Dome of the Rock Astronomical Proportions

  • Is there Hidden Factors on the Temple Mount?
  • What is the Earth-Moon Ratio about?
  • What does this Astronomical Ratio signify?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

If one is interested in Astro-Archaeology, then this Study will be interesting. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the Dome of the Rock, in Relation to the Dome of the Chain, is an example of a Hidden Geometric Truth of how the Scale is of the Earth to the Moon, hidden in Plain Sight. For Context, one will discuss a bit about the Temple Mount and its Astronomical, also Prophetic Significance, Geo-Political, and Geographic Layout, etc. All those Aspects will show how this piece of Real Estate is the most contentious in the World. Why? It is because it is the Place where, according to the Bible, YHVH, the Creator of Heaven and Earth placed His Name there.

What that means is that it signifies a Divine Claim of Authority, Purpose and Meaning that is congruent with why Humanity was created for, having its own Authority, Purpose and Meaning directly related to the purpose of what the Temple Mount represents. And that is? One is more convinced that it is of ‘Heaven on Earth’. Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are situated, geographically at the Center of Earth. It is at the Crossroads of Humanity. And YHVH claimed this piece of Land for a particular People to be as a Sign Post of a Redeemed Humanity. One will consider the various Aspects of what the Temple Mount represents.

Astronomical Significance
Jerusalem is a Microcosm of the Macrocosm. Within the Golden Gate on the East and the Jaffa Gate on the West, the in-between that makes-up the Old City of Jerusalem mirrors the Universe. It is the Universe that is also defined by the Golden Gate and the Silver Gate. Both have a Sentinel that guards the Star-Gates, Ophiuchus and Orion, respectively. The Earthly Jerusalem is a Mirror of the Heavenly one that is situated in Heaven itself.

Moreover, the very Throne of YHVH is situated in the place that corresponds to the Temple Mount and specifically the Dome of the Spirits or Tablets. That is where the Ark of the Covenant was and will be situated. This Piece of Furniture that was replicated as a Facsimile by Moses at Mount Sinai is essentially the Throne Chair of YHVH. And in this Context, the Temple Mount is reflecting what Humans are tangibly connected to, the Earth and its Moon. This is suggested by the dimension of how the Dome of the Rock corresponds to the size of the Earth.

Then the Dome of the Chain, the smaller one facing East corresponds to the size of the Moon, etc. Later on one also surmised that the Temple Mount corresponds also to the 3 Chambers of the Great Pyramid and also based on the Triangulation of Structures found on Cydonia, Mars. This is not to insinuate that YHVH or ‘GOD’ or Jesus are ‘Martians’ or came from Mars, but that even in Mars, the same Divine Pattern is found that one is now more convinced mirrors the True Source, Heaven itself.

Prophetic Significance

What the Temple Mount Platform represents, Prophetically, is that this Piece of Real Estate is what YHVH has claimed directly over Earth. How so? Is not GOD, the Creator Sovereign over all the Earth? Yes. However, when YHVH created the 1st Humans, Adam and Eve, it was a Re-Creation based on how one subscribes to the Gap Theory. Meaning that the Account of Paradise is ‘Refurbished’ by the Material that was already existing. ‘And the Earth became Formless and Void’, etc.

This is to interpret that Adam, was given Authority and Dominion to rule and govern Earth. He started off with such Innocence. But all that changed when Lucifer came into the Eden and seduced the Woman. Thus, the ‘Title Deed’ of the Earth and its Authority and Dominion transferred from Humanity to Lucifer. It is conjectured that Lucifer, before his Fall from Heaven, had a Kingship and perhaps his Throne on Earth as a designated Domain. This is why it is so contested. Not only was the Golden Age of Earth perhaps ruled by Lucifer, but the very location of a refurbished Eden centered around Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount itself. It is really a contention of Thrones.

And this is why during the Last Sabbath Week of Daniel, i.e., the 70 Year Tribulation Period, Lucifer will reclaim the throng, literally in how he will bodily possess the coming False Jewish Messiah. It will be how this AntiChrist will then enter the Tribulation Temple and reassert his Kingship and Worship. The ultimate Prize is to acquire the Worship given by Mankind. It will be and is an affront to the Purpose and Creation of Humanity, that is to worship YHVH.

