Who will use their Nuclear Warheads 1st?

  • What is the Isaiah 17 Prophecy all about? 
  • When will this Prophecy about Damascus occur?
  • Will Israel be 1st to use Nukes in the the Region?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One has been asked, ‘When will Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus occur?’ That is a Difficult Assessment to surmise. But here are some Thoughts. Based on previous Atomic Detonations, one’s Suppositions, in part, has to do with the ‘Where and When’ such Events have taken place. And perhaps, based on such Precedence and Prejudice, the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus will follow. It is also presuming that the Destruction of Damascus will involve a Nuclear Detonation,  if at all. It will be the Samson Option used. This Doctrine is based on ‘Mutual Assured Destruction’.

But the Description given in the Book of Isaiah is amazing, similar to how only a Nuclear Event could or can an entire City be ‘Gone by the Morning’. And as one has studied Nuclear Detonation Models, and combining them with the Luciferian Number correlations, one is not surprised when such Nuclear Detonations have been scheduled and perhaps will be for Damascus. Consider the following Reference Points connected to Place, Dates and Times. Realize that Damascus is on the 33rd Degree Latitude North. So was the 1st Nuclear Detonation, named of all things, ‘Trinity’ in New Mexico.

The Trinity Nuclear Test in New Mexico occurred on July 16. It marked the beginning of the Atomic Age and the start of the Islamic New Year.

On August 6, 1945, the United States detonated its 1st Atomic Bombs to be used for the War over the Japanese City of Hiroshima. Realize that technically, World War 2 was a ‘Nuclear War’.

Then 3 Days later on August 6, 1945, the United States detonated the 2nd Atomic Bomb over the Japanese City of Nagasaki. On an Aside Note, both of these 2 Cities had the highest Concentration of Christians in Japan. The U.S. Government essentially wiped-out the Christian Presence and Witness in Japan.

August 9 was the 222nd Day of the Year (222nd in Leap Year which 1945 was) in the Gregorian Calendar. Then there were 144 Days remaining until the End of the Year.

Nagasaki is on the 32nd Degree Latitude Line, North.

Trinity, New Mexico, the Site of the 1st Nuclear Detonation is on the 33rd Degree Latitude Line, North. Damascus is also on the 33.33 Degree Longitude Line, North precisely.

It is exactly 40 KM to Mount Hermon, where the 200 Watcher Type or Class of Fallen Angels descended in the Days of Enoch.


A Case for Proving Prophecy True
In studying also the Fallen Angel Incursions of Genesis 6 and of Mount Hermon, one can read, especially from the Book of Enoch, how the Watcher Class of these Fallen Angels gave Humanity the Secret Forbidden Knowledge of Warfare. And one thus surmises that the Nuclear Technology was given to the Ruling Elites of Earth that have corroborated with Lucifer’s Minions.

If one wants to go on a Rabbit Trail of the Trinity Nuclear Site, one has connected that with the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation ‘Star-Gate’ Configuration. Why? Such Sites on Earth are based on Earth’s Magnetic Grid. Such Force and Energy is what can and one is convinced does open Star-Gates or ‘Portals’ that pierce the Space-Time Continuum on Earth. That is what CERN is all about, built on top of the Ancient Temple to Apollo. See Charts of the Trinity Nuclear Blast that even has Pyramids built for it. Coincidence? No.

Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Star Map

If one compares and correlates this Omen against Damascus with the current Geo-Political Events between Israel and Syria, it is astounding what is about to occur. Realize that Damascus, although heavily destroyed and desolated, is still ‘Continuously’ inhabited. What is very interesting is how the LORD of Host, that being the Creator GOD, YHVH states that the Region of Damascus belongs to the Tribe of Ephraim. This was the Allotment given after the Exodus by Moses and then conquered by Joshua.


(Isaiah 17:1-14 Abbreviated)

This is the Burden against Damascus: Behold, Damascus is no longer a City; it has become a Heap of Ruins…The Fortress will disappear from Ephraim, and the Sovereignty from Damascus. The Remnant of Aram will be like the Splendor of the Israelites, declares the LORD of Hosts. In that Day the Splendor of Jacob will Fade, and the Fat of his Body will waste away… In that Day Men will look to their Maker and turn their Eyes to the Holy One of Israel.

They will not look to the Altars they have fashioned with their Hands or to the Asherahs and Incense Altars they have made with their Fingers. In that Day their Strong Cities will be like forsaken Thickets and Summits, abandoned to the Israelites and to utter Desolation.

For you have Forgotten the God of your Salvation and Failed to remember the Rock of your Refuge. Therefore, though you cultivate delightful Plots and set out Cuttings from Exotic Vines—though on the Day you plant you make them grow, and on that Morning you help your Seed sprout—yet the Harvest will vanish on the Day of Disease and Incurable Pain.

Alas, the Tumult of many Peoples; they rage like the Roaring Seas and Clamoring Nations; they rumble like the crashing of Mighty Waters. The Nations rage like the Rush of Many Waters. He rebukes them, and they flee far away, driven before the Wind like Chaff on the Hills, like Tumbleweeds before a Gale. In the evening, there is Sudden Terror! Before Morning, they are no more! This is the Portion of those who Loot us and the lot of those who Plunder us.


