End of the Church Age and Transference to Israel

  • Was the Revelation 12 Sign a 7-Year Wake-Up Call? 
  • What is going to happen after the 7th Year Countdown?
  • When will the Church Age end and Israel 'Time' begin?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

‘And there will be Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and on the Earth Distress of Nations in Perplexity at the roaring of the Sea and the Waves’ [Hurricanes?]. Luke 21:25

It is amazing to witness these Last Days in what is happening in the World. As mentioned before, it seems it is all ‘Falling Apart’, but in Prophetic Perspectives, it is ‘Falling into Place’. But Biblical Prophecy seems to be revving-up and coming to a Head, as they say, or a ‘Birth’? If Christians, especially in the USA have set-aside Prophecy up to now, because of whatever ‘X’ Reason, sorry, but Prophecy has now come knocking at their Door, figuratively speaking of course. And it cannot be ignored.

Well, it still can but living with Cognitive Dissidence and Plausible Deniability can safeguard one’s Conscious or Lifestyle for so long. Now People will say, rightly so that all such Aspects of Geo-Politics and Natural Catastrophes have always occurred, since Recorded History. True, ‘Wars, Rumors of Wars, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, etc. But that Jesus insinuated in the Language is that the Signs would suggest that ALL of them would be occurring ALL at the same Time. It is a Factor of Convergence then. And that is what we are seeing now, presently on Earth.

What has significantly contributed to Prophecy now being fulfilled is that there are over 8 Billion Humans on Planet Earth. Most Societies and Nations are Failed States. And the level of Sin: Violence, Immorality, Debauchery and Evil is widespread. Communities, States, Provinces, Nations and Regions cannot sustain this level of Chaos and survive, let alone thrive. But it is all be design in one’s Biblical and Geo-Political Point of View.

The metaphorical ‘Birth Pangs’ are occurring more frequently and intensely. The World cannot deny this. It seems one wakes-up to a Day to say, ‘Now What?’ Let us consider the World’s Condition presently. If one considers the whole of South America, virtually every Nation is a Failed State. Brazil is run by a Socialist. Argentina, once the wealthiest Nation in Latin America has not about half of its entire Population living below the Poverty Line. The same goes for Venezuela who is Oil-Rich. Due to the Socialism imposed by Chavez, over 5 Million of its People have left the Country.

In the Caribbean, you have Voodoo Haitian Gangs running amok. Canada is run by a Globalist Son of Fidel Castro. Then Mexico is a Narco-State, etc. In Africa, it is the same Story, War, Famine, Genocide, Corruption. In Asia, India is at odds with China and Pakistan that are always threating a Nuclear Strike against each other. Australia, like Canada is run by Globalists Appointed and Educated Puppets.

Orchestrated Chaos
In Western Europe, like in the USA, Muslims and Migrants have been allowed to flood the Streets. Most Churches are now Mosques. In Scandinavia, the Muslim Birth Rate is out-pacing Native-Born ones. And what about the Middle East? It is self-evident. Then lastly, there is the USA. It is full of Violence, Thievery, Corruption, Immorality and Debauchery. Sure, there are pockets of the Affluent, but they are the Exception rather than the Rule as it once was.

And all the Elites are buying-up Private Estates, Islands and driving the ‘Commoners’ out. Prophetically, it is about Sin also having to reach the Brim of the Cup of YHVH’s Wrath. To help exasperate the Fall of the USA, like Europe, it is being flooded by Illegal Migrants in pretexts of being Asylum Seekers. They are put-up in Hotels, given Driver’s License, Food Allowances, Privacy and no need to Work. They are sustained by the Middle Class working Taxpayers. They receive Free Health and Education.

All the while, Blacks and Hispanics, Veterans are out on the Streets and being Replaced. You have to ask, who is doing this? Who is calling the Shots? It is surely not the U.S. President, but those that put him into Office and run the whole Federal Bureaucracy. These are the same that control the Money, the Media, the Medicine and the Military. Can you guess who might that be? Realize that as ‘Bad’ as it is presently in the World, after the Rapture it will be far worse.

