Gulf of Mexico Water Current Patterns

  • Why are Fact-Checkers denying Weather Warfare? 
  • Was the Path of Hurricane Milton unusual or normal?
  • How did the Hurricane originate from the Gulf?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One had a chance to look-up the Water/Gulf of Mexico Current Flows. There are a lot of Map Imagines Online. But most depict the currents that are consistent with prior Hurricane Trajectories. The Currents led in from the Hot Atlantic Water Currents that bring in moisture from the Tropics. It goes from East to West and converges in the Caribbean. Because the Caribbean is congested with the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Water Currents narrow-up and flow upward in-between Cuba and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Then the Water Currents spread out in a Clockwise direction around the entire Gulf of Mexico Patterns. But what makes the Water Currents from the Gulf head West is funneled in-between the Florida Keys and Mainland Cuba. But this occurs once the Water-Ways are clearly out of the Gulf of Mexico Currents. In the case of Hurricane Milton, the Trajectory appears to go contrary to these Natural-Occurring Water Ways/Currents. One’s Point is that if the Hurricane, going West to East would follow the Natural-Occurring Water Ways/Currents of the Gulf of Mexico, Hurricane Milton would be squeezing through, funneled in-between the Florida Keys and Mainland Cuba. It would totally miss Florida.

But one also understands that it is not the Water Currents that precisely direct the Hurricanes as they are above the Water Surface, etc. However, it is the Jet-Stream that pushes the Hurricanes Northward. So, even accounting for the Natural-Occurring Continental Jet-Stream would push the Hurricane nearly vertically ‘Up’ as it has done and does with nearly all prior Hurricanes and Tropical Storms.

Perhaps because Hurricanes are so large and forceful, it does not matter which-way the Natural Water Currents go as it ‘bulldozes’ its way over them. What one is pointing out is that when the Hurricanes of the past have met-up with this Narrow Trough, in-between the Yucatan and Cuba, the Hurricane Trajectory does then follow the Natural occurring Water Way/Current. And that is what has propelled all the Hurricanes up to the U.S. Gulf Coast and up through the Eastern Seaboard. But as many People have commented, the Trajectory of Hurricane Milton coming from the West to East, from its Point of Origin in the Gulf of Mexico is peculiar. It is rather a very simplistic Assessment on one’s part.


Predictive Programming
So, one is just providing an Observation. When one saw the Path of Hurricane Milton, as projected by the Weather Computer Models and where the Hurricane originated from? A ‘Red Flag’ went up in one’s Mind. No Pun Intended. Why? Hurricanes in the Caribbean normally or usually follow an Origination Point that comes from the East, based on the Atlantic Currents, then drives upward or northward up the Coast, much like it was with Hurricane Helene.

But what is rather unusual is how this Hurricane, Milton is originating from the West Side of the Gulf of Mexico and heading East?! What? Can one say, Weather Manipulation? Here is what was reported even on the Daily Beast. And guess what the History Channel featured on their Friday Night October 5, 2024 Edition? Weather Manipulation as a Weapon of War and the Military. And their Spin? It is that the ‘Ancient Aliens’ are making this happen.

…’But the storms typically do not strike the region directly from the West from the Gulf of Mexico, instead traveling North along the coast, as seen in the paths of Hurricane Ian in 2022’.



Zachary Folk
October 6, 2024

It is about Predictive Programming. They postulate that when a Major Earth ‘Shift’ is to occur, as in the ‘New World Order’ type, that there have been sightings of Extraterrestrial and/or UFO Activity that accompanies it. They even attribute Noah as being an 'Ancient Alien' of a Race that caused the Flood, etc. This is part of 'The Lie' that will be believed.



