Speculative Age of the Son of Perdition

  • When will the Biblical AntiChrist be Revealed?
  • Can the Age of the AntiChrist be known?
  • How could the Comet Hale-Bopp help determine it?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to consider if Comet Hale-Bopp could have very well signaled the Birth of the AntiChrist. The Comet was 1st Identified on July 23, 1995 (723). If this was the presumed Birth Date, that one is presenting, approximately 9 Months later was the End of Passover 1996. And? That is when the Comet Hyakutake eclipsed the Red Eye of Satan in the Celestial Motif identified as the Head of Medusa. That was on April 11, 1996, some 7 Days after Passover.

Then exactly 1 Year later, it was Comet Hale-Bopp that eclipsed the Eye of Medusa on April 11, 1997, also associated with Passover that occurred 10 Days later. This ‘Head of Satan’ or Medusa Configuration is part of the Constellation of Perseus who vanquishes Medusa with a Reflection of her own Visage. Why one is suggesting this possible Birth-Day of the Biblical AntiChrist is predicated on one’s Tribulation Timeline that stipules a Fall 2025 to Fall 2025 Time-Frame. Based on this possible Tribulation Timeline, the Age of the AntiChrist is suggested as follows. It will be based on when Jesus Christ started His Ministry and then Died.

3 Days after Simchat Torah October 18, 2025 +1260 Days
= March 31/April 1, 2029 Passover + 1260 Days
= September 11, 2032 Sabbath of Return also 3 Days after Rosh HaShanah

Those 2 Year Factors are 30 and 33 Years of Age. But the Tribulation Timeline is based on 2 Halves of 1260 Days each, given a 360 Day/Year. One is surmising that the Tribulation is to occur right after the Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah Feasts. One is conjecturing that the start of the 7 Year Tribulation Period, after the Rapture Event would start on that Sabbath with the Dedication of the 3rd Temple. This would be commemorated by the start-up of the Daily Sacrifices on the Altar of Sacrifice and the Confirming of the Covenant. One is more convinced it will be a Reiteration of the Law of Moses as it was in Ancient Times for Israel’s Dedication of its Temples, etc.

The subject of the AntiChrist’s Age is being correlated to Jesus’ start of His Public Ministry and Year of His Crucifixion in how the Number Pattern could or will Repeat. This Research was 1 of one’s earliest Write-Ups and Topic of the study of End Times. One can still remember seeing the Comet with one’s own Eyes, back in 1996. Just after attending the Weekly Home Church Meetings, every Tuesday, the Prayer Meeting would end around 9pm. And walking outside on a clear Night Sky, there it was. What a Spectacular Site to behold. It is the only Comet one has had the opportunity to see. One had a sense that something profound was tied to it.

Out of Sagittarius

Upon studying it later on, with the help of the Internet that had just come Online in the Mid-1990s, one researched how all that one suspect of the Comet being a Harbinger, it was indeed the case and ‘Fact’. What was the Underlying Scope, in terms of Prophecy was how it signaled the ‘Times of Noah’ had begun. It was then and is a ‘Countdown’, one is convinced and perhaps tied to the Timing of the Rapture. But now, one is more convinced of how, it is perhaps, after all, the Comet that signaled the Birth of the AntiChrist. If so, that is wild. The Comet was identified coming out of the Constellation of Sagittarius.

And in the Occult, that is the Motif for the coming AntiChrist and the 1st Seal Judgment of the Man riding a White Horse with only a Bow. And that a Stephanus Crown is given him, not a Diadem as in a Real Crown, etc. And the Man and Horse Motif speaks of the Dual Nature of such a Being. One is convinced that as Jesus was both GOD and Man, i.e., the Hypostatic Union, so will the Seed of Lucifer’s Human Being will have a Dual Nature, the ‘Seed of Satan’, even genetically. Perhaps it will consist of their Nephilim Bloodline that could even have a 3rd DNA Strand Type of Human. It is the Goal of the Trans-Humanists to transform Mankind through its Genetics.

