
Testing the Theory of the ‘723’ July 23

High Watch Date

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One was asked about the July 23 Rapture Date that one postulates could correlate to the Timing of the Rapture, of course depending on the given Year. It is based on the Premise that the Pentecost of Acts 2 is the Convergence of the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest, on a July 22nd, and then the subsequent Day, a July 23rd is the Feast of the New Wine. And this July 23 corresponds, Astrologically to the Leo New Year. It is also the Month and Day that the Captives of Judah exited Babylon, etc. One has presented Evidence of several Timelines that converge to 2025.

There is the Prophetess Ana Code based on her Age. There is the Sabbath of the Land synchronized to the Year 1952, rather than 1948 as the Correct Countdown. There is the Old Testament Law of the Planted Tree that it is only in the 4th Year that the Fruit is to be eaten. There is the Old Testament Law of the Newlywed that is granted a 1 Year Reprieve before going-off to ‘Make War’ against the Enemies of Israel. Then there is one’s Personal Witness of seeing a ‘723’ be painted across an Artist Canvas, twice in a Dream. Despite all that Evidence, being Circumstantial at best, it could all be mis-interpreted on one’s Part to suggest a July 23 Rapture Timing.

But the July 23 (723) Date is based on a New Understanding of Leviticus 23:15-16. It has to do with the 3 Penta-Feasts or Shavuot Feast from Passover. They are in the Bible, but what has brought these 3 ‘Forgotten’ Feast to the Forefront of Eschatology with the End Times Community is the reinforcement given by the Temple Scroll that were part of the Dead Sea Scroll Discoveries, etc. One’s July 23 Date is based on the Solar Calendar, pegged to the Spring Equinox. It has to do with the 2nd of 3 Segments of Time based on a 50-Day Count from Passover.

April 14            + 50 Days       = June 3 Shavuot        Feast of New Grain
June 03           + 50 Days       = July 23 Pentecost     Feast of New Wine
July 24            + 50 Days        = September 11          Feast of New Oil

One is assuming a 32 AD Mode wherein, the Julian Calendar was in-sync with the Hebrew Sun-Lunar Calendar of the 1st Century. And that on the 2nd 50 Day Count, it was the Occasion where the Holy Spirit came Down to indwell the Disciples of Jesus to ‘Officiate’ the start of the Church Age. One’s Theory is that perhaps the Rapture of taking all those Believers and Followers of Jesus throughout the Church Age, as a Wheat Harvest Type, will be going Up on its Anniversary. The issue is ‘What Year’? Of course, this is all one’s Conjecture but based on Years of Research into the Biblical Typologies. Some Typologies are Spectacular, and others are Vague.

Seeing the Day Approaching
One has tried to piece together the in-betweens. The Main Issue that clouds the Speculation is what is the Start Date and which Calendar to use. Now to Speculate and Theorize on the Timing of the Rapture might seem Futile and Senseless to many in the End Times Watching Community. But thinking about the Rapture, as the Blessed Hope that it is, is not all about that as some Brethren do make out to be that. One is looking and watching for He who is the coming Blessed Hope, Jesus. And in one’s Personal case, these End Time Studies or Eschatology is a ‘Side Endeavor’.

That is how it should be in one’s Thinking, as seeking to know the Timing of the Rapture is not a Salvific Issue. One does have a Job and has to get-up every Morning to do so for a living, although that has become and is a Challenge for many, Now-a-Days. One’s Point is that ‘Being About the Fathers Business’ is what is or should be the Prime Prerogative for any of Jesus’ Believers and Followers. It is the Church Commission to be doing so. So to witness for Jesus, on any Day will perhaps be that Person’s ‘Last Call’. So, ‘Yes’, one’s ‘July 23 Date’ comes-up every Year. They have all been Dress Rehearsals so far. And as mentioned in prior Posts, one is a 1-Time Date Observer or Watcher.

Based on what one has Researched and surmised regarding this Topic of the Rapture’s Timing linked to the Pentecost New Wine Theory, one cannot look to any other Possibilities. Now it is a Tall Order to deliver on it. As presented, it is all based on one’s Personal Studies and Interpretations. One could be Wrong. And as Theories go, they have to be Tested. There are a lot of ‘Moving Parts’, as they say, but one has based the Projection of a July 23rd Date, being the Rapture Date, only because one has deduced it from a series of Factors that have been presented over the Years.