Celestial Beings Cause Catastrophic Disasters (S2, E6) | Full Episode

All those that see the Ancient Alien Channel are believing their Narrative. They marginalize or rationalize-away the Biblical one. Essentially, they are blaming the ‘Gods’ of Old that are using Weather to ‘forecast’ a coming Change on Earth, on a Worldwide Scale no less. When one heard and saw the Episode and how nonchalantly they acknowledge the ‘Conspiracy’ as Fact, it seems that when ‘They’ say it, it ‘Common Knowledge’. But when others like www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org have been exposing this for Decades, it is a Conspiracy. Based on what one has read and seen, these 2 Hurricanes, back-to-back, are like a 1-2 Punch.

But Hurricanes happen all the Time…
And it is to wipe-out a significant MAGA Margin of Voters out of the ability to Vote. You have 100s Dead from Hurricane Helene and 1000s displaced and missing. Then Millions of People have needed to be relocated due to Hurricane Milton. Consider that the Areas affected by the Devastation are Red Trump Regions. And being so close to the Election, one surmises that the aim of the ‘Powers-That-Be’, are ensuring there is enough of a Voter Margin to have Harris elected U.S. President.

The last thing People will be thinking about is needing to go down to the Voting Station to cast their Vote for Trump when there is no Voting Station to begin with. Then how there will be is there is no Power and Electricity to man the Polling Stations. Many People are currently stuck in their Homes due to the Water and inaccessibility of Responders. One suspects that the Powers-That-Be, want to extend the Suffering and Misery as long as possible, at least after the Elections when Harris is sworn-in.

One is more convinced that Harris will ‘Win’ the Election, but only as a recurring Fraud and by Voter Tampering as it was stolen in the Prior National Election. The Luciferians that control the Weather Weapons, and all else to include the Federal Agencies cannot risk Trump winning. They have already tried to Assassinate him twice. The Plan to implode the USA to transfer the ‘Reset’ to the New World Order has to go as planned. The USA will be relegated to a 3rd World so as to more easily control its People.

Just keep them Down by providing ‘Bread and Circus’, hooked on the Federal Government for their Next Meal. Realize that these are the Last Chapters and Years of the USA, as it was once ‘Great’. It was not ‘Right’ because of its Might, but because it was Moral. It was enough so, to maintain a Threshold because it was Christian, at one point. It was enough to stave-off National Judgment. It is ‘No More’, in one’s Estimation from a Historical and Political Science Point of View. That Moral Threshold is gone. Mainly it is because the Christian Witness is gone. It is like Lot in Sodom and Abraham negotiating with YHVH GOD about sparing the Cities.

If there was enough of a Witness and Moral Threshold, YHVH would relent in a ‘Carpet-Bombing’ Judgment against the Land and its People. But as Jesus warned that the Last Days would be as Noah and Lot, then there will be no National Turning-Point. At this Point in Time, it is now about a Rescue Mission to extract YHVH’s People from such a Land and its Cities. And this is another Reason why the Weather Weapons are being unleashed.

It is to clear-out the ‘Useless Eaters’ from the Land and keep them from consuming the Elite’s Resources. But also to herd the Masses to those 15 Minute Cities. Why? Like Cattle in a Pen, all you have to do is build a Wall around and they become enclosed and contained to Control, Cull and Kill. Realize that once the Rapture occurs and Chaos ensues, the USA will be the Bread Basket for the Elites, China and the 10 Toe Confederation. The Land will be used for Farming and Feeding ‘Them’, not the People confined to the Cities. They will need enough People only to farm the Land. And if the Cities of the USA are to be Destroyed by Nuclear Attacks, it will serve many purposes.

Useful Idiots
It will drastically reduce the Population to have to worry about and feed. The Radiation will be localized as the Farm Lands will be spared to feed their New World Order Oligarchs, etc. It will be a World of literal fulfillments of what was deemed Literary Fiction, disclosed in Books like ‘1984’ and ‘The Brave New World’. These Books were not and are not Fiction but a Forecast, a Manual of what the Game Plan was and is. Here is a very interesting and insightful Video providing a 1st-Hand Assessment from a Brother who has been in Ground Zero in the Carolinas dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Some very sobering Comments made. Then one will provide the meaning of the Names of the 2 Hurricanes, Helene and Milton.

