Oldest European Settlement in the USA

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The following is a study that shows how the Old Colonial Spanish Settlement of Saint Augustine is configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation. If one is interested in History, especially the Colonial Era of the Americas, then this Evidence connected to Mars will be intriguing. What is prominent in this Ley-Line and/or Nexus of the Location one Earth’s Energy Grid, is the Star Fort of San Marcos. Star Forts are obviously notable for the Layout and Design that is configured geometrically as a ‘Star’ Design.

Star Forts are designed with a Military Defense in mind to act as a Deterrent to Enemy Attacks. And Star Forts safeguard Occupants along with Supplies and Provisions, etc. From a Top-View, the Forts are depicted as a ‘Star’, as in a Geometric Pentagon. It is rather amazing and impressive, the amount of Design and Engineering that goes into building such massive Structures. The Labor alone to construct such an Edifice is just as impressive as in the case of the San Marcos Fort of St. Augustine, where there was limited Labor at the Time of its Construction.

In essence, the Star Fort is a Pentagon, much like the famous one built in the District of Columbia, USA. That Construction, coincidently broke Ground on September 11, 1941. The Name of the Department that was to be housed there, the largest in the World was changed from the Department of War to the Department of Defense, etc. But this Pentagon Design is more than just a mere Geometric Configuration. As it corresponds to the Massive Pentagon of the D&M Pyramid on Mars. One contends that it is also based on the Dimensions and Measurements/Proportions of the Human Body or Form.

This is to say or insinuate that the Designers and Builders of the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex had the Human Form as a Template in Mind as the True and Original Source. But from where and why? Presuming a Biblical Narrative, one is of the Interpretation that the True Pattern of such a ‘Body’ is found in Heaven. It originates in who and what the Creator GOD, YHVH is like or is. Humanity, thus, was made in this ‘Image and Likeness’. Humanity is the Epitome of YHVH’s Creation, the True GOD of the Universe.

Now, allow one to diverge a bit into this Theological Scope for further Explanation. It will help in deciphering the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Motif that is replicated on Earth at this Site of St. Augustine in Florida, USA. The Bible explicitly teaches that GOD, as in YHVH, does not have a Human Body of Flesh and Bones as a Human on Earth has or would understand this. The Bible teaches that GOD is Spirit, etc. However, there is a corresponding Design and Construct of that perceived Form that is as a Body in terms of Dimension that is presented in the Bible when GOD appears or is revealed at Times.

A Body thou hast prepared for Me…
For example, there are the Theophanies and Christophanies of the Pre-Incarnate Jesus. All that to say that GOD, YHVH has the Dimensions of a Body that in turn are echoed throughout Creation, the Solar System, the Human Body and the Temples in Jerusalem, etc. What is amazing to consider is that the Bible teaches that this Spirit Being, called an Elohim, YHVH, and being Triune, became Flesh and Blood. What? Yes. The Bible teaches that the 2nd Person of this Trinity, GOD the Son, was born into His very own Creation.

Amazingly, Jesus entered Space, Time and Matter. Why? This is where one will get very Theological and Biblical for Perspective, but it was a Rescue Mission. Realize that out of all Creations that YHVH has made, no other Kind or Species is like Humanity. How so? Humans have a Soul. This is the By-Product of the Spirit of YHVH fused or mixed with the Dust of the Earth when the Body was formed to create ‘Man’. This is based on the Judeo-Christian Creation Account found in the Book of Genesis.

In the Garden of Eden, YHVH fashioned Adam, which means ‘Red Clay’ or Dirt. The 1st Human was created with no Sin Nature and did not know Right from Wrong. Interestingly, the Design was of a Human Man based on a Pentagon, a Star. And this Divine Design is based on the Golden Celical and a Longitudinal Golden Ratio. It is because GOD, YHVH is the Author of Geometry, Symmetry and Mathematics. The Human Form was based off of this Divine Design that has Phi Ratio Proportions. They configure Man’s Body, down to the Face, Arms, Fingers and Frame, etc.

