Study of the Prophetic Implications of Tu B'Av

  • What is the Prophetic Significance of the Jewish Valentines Day?
  • What are the origins of such a Feast and does it relate to the Rapture?
  • Is there a Typology of when the Bride of Christ marries her Groom?

by Luis B. Vega: Revised from August 2, 2015
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org

‘This is what the Lord says: The people who survive the sword    will find favor in the wilderness; I will come to give rest to Israel. The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again, and you, Virgin Israel, will be rebuilt’. – Jeremiah 31:2-6

The purpose of this study is to highlight some very peculiar Day Counts from the Blue Moon of July 31, 2015. Blue Moons are somewhat rare and occur when there are 2 full Moons in a given Month. The Color of the Moon is not ‘Blue’ but it has been named as such when this Phenomenon occurs. The next Blue Moon will not occur until 2018. What is very peculiar is that a Jewish Feast falls on this Date. In 2015 the Blue Moon occurred on Tu B’Av. This is the Minor Jewish Feast equivalent to Valentine’s Day in the West. It really commemorates the taking or ‘Rapturing’ of the Maidens for Brides by the Tribe of Benjamin. This took place after a disastrous Civil War in Israel that jeopardized the Bloodline. It is a Biblical case of the mess that YHVH’s People make, due to Sin and how YHVH turns what was meant for Evil into something Good.

The Blue Moon Countdown involves the Intelligent Design of the Clockwork of the Celestial Bodies. Indeed as Genesis declares the Schedule of the Creator is encoded in the Sun, Moon and Stars. They serve as Signals for Humanity and particularly for YHVH’s People. Such Bodies provide ‘Signals’ that keep Prophetic Time. YHVH has encoded certain Clues to His Beloved of the Prophetic Time to get her ready because her Work in the ‘Vineyard’ is about to end. Perhaps it will end on a Tu B’Av that ‘coincides’ with the Blue Moon, but it is but a Signal. It alludes to a Signal of a Countdown of when Jesus will possibly ‘Rapture’ His Bride as the Type conveyed by the Feast of Tu B’Av. It is also an encouragement that the Groom loves His Bride during her Preparation and Progress.

The Timeline presented will demonstrate the Amazing Symmetry and Mathematics regarding the Feast of Tu B’Av on a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon on July 31, 2015 will be exactly 44 Days out from the Partial Solar Eclipse that starts the Civil New Year on Rosh Hashanah. This occurs on September 13, 2015 and ushers in the Jewish Year 5776. What is particular about this Count is 2-fold. On one Hand the Calendar Dates mirror each other, July 31 and 13 of September. On a different level, the Number 44 has some Prophetic and Occult Significance to it. The Tu B’Av Blue Moon could thus be insinuating that a Political Betrayal and Economic Change by way of a Collapse is set to occur. The name ‘Blue’ comes from the Old English word ‘Belewe’, meaning to Betray, because the Blue Moon ‘Betrays’ the usual 1 Full Moon per Month Count.

Psalm 44
The Number 44 is referred to a ‘Change’ and more precisely a Business one as in a collapse many Experts say is about to occur and with Double Intensity as a Repeated Number exacerbates the Condition. The Number 44 is associated with a ‘Betrayer’. Obama is the 44th U.S. President. The Number 44 can also be connected to Obama and the Economy as many see Obama betraying the USA. Also if one considers the Numerical Equivalent of 44 to correlate to Psalm 44, it has an Eerie Connection to Tu B’Av. The Theme is of Lost and Restored Love and an Abandonment and Reconciliation as if in a Marriage Covenant. The Psalm 44 is a type of ‘Signal’ that perhaps this Blue Moon of July 31, 2015 is alluding to the covenant between Jesus and the Bride, Jesus and Israel. The condition of both in these Last Days appears to be the same.