Timothy Alberino


RE: Milton
Meaning of Name

Gender: Masculine
Usage: English, Spanish (Latin American)
Pronounced /ˈmɪl.tən/(English) /ˈmil.ton/(Spanish) [key·simplify]

Meaning & History
From an English Surname that was derived from a Place Name meaning ‘Mill Town’ in Old English. A Famous Bearer of the Surname was John Milton (1608-1674), the poet who wrote Paradise Lost.

Source: https://www.behindthename.com/name/milton

RE: Helene
Meaning of Name

Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Estonian, Greek Mythology (Anglicized)
Scripts Ἑλένη(Ancient Greek)
Pronounced /ˈhɛl.ən/(English) [key·simplify]

Meaning & History
English form of the Greek Ἑλένη (Helene), probably from Greek ἑλένη (Helene) meaning 'Torch' or 'Corposant', or possibly related to σελήνη (Selene) meaning 'Moon'. In Greek Mythology Helen was the Daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose kidnapping by Paris was the cause of the Trojan War. The Name was also borne by the 4th-Century Saint Helena, Mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, who supposedly found the True Cross during a trip to Jerusalem.

The Name was originally used among Early Christians in honor of the Saint, as opposed to the Classical Character. In England it was commonly spelled Ellen during the Middle Ages, and the spelling Helen was not regularly used until after the Renaissance. A Famous Bearer was Helen Keller (1880-1968), an American Author and Lecturer who was both Blind and Deaf.

Source: https://www.behindthename.com/name/helen


Is the Reference to the USA as being that ‘Paradise’ that it once was and is now no more? Is the Reference to the USA, as being ‘Deaf and Blind’? From a Biblical Point of View, can one argue that the USA is a Nation that ‘Cannot Hear’ and ‘Cannot See’ what is coming in light of Judgment and Jesus? Just a Thought to consider the 2 Names of these 2 Hurricanes that will make a ‘X’ over Florida and the Deep South, the Bible Belt. Or is one reading too much into the Names?

So, as to the Gaslighting from the Left that the ‘MAGA’ Maniacs are at it again with their Conspiracies and how the ‘Jews’ are behind it? The Lithium Companies had tried to buy-out the Locals but most refused to sell. Then the $700+ Bailout in ‘Help’ provided by the Biden Administration to those affected? Yet, the Ukrainian Mafia Government gets $720 Billion of your Taxpayer Money. And here is the ‘Catch’. It is really a Loan. And one has to agree in taking it that it is tied to the Equity of one’s Property. So if a Family cannot pay the ‘Generous’ $700+ ‘Aid’ for the Hurricane Relief, one’s Property will be forfeited. Can one not see how clever the Powers-that-Be go around the ‘Conspiracy’ Fact? Yet there are Leftists Pundits masquerading as Journalist saying all this is not.

And as to the ‘Jews’ being behind it? Some of them surely are. The Head of the Communications of FEMA is Jewish, yet she closed down the Site for Citizens to Communicate through due to complaints of FEMA hindering Rescue and Relief Efforts. There is Concrete Proof that this was the case. Mayorkas, the Head of Homeland Security is Jewish, etc. Coincidence? And Funds have been diverted to Illegal Migrants and the War in the Ukraine. It is essentially a Jewish War. One could say, ‘Wait a Jewish Minute, that is being Anti-Semitic’. No, it is called an Observation.

The Links below will show 1st-Hand Witnesses were threatened with Arrest and confiscation of Supplies. It is not to implicate ‘All’ Jews but to realize that a disproportionate number of them are at Key Gate-Keeping Agencies that control the Federal Government. Consider that the COVID-19 Plandemic could not have been pulled-off if certain Key Appointees were all in consort to allow it to occur. See this Article for an Expose.