Geo-Political Significance

The Land of Israel, the Capital of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is what the Nations will be fighting for, to the Death. This is what is presently being accomplished as Lucifer is surrounding Israel for the Kill. But realize that he does not want Israel destroyed but captured and occupied. It is the Jews that need to be eradicated, the ‘Final Solution’ in the Eyes of the Globalist Luciferians that presently run and control the World through their Politics, Finances and Militaries, etc.

One is of the Interpretation that the Psalm 83 War and the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus is what will usher-in the New Luciferian World Order. And more so, that it will be an ‘Israel World Order’ as the coming AntiChrist, with the help of the False Prophet will capture not only Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, but the entire World. It will be from Jerusalem, the ‘New World Capital’ that this coming Nimrod 2.0 will rally the Nations around the 3rd Temple. It will be a Tower of Babel that will be completed in this case. It will be that ‘Eye of Providence’ that the Mason have as their Emblem that represents Lucifer completing the Temple.

This Luciferian Motif is what the Great Work is about. It is about gathering the Nations around Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple. It will be a quest to unify all Religions, Economies and Militaries under the Control and Rule of the AntiChrist and his False Prophets, etc. The Bible teaches that in the End Times, the Last Luciferian World Empire will consist of the 10 Toes that are represented by the Statue that appeared in Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream.

These are the World Empires that would persecute YHVH’s Earthly People, the Observant Jews and the Spiritual Body or People of Jesus on Earth. This is how the Earth will be divided after the Rapture Event and how the AntiChrist will have to deal with Geo-Political. Each of the 4 Iterations of the AntiChrist Empires are represented by a particular Beast and Metal. And it is also taught in the Bible that Jerusalem would be the ‘Burdensome Stone’ that will cut the Nations that come against it.

Geographic Layout

As mentioned, Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are at the Geographic Center of the Earth. As it has also been stated, ‘Israel is the Hour Hand, Jerusalem is the Minute Hand and the Temple is the Second Hand’. This is how Israel is the Sign to the Earth and Humanity of where it is at, Prophetically. But to this End, Lucifer seeks to acquire this Possession because of its Strategic Location.

Geographically, Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount connect the 3 Main Continents of the Old World. It is at the Crossroads of Humanity and controlling it gives one the control of the World essentially. Then, solely based on the newly discovered Fields of Natural Gas and the Mineral Rich Deposits of the Dead Sea, it makes Israel a Spoil to plunder. And that is what will exactly occur during the Gog-Magog Invasion.

One is convinced that this War will occur sometime in the Tribulation Period. And also consider that this is just the 1st War of 2 that will also break-out at the End of the 1000 Year Millennial Kingdom. It is because Gog-Magog are Principalities and Powers of Fallen Angels that rule over Cities, Nations and Regions, etc. Think of the Contention that Daniel had in having his Prayers answered. No less than the Arch-Angel Gabriel was dispatched, but had to call upon the Arch-Angel Michael for help to contend against the Principalities of Darkness ruling over Persia and Greece, etc.

Now with such a background of the various Aspects of what Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are all about, the specific focus will be on the particular Dimensions noted of the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Chains. This Structural Aspect goes to show how even the very Size Proportion of the Earth to the Moon are incorporated into the Temple Mount Structures, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’, etc. The following are some Numerical Correlations associated with this perceived Size Proportion.

Inner Platform = 666 Meters Perimeter.

1) Earth = Dome of the Rock
2) Moon = Dome of the Chain

Great Pyramid Pattern
Slope = 3.33 Angle
Base = 3.33 x 1.23…

Moon = .618 Ratio to 1.618 Phi of Earth Size


As a side Note, this Size Proportion of the Earth to Moon being correlated with the Size Proportion of the 2 Domes on the Temple Mount can also speak to the Flat Earth Theory. How so? The Notion of this Size Ratio insinuates that both Structures and Heavenly Bodies are Spheres. That is to say then, that the Earth would not be construed as a ‘Flat Plain’, but a Sphere, corresponding. 

