Preparations for the Pre-Set

  • What will constitute the 3rd World War?
  • When will it start? Are there Signs or Clues?
  • How are Nations preparing for the inevitable? 

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The following is a Synopsis of how the Preparations for World War 3 are in place. It was sent from a fellow End Times Watchman, Benjamin Baruch. He has had a long History of Research, Interviews, Books and Podcasts into Biblical and Prophetic Contents. His latest Book, ‘The Day of the LORD’ delves into the Aspects of how he sees this 3rd World War play-out.

One was also instrumental in providing some Charts and Diagrams to that End. Here below is the ‘About the Author’ for Context and then what he had forwarded concerning the Russian Menace and Decision made and would send chills down one’s back, if only the USA and the World would be taking it seriously and what it all will mean for the Future of the USA and the West.

The Day of the Lord
Benjamin Baruch


About the Author
Benjamin studied International Finance at UCLA and attended Graduate School at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. Benjamin is an Expert in Bible Prophecy. The Value of Benjamin’s Books are best understood through the Review Comments of other Christian Authors:

Reading Benjamin’s Work is like reading, well, a Prophet and on more than one occasion I found myself thinking, I am listening to the Apostle John preach. Not that he claims to be a Prophet; in fact, he often admonishes his readers to Test all Things according to Scripture...

His Writing Style and Unique Content immediately convinced me that he was filled with the Spirit in a powerful way… Benjamin is unique among Prophecy Teachers; he holds no Interest in the Theories of Men regarding Bible Prophecy.

Rather he approaches Bible Prophecy as a Research Analyst would, seeking to only identify the Known Facts and the Truth of Scripture and then allowing the Scriptures to speak for themselves. His Knowledge of Hebrew also allows him to research the Prophetic Writings within the Original Hebrew Text.

Benjamin Baruch was shown the Events of 9/11 6 Weeks before they occurred. I spoke with Credible Sources who did not hesitate to confirm this was True. This Verification was amazing to say the least. But it was not improbable given what I had already begun to believe about the work of the Holy Spirit in Ben’s Life.

Benjamin also has a Background in Military Intelligence, as a Military Analyst trained in the U.S. Army to study, of course, the Russian Military. So, it turns out that Benjamin is also an Expert on the Military Planning of the Enemies of America for World War 3.

The following are some specific pieces forwarded by Benjamin Baruch, showing the various Russian Maneuvers that are signaling the Preparation for War with the USA and the West, mainly NATO, with Edits and Emphasis.


Russia Conducts 2nd Nuclear Deployment ‘Exercise’ in a Month; U.S. Continuity of Government, Encrypted Radio Orders in Progress


Russia is conducting the 2ND full ‘Exercise’ of its Nuclear Forces; with YARS 800 Kiloton ICBM Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL's) now deployed OUT in the Field.  United States Continuity of Government (CoG) plans are being implemented.  

Encrypted Radio Emissions from underground U.S. Bunkers, are also in Full Activation.  The ‘Exercise’ in Russia began about Mid-July. Emergency Action Messages (EAM's) have been transmitted to US Forces worldwide, including Submarines via Very Low Frequency (VLF) Communications Circuits.


Russian President Vladimir Putin issued an Order for all State-Owned Businesses to submit Full Plans to relocate all Operations Into: The Urals, Siberia, and the Far East of Russia. 

Ural-Siberia Region:
The Ural-Siberia Region is a vast Region in North Asia that covers more than 3/4 of Russia's Landmass, and almost 9% of the Earth's Land Surface. It is larger than the United States and a 1/4 larger than Canada but has a Low Population Density of about 8 People per Square Mile. The Region's Climate varies, from Continental in the South to Polar in the North, and it is Home to many Natural Resources, Including Oil, Timber, Diamonds, and Gold.

Far East Region:
Such Plans for the relocation of State-Owned Businesses to the Regions shown above, are to be submitted by October 1.