A Hunted Species - Humanity
The Synagogue of Satan Has Pulled it Off

Weather Wrath?
This Hurricane Weather Warfare ‘Conspiracy’ has become the New COVID 2.0 in how many Experts have weighed-in in how there is Geo-Engineering of Weather occurring. But the Paid Pundits are negating all that, as they did with the Doctors, Scientists and Virologist that sounded the Alarm against the Experimental COVID-19 Injections. To this Day, Students, Athletes, and Every-Day People who took the Shots are dying and dropping dead of Heart Attacks, have permanent paralysis and now Chronic Ailments. The Headlines are, ‘Could COVID be attributed to the increase in Heart Attacks?’ The Gaslighting is amazing to witness as it is disgusting.

But it is the Last Days that is to be characterized by Deception and Deceit. And this is why National Judgment is coming against the USA. For all the Innocent People that are caught in the Middle, it is the ‘Usual Suspects’ that just count them as Useless Eaters, the Goyim that need to be Controlled, Contaminated, Culled and eventually Killed. Consider below what was shared on one the Online Rapture Blog Posts about the Pending Wrath against the USA. Why? For its Sins. Does one have to spell or list those out? The following is from End Time Headlines Telegram Channel that had an interesting Post about Asheville, that according to Reports is totally ‘Wiped off the Map’, literally.

This comes from someone I personally know that lives in Asheville, So this isn’t from someone Passed Down Source but someone who is there. We have discussed the Heaviness and Oppressive Atmosphere of this Location for Years and it’s because of the things that are practiced there. So this really does make you think 👇🏽

‘In the so-called ‘New Asheville’ we have a River Arts District that has come to represent every Secular Wicked Thing that Asheville wanted to become. You could compare it to the French Quarter in New Orleans. It has been totally washed-away & they are saying all of the Breweries, Feminist Gay Transgender Art Galleries are gone & will never be rebuilt’.

What’s interesting is that Katrina destroyed areas like this in New Orleans as well that were full of New Age, Witchcraft, Sorcery and Sexual Immorality by Flooding through a Hurricane.


Is this just another ‘Conspiracy’ and unfounded implication of the Regions? Then consider this Report of the ‘Sins of Sodom’ in Appalachia. Of course it is not a blanket stereotype of those living there as it is already famous for many negative ones. But this insight just corroborates the Statement made above. What is rather interesting is how such a Community was washed-away, ‘Cleansed’ by a Flood. It echoed the Biblical Flood of Noah that cleansed the Earth of similar Circumstances then, how about now? Sure, Sin and Sodom’s exist in every Community, but this example was notorious.


Mountain Roots

One is still convinced that the 3 Great American Solar Eclipses of 2017-2023-2024 were and are an Omen of National Judgment, as it was for Nineveh. The difference is that the USA, as a whole, as a Nation has not and will not Repent as Nineveh initially did. Now, other People will say, Hurricanes and Natural Disasters occur all the Time. Every Year, Hurricanes occur and devastation is enormous.

How can that be because of a National Judgment? It is when its People are so confused, they do not know what Sex they are and what Bathroom to use. Consider that what is different now is that increasingly, the level and measure of Inequity has increased to the Point that many Places in the USA are no longer recognizable. In many places, the USA looks like 3rd World Nations, Sodom and its People. And the Mindset is that the People are behaving like those Failed Nations.



Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA.  The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' mean? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA. 


Celestial Omens of Judgment
The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc.



Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular; of what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.



Orchestrated National Collapse
The Fall of the Phoenix chronicles the Code of the 33 Sabbatical Cycle Countdown since 1792 for America’s Demise. Various Celestial Signs are taking place that appear to also be Signaling a Prophetic Countdown to the coming Fall of the Phoenix, America. This Book will also focus on Key Spiritual Signs of the Times that appear to have also 'Clocked' America’s Destiny that have sown the Seeds of its own Destruction. It appears that the Fall of America, the Fall of the Phoenix in Biblical Prophecy will be the Resetting of this New Beginning.



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