Now, to those asking as to the Specific ‘Day and Hour’? If the Rapture Event is to occur on the Astrological Leo New Year of July 23, then one is also assuming a Time Zone Factor. Even that is Conjecture. So, as presented, that would be then Jerusalem Time, ‘0’ Hour. Now based on the only Details one can discern from Acts 2, the Disciples at the Temple Mount received the Holy Spirit right at the Break of Dawn. This was the 1st Watch of the Jewish Day-Watches. This means that it was 6am, as that is what appears to have been their Custom to meet early in the Morning, before they all perhaps went about their Business. Note that the Apostle Peter, when he stood up to explain this Phenomena, noted that it was not even the 9am Hour or the 3rd Hour of the 1st Watch.

That is when the New Wine would have been offered as an Oblation at the Altar of Sacrifice, etc. So, that is one’s Reasoning about the Hour. But for a permissible Tolerance of Time, it would be within that 1st Watch of the Day, 6am to 9am. Now as to the Time Zones? Again, one is only conjecturing that when the Rapture Event occurs, it will be Universal Time, in that it will be instantaneously all at once. And then one is not sure about the Day-Light Saving Times Factor, etc. But in general, one is again, assuming the different Time Zones. So, from Jerusalem, ‘0’ Hour, it would be a Day of Difference in a lot of cases.

Rapture Zone
For example, in one’s case, living in the California Coastal Area, the July 23, 6am Zero Hour will translate to July 22, 8pm Hour. But then as mentioned, there is also the Typology of Ruth going to Boaz at the Midnight Hour. Or how as a Parable, the Call of the Groom goes out at the Midnight Hour. So, that is where it becomes a bit Archaic in a sense to actually pinpoint the Day and the Hour. But one personally resonates with the Acts 2 Scenario. And realize that most do not agree with one’s Interpretation of a July 23 Scenario.

Dr. Awe and Tyler at Generation 2434 are still adamant about the 9th of Av, which is fine and perhaps that will be the ‘correct’ Day and Hour, rather than one’s Calculation. One can only go based on one’s Years of Study and Research as Pieces have come to Light. However, in Hind-Sight, this Year is perhaps the ‘Best Fit’ for possibly being the Rapture Year, Month, Day and Hour, in one’s Estimation.

What a Let-Down it will be if the Date comes-and-goes. If one is still here on the 24th, then it was a ‘Nothing Burger’ as in Years prior. We have a Running Joke with one’s Online Rapture Community, that if July 23 (723) comes-and-goes, they will be having a Lu Chart, Article and Book, Burning Bonfire to Celebrate. But one cannot see a 2025 Rapture Scenario, because that would shift all Calculations to a 33 AD Crucifixion. Although the most Popular of Years, it goes against the Astronomy of Jesus’ Birth, the Blood Moon on Jesus’ Crucifixion Year of 32 AD and one’s Vision of what one saw twice of a ‘723’ flash across a Canvas. But perhaps it could be in 2025 instead.

And again, that is assuming a ‘Correct’ Interpretation that it is pertaining to a July 23 Date Significance. So, if the July 22-23 Pentecost New Wine, Astrological Leo New Year comes-and-goes, one will definitely be taking a Break. One will be heading back to School and preparing for that and it will be ‘Back to the Drawing Board again. But one will not dare say, as most do, that prognosticate Rapture High Watch Dates is that well, ‘GOD was Wrong’. Why one is under more scrutiny is that the Theory, in general has gotten more notoriety.

It is never ‘I was Wrong’. One will be the 1st to admit that one’s Theory about this Pentecost New Wine Rapture just did not occur for this Present Year. One has been applying this Summer Wheat Pentecost New Wine Template for Years now. But 1 of these Years, statistically it is bound to hit on the ‘Right Year’. Perhaps and if one is still alive to see it. One can only say that it was the ‘Wrong Year’ and look to the Future.

But what is most important, as one goes through all these Years of ‘Rehearsals’ is that the most Vital Aspect of why the Church Age is still in-play and not Raptured, is how it is still on Earth to be a Witness of the Return of Jesus. And that is to Witness for Jesus. It is not easy and often Disappointing. But you either Planted the Seed, you watered what was already there. Or, as mentioned, you witness for a Last Time. With each Passing Day, the USA, and the World People are devolving into Degeneracy. It is truly like the Days of Noah and Lot. So, the Solution is the Escape because Judgment is Pending.



Rapture Time Zones


Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil. One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. ​

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Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
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Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, on a July 23 Date.

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​Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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