Culling of Humanity through COVID Injections

  • Is the Deagel Webpage a Conspiracy Theory?
  • Who is behind the Deagel Nation Projections?
  • ​Why some Populations are drastically reduced?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

As the Year 2025 is coming into focus, one wishes to address the Deagel Report that predicted the U.S. Population declining from 327 Million to 100 Million. Essentially, about 1/3 or .33 of the People within the USA would ‘Vanish into Thin Air’, it would seem. Or will such an Event constitute the Effects of the Biblical Rapture Event? Of course, such a Predictive Population Decimation was and is not isolated to just the USA. The Deagle Report is about that Military Website that projected what the U.S. Population will be by 2025.

The specific Chart from that CIA Front Deagel Military ‘Think Tank’, got Scrubbed around November of 2020. It got too ‘Hot’ and many People were asking Questions and taking Screenshots of the Chart. Why? How? We now know why. To a large part, it is because of the mRNA Injections, never Testing Fully on Humans before given Emergency Authorization. And perhaps as one who believes in Biblical Prophecy and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, it could very well explain the Decimation in the Population of the USA, in particular, etc.

As to the COVID Plandemic? That was just the ‘Trial Run’. The next one, as ‘Promised’ by Bill Gates is coming. But the People were not given ‘Informed Consent’ Notification in Writing, as it was Stipulated to have occurred in giving the Shots ‘Emergency Authorization’. But the Big Pharma Corporations run and controlled by the Luciferian Cabal went around it, legally in that if a Person just showed-up for a Shot Appointment, that constitute their ‘Informed Consent’.

The Notification had to mention that there could be Serious Adverse Events. Note, that although any Website or Post that is uploaded to the Internet, despite being taken down, there is a Permanent Record. For example, the Website ‘Internet Archive’ is the best Repository of Internet Websites. One of the Websites is of Deagle. Here below is the Screenshot one took as part of one’s COVID Research during the Lock-Down, from 2020-2022.

One Self-Published 6 Books during that Time. And also notice the 2nd Chart of how the Rothschild’, surprise, surprise, had Ordered COVID-19 Virus Test Kits, when? In 2015. They Knew. They were in on it. They and the Like are in on it. What one found out, was that Proverbial, ‘Tip of the Iceberg’. Truly Chilling, no pun intended. According to the CDC’s own Statistics and Reporting, which one suspects is Under-Reported, as of Fall of 2022, over 85% of all Americans in the USA took the Shot. That is Alarming. One cannot tell you how many Dads and Moms ‘Suddenly’ Died, one was told by Students.

Plausible Deniability
‘Who Are the Adults Not Vaccinated Against COVID?
Apr 12, 2022 December 28, 2021. Lindsay M. Monte. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that as of December 14, roughly 85% of Adults Ages 18 and over in the United States had received at least 1 Dose of a COVID-19 Vaccine but 15% remained Unvaccinated’.

They reported their Dads having a Stroke/Heart Attack by Students in one’s Advising Sessions with them. One would say back to them, ‘Do you mind if one asks if they took the COVID Shot?’ There is a brief Pause. ‘Yes, but it was not because of the Shot’ In one’s Mind, one is saying, ‘Oh, really? Wow, you must be so knowledgeable that you could absolutely rule that out Medically’. That is now Brain-Washed the Control Narrative and Media has cast its Spell or Broad-Casted upon the World to think this way. It is impossible to ‘Wake’ People up. They rather be ‘Woke’.

In another instance, 1 Male Student going off to study Abroad took the Shot. One had been helping him choose his Courses and had frequent Emails, back-and-forth, etc. But the Day he got the shot, the last Email one received of him was, ‘Well I took the Shot and now I feel Sick’. That was the last one heard of him. One was not aware that he was going to take the Kill-Shot. About 2 Weeks later, one’s Supervisor came in at stood at the Door with a look of perplexity.