‘We have heard it with our ears, O GOD; our Ancestors have told us what you did in their Days, in Days long ago. With your Hand you drove out the Nations and planted our Ancestors; you crushed the Peoples and made our Ancestors flourish. It was not by their Sword that they won the Land, nor did their Arm bring them Victory; it was your Right Hand, your Arm, and the Light of your Face, for you loved them. You are my King and my GOD, who decrees Victories for Jacob. Through you we push back our Enemies; through your Name we trample our Foes. I put no Trust in my Bow, my Sword does not bring me Victory; but you give us Victory over our Enemies, you put our Adversaries to shame.

In GOD we make our Boast all Day long, and we will praise your Name forever. But now you have rejected and humbled us; you no longer go out with our Armies. You made us retreat before the Enemy, and our Adversaries have plundered us. You gave us up to be devoured like Sheep and have scattered us among the Nations. You sold your People for a Pittance, gaining nothing from their Sale. You have made us a Reproach to our Neighbors, the Scorn and Derision of those around us. You have made us a Byword among the Nations; the Peoples shake their Heads at us. I live in Disgrace all Day long, and my Face is covered with Shame at the Taunts of those who reproach and revile me, because of the Enemy, who is bent on Revenge. 

All this came upon us, though we had not forgotten you; we had not been False to your Covenant. Our Hearts had not turned back; our Feet had not strayed from your Path. But you crushed us and made us a Haunt for Jackals; you covered us over with Deep Darkness. If we had forgotten the Name of our GOD or spread out our Hands to a Foreign God, would not GOD have discovered it, since he knows the Secrets of the Heart? Yet for your sake we face Death all Day long; we are considered as Sheep to be slaughtered. Awake, LORD! Why do you sleep? Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever. Why do you hide your Face and forget our Misery and Oppression? We are brought down to the Dust; our Bodies cling to the Ground. Rise up and help us; rescue us because of your Unfailing Love’.

Prophetically, many have speculated that Tu B’Av is another ‘Prophetic Rehearsal’ of the Groom promising and signaling His Love and Commitment to the Betrothed, in this case Jesus, the King and the Bride. As it is an equivalent to Valentine’s Day, the Blue Moon on this ‘Wedding Day’ Blue Moon of July 31, 2015 could be signaling precisely the theme of Psalm 44 based on the Groom’s love for his Bride. Perhaps it is a countdown of when or how Jesus is to Rapture her from the Work of the Vineyard.

End of the Harvest?
It could also be signaling that of the coming of the AntiChrist. He will be bringing ‘Change’ with double the intensity during the Year of Light, Anno Lucis, the Year of Lucifer, 5776, etc. What this Blue Moon countdown also will show in terms of another Numerical Count is that from the Tu B’Av date of July 31, 2015 there will be exactly 153 Days left until the Gregorian New Year of January 1, 2016. Here again this Timespan could be another Signal of how this Countdown is encoding the significance of the Spiritual Harvest of Souls is about to end. This is based on the Premise that the Disciples of Jesus caught 153 Fish as a Type of ‘First-Fruits’ of the Great Commission.

The same Disciples, all 120 of them were the ‘First-Fruit’s themselves to initiate the Church Age and the Harvest. Conversely the 120 speaks of the 120 Jubilee Cycles of Prophetic Time. This Timeline is not insinuating that the New Year is when the Age of Grace will ‘End’ or the Rapture takes place precisely, but that the Signals are a Confirmation that the Church Age will 1 Day come to an End. The Number 153 has Prophetic and Mathematical Principles of a ‘Birth’ that are very significant and provides Clues as to how long the Age of Grace, the Church Age, is to last. Mathematically the 153 Numerical Coefficient alludes to the Vesica Pisces.

It is often attributed as a Euphemism of the Female Part of Reproduction and Birthing. Biblically, it was the Number of Fish the Disciples caught at the direction of Jesus after His Resurrection on the Shores of Galilee. Many Bible Scholars attribute this 153 as a Prophetic Code of just how many Souls must be saved to complete the Church’s Great Commission. The Commission is to preach the Gospel as a Net and ‘Fish’ Men into the Kingdom. As the Blue Moon is pegged to the July 31, 2015 Date and has 153 Days remaining until the end is reached, perhaps it is another Signal is being given that the Church is being put on notice, that the Harvest is to end.