One can argue that Humanity was placed in Eden, on Earth for a Test. How so? Eden was and is under Lucifer’s Governance. One contends that it was 1 of Lucifer’s Thrones and Administration under his Auspices, etc. Although there was no Civil, Religious or Moral Law in Eden, YHVH did give only 1 Command, a very simple one. ‘Do not partake of the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’. Why not? YHVH stated that on that Day, if one did, Death would result. Obviously, because they did not die physically, what Type of Death was it then and why?

It is not the Knowing of ‘Good or Bad’ that caused the Spiritual Death of Adam and Eve. It was their Decision to Disobey. But this Spiritual Death then eventually resulted in the Death of the Body and now all Humans are born with the Sin Nature, and Spiritually Dead. This is why Humanity needs a Savior, and one that is Human but not contaminated by the Sin Nature to ransom back a Species head for Eternal Separation from the Life of the Creator, etc. This is called Hell.

What caused the Death of Adam and Eve was their Disobedience, as in Defiance for being Distracted by Lucifer’s Ploy to capture Humanity by Deception. It is like a Shepherd breeding and placing 2 Lambs in a Pen. Then a Wolf comes and pretends to be a Sheep. But the Male Sheep allows the Wolf in the Pen. Then the Female Sheep follows the Wolf instead of her Partner. They are now captured by the Deceiving Wolf. The Sheep Pen becomes their Prison and Tomb. The Wolf seeks to destroy the Sheep in their Prison Pen, neverto be let-out. The Shepherd comes and has to kill the Wolf.

A War for the Body is through the Mind to acquire the Soul.

But in so doing, because the Shepard is Benevolent, wants the Sheep to obey his Voice and follow him out of the Pen to Green Pastures because they Love the Shepherd. However, the Shepherd stands at the Gate and opens the Door to the Sheep Pen. He calls-out and shows them their Way to Freedom. But the Shepherd respects the Wishes and Decisions of the Sheep to not Obey still, nor appreciate that they have been rescued from the Deceptive Wolf. The Shepherd will not force the Sheep to obey nor to leave the Sheep Pen to Green Pastures, etc.

So, the Sheep have the Freedom, the Free Will to love back the Shepherd for saving them from the Wicked Wolf. Perhaps they did not realize that in the Fight, the Wolf had also mortally killed the Shepherd. But in a miraculous happenstance, the Shepherd was revived. The Wolf did not. Now the Sheep that were imprisoned and deceived are told the Truth. However, it is on the Sheep now to Listen, Understand and Obey. In this, a very simplistic Metaphor, that is exactly what YHVH accomplished through Jesus.

So, Jesus had to have a Body, a Human Body to be Genetically representing the ‘Image and Likeness’, to be able to buy back Humanity, 1-for-1, Body, Mind and Soul, etc. It was for this Reason that this Person of the Trinity, became a Human. Why? It was Jesus, at the Cross of Calvary that destroyed Lying Lucifer that had captured Adam and Eve and all of their Descendants since Eden. Jesus is now the Door of the Sheep Pen. Jesus is the Only Way Out. He has liberated Humanity but respects its Sovereignty. Jesus is calling now every Human, as Sheep to Listen, Understand and Obey His Voice and Commands. But the Sheep must love the Shepherd for what He did in response.

And that is why the Body of Humans is different from any other Beings possibly created by YHVH, even before Adam. It is because the King of the Universe chose to set His Love and Rescue Humans from their certain Demise. No other Species or Creature created, that Humans are aware of, has it been done for. And amazingly, the Bible teaches that at the Point of the Resurrection and Rapture, the present Body of Decay and Death will be transformed into a ‘Glorified Body’ like Jesus has now. It will be Indestructible and Eternal. It will be a Body much like Adam had originally and more.

That is what is promised by Jesus for all those that heed the Call to Come to Him for Redemption. Redemption is a Theological Term that means to ‘Buy Back’. And that is what Jesus did. He brought back Humanity with a Body for a Body. Jesus has relit the extinguished Spirit in a Person and has saved one’s Soul from the Consequences of Disobedience that led and still leads to Damnation for those that reject Jesus’ Solution.

But each individual Human has to come to Jesus, unconditionally. So, that is the Link the Human Body and Form has to a Star Configuration. It is geometrically connected to the Star Forts found around the World and at Cydonia, Mars. Think of the famous Da Vinci Vitruvian Man. That out-stretched Human Male Figure can be superimposed onto the Pentagon. In a sense, Humans are ‘Walking, Living and Breathing Stars’. So this Rationale would explain why the Human Form, as outlined in the Pentagon Dimension found on Cydonia, would be there as well.