The Temple Mount also incorporates other Divine Patterns that have been charted, such as how the 3 Main Domes correspond to the Color and Celestial Bodies of the Sun, Moon and the Stars. The Sun corresponds to the Dome of the Rock. The al-Aqsa Mosque corresponds to the Moon. And the Dome of the Tablets corresponds to the Stars. In that case, the 7 Stars of the Pleiades as that is how the Temple was represented. One’s Theory is that this Triangulation corresponds to Heaven.

After all, in the Gospel of John, it states that there are 3 that bear Witness in Heaven. And that the Triune GOD-Head is represented by a Color, Size, Metal and Celestial Body. They are all a Reflection, a ‘Mirror’ of what all else is replicated from, the Universe or the Cosmos, other Planets such as what is found at Cydonia, Mars and then how such a Triangulation is also found on Earth. Moreover, what one has ‘Discovered’ is how the Dome of the Rock has the Rock Foundation looking like a ‘Face’. And that then corresponds to the Face of Mars, of the Rebel King Ala-lu who was exiled there from Earth, etc. See Chart Links below for a Visual Interpretation.

Such a Triangulation on Earth’s Ancient Holy Sites and even Modern ones incorporate this Divine Layout because it is an attempt to Replicate ‘Heaven on Earth’, literally. And those Sacred Replicated Places of Heaven on Earth, by way of this Sacred Layout are set upon Dimensional Doorways or Portals, Star-Gates that connect the True Heaven to Earth, i.e., Jacob’s Ladder. One will leave links to other Studies and Charts that illustrate this Theory and Concept one has developed and mapped on Earth at over 500+ Sites. But the Main Takeaway from this Study is to show the Who, What, Where and When of why Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are the most contested items on the Planet. It is about who will win over Heaven and ‘Heaven on Earth’. The Bible teaches who wins in the End. Jesus.



YHVH's Earthly Throne as it is in Heaven

Topographical and Astronomical Temple Mount


Gate Entrance to the Pleiadian Palace of Heaven


Astronomical Facsimilies of YHVH's Jerusalem


Comparative Study of the Sacred Layouts

Study of the Pattern atop the Temple Mount Complex

Temple Mount Cydonia Star Map​

Is YHVH just ‘Pleiadians’ who Seeded Humanity


Observations and Commentary


Temple Mount

Astro-Archaeology Page


Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones.

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Sacred Patterns of Heaven on Earth
What is Heaven like? Many have had Out of Body Death Experiences and Describe Heaven with the Most Pleasant of Sights, Smells, Animals, Scenery, etc. But in terms of its Structure, how is it Configured? What Measurement Standard is being used? Now one realizes that this will not be possible to Ascertain. But are there Clues as to how it is Configured and what are its Dimensions, perhaps? Yes. Biblically Speaking, the Bible do provide a Patchwork of Data Points that this Book will seek to Investigate and Present as Evidence. 

Order a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.

​War of the Seeds
This Book seeks to unlock the Secrets of the Celestial Blueprint of the Last Days based on the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Jesus Christ; that is His Pattern of the Body Form and its Dimensions that occur on a Prophetic Scale. Such Patterns are seen in the literal Lifespan of Jesus’ Life Timeline, the Ark of the Covenant, the Solar System and the Human Form to name of few that this Book will examine and present. These Alignments and Eclipse Patterns could lend some Clues, as to the Timing of Christ’s actual Birth and Return.

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Battle for Humanity's Soul
The purpose of this Book is to investigate and ascertain the possible Geographical Location of the Garden of Eden. The Presumption is that certain Locations in the Middle East as in Temples, Ziggurats, Pyramids and Cities, both Ancient and Modern have been built perhaps on the very Ley-Lines of the Dimensions of Paradise or Eden itself. This study assumes that 'Paradise' had existed Geographically, if the Bible Account of the Genesis is to be taken Literally.

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Abode of the AntiChrist
The Olivet Discourse basically consisted of a Prophetic Outline or Blueprint that would involve the Restitution of 3 Factors that have to be in place before Jesus' 2nd Coming. The Factors disclosed by Christ start with the Temple, then Jerusalem and ended with Israel. Christ foretold that these 3 Factors would be Destroyed, in that precise Order. The Olivet Discourse went on to disclose that miraculously, the same would involve a Reinstitution, but in Reversed Order at the End of Days signaled by the budding of the Fig Tree.

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