21-Day Delay Window of Opportunity

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

Here is a Chart one made about how many Political and Military Pundits presuming by Intel gathered are surmising that Israel is going to preemptively Strike at Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, imminently, before the 9th of Av. The Chart depicts the Constellation of Leo as that is where the Triangulation of Venus-Mercury-Regulus occurred at the halfway Time Marker between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av. That Halfway Time Marker was right in the Midst of the Lion’s Gate Window or Door.

Chart: Israel Preemptive Strike - Hezbollah

Note that the Sun is about to enter Leo and the Moon was at Leo’s Hind-Leg, etc. It was as a ‘Bookend’ in itself, Astronomically of sorts. Also, realize that the Moon was in the New Phase. A Tactical Advantage Israel will have in striking, is in the Dark of Night. One also placed a Timeline against the Backdrop of how the Rising of the Sun looked like, over the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel on the 7th of August. The Day-Time Filter is removed for a better Visual Effect.

The Timeline plots the Tammuz 17 correlation to July 23 as well as the 21-Day Countdown to the 9th of Av. It is at that Time and Place that there is that Jupiter-Mars Conjunction in the Midst of the Horns of Taurus, etc. See following Article for one’s Astronomical and Prophetic Interpretation, etc.

#989: 9TH OF AV
Jupiter-Mars Conjunction in Taurus


And then, both the 7-Year Anniversary of the 3 Great American Eclipses and the Revelation 12 Sign are noted in the Timeline. Finally the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18 and the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2 will be plotted. So, here is one’s Assessment. If Israel is to preemptively strike Hezbollah, it would now make sense as that is the Message Netanyahu brought to the U.S. Administration.

Door Wide Open
And, the Biden Cabinet then had to meet to discuss just that. Israel will do what it has to, to protect its Sovereignty, etc. Now, as the possible Prophetic Implications? What if, instead of the July 23 to the August 12 Av 9 Day count being more than just a ‘Bookend’? But rather, as previously posted, the Halfway Marker of the Lion’s Gate that opened on July 23, peaked at the Mid-Point precisely on August 7-8.

This was when the Maximum ‘Swing’ of the Lion’s Gate reached its Maximum before then Closing completely on August 22. And that is when the Sun then conjoins with the King Star of Regulus in Leo. All that to say, is that this ‘Open Door’ or Window is precisely then the calculated Opportunity for Israel to Strike. One is only ascertaining the Aspect of the Israeli IDF Strike based on this Lion’s Gate Theory and Day Count. One is not comfortable attempting to apply any Rapture Timing.

But for sure, one is considering that as noted, perhaps at the closure of the Lion’s Gate that concludes this Time Period could be a Candidate for the Rapture’s Timing, perhaps. There is also the Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary to consider seriously. A 7-Year Time Marker is Biblically Significant as we know and it speaks of a Completion and of a Perfection being met. It has been the entire Time-Frame as if it was the Tribulation Period of Time.

‘The Number 7 is the Foundation of God's Word. It derives much of its Meaning from being tied directly to Creation and symbolizes Completeness and Perfection (both Physical and Spiritual).’ -From BibleStudy.com

O, to reiterate, one noted how the Day Count from July 23, (723), is 21 Days or 7-7-7 to the 9th of Av Date for 2024, being August 12-13. One also had mentioned how the July 23 Date for 2024 happened to coincide with the 17th of Tammuz. That is the Day Nebuchadnezzar and Titus broke through the Walls of Jerusalem that led to the 9th of Av. That is when, exactly then 21 Days later both Temples were Destroyed, etc.

= July 23, 2024 ‘723’ on Full Buck Moon to 9 of Av, Tisha B'Av

= August 13, 2024

= 21 Days ‘777’

So, in noting how from Tammuz 17 to Av 9 is  21 Days. And it is the same exact Day Count as in Daniel’s Prayer Request that was delayed by that Time, 21 Days, etc. It is the case how there was a Delay in having the Arch-Angel Gabriel, being dispatched to deliver the Answer to Daniel, was intercepted. There was that Demonic and Fallen Angel ‘Interference’ going on.