This was 1 of the Main Reasons for the COVID Plandemic. It was a Test Run, etc. The Tracking will be from the inside of a Person’s own Body, at the Genetic Level. That is why the mRNA Injections had Graphene Oxide. The ‘Nano-Bots’ can be programed by Radio Frequencies, Light and/or Sound to configurate themselves into any type of Receptor and/or Transmitter, for example. It self-assembles to essentially become a Micro-Chip Implant. And that is how it will be possible for the Beast AntiChrist System to track a Person’s Medical History, Purchasing History, Bank Account, Postings, etc.

One will provide a Chart, Link at the End Notes, showing the Constellation of Sagittarius and how the Comet has moved through the Stars since 1995. It is rather interesting. But ‘Yes’, the Theme of Passover is suggested as it is near to the exact 1 Year Anniversary of a 4-11 or April 11 Date for both 1996 and in 1997. Bothe Comets became ‘Complimentary Comet’, as Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake both crisscrossed, exactly the Eye of Medusa or Algol, which in Hebrew is called Ha Satan, etc. No Coincidence. Here is what a Fellow Brother in Jesus named Stan contributed to one’s Notion about the Comet Hale-Bopp peculiarities. Emphasis added.

Comet Hale Bopp's Discovery Date. I have a Personal File of stuff I have exhaustively collected over the Years, either by Prayer, Persistence, or just reading or hearing it. Whatever the Source, I personally vet and I do not write it down unless I have verified it on many Google Searches, Stellarium, etc.

Here are my FACTS on Comet Hale Bopp that you can bank on....but I also insist anyone reading this ...verify it for yourself...because when you do, your Testimony will have much more Credibility. Ok...

#1...Comet Hale Bopp was indeed verified on 7/23/1995.

#2...Hale Bopp was discovered in Sagittarius.

#3..Hale Bopp’s Closest Approach to earth was on 3/22/1997....and resulted in a Mass Suicide of 39 People of Heavens Cult.

#4..On 4/11/1996...comet Hyakutake crossed near the Star ‘Algol’...right in the Forehead of the ‘Head of Satan’ depicted with Algol being one Eye. EXACTLY 1 Year to the Day....on 4/11/1997...Comet Hale Bopp made a path across this same Forehead of the ‘Head of Satan’ ...and its path made a perfect Cross Mark with Comet Hyakutake's Passage a Year earlier. Coincidence? Hardly!

Exactly 1000 Days earlier from Comet Hale Bopp’s crossing of the Head of Satan ...Comet Shumaker Levy 9 started impacting Jupiter on 7/16/1994....breaking-up into 21 individual Fragments that bombarded Jupiter for 7 days...from 7/16/1994 to 7/22/1994. I am not stretching any of this info....please Verify.

Also...on the very Same Day that Comet Hale Bopp crossed the Head of Satan on 4/11/1997....please check the World Headlines for that very Date. The Cathedral that housed the Shroud of Turin caught fire and charred some of this Precious Garment!

I have more Amazing ‘Coincidences’ with Comet ZTF...and Hale Bopp...the Great New Madrid Earthquake...etc....but if the above info doesn't raise an Eyebrow, I will sit on the rest of this.


Somehow the Spirit was perhaps leading one to look into this possible Comet Hale-Bopp Connection to the possible Birthday of the Biblical AntiChrist, after all this Time. When one saw that ‘723’ Date, of July 23, 1995 when the Comet Hale-Bopp was 1st Identified in Sagittarius, one did a Double-Take. How interesting because as one has shared, that July 23 or 723 corresponds to the Astrological New Year and the start of the opening-up of the Lion’s Gate, etc.

In 1995, that July 23 Day Count corresponded to Tammuz 25, 5755. So, if that is the Day of the ‘Birth’ of the AntiChrist associated with the False Lion-King, then 9 Months later was, guess what Day? It was the End of Passover. The Rabbinical Passover Date occurred on April 3, 1996 and ended on Thursday, April 11, 1996.

July 23, 1995 Birth + 9 Month Human Gestation = April 1996 (Passover Season)

Now some Online Sources state that the Average Human Gestation Period is 267 Days. If one aggregates a 9-Month Human Gestation Period of 260-280 Days, ~38-40 Weeks, then the ‘Birthing’ could be narrowed down to it being on that End Date of the Passover of 1996, as stated. But get this, one would have to use a precise 263 Day Human Gestation Period to land at the End of the Passover Week of April 11, 1996. April 11, 1996 is when the Comet Hale-Bopp intersected the Eye of Algol, the Star of Satan, etc. And? Interestingly, the 263 Days is the number of Days added to the Embryo Transfer Date to calculate a Due Date for a Pregnancy conceived via in Vitro Fertilization (IVF). So?

