

A Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline

  • When will the Tribulation Period start?
  • How is the Number '42' connected to the Time?
  • ​Is the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline plausible?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to highlight a YouTube Video Teaching where the 7-Year Tribulation Period Timeline happen to correspond to one’s Working Theory that is the same. This 7-Year Tribulation Period Timeline constitutes a Span of Time, starting in the Fall of 2025 to the Fall of 2032. This Theory, in one’s case is predicated on the Year Calculation that the Crucifixion Year was indeed in 32 AD. Obviously, not all End Times Students of the Bible will agree or do agree with this Assertion, etc.

The Theory is also based on the 1-Day is as 1000 Years Prophetic Pattern. This is to say that if 32 AD was indeed the Crucifixion Year, then ‘2 Days’ or 2000 Years would mean that its Year Limit would correspond to 2032. Then one just subtracts the 7-Year Tribulation Period from the Question that corresponds to the Fall 2025 Start Date, as asserted. Now, what this Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline then suggests is that the Rapture Event has to occur prior to that Time. Of course, one is presuming a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario.

One was made aware of this Video Teaching from a Sister named Judi at the Revelation 12 Sign Daily Blog. The Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline discussion starts at the 49 Minute Marker. Now how the Teacher presents his Timeline is very unique and original than most one has come across. He dissects the 7-Year Tribulation Period into the 2 Halves of 42 Months. That is a given. But the Teacher presents the 42 Months as emblematic of how 42 Lads were mauled by 2 Mama Bears for mocking Elisha’s Baldness. And that this Timeline is from the Fall 2025 to the Fall of 2032.

The Details can be found in 2 Kings 2 where the Teacher also correlates the Timeline with the Creation Week, in terms of their corresponding Millenia of Time. This is pertaining to the 4000 and 2000 Years that will then conclude with the End of the Church Age and the Return of Jesus. Nonetheless, it was pointed-out that the Timeline parallels the same one is currently considers, as of this Write-Up and that it is coming from another Prophetic Angle, which is refreshing. So, perhaps this Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline is not being considered by other Teachers and Watchmen as the Years come-and-go.  

What Do Two Female Bears Have to Do with End-Time Prophecy?
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Prophetic Parallel?

In the Video about the 2 Bears, it is noted how they were described as Females and the 42 Year Factor pertaining to the Elisha Incident in the Old Testament. As one has said before, it amazing me ‘Where do you find all these Videos?’ lol. So, I did listen to the Brother, presumably and his Discernment of the Typologies using the 8 Names of the Sites mentioned, the Psalms and the Numbers did or does resonate in one’s Spirit. It is very unusual of an approach, as to the Interpretation of Scriptures to suggest Prophecy from them, but that is exactly how Prophecy does work.

So, it was/is refreshing to see that from others doing it without any ‘Red Flags’ going-up. One would agree wholeheartedly that when Places, People and Numbers are mentioned in Scripture, they are for a Purpose. The 4000 and 2000 Year correlation was great also. The only Interpretation that was questionable was how he is tying the start of the Gog-Magog War to the October 7, 2023 HAMAS Attacks on Israel. One would agree, in general. But then he stated that this War will then end in about 1 Year from now, Fall 2025 and that is when the Rapture is to take place. This Scenario could be possible but realize that the Walls of all Israeli Cities will need to come down, and fast.

Israel has yet to fully defeat HAMAS and then engage with Hezbollah. Perhaps he might be mistaking the Psalm 83 Inner-Ring of the Regional War that is to come 1st, in one’s Estimation before the Outer-Ring Gog-Mag War ensures. Nonetheless, great Insights and as you said, coming from a different angle as it pertains to a Fall 2023 to Fall 2025 Timeline. As the Last Days Prophecies are becoming clearer,  the Holy Spirit is reveling that to others. But one must admit that it has been a very Lonely Road when it comes to such Theories as the Revelation 12 Sign, the 32 Crucifixion Year, a Saturday Triumphal Entry and Resurrection Day, the Pentecost New Wine Correlation.

And it is tied to one’s Cydonia Mars Star Gate Theories. So, to concur with the Brother about a Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period? It was great to hear and see his Timeline and how they reasoned a Fall 2025 Start Date, a Spring 2029 Mid-Point and a 2032 Fall Return of Jesus. This means that as of this Posting, the Rapture Window is shrinking by the Day until that October, Fall 2025 ‘Deadline’. One can Wait, Watch and see, but it seems like an ‘Eternity’ as they say. For me, that saves me is just to keep reminding oneself that one’s ‘723’ and 2025-2032 Timeline are but a Theory. One actually tries to detach oneself from the Theory to take it personally.


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