It is for ‘Nothing’ that Jesus Himself described the Tribulation Period as the worst in Human History. With the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, the Point has been driven home that the Astronomical Sign was truly a ‘Wake-Up Call’ to the ‘Sleepy’ Church, especially in the USA, and perhaps Western Europe, etc. But Skeptics will say, ‘Hey, 7 Years have passed and still No Rapture, what gives?’ Sure, 7 Years is a long Span-of-Time. For sure, many Christians did ‘Wake-Up’. Others ‘Lost’ their Faith when the Rapture did not occur.

Others began to ‘Look’ and Watch, etc. But in the Timeline of Prophecy, 7 Years is but a ‘Second’. Perhaps the Revelation 12 Sign, as a True Wake-Up Call can be likened to the ‘Waking-Up’ Call of the 10 Virgins Parable in how only 5 or 50% were and are now ‘Ready’. In looking back at this 7-Year ‘Wake-Up Call’ Astronomical Sign, one can honestly assess that there was for sure a Sifting occurring. And there needed to be as with every Prophetic Movement of the Holy Spirit, it is a Shake-Up. One is reminded of the Parable of the Seed in how there are different Types of Soil.

And the ‘Yield’ of the Seed of the Gospel planted depended on one’s Constitution and Disposition to the ‘Seed’, etc. But in each case, there were/are Circumstances or Excuses that Sift-Out those that will truly ‘Germinate’ the Seed of the Good News. Not that by ‘Arriving’ and producing Fruit, is one above another in Worth or Ability. It is an issue of ‘Yielding’ to the Holy Spirit. In terms of a Farming Analogy, realize that Fruit does not ‘Work’ or Labor to grow itself. It can do ‘Nothing’. A Fruit is totally dependent on the Nutrients, Water, the Soil and the Vine or Branch/Stock that make it grow. All a Fruit can do, as designed, is to just ‘Yield’.

Is it a Coincidence that a Crop, once harvested is called a ‘Yield?’ Or in the case of a Human Gestation Period of 9 Months. Does a Baby in the Making ‘Command’ or Direct its Growth and Development? No. It just ‘Yields’. And is not a Pregnancy in the Bible termed the ‘Fruit of one’s Womb?’ Lastly, this is how the Rapture will happen. We just need to Yield as ‘Christ Jesus is formed in us’. This is occurring Individually but also Corporately, i.e., the 7 Churches of Asia, as in the Church Age. Once the ‘Baby’, the Man-Child is fully Formed, having Yielded all, then comes the Delivery, the Birth, etc.

And as one has been told and seen to an extent, the Birthing Process is traumatic, no? So, one is reminded that this is the Key to sustaining that ‘Spiritual Incubation in Jesus Christ’. It is by having that ‘Spiritual Oil’ or Unction in one’s ‘Lamp’, just Yield to the Holy Spirit’s Leading and Obey the Commands of Jesus. Here are  Links from 2 End Times Watchmen who wrote the following Articles. They are highly recommended. They both are Outstanding Articles. Excellent. They cover a lot of what is occurring Prophetically, presently and they are engaging.

Cory at End Times Darkness Descending

Lyn Melvin Blog


Free Revelation 12 Online Resource Page


Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Notion of the Great Signs in the Heavens pertaining to the Book of Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur prophetically will match the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 Day after Rosh HaShanah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the Central Role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book will attempt to introduce the various other Characters to include the Identity of the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Man-Child.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

In the Midst of the Tribulation
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

Return of the Red Dragon
The purpose of this Book is to present various Insights, for-and-against the Planet X Phenomena. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of Subject Matter surrounding this Notion of an allusive Extra Solar System 2nd Sun. The Book will introduce such a Topic to the Novice and gather the Main Tenets of the Phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various Arguments for-and-against the Hypothesis. This Book is not a Scientific Based Exposé of Nemesis and/or Nibiru.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

Journey in 'Discovering' the Revelation 12 Sign
Evidence of Authorship


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