One sensed in one’s Spirit that the Student had Died of the COVID Shot. Before the Supervisor could say anything, one spoke saying, ‘He is Died is not?’ He replied, ‘How did you know?’ One replied, the last Email Contact one had with him was how he had taken the COVID Shot and then felt ill thereafter, etc. The University suppressed his Death as most common is the Practice or Protocol of Student Affairs to notify the entire Campus of a Faculty, Staff and Student’s Death.

One cannot believe in all of one’s 30 Years of working in Higher Education the amount of Semester Retro-Withdrawals and Psychological Counseling needed because of the COVID Histeria and the Trauma it has caused Students. And now many are slowly dying because of it and how they believed the ‘Science’ and Fauci. And the ‘Excess Deaths’ are being attributed to COVID still, not the Shots. It is the common Dis-Information Tactic, perpetrated on the Civilian Population. Remember, the Release of COVID and the Roll-Out of the Injections by Trump was a Military Operation.

So, for the USA, why from the Years just prior to the Scrubbing, 2017-2022, was the Population noted, approximately correct, and then, Dramatically Reduced to a 1/3 Approximately? We can have a Good Educated Guess. The mRNA Shots. And one would Interject the Rapture Event. Consider that the ‘Good Doctors’, sounding the Alarm, pertaining to this New mRNA Technology being infused in the Body, warned that there would be a Slow Death Count, starting in 2 Years. It would take more for some, less for others. They were Right all along. And that is what those Injected with the Toxic Protein Spikes are experiencing to deferent levels. It is a Slow Death March, it seems, with a Case of ‘SADS’, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Statistical Extrapolations
Athletes and Actors, Regular People, just Dropping-Dead. And this is due to the Medical Conditions all the Censored Doctors warned would be happening, Blood Clots, Myocarditis. And now it is ‘Normalized’.

Well, one can go on, 6 Books of Research worth. But the Next Plandemic has been in the Works. But one also would interject that when the Rapture Event occurs, that will Reflect the Projected De-Population Numbers. If about 85% of Americans took the Shot, and say, less than 1/3 of Americans are Raptured-Out, that would leave about 100,000 Million remained or ‘Left Behind’.



~100,000,000 Raptured-Out, presuming 1 in 3 are Truly Converted in Heart.
~100,000,000 Dead from mRNA related Medical Malevolence

~100,000,000 People left in the USA as a Total Population or De-Population.

Mission Accomplished. This Scenario, as Dark and Bleak as it is, will be the Contributing Causes for why the USA, as the World Leader will have Collapsed and Imploded to a 3rd World Rate Nation, as planned. One is seeing this now being implemented. One is not saying that just because one took the Shots, one will eventually Die.

But as Believers and Followers of Jesus, the Body of Christ understands that whatever the World means for Evil and Death, if it is not Jesus’ Will that one succumb, then nothing in this World will or can Harm or Kill the Body. Case in Point as the Biblical Episode of how the Apostle Paul, while Shipwrecked on Crete was bitten by a Viper. The Viper is said to be the most Venomous and Deadly Serpent on the Planet. Yet, he was not Fazed by it.

So, if the Rapture Event does occur before or in 2025, as one currently Calculates it, and the Medical Malevolence of the Injections has its way, slowly, then as mentioned, the Deagel De-Population Projection for the USA will not be a mere Statistic, but a Reality.

*NOTE: A Harvard Study came out that only about 1% of total Vaccine Injection Deaths are Reported. An average Reporting takes about 1 Hour. If one truly wants to know the real Approximate Number of People Killed by the Vaccine, one Multiplies the Total by 1%. The Result? Deaths from the COVID Shots are Under-Reported and those ‘Counted’ as, ‘Dying from COVID’ have been Deliberately Inflated.

No Autopsies are Required, and thanks to Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix, any mere suspicion of a Patient with Prior Medical Condition who Died was Mis-Labeled, ‘Death by COVID’. Dr. Brix later admitted in your Book, that she and Fauci arbitrarily came-up with a 6 Feet Social Distancing Ploy. And that they knew that the Vaccines would not work. They are Angels of Death.



End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.



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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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