
And the Invasion of Earth

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 
The following is a Book one would like to share with the End Times Community. Please feel Free to download the PDF Version. It is a great way to forward it to others you may think could benefit from the Topic of the End of Days. The Book is a Science Fiction Space Thriller that chronicles the 1st Manned Mission to Mars. One believes that this is the 1st Full-Length Book, in Script Format, that has been generated by ChatGPT Open A.I., at least around ~70% of it. One can also order a Hardcopy from Amazon and Lulu Publishing.




© 2023 PostScripts Publications
Genesis of the 1st Humans on the Red Planet
And the Martian Invasion of Earth


Category: Science Fiction
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License

Publisher: Lulu

Binding: Paperback
Interior: Color
Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)

Publication Date: January 31, 2023
Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-365-29564-5


Prologue………………………………….………...……            15
What is ChatGPT?.....................................................             17
DALL-E…………………………………………………..            19

Storyline…………………………………………………             21
Characters………………………………………………             25
Script…………………………………………………….             45

Chapter 1: Ashes of the Phoenix……………..………             47
Chapter 2: Peace and Space Security……………….             55
Chapter 3: Dreamers of Mars…………………………             65
Chapter 4: Seeing is Believing……………………......            75
Chapter 5: A Matter of the Heart………..…………….             81
Chapter 6: Construction of Cydonia……………….…             89
Chapter 7: Tinker Project………………………….…..             99
Chapter 8: Martian Launch……………………....……             105
Chapter 9: Martian Landing……………………..…….             119

Images: Camp Pleiades…………………………...…..             127

Chapter 10: Tinker’s Discoveries……………….….…            131
Chapter 11: Androids Awaken……………..…….…....            147
Chapter 12: Martian Legacies…………………..….…            155
Chapter 13: Cydonia Conspiracy……………..………            165
Chapter 14: Cosmic Counsel……..…………..………             177
Chapter 15: Right Stuff……………………….………..            183
Chapter 16: Martian Encounter……………..….…….             199
Chapter 17: Martian Gold Rush…………….….....….             215
Chapter 18: Fall of Lucis………..………………..……             225
Chapter 19: Taken………………………………..…….             233

Maps: Cydonia Region…………………………..……..            243

Chapter 20: Capture the Flag………………...……….            249
Chapter 21: Rescue Mission………………...……......            257
Chapter 22: Martian Interception…………...…………            265
Chapter 23: Confrontation…………………...………...            275
Chapter 24: Resurrection……………………………....            285
Chapter 25: Earth Invasion…………………………….            295
Chapter 26: Raptured…………………………………..            305
Chapter 27: Final Battle………………………………...           319

Statistics of Mars………………………………………..            327
Resources……………………………………………….            329
Glossary of Term…………………………………...…...            333

ABCs of Salvation…………….………………….…......            354
Book Resources……………….…………………….….            363

When an IDF Soldier Goes To Mars
Odyssey of the 1st Humans on the Red Planet

The purpose of this Book is to present a Thrilling Full Length, Science Fiction Storyline about the Adventures of several Human Astronauts and their A.I. Android who travels to Mars in Script Format. There are 2 Astronauts that are former Israel Defense Force IDF Soldiers. The Ultimate Mission of the Teams being sent to Mars, is to establish a Permanent Human Colony. The 1st Couple fly their Spacecraft called the ‘Cydonia 1’.

They will confirm, if indeed there is Life on Mars, Water, Oceans and if Ancient Pyramid Civilizations ever existed on Mars. This Piece of Work, presented in Script Format, was largely composed by using the latest Online A.I. Open-Source Software, ChatGPT by Chat.OpenAI.com. This Novel will be perhaps, at the Time of Publication, 1 of the 1st Full Length Science Fiction, A.I. Generated Books ever Published, if not the 1st to be mostly written by A.I., as one prompted it, based on one’s intended Storyline.

All the Graphics, with some Editing were also done by using DALE-E A.I., that Generated the Artwork Online. DALE-E is also hosted by Chat.OpenAI.com. Since its release to the Public Domain, ChatGPT, especially the December 15, 2022 Version, has taken the World by Storm.

In less than 55 Days of its release, Microsoft invested $10 Billion U.S. Dollars into the Program. In one’s Opinion, ChatGPT is a ‘Gutenberg Press’ Moment in History. It will change the Course Human interaction with A.I., Artificial Intelligence forever. This is only the Beginning. What was the ‘Gutenberg Event?’ During the Dark Ages in Europe, the Roman Catholic Church had a stranglehold on the Illiterate Masses. And they wanted it to be kept that way. 

For example, it was Forbidden to have any Common Folk Read and/or Interpret the Bible for themselves. Why? The Bible was and is Revolutionary. It talks about what is ‘True’ and teaches about ‘Freedom’, Humanity’s Problems, Reactions and Solutions, etc. It was not until the Protestant Reformation that People started to Print the Bible in their own ‘Vulgar’ or Common Dialect, i.e., German. This was their ‘ChatGPT’ Moment, due to the Invention of the Printing Press. Once the Press was duplicated, it took the World by Storm, as ChatGPT is doing now.