Perhaps the ‘fishing’ of Mankind will have reached the Prophetic 153 Catch by the Disciples of the Church during this Timeframe that is related to a Blue Moon. The celebration of Tu B’Av converging on this Blue Moon in 2015 is considered a Minor Holiday, But according to the Talmud, it is 2nd to Yom Kippur of Importance. Of course, this is Man’s Assessment and from a Book that is framed by the Traditions of Men. Nonetheless, in terms of Celestial Importance, perhaps this Blue Moon does signify a unique Time Marker. Based on the prior 3 Shemitah 7-Year Cycles since 2001, 2008 and 2015, only on 2 occasions have there been a Blue Moon converge with Tu B’Av.

This occurred on August 3, 2012 and on July 31, 2015. From August 3, 2012 to July 31, 2015 was 1092 Days or 2 years, 11 months and 28 days. In terms of Weeks, it is 156 Weeks. This has an Echo of the 153 Coefficient of ‘Prophetic Fish’ and Days remaining from the July 31, 2015 Blue Moon to the end of the Year by 3 weeks. Conversely, these 3 Weeks can be factored out as 3 x 7 days/week = 21 days which is a 7-7-7 Encryption. This 777 is the Perfect and Complete Number of YHVH that signals a totality in the completion and end of a Matter or Harvest. Thus, could the 2012 and the 2015 Blue Moons be a Confirmation, celestially that the Church Age, the Age of the Harvest is to conclude soon after this July 31, 2015 ‘153’ Countdown?

Spiritual Harvest of Souls
After all, on Rosh HaShanah, September 13, 2015 marks the Beginning of the 5776 Year that goes into the 5777 Term. Will such a Time see the Conclusion of the 153 Prophetic Catch as YHVH directs His Harvest to take place during the Last Shemitah that could be Daniel’s Last Week of Years? That is the Time that correlates to the Time of Jacob’s Troubles. The Timeline below shows the Numerical Countdowns from Tu B’Av date of July 31, 2015.

There will be exactly 44 Days to the ‘Birth’ of 5776 and there will be exactly 153 Days left until the ‘Birth’ of the Gregorian New Year of January 1, 2016. Here again, this Timespan could be another Signal of how Prophetic Tim is being encoded. It is about the Significance of the Spiritual Harvest of Souls being brought in as a Catch of Fish. This Conjecture is also based on the Premise that 44 alluded to the ‘Betrayer’ or coming AntiChrist and an Economic Change that he brings.

Tu B’Av                                              Rosh HaShana
Blue Moon                                           Partial Solar Eclipse
July 31, 2015                                      Sep 13, 2015 or 5776

|----------------------- 44 Days ------------|
                                                                                                                 New Year -Gregorian
                                                                                                                              Jan 01, 2016
|------------------------------------------------ 153 Day remaining -----------------------------------------------|

The following are the Blue Moons that occurred since 20010 according to Wikipedia.
2010: Mar 01, Mar 30
2012: Aug 02, Aug 31           Tu B’Av on Aug 2/3
2012: Sep 01, Sep 30
2015: Jul 02, Jul 31               Tu B’Av on Aug 31
2018: Jan 02, Jan 31
2018: Mar 02, Mar 31
2020: Oct 01, Oct 31

The following are the Dates that Tu B’Av occurred on. Tu B’Av usually occurs either in August or July. Going back to the prior 3 Shemitah 7-Year Cycles since 2008, only 2012 and 2015 have this Tu B’Av Jewish Valentine’s Day occur on a Blue Moon. The List delineates also the last 7-Year Shemitah Cycles.