Co-Heirs with Jesus
One could argue, but why would the Human Form be found there, if no Humans ever existed when the D&M Pentagon Pyramid was built on Mars? It is because, ultimately, the Body is of the Divine Design of the Creator Himself, YHVH. Thus, realize that the Human Form transcends Humanity as it is the Divine Design of what and who YHVH is, the Creator. But realize this Amazing Aspect of YHVH now. Since Jesus took-on Flesh, Blood and Bones, and having been Resurrected, there is presently in Heaven, seated at the Right Side of YHVH’s Throne a Human with a Physical Human Body, genetically.

Riddle me that Batman? And there, at that Place is where Jesus promised that any Human, Descendants of Adam and Eve only, that Call and Come to Him, He will share that Throne, Authority and Power with Him to rule all that has been given to Him by GOD the Father; and that is Everything. Now, one will provide some Facts of what occurred at St. Augustine and what happened there for Historical Context. The Information is taken from the Online Wikipedia Page.

St. Augustine (Spanish: San Agustín) is a City in and the county seat of St. Johns County located 40 Miles (64 Km) South of Downtown Jacksonville. The City is on the Atlantic coast of northeastern Florida. Founded in 1565 by Spanish Explorers. It is the Oldest Continuously Inhabited European-Established Settlement in what is now the Contiguous United States. St. Augustine was founded on September 8, 1565, by Spanish Admiral Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, Florida's 1st Governor.

He named the Settlement San Agustín, for his Ships bearing Settlers, Troops, and Supplies from Spain. They had 1st sighted Land in Florida on the Feast Day of St. Augustine. The City served as the Capital of Spanish Florida for over 200 Years. St. Augustine's distinctive Historical Character is centered around the Castillo de San Marcos, the City's 17th-Century Spanish Fort. The 1st European known to have explored the Coasts of Florida was the Spanish Explorer and Governor of Puerto Rico, Juan Ponce de León.

He named the Peninsula he believed to be an Island ‘La Florida' and claimed it for the Spanish Crown. In 1560, King Philip II of Spain appointed Menéndez as Captain General, and his brother Bartolomé Menéndez as Admiral, of the Fleet of the Indies. Menéndez commanded the Galleons of the Great Armada de la Carrera, or Spanish Treasure Fleet, on their Voyage from the Caribbean and Mexico to Spain. The Spanish Settlement was contested by the Protestant French Huguenots at Fort Caroline.

The Roman Catholic Spaniards, under the Inquisition, sought to eliminate the Huguenot French. The Catholic Spanish were considered to be dangerous Heretics. Father Francisco López de Mendoza Grajales, the Chaplain of the Spanish Settlement celebrated the 1st Thanksgiving Mass that perhaps was the 1st Mission in what would become the continental United States. The French attacked St. Augustine but was thwarted by a violent squall that ravaged the French Naval Forces.

The Spanish easily overwhelmed the lightly defended French Garrison, which had been left with only a Skeleton Crew of 20 Soldiers and about 100 others, killing most of the Men and sparing about 60 Women and Children. The Bodies of the French Huguenots were hung in Trees with the Inscription that follows. ‘Hanged, not as Frenchmen, but as Lutherans’. Menéndez renamed the fort San Mateo. Later on, a Spanish Patrol encountered the Remnants of the French Force and took them Prisoner.

Menéndez accepted their Surrender, but then executed all of them except a few Professing Catholics and some Protestant Workers with useful Skills, at what is now known as Matanzas Inlet (Matanzas is Spanish for ‘Slaughters’). Soon after the 1586 Anglo-Spanish War began, the English Privateer Sir Francis Drake sacked and burned St. Augustine. The 1763 Treaty of Paris, signed after Great Britain's victory over France and Spain during the 7 Years War, ceded Florida to Great Britain.

It was in exchange for the return of Havana and Manila. The vast majority of Spanish Colonists in the region left Florida for Cuba. Florida became a British North American Colonies. St. Augustine became a Loyalist Haven during the American Revolutionary War, as the 14th Colony. The 1783 Treaty of Paris, which recognized the independence of the 13 Colonies as the United States, ceded Florida back to Spain and returned the Bahamas to Britain.