Seed of the Serpent

What if the AntiChrist was conceived in such a manner and birthed on July 23, 1995, t the Day the Hale-Bopp Comet was Identified? What if the AntiChrist was conceived by Genetic Manipulation or Hybridization in a Clandestine Military Underground Black-Op Lab? What is also very interesting, is that on April 3, 1996, the Passover of that Year, there was a Total Lunar Eclipse. Coincidence? Astronomically, the Total Lunar Eclipse occurred in the Constellation of Virgo. During that Day, the Sun was in Pisces, in-between Mercury and Mars. Then, the Planet Venus was in Conjunction with the Pleiades. See Chart of an illustration in the End Notes.

Here is one’s Conjecture based on the Law of Opposites. What if, as one has shown that in 32 AD, a Total Lunar Eclipse occurred the Day Jesus died on the Cross. And what if in turn, the AntiChrist was then born on a Total Lunar Eclipse? So, one is only suggesting that July 23, 2025 could be when the AntiChrist Figure turns 30 Years Old. And it could be then the Time or Season that he then ascends in the Eyes of the Sanhedrin and the Luciferian Elite that will propagate him as the ‘Savior of the World’. This is of course if the Rapture Event is to occur prior to Passover in 2025 as something Catastrophic will occur in Tandem with the Rapture, like ‘Sudden Destruction’, etc.

Or, the Rapture Event could occur on a Corresponding Nisan 17, as that is the Anniversary of Jesus’ Resurrection. If the Rapture is tied to the Order of the Resurrections, then it could be the case that only Days after would the AntiChrist be Identified by the Religious Jews. So, there is where one is at on this Topic and its Learning Curve. Also in continuing to consider the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline, one had commented on the Age of the AntiChrist Age. The Running Theory is that the many past AntiChrist Figures or Ruler of significant Empires started when they were 30 Years Old. Consider the following.

-Nimrod (According to Talmud.)
-Alexander the Great
-Jesus (Starting Public Minister.)
-Titus (Roman Prince who destroyed Temple.)

Here is another Year Correlation to Jesus’ Timeline. It has been noted that in Ancient Israel, as it is still in many 3rd World Nations, the Age of 18 is the customary Age for Young Men to Marry. If Jesus was indeed 33 Years of Age at the Time of His Crucifixion in the Year 32 AD, that means that Jesus was 18 Years old in the Year 17 AD. And? See Chart Link to Jesus’ Lifespan in terms of Years on a Timeline.

Solar and Lunar Eclipse Patterns of Jesus

Jesus Timeline
Here is where one can make a Prophetic Connection with the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017. If one then adds 2 Days as in 2000 Years, per 2 Peter 3:8, then it was a 2000 Year Sign when Jesus turned Eligible to Marry.  And is not the Revelation 12 Sign about rapturing His Bride to Heaven to then conduct the Marriage Super of the Lamb? Consider then the following Year Correspondence. 

April 11, 1995, 4 Days before Passover to April 11, 2025 Beginning of Passover
= 10,958 days
= 30 Years
= 360 Months

Note that in the Year 1995, the Rabbinical Calendar was in-sync with the Gregorian Calendar. Meaning that Passover in 1995 was on Nisan 14 and April 14. Then if one applies the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory that stipulates a 99 Day Count, then that Day was July 23, 1995. That Date thus corresponded to the possible Birth-Day of the AntiChrist. And in the Rabbinical Calendar, July 23, 1995 was Tammuz 25, as noted. If the AntiChrist was born in 1995, being when the Comet was Discovered, then the following Timeline could correspond to when the AntiChrist will turn or be 30 Years of Age. And if 2 Thessalonians insinuates that the Rapture Event occurs before the Disclosure of the AntiChrist, then it is prior to all that, etc.