Many Sociologists, Historians and Political Scientists, among many more Academic Disciples, argue that the Gutenberg Printing Press created Venues of Disseminating Information that led to the Enlightenment. And as Francis Bacon stated, ‘Information is Power’, etc. Perhaps as of this Publishing, originally in January of 2023, this Book is the 1st ChatGPT, Full-Length Science Fiction Book ever created by A.I. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a large Language Model, trained by Open AI that is able to generate Human-Like Text, based on the Input it is given.

Artificial Intelligence A.I.

It can be used for a variety of Natural Language Processing Tasks such as Language Translation, Question Answering, and Text Summarization. The Storyline is about the Cydonia Human Colony on Mars, but the Script does borrow heavily from Biblical Personages and Current Geo-Political Events. Fair Warning.

Thus, this Full Length Science Fiction Book, about going to Mars will be Biblically Contextualized for a Space Odyssey to the Red Planet. The ChatGPT wrote about 70% of the Script. The Reason is that, as the Ending borrowed heavily from the Parallelism of the Book of Revelation, the A.I. Prompt stopped at that Juncture. This was due to it not wanting or allowing it to be Prompted any further based on the Apocalyptic and Biblical Subject Matter.

According to Wikipedia (With Emphases), ChatGPT stands for ‘Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. It is a Chat-B that is based on Algorithms and was launched by OpenAI in November of 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 Family of large Language Models. It is developed, based on what is called a ‘Fine-Tuned’.

It is an approach to Transfer Learning that uses both Supervised and Reinforcement Learning Techniques. ChatGPT has quickly garnished Worldwide Attention for its Detailed Responses and Articulate Answers, across many Disciples of Knowledge.

Developer(s):          OpenAI
Initial Release:        November 30, 2022
Type:                       Chatbot
License:                  Proprietary
Website:                 https://chat.openai.com/chat

It is stated that OpenAI continues to gather Data from ChatGPT Users that will be used to further ‘Train’ and ‘Fine-Tune’ ChatGPT. Users are allowed to Up-Vote or Down-Vote the Responses they receive from ChatGPT. Users can also fill-out a Text Field with Additional Feedback.

Following the release of ChatGPT, OpenAI is valued at $29 Billion U.S. Dollars. The Headquarters of OpenAI is currently in the Pioneer Building, San Francisco. Sam Altman, as of this Write-Up is the CEO of OpenAI.


Luis B. Vega, for the past 30 Years, has been providing Services to Students in the California State Universities. He has been a Counselor, an Academic Advisor and a former Statistician, administering Entrance and Graduate Level Testing. He has also taught Freshman 1st-Year Transitional Courses, such as UNIV 102 at Sonoma State University and AgEd 102 at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Mr. Vega participated in a short Incursion to Israel in November of 2019. It was a Civilian Volunteer For Israel Program with Sar-El, in Partnership with the Israel Defense Force IDF. The Volunteer Program focused on Serving Israel, in Israel, through Direct Contact with Israelis and those from around the World. The Assignment was in an IDF Base outside Jerusalem, Israel's Capital City. The Details consisted mainly of Logistics.

Sar-El’s Purpose is to bring Supporters from around the World to come to Israel and contribute to the Security of Israel and Jewish Communities Worldwide. They also help to support the IDF by creating a unique Volunteer Experience that fosters new Friendships and creates a Cultural Exchange between Israel and the Volunteers. Sar-El is represented in over 30 countries worldwide. Dr. Aharon Davidi (z”l ), the former head of the IDF Paratroopers and Infantry Corps created the program in1982, in the midst of the Galilee War due to the need for Volunteers as the able Fighting Israeli Men went off to defend Israel.

Luis is an Amateur Astronomer and is very much interested in World Events, the study in Numbers, Prophetic Patterns, End Times and Biblical 'Types and Shadows' from a Political Science point of view. Mr. Vega has several Masters Degrees in Education and as a Political Scientist by Training, he especially likes to study History, Current Events and News related to Israel, the World, Astronomy and Astro-Archaeology. Luis has traveled to over 18 Nations helping with Orphanages, Tsunami Relief, Construction and Malaria Projects.

To contact Mr. Vega about his Research and Chart Illustrations, Email him at the following Email Address:

To read more about his Research, Chart Illustrations, and other Books, please visit his Resource Webpage at the following Online URL Address:


Other Book

The War In-Between Wars
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Volunteer Experience through the Sar-El Program in Partnership with the Israeli Defense Force, the IDF at the Anatot Military Base outside Jerusalem, Israel. The following are items documenting the short Incursion to Israel in November of 2019. Sar-El is the Hebrew Acronym for ‘Service to Israel’. The details consisted of Logistics with Weekend furlough to Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv in one’s case. Sar-El’s purpose is to bring supporters of