The Adams–Onís Treaty, negotiated in 1819 and ratified in 1821, ceded Florida and St. Augustine, still its Capital at the Time, to the United States. In Modern Times, the Popular Revulsion against the Klan and Police Violence in St. Augustine generated National Sympathy for the Black Protesters. It became a Key Factor in Congressional Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In 2015, St. Augustine celebrated the 450th Anniversary of its Founding with a 4-Day Long Festival and a visit from Felipe VI of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Augustine,_Florida  


The following will now be one’s Interpretation of how St. Augustine is configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation of Structures. These 3 Structures are the Massive Pentagon Pyramid that one has already addressed, then the Pleiades City followed by the Face on Mars Mausoleum, etc. As it has been discussed extensively, the Cydonia, Mars D&M Pentagon Pyramid Pentagon corresponds to the Star Fort of San Marcos. Then the Face of Mars corresponds to the area, to the North where the Stations of the Cross Site is configured.

There is a Giant Cross there. And True to many such Correspondences, the Face of Ala-Lu is associated with the ‘Christ’ or that of a Savior Figure. But it is not, in the case of Cydonia pertaining to Jesus of the Bible. This Personage, the Rebel King of ‘Nibiru’ is rather the Antithesis, Lucifer who is the False Christ. Realize that Lucifer or Hillel was and is the ‘Anointed Cherub’. Anointed is the Word where Christ comes from, as in the ‘Chosen One’, etc. It is Lucifer that has used the ‘Ancient Alien’ Narrative to fool Man.

Ancient Aliens?

Then the area corresponding to the Cydonia 7 Pleiades Pyramid City is encapsulating the area of St. Augustine that incorporates the Downtown or Ponto Central. So, what to do with all this Information? What do the Cydonia, Mars Triangulations being replicated on Earth, still to this Day in the Modern Era have to do with one’s Every-Day-Life? Everything. Why? It is because these ‘Ancient Aliens’ will deceive Humanity into thinking ‘They have come Back’. They will show-up. But it will be after the Rapture Event when Jesus takes all those Humans from Earth that have Called and Come to Him. This is the Rapture Event that closes-out the Church Age.

What awaits Humanity, Israel and Lucifer is horrific. One is convinced that such Locales, as St. Augustine served and still do serve as a Nexus for a Portal or ‘Star-Gate’ in which Entities, i.e., Fallen Angels can and do traverse in-and-out, Inter-Dimensionally between Earth and Earth and Mars, and between Earth and the Heavens, etc. The Site serves as an Energy Source based on the Magnetic Ley-Lines found on Earth whereby they are harnessed for such Spiritual Interactions. And Humans can even participate, using Ritualistic Magic, Blood Sacrifices and Drugs. Such Locales thus serve to exert Spiritual Influence over said Areas, Regions and People.

One is just arguing that such Spiritual Beings, i.e., the Fallen Angles have not left Mars nor Earth. Realize that Humanity is not alone on Earth, just living a ‘Normal’ Day-to-Day Existence. No. Ever-increasingly, the Soft Disclosure of the UFO Phenomena is such an example of how such Entities are gradually being manifested to Humanity. Realize, however, that these ‘Ancient Alien’ Creators have not ‘Arrived’ on Earth. They have always been here all along and on Mars and who knows where else. It is just that on Earth, Humans cannot naturally and fully ‘see’ them in the White Spectrum of Light where Mankind resides in in terms of its allotted Frequency, etc.

 However, as one subscribes to the Biblical Narrative, 1 Day, after the Rapture Event, the Restraint that the Scriptures speak about will be set-aside. And at that Time and Place, these Fallen Angels will manifest fully to Humanity. But on that Day, their continued Deception and Luciferian Lying Wonders will be for the purpose of maintaining the Enslavement and Control of all of Humanity. They will portray themselves as the Ancient Alien Creators that seeded Humanity. They will propagate this Lie, that it was them, the ‘Elohim’ that along with Jesus, who is 1 of them, but mis-understood and not God, but a God, have come to ‘Save’ Humanity from itself and save the Planet Earth from Humanity, etc. Sound familiar?



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Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ on another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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