichah (Lamentations), in a unique, Mournful Tune.

The Morning
The prominent Special Addition here is Kinot (or Kinos), a Long Selection of Elegies composed after the many Tragedies that have befallen our people. In the Afternoon. Unlike the Morning Services, Tallit and Tefillin are worn for these Services—so, Gentlemen, make sure to bring yours along, if you have them.

Note that we will not go into every Twist and Turn of the Service. For that (and more), turn to Page 622 of the Annotated Tehillat Hashem Siddur. Here, we will just run through the broad strokes of the Synagogue Services.

Evening Services
After eating their last Pre-Fast Meal, People will come to the Synagogue. You will notice 3 Things about your fellow Worshipers. No one is Dressing Up. This is a Sad Day, so there is no need to wear Holiday Duds. (When 9 Av follows Shabbat, though, People will still be wearing their Shabbat attire Tonight.)

One Observance of this Day is to avoid Leather Shoes, since we do not want to get too comfortable on this Day of Mourning. You will see People wearing Slippers, Flip-flops and Sneakers. For the next 25 Hours, you should do the same.

Deeply engrossed in the Sadness of the Day, People do not greet one another. So do not expect anyone to give you a Cheery ‘Hello’ and know that no one is expecting one from you either. Upon entering the Synagogue, you will notice that the Furniture may have been rearranged somewhat. As Mourners, we do not sit on Chairs of Ordinary Height until Midday Tomorrow.

So Tonight, People may sit on Low Stools, or even on the Floor—all depending on what is available. Also, the Decorative Curtain that covers the Ark where the Torahs are kept is removed. Even the Torah is unadorned on this Very Mournful Day. In some Communities, the Lights are dimmed and Services are held by Flickering Candlelight. With no Meal to eat, and even most Torah Learning forbidden, you will find that People often mosey-out slowly.

So, you tell me? Is the 9th of Av the same Day that Moses came down on the Israelite Camp? No. The Hebrews were doing exactly the opposite. Were Peter and the Disciples, at the Temple Precinct, not the Upper Room, as that is another Mis-Interpreted Church Tradition, engaging in a 9th of Av Protocols that one has summarized and explained above? No.

The Acts 2 True Pentecost that coincides with the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Wine was and is about a Celebration, a Pending Wedding, of being Glad and Joyful. It is about the Return of Jesus and a New Revelation of how the Church Age had commenced from that Time going forward, until the ‘End of the Age’, the Church Age. And that is what the Rapture Event will finalize, on its Last Day, whenever that is. And to reiterate. Can the Rapture, nonetheless occur on a 9th of Av? Absolutely. But the 9th of Av is not Pentecost nor is it the Feast of the New Wine, in one’s Estimation and Calculation. 

One has just conjectured that perhaps, the Rapture Event could or would occur on the Anniversary the Holy Spirit was given. Thus, this is why one has been adamant about a July 23 being the most accurate Day Count for the True Pentecost of Acts to occur and it being the Feast of New Wine. But it is not the 9th of Av. It is Weeks away and now it is being presumed to be on the 9th of Av. So, can the Rapture possibly occur on the 9th of Av. It can. It would be such an Irony of just another Calamity occurring against the Jews. One is even open to the notion that, as other Brethren have written about, the present Spiritual Temple will be removed as were the 1st and 2nd Temples.

However the Metaphorical Correlations breakdown as the Spiritual Temple, i.e., the Bride of Christ that is to be Raptured will not or cannot be Destroyed as were the 1st and 2nd Temples of YHVH on the 9th of Av. And also realize that the Spiritual Temple is not in the Domain, Authority or Prophetic Economy of the Jews to influence or control. It solely pertains to Jesus, the Head of the Body and Groom of the Bride, Spiritually Speaking, etc. But purely on the Notion that the Bride of Christ is removed? Sure. Thus, one can accept that the Rapture Event can happen on a 9th of Av.

Barely Harvest in August?
But one totally rejects that the 9th of Av is the Acts 2 True Pentecost Feast that coincides with the First-Fruits of the New Wine. Mainly, one has pointed-out this Difference, over several Write-Ups that has to do with how the Rabbinical Calendar is skewing the Day Count well into Mid-August. And if one is keeping with the Typology of Boaz and Ruth, there is no Barley that is being threshed in Israel in Mid-August. at least that one is not aware of. Now, as to one’s July 23 ‘Fixed’ Date for when the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine was or is to occur on?