This begs the Question: What is going to happen in Western Russia that all State-Owned Businesses are going to have to move? How do you move the entire Population of Moscow and St. Petersburg? WHY do you have to move them? Nuclear War, perhaps? Why else would President Putin Order planning for such a Massive Relocation of Russia's State-Owned Enterprises?


Red Dawn Coming
The following was also passed along by Benjamin Baruch, of how the coming World War will be, in part or to a large extent based on Economics. As it is, the Inflation being experienced in the West is crippling the Economy. There are skyrocketing House Foreclosures and the Cost of Living Prices have not more than tripled. And what will be the ‘Solution’? War. This is the Age-Tested Playbook Plan when it is impossible to rectify a National Economy. How about a Global one?

Interview: (Emphasis Added)
Fall Of Dominance And New World Order
Martin Armstrong


We have a Failing Monetary System. The Deep State understands the System is collapsing. The National Debt with Regan was $1 Trillion, today the Interest is in excess of $1 Trillion. There is no possible way to ever pay off the Debt. They are using the War for more than just a Distraction. The West started the Ukraine Crisis in 2014, installing a Puppet Government. Merkel admitted they had no intention of honoring the Minsk Agreement, the Minsk agreement was designed for only 1 Reason - giving Ukraine time to build an Army. 

War is the Perfect Excuse to Default on Debt. If you create a War, you get to Default on everybody. Digital Currency is part of the Solution that will follow the War. The U.N. has created their own Digital Currency, which will replace the Dollar as the Reserve Currency following the War. The Idea that Gold will become a Reserve is Nonsense. The U.N. wants to create a Global Government and wants to control the New Global Reserve Currency. The U.N. plans to come out as the Peacemaker following WW3.

They bring the Pandemics, the Wars, and then they offer the Solution. The Wars to create ‘Democracy’ in the Middle East were used to create Chaos and to destabilize the World. They need this War to elevate the U.N. and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and to allow the Default of the prior Global Power – the U.S. Obama never attended 40% of his National Security Meetings. Biden was the Perfect President. Biden is not cognitively there. The Neo-Cons are in Total Control of National Policy. China is the largest holder of U.S. Debt.

Yellen flies to China to ask them to please continue to buy U.S. Debt. We have Chaos everywhere. People don’t want Electric Cars. You cannot replace Gasoline and Diesel Engines. The ELECTRIC GRID cannot support the Increased Demand. The Financial System is imploding. If you take out the Cost of all these Wars, the Debt would be 1/3 of what it is Today. After 1971 the Debt is now collateral. The FED is not the Problem. The Treasury and Congress create the Debt. China has begun selling U.S. Debt.

The Real Economic Cost of the National Debt is the Interest Payments are going outside of the Country. Nobody is paying attention. People don’t Understand the Economics of Things. When you issue New Debt to pay off the Old, it is a Ponzi Scheme, and it can continue as long as there is Confidence, but it will end with WW3. China just sold $53 Billion in 2024 Q1. Capital can move, the Rich can leave. An IMF Currency is coming. By starting the War in Europe, it pushed Capital to the Dollar. 

They have to Default – there is no way out of this. It is only a matter of ‘When’. The 3rd World War comes 1st. They need War desperately. The Neo-Cons may try to get us into War with Russia by September. The System of Perpetual Debt is not sustainable – the War is the perfect Excuse for the Total Collapse.

This was Benjamin Baruch’s Assessment of the Presentation by Martin Armstrong, ‘They Need War’. To the Luciferian Globalists, they offer War as the Solution. They realize that the End of Petro-Dollar has come and it is only a Matter of Time before the Confidence of the World Economies will fold. And perhaps the 2024 Presidential Election will have provided the Direction the World Economy will take.

It is for sure that the Global Digital I.D. and Currency is coming regardless. The coming World War is part of the Hegelian Dialectic. It is a tested-ole move from the Playbook of having a Problem-Reaction-Solution. Regardless, it is the entire World that has been Played, and it has ‘Lost’.



End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


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