YEAR:  1995     2000     2005     2010     2015     2020     2025     2030 
AGE:         1          5           10         15         20         25         30         35

So, was there a False ‘Christ Star’ that announced this Birth of the AntiChrist some 30 Years proof? Yes. Perhaps the Comet Hale-Bopp was that ‘Sign’ after all. What is neat about it is that the Discoverers of the Comet, on the same Day was July 23, 1995. (723). Here is the Wikipedia Page about it.


What was and is spectacular about it was that, according to Rabbinical Jews that interpreted it, considered it to mean, ‘Days of Noah’. And according to NASA, the Comet last appeared was in 2215 BC. Not sure if this is the correct Era of when Noah started building or completed the Ark. So, the World must watch-out for a very Charismatic Figure who is 30 Years Old in 2025 and then 33 in the Year. 2029.

‘Let no man deceive you by any means: for that Day shall not come, except there come a Falling-Away 1st, and then that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition’. -2 Thessalonians 2:3

‘For the Mystery of Lawlessness is already at Work, but the one who now Restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way. And then the Lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will slay with the Breath of His Mouth and annihilate by the Majesty of His Arrival. The coming of the Lawless One will be accompanied by the Working of Satan, with every kind of Power, Sign, and False Wonder’. -2 Thessalonians 2:8-9

A 30 Year Debut?
That is the Year when, according to the Psalm-Based 7-Year Tribulation Period will be the Mid-Point. It is also when one surmises with ultimate fulfillment of the Revelation 12 Sign will occur. But consider that the Raptured will not see who will be this AntiChrist Figure. It is because of this Portion of Scripture. What is interesting about the Origin of the Comet Hale-Bopp is that it was discovered, right at the Heart of the Constellation of Sagittarius.

This Date was July 23, 1995, the Astronomical Leo New Year, which started the ‘Opening’ of the Lions Gate. Could this have been the Birth-Day of the Biblical AntiChrist? Consider that in the Celestial Array, the Origin of the Comet occurred at the Golden Gate. And the 3 Giant Planets of Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus were part of the Configuration. Jupiter speaks of the Messiah or the Anointed One, as in Christ. The Planet Neptune speaks of the Trident God of the Seas from where the AntiChrist 1st Beast is to rise from.

Then the Planet Uranus speaks of the Sky in how the coming AntiChrist will deceive the World and Israel through his Lying Signs and Wonder that he even causes Lighting or Fire to come down from Heaven, etc. The AntiChrist is associated, in one’s Biblical Interpretation with the breaking of the 1st Seal by Jesus. This is when the Rapture Event will have happened and the Judicial Court of Heaven is presiding over the Judgment of the World. Consider the Trajectory of the Comet. It begins in Sagittarius as noted. It then takes about 1 Year to progress to the Northern Cross, Cygnus.

From there, the Comet starts to ’Flare-Up’. It is from this Arch that the Comet makes a spectacular Journey of just 1 Year, approximately, having its Maximum or Climax in Perseus.  To reiterate, this Place and Time corresponds to April 11, 1997 where the Comet eclipsed the Eye of Medusa, or the  Head of HaSatan. Then exactly 1 Year later on April 11, 1997, the Comet Hyakutake  crosses the same Spot, but in the opposite Directions.

It formed an ‘X’ as to Mark-the-Spot or to insinuate a Destruction of it. What was rather intriguing about this Crisscrossing is that in April of 1996, Passover corresponded with a Spectacular Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in the Constellation of Virgo. Note also that at that precise Time, the Pleiades, a Motif of the 7 Churches of Asia was conjoining with Venus, a Motif of Jesus in the Book of Revelation. Then the Sun was in Pisces, the Motif of the Church Age  that was in-between Mercury and Mars. Consider this very interesting Day Count from when Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered on that July 23, 1995, to its Anniversary in 2025.

July 23, 1995 to July 23, 2025
= 10,958 Days
= 30 Years
= 360 Months

The Comet Hale-Bopp then arches through Taurus, Orion, Sirius and then to Argo. It is from that point forward that the Comet settles into an Infinite Spiral, focusing on the Constellation of Octant. This Comet, has been calculated that it was last seen on Earth during the Time that Noah build the Ark. And it will not return until the Year 4000+ AD. Thus, it is considered by many End Times Students of Prophecy to be the Comet signaling the Start of the Seasons of Noah. One is proposing that perhaps this Comet marked the Birth of the Biblical AntiChrist.



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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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