One is still adamant that this Date is the Correct one, as far as determining when the True Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine occurred and is to. One just is superimposing the Notion that it is perhaps, when the Rapture Event is to occur. Obvious for the Year that one is writing this Study, it has long passed. Thus, this is why one is open to other possible Day Counts. The Rapture can happen on the 9th of Av, but not because it is considered by some Brethren to be the True Day of Pentecost and Feast of New Wine. 

There is also the 7th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, just as much to be a Prime Rapture Date Candidate, etc. However, beyond the August and September Months of any given Year and that has been the case as of this Write-Up, one then always looks to the subsequent July 23 Date of the coming Year, perhaps. One is not saying one is Right about one’s July 23 ‘723’ Acts 2 Pentecost and it being the New Wine Feast on this precise Day.

But again, it is impossible, based on the Jewish Protocols of what the 9th of Av means and signifies, that the 9th of Av is when ‘True Pentecost’ occurs and it being the Feast of the New Wine. The 9th of Av is Diametrically Opposed to what all the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine means and signifies, that is one’s Point to make. So, to reiterate, the Rationale for the 9th of Av being the Pentecost New Wine Timing is that the Jewish Calendar is ‘Floating’, and thus, so are the Feast Days. This is True, but only because the Rabbinical Calendar is solely based on the Lunar Cycles, and that is the Outcome.

And that is why and how then the Jewish Feasts of YHVH are ‘Floating’ and will vary from Year to Year. The Point is that it is why the Rabbinical Calendar is skewed and for 2024, you have Pentecost a Month off, in comparison to the Solar Calendar, etc. So, here are the 2 Main Reasons why one is not in Agreement with the 9th of Av being the Pentecost New Wine Timing.

1. As noted, the Day Count is based on the ‘Floating’ Rabbinical Calendar. For 2024, a 13th Month has had to be added which has skewed the Day Counts to stretch into an August Month.

2. The Feasts of YHVH were specifically tied to the Agricultural Cycles of Harvest Types. The Yearly Harvest Cycles do not ‘skew’. These Harvest Cycles are part of the Creation and serve as ‘Clocks’ in a sense that also keep track of Time. Meaning that one always knows ‘What Time it is’ by knowing what Harvest Cycle is occurring.

Feasts are based on the Agricultural Cycles
Now sure, some Growing Seasons vary, for example in comparison to North America. But one is assuming Jerusalem Time and Growing Seasons. To expound on the Reason for Number 2, realize that in the Book of Ruth, the Barley Harvest was a Spring Harvest. It began at that Time, but ended and was threshed as the Wheat Harvest was gathered in. This is the Key Clue. How so?

Realize that it is Agriculturally Impossible for the Barley Harvest to extend into August. And that is it. This Factor alone would or should disqualify the August Month 9th of Av being the End of the ‘Wheat’ Harvest and Start of the Wine Harvest. It is about 1 Month too late as the Barley Harvest has long been brought in. Now, with all that being said, one’s Rationale is only relying on Agricultural Cycles and based on the Creation or Solar Calendar for the Day Counts.

If the ‘True’ Pentecost is rather based on the Rabbinical Lunar Calendar that only came about as a consequence of the Jewish Diaspora in the 300’s, and rather than on the Creation Calendar, that was set into motion in Creation Week by YHVH, then I will eat my Words. Absolutely. The Rapture Event can occur on any Day that one is not looking at or expecting. And that is what many End Times Students have brought-up also.

As for one who is highly biased in the Academic and Scientific Approach, it is why one only seeks to stay within the Realm of what is tangible, like the Astronomy, Typologies and actual Day Counts that are Biblical. One can safely and with confidence ‘Anchor’ one’s Theories on what has been set forth already in those Factors. It is one’s Speculation and Interpretations that are and can be in Question. Yes, one is aware that there are 2 Seasonal Types for both the Barley and the Wheat. In fact, for the Jews, the Barley is extremely important to some Jewish Sects because it determines when the New Year is to begin or become ‘Aviv’.

But one cannot find any Sites on how or why Barley is harvested in August. See some Site Links Below. If anyone can find that Source or Proof of an August Barley Harvest in Israel, that would satisfy one’s Mind and Thinking on the issue. But it is a Good Point that the Father can choose when the Bride is ‘Done’ and the Rapture is to ensue. And that is also the issue in one’s Pentecost New Wine Theory, that the Rapture is connected to this Feast, presumably as its Anniversary. That Notion could be completely off. So, the Watch continues.

Old Testament Laws: Harvest Seasons of Ancient Israel

Barley Conditions in Israel March 2024 (Adar 5784)

When Is Barley Harvested in Israel?

When Is Barley Harvested in Israel?

The Timing of the Barley Harvest in Israel

The Timing of the Barley Harvest in Israel

When is Barley Harvested in Israel?


Menachem Posner



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