

In Relation to the Feasts of YHVH

  • What is the Solar Calendar and how is it differnt?
  • How many Days of the Year does it have?
  • When does it begin and deterine the Feasts of YHVH?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com

For those that seek to study the End Times or Eschatology, the issue of which Calendar is the ‘Correct’ one is and has been a ‘Thorn in the Side’ of such an Endeavor. There are so many Calendars to consider that it is really frustrating to contemplate and try to ascertain which one is the Precise One or the most Accurate one. The Questions have been asked before in light of such a Question. What type of Calendar was used since Adam in the Garden of Eden? What is the same up until the Flood of Noah?

Did the Pre-Flood Calendar have 12 or 13 Months? Did each Month have 30 Days each? There are pieces of Evidence that suggest many of the proposed Theories about which Calendar was used are True. But it seems there is so much Confusion still. In studying the End Times for so many Years, one cannot say with 100% certainty, which present Calendar Type is the most accurate one. One does lean more so on the ones that were and are based on the Spring Equinox, which is thus Solar Based.

One such example of an Alternative Solar Calendar is found on the Messianic Light Website posted by a Man named Larry. One would like to introduce this Calendar, if one is not already familiar with the Theory of how the ‘True’ or the more True Calendar is determined. One will leave the explanation to be stated by the Author himself for one’s Review and Consideration. The following is by Larry at Messianic Light Website
https://bsc.messianiclight.com, with emphasis added. From what one can surmise of this ‘Solar Calendar’, it appears to follow the Essenes’ Interpretation of how the 1st Day is always chosen from the Wednesday of that Week when the Spring Equinox occurs.

This is our current Understanding of the Biblical Solar Calendar. Sabbath is every 7th Day and coincides with the Gregorian Saturday. There is never less than 7 Days between Weekly Sabbaths, and there is never more than 7 Days between Weekly Sabbaths.

If you ever see a Calendar where the Weekly Sabbath is not on the same Day as the Gregorian Saturday, you can completely disregard it without any further Consideration. The Sabbath has not and never will change. It is ALWAYS every 7th day. This is the only Reason we refer to the Days of the Week with the commonly used Names. It is simply for the purpose of coordinating with the widely understood Gregorian Calendar.

The Year
The Year begins in the Spring. The Year begins on the 4th Day of the Week, coinciding with the Gregorian Wednesday. Specifically, the Year begins on the 4rth Day of the Week nearest to the Spring Equinox.

If the Spring Equinox falls on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd day of the Week, the Beginning of the Year follows the Spring Equinox. If the Spring Equinox falls on the 5th, 6th, or 7th Day of the Week, the Beginning of the Year precedes the Spring equinox.

The Year consists of 364 Days, 52 Weeks of 7 Days. Because the Earth’s Orbit around the Sun is approximately 365.25 Days, every 5 or 6 Years it is necessary to add an intercalary ‘Leap Week’. The 4 Seasons each consist of 13 Weeks, or 91 Days, made up of 3 Months of 30, 30, and 31 Days.

Passover is on the Evening of the 14th Day of the 1st Month. Passover will always be on the Evening of the 3rd Day of the Week. The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day of the 1st Month and ends on the 21st Day of the 1st Month. This 7 Day Feast always begins on the 4th Day of the Week. The 1st Day and the 7th Day are Annual Sabbaths.

The Waving of the First-Fruits (Omer) is on the 1st Day of the Week, on the Day after the Weekly Sabbath following the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is the 26th Day of the 1st Month. This begins a 7 Week, or 50 Day (inclusive) count to the Feast of Weeks.

The Feast of Weeks [Shavuot] is at the Conclusion of the 50 Day Count from the Waving of the Omer, which is the 15th Day of the 3rd Month on the 1st Day of the Week. This Day is an Annual Sabbath. It begins a 50-Day (Inclusive) Count to the Feast of New Wine. [Acts 2 Pentecost] The Feast of New Wine is at the Conclusion of the 50 Day Count from the Feast of Weeks, which is the 3rd day of the 5th Month on the 1st Day of the Week.

This begins a 50-Day (Inclusive) Count to the Feast of New Oil. The Feast of New Oil is at the Conclusion of the 50 day count from the Feast of New Wine, which is the 22nd Day of the 6th Month on the 1st Day of the Week. The Wood Offering follows the Feast of New Oil and lasts for 6 Days.

The Feast of Trumpets is on the 1st Day of the 7th Month. This is always on the 4th Day of the Week. It is an Annual Sabbath. The Day of Atonement is on the 10th Day of the 7th Month. This is always on the 6th Day of the Week. The Day of Atonement begins on the Evening of the 9th Day of the 7th Month. It is an Annual Sabbath.

Feast Days

The Feast of Tabernacles begins on the 15th Day of the 7th Month and ends on the 21st Day of the 7th month. This 7 Day Feasts always begins on the 4th Day of the Week. The 1st Day is an Annual Sabbath. The Eighth Day Assembly is on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month. It is always on the 4th Day of the Week. This is an Annual Sabbath.

The Gregorian Dates for the Biblical Feasts…are based on the Biblical Solar Calendar. Rosh Chodesh / Head of the Year / Head of Spring 1st Day of the First Month, Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Passover 14th Day of the First Month at Evening, End of the Day,

Hello, Thank you for such a Great Resource! Is there any way of knowing Historical Calendar Dates (what dates Feast Days landed on certain Years)? I've been very interested in how many Times and the YEARS that the 9th of Av landed on the Feast of New Wine. For instance, did the Feast of New Wine land on the 9th of Av on the proposed Years Jesus was Crucified? Can anyone tell me? Or tell me how to determine it? Thanks so much!


That is a very interesting Question and the Answer would be dependent on your Calendar Reference. With this Solar Calendar the Answer is No, as the Feast of New Wine always falls on the 3rd DAY of the 5th Month [Essene Traditional Celebration of it] so it can’t be the 9th Day. I don’t know how often the 9th of the 5th Lunar Month might coincide with the 3rd Day of the 5h Solar Month. Interestingly, Jeremiah says it was the 10th.

Now on the 10th day of the 5th Month, which was the 19th Year of King Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the Captain of the Bodyguard, who was in the Service of the King of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. He burned the House of the LORD, the King’s House and all the HOUSES of Jerusalem; even every large House he burned with FIRE. -Jeremiah 52:12-13 NASB

Since this was the start of the Babylonian Captivity and way before Hellenization, the Question to be considered is whether or not the writer of this text was still following the Solar Calendar?


As one can sense, this Solar Calendar explanation is based on how the Head of the Year is considering how Nisan is the 1st Month of the Year. One is biased about it because it also how the Day Count takes into consideration the 3 Pentecost or Shavuot 50-Day Feasts of the First Fruit of the Wheat, Wine and Oil.

One has argued that the Acts 2 Pentecost Event was on the Feast of New Wine and on the 2nd Day Count of 50 Days. Meaning that it is 99 Day since the Day after Passover of Nisan 15. One is more convinced that it is the Acts 2 Pentecost Event that perhaps can see or will see the Rapture of the Bride of Christ because it is its Anniversary. This Notion is predicated on how YHVH is the GOD of Symmetry and based on the Prophetic Law of how the End is as the Beginning and the Beginning is as the End.



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