7 2008 Aug 10
1 2009 Aug 05
2 2010 Jul 20              Summer Solstice
3 2011 Aug 09
4 2012 Aug 03            Tu B’Av Blue Moon
5 2013 Jul 22
6 2014 Aug 11
7 2015 Jul 31             Tu B’Av Blue Moon

Final Catch of the Age
The Blue Moon Phenomenon is based on the Gregorian reckoning of the Solar Calendar and how the Months are divided. By having a Solar Based Framework, some Months will inevitably have 2 Full Moons within its Count. Earth experiences 12 Full Moons each Year, 1 in each Month. But in some Years there will be 13 Full Moons. The ‘Extra’ Moons in a given Month are called the Blue Moon. A Blue Moon occurs roughly once every 2.7 Years. It is the Lunar Calendar that starts each Month on a New Moon. Astronomically, various Almanacs would consider a Blue Moon when it is the 4th in a Season of the Year when normally only 3 should occur. The next Blue Moon based on the Western Gregorian Calendar to occur will be on January 31, 2018. And there will actually be 2 Blue Moons that Year.

The 2nd one will be in March of 2018. According to NASA, there will not be 2 Blue Moons in a Year again until 2037. There will also be a Central Blood Moon called the Bull’s Eye over Jerusalem. Could the Tu B’Av Blue Moon Countdown be signaling the eventual Conclusion of the Church Commission? Will at some upcoming Time see the Bride be raptured in the Vineyard by her Suiter as in the Tradition of the Jewish Valentine Day of Tu B’Av? Could this Occurrence be also a Beginning or a Prelude to the Tribulation Period that will start after the removal of the Bride from the vineyard? At this Point, will the End of the Age of Grace be the Beginning of the Last Sabbatical Cycle to complete the ‘Law’ and Judgment for Humanity and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble for Israel?

This Vesica Pisces Pattern related to the 153 Day Blue Moon Countdown is solely based on the parallel of a coming ‘Birth, both the Christ and of the AntiChrist. Perhaps this Pattern will be echoed right down to the Circumstances surrounding the ‘Birth’ of the Year of Light, 5776. Thus, the Tu B’Av Blue Moon could be signaling the Prophetic In-Gathering of the Workers in the Prophetic Vineyard after the final Prophetic ‘153’ Catch is caught. During the Bride’s Work in the Vineyard, the Groom, from the Shore of Glory that has directed His Bride, to cast the Nets, perhaps is about to call them to Shore. This is how one sees the Bride directly related to the ‘First Fruits’ of the Church that occurred when all the 120 Disciples were called together in the Upper Room.

But it was at the Temple Precinct that the Disciples had a Supernatural Encounter with the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, they all meet-up at the House of YHVH. They were, as if figuratively speaking, Raptured-Up to the Celestial Father’s House in Heaven by way of the power of the Holy Spirit. This Typology also occurs when the last remaining Apostle alive, John the Revelator is called-up or ‘Raptured’ through a Gate and experiences much the Types and Sounds the 120 did in the House of the Father, i.e., the Temple Mount, etc. Will the Church Age end with the coming Anniversary of this Pentecost Encounter at the House of GOD in Jerusalem? Christ did say, regarding the Great Commission of the Church in Matthew 18, that He would be with the Church…’Even unto the End of the Age’. What ‘Age?’ The Age of Pisces. If Pisces happens to be astronomically the End of the Age of Pisces, then the ‘153 Fish’ Catch of the Church will be completed within this Last Generation.

Tu B’Av Countdown
According to Jewish Religious Websites, the 15th of Av is signified numerically by the following Correlation. Tet = 9, Vav = 6; 9+6 = 15. This Feast comes off a Somber Month of Av and about a Week after the ominous 9th of Av that saw the 2 prior Temple of YHVH destroyed. To offset this Depressing Time, the Feast of Tu B’Av is a Day of Love, Rejoicing, of Hope and an Expectation. It thus presents itself to usher in New Beginnings. The Feast has the overtone of a ‘Catching-Away of a Bride’, as it was recorded how in ancient Israel the Maidens of Shiloh that sought a Husband were instructed to assemble together in the Vineyards. They waited on potential Grooms to ‘Rapture’ them away for the remaining Men of the Tribe of Benjamin, etc.