Samson Option

However, not all or the full extent of the Land Grant promised to Israel by YHVH has been procured, from the River to the River. Those 2 Rivers are the Euphrates and the Nile. It is not a Fake Palestine from the River to the Sea, etc. But also notice how this Prophecy of the Destruction of Damascus is assured to occur 1 Day. And that it will cost Israel though as it will ‘Fade’ and its ‘Fat’ will be lost. Is that not the case in how Hezbollah has essentially driven over 1 Million Israelis from the Northern Portion of Israel?

Then it is at this Place and Time, that many Israelis will start to turn to their GOD. They have no other Choices. Well, they do in that the Religious Jews will identify the False Jewish Messiah, that being the Biblical AntiChrist. They will lead all of Israel to accept and acclaim this Imposter as the Messiah, etc. As the LORD of Hosts states, however, Israel has lost ‘Sight’ of who their True Messiah was and is, Jesus the True Rock of Refuge. But notice how even in this Spiritual State and Condition, YHVH will use Israel to judge Syria for their Sins.

Then consider how the Description of the Nations will be clamoring against Israel, with Tumult, Rage and Rebuke. Just listen to the various UN Speeches and Condemnation of the Nations and Protests on University Campuses, for example against Israel. But it is YHVH, the GOD of Israel that will ‘Reverse the Curse’ in how the Muslims seek to Plunder and Loot Israel for what it has, stands for and has acquired.

But the attack on the Russian Military Bases by Israel has/will assuredly ensure that the Ezekiel 83 War will occur against Israel. It is being reported that ‘Unknown Aircraft’ have attacked Russia's Hmeimim Airbase in Latakia / Tartus Syria. Realize that Russia has a Military Pact with Iran and Turkey. So, when Israel has been hitting Iranian Targets, Russia has to Safe Face also and is thus obliged to act.

Israel is suspected because the Reports state that the Strike was coming from Ships off the Mediterranean Sea. If any Missiles were launched from non-Israeli Naval Ships, as in the USA or NATO, this could be the Flashpoint in World War 3 starting overtly amongst the USA, NATO against Russia. Israel is preemptively needing to Strike 1st because it has to. It does not have the Military Personnel nor Time to ‘Wait-and-See’ if the Muslims will ‘Play Nice’.

And as surmised, just from a purely Military Standpoint, Israel will have to ‘Go-Nuclear’, at some Point-in-Time to even the Odds. Such a small Nation, having Hostilities on all 7 Fronts is unsustainable. The following is what was forwarded to me by a Contact of mine, Benjamin Baruch. He reports that News is coming-out that Syrian and Russian Air Defenses were engaged against the Air Strikes.

It is reported that over 50 Missiles were fired by the ‘Unknown Aircrafts’. Obviously, Israel is suspected as their Hardware Signatures can be detected and identified, etc. So, why has Israel bombed Russia’s Airbase in Syria? It is reported that the Israeli Air Strike on the Russian Bases because the Russians allowed an Iranian Plane, Qashim Fars to land.

Poking the Bear
The Israelis suspected it, no doubt of having Armaments to be distributed to Hezbollah to fight against Israel’s Ground Incursions into Southern Lebanon, etc. For Israel, this is unacceptable and a Red Line that both Russia and now Israel have crossed. And? It is now a ‘Chess Match’ and a Point of No Return. The Prophetic Plot thickens…The Russian Oligarchs are livid and rightly so, but the Russians are needing to walk and maneuver on the Razor’s Edge, as they say. How so?

There are many Jews in Russia and there are many Russians in Israel. It is estimated that there are approximately 1.5 Million Russian Citizens in Israel alone, or those that have Dual Citizenship, etc. The Russian Government is telling its citizens to leave Israel. As it is, the Russians are now ‘tired’ of needing to keep reminding NATO, the USA and now Israel that they are a Nuclear Power, a Super Power. But guess what? So is Israel now.

Now, as Modern Warfare goes now, just by merely attacking a Base, nowadays will not have Country ‘Declare All-Out War’ However, it was reported that the Russian Duma (Congress) is discussing that very Fact or Desire of Declaring War against Israel. Not Yet. Nonetheless, Russia returned Fire. This is where the Level of Diplomacy and Geo-Politics has been ratcheted-up 1 Notch closer to a Nuclear Detonation and assuredly, World War 3. The United States has pledged to defend Israel as Russia is pledged to defend Syria and Iran. That is reserved and will happen per Ezekiel 38-39, etc.



Isaiah 17 Nuclear Detonation Model

End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the  Astronomical Signs above  that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth. Lastly, the Book will delve into how the Church Age plays in all this and how Israel will resort to a False Messiah that brings a false sense of Peace and Security.  ​

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


3 World Wars Israel Still Has to Fight
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting ‘Drunk’ over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was  placed at the Center of Humanity.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

A People of Signs and Wonders
What is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble?' Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire ‘Trouble’. One can argue that since Israel’s Modern ‘Re-Birth’ in 1948, there has been nothing but ‘Trouble’. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

Burden of the Nations
This Book ascertains Events surrounding Israel as the Fig Tree Nation and how it is being contested by the Nations and coming from the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’. It is a ‘Battle over Zion’ and who will get that as the ‘Winner takes All’. This was not the case initially when the Palestinians had a chance at having their own State. They rejected the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947. This book will examine the Political, Social, Religious Factors of how Israel is fast approaching its ultimate Rendezvous.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1086.
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