Not sure what to do with all that, as one does not see a Rapture Theme or Thread in Daniel’s Prayer that was Delayed? Or it could be an Aspect or Angle one is not seeing. How else was this Mid-Point Lion’s Gate significant? It pertained to the Black Monday Stock Market Crash of -1033.99 Points on August 5, 2024. It was reported that the Stock Market of Japan that kicked-off the Trade Sell-off Rally had not been that drastic since the Black Monday of 1987, etc.

A Time for War not Peace

And one found the Number -1033.99 rather interesting with the 1000, 33 and 99 Coefficients. But in considering 1 of the Factors that one has built upon to suggest that July 23 or 723 corresponds to the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory, it is also about the Lion’s Gate. One has brought-up this Aspect about it before. For a Brief Review, it is that Agriculturally, in the Ancient Levant or Promised Land, the End of the Wheat Harvest ‘Officially’ concluded on a July 22.

This Date was when the Nile flooded in Egypt and it was then commemorated by the Astrological Sign of the Leo New Year beginning on the following Day, that being July 23, etc. That has been part of one’s Rapture Timing Theory as presented many Times. However, as also discussed, it is when the Lion’s Gate ‘Opens’ and that according to the Ancient Egyptians, it is when the Dead would be Resurrected and be taken to the Stars. So, how does the Stock Market Crash of August 5th play into this Theory and Timing?

Well, one’s Point is that in observing the Lion’s Gate Timeline, that is approximately 1 Month, Astrologically the Half-Way Time Marker from July 23 to August 22, when the Lion’s Gate is ‘Opened’ at its Maximum, corresponds to August 7-8.And this Apex occurred just after the Stock Market Crash occurred. Also, at that Time and Place, the Moon, Venus and Mercury were in approximate Conjunction with Regulus, the King Star of Leo. And as noted, it will be then on August 22-23, that the Lion’s Gate ‘Closes’. That is when Astronomically the Sun will be conjoined with the King Star of Regulus at the King’s Sign of Leo, etc.

July 23 = Astrological Leo New Year and Opening of Lion’s Gate

Mid-Point = August (4 Stock Market Crash of -1033.99 Points)

August 22-23 = Sun in Leo and Closure of Lion’s Gate

So, here is one’s Thought. One is 2nd Guessing the July 23 Pentecost New Wine association, only in the sense that, perhaps what if the Rapture’s Timing corresponds not to the 1st Day that the Lion’s Gate ‘Opened’, but rather when it ‘Closes’ on August 22-23? Or will the Feast of the New Oil, on a September 11th Day be the ‘Right’ Feast? Nonetheless, it would appear that a flurry of Celestial Activity is being concentrated in both the Constellations of Leo and Taurus for the Year 2024.

Nonetheless, the Amazing Conjunction of Jupiter with Mars occurs in-between the Horns of Taurus on the 9th of Av for the Year 2024. And as expounded in prior Posts, any Planet that conjoins with Jupiter or Saturn, the Giant Planets magnifies to the X Degree what that Planet is attributed with. In the case of Mars, the Planet of War, one is suggesting that on that Day, a Major War Effort, Campaign or Event will occur or soon right after. The Effects in the World will be above and beyond the normal Celestial Association. Now as to what that will be or look like? Well, consider one’s Conjecture that even Non-Bible Prophecy Watchers suspect Iran and its Proxies will simultaneously attack Israel on that Day.

The Jews have even insinuated that the ‘Attack’ will coincide with the 9th of Av, as it reflects, ‘As Above, So Below’ with the Jupiter-Mars Conjunction in Taurus, the Sign of Wrath and Judgment. All these Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars above and the Geo-Political Wrangling below in this Time-Frame leading-up to the 7th Anniversary of the 3 Great American Solar Eclipse that speak of the Judgment pending of the USA and then the Revelation 12 Sign 'Rapture' Event are spectacular to observe in these Last Days. 

Prophecy Ahead, No U-Turns Allowed.



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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1046.
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