This Jewish ‘Valentines Day’ is a Point in Time perhaps, Prophetically, that the Groom declares His love for the Bride that has been faithful to labor in the Vineyard of Christ, outside the Gates of Zion, adjacent the House of the Father that was in Jerusalem on the Earth. This is precisely the Point, in that this study suggests that the Blue Moon converging on Tu B’Av is signaling a possible countdown to the ‘Rapturing’ of the Bride of sorts, and to the End of this Church Age Harvest. On one possible level of Interpretation, the Bride of Christ has been laboring in the ‘Vineyard’ of the World long enough. The True Church of Jesus has been sowing and reaping, casting Nets and waiting.

She has made herself ready, waiting for her Groom, Jesus the King, to ‘Rapture’ her away from the Prophetic Vineyard of this sick Sin infested World. It is after all in September that Israel celebrates the End of the Summer Harvests. Perhaps, on this Date the convergence of the Blue Moon with Tu B’Av accents the coming Expectation of a New Beginning. The Feast is about a Restoration and Reconciliation regarding a ‘Temple’ on one Hand and the Effects of Sin in Israel and Humanity in general on the other Hand, etc.

As a Metaphor, the Ravages of Sin have destroyed YHVH’s ‘Temple’, as in Humanity, in the same way the 2 prior physical Temples of YHVH stood on the Temple Mount. The physical Body has suffered the Consequence of Sin that leads not only to Physical Aging, Decay and Death but to the 2nd Death. This State leads to Eternal Separation from the Love and Life of the Creator. The Expectation on the other Hand can be seen in the literal fulfilment of the 3rd Temple that even the Physical People of YHVH are anticipating. The Temple Institute in Israel has even vowed that the 9th of Av in 2015 will be the last, as they have unveiled the Blueprints for the 3rd Temple.

To reiterate, on 1 level of interpretation, the Blue Moon Tu B’Av 2015 could be signaling a coming Betrayal. It is about the anticipated Economic Reset and perhaps the prelude to the building of the 3rd Temple. All this Conjecture is presented in the Context of the Month and the Tu B’Av Feast Countdown that signals the Rapture of the Bride of Christ, perhaps. According to the Jewish religious sites, the feast of Tu B’Av is considered a ‘Mystery’. Such is the case now of the Church Age that has within it the Mystery of the Bride of Christ. Thus, as a Typology, Jesus, as the Groom is coming to ‘rapture’ or take this Bride away once the works, the harvest of the vineyard is done.

The Mystery of an ensuing rapturing of the Bride of Christ, can be likened to as the Maidens at Shiloh, by the Father’s House or Tent in that case, who were ‘Raptured’ by their Grooms during the Feast of Tu B’Av from the Vineyards. The 2015 Tu B’Av Blue Moon countdown of 153 Days could also be compared metaphorically, to the Scene of the Resurrected Jesus, at the Shore of the Sea while the Disciples cast Nets and caught precisely 153 Fish. But realize that it is Jesus who has been giving ‘Instructions’ to the Bride, the Church Body from afar, from the Father’s House. It is Jesus who has promised to be preparing a ‘Place’ for His Bride, in the Father’s House. It is the ‘Wedding Chamber’ of Isaiah, etc.

And it has been the Disciples who have obeyed the Leading of the Holy Spirit, on Earth concerning the Catch; of where to go and what to do, etc. It is in reference to the Harvest of Souls that need to be rescued from Hell. To this End, it is the Great Commission that Jesus, through the Holy Spirit has led the Church, the Bride to evangelize the entire World, in each Generation with the Gospel. The True Church of Jesus has been obedient and has followed the Lamb wherever He led even on the tumultuous Waters. Such ‘Waters’ signify the World in Perplexity in Opposition and Persecution.

One day, all the Saints, saved and redeemed in Jesus will be caught-up together as in a ‘Fishing Net’ with the Resurrected Ones going up 1st. Then Jesus meets them in the Air as in the Shore of Glory. This is the Rapture Event, as the Meeting in the Air can be as the Water the Disciples were suspended between Earth and Heaven on that Fishing Boat. One Day, Jesus, from the Shore of Glory will come forth with a Shout and Call His Disciples, His Bride, to bring in the Catch of the Prophetic 153 Fish. This is the Catch, the Harvest accumulated throughout the Church Age of Grace. Is the Blue Moon on Tu B’Av a Countdown and a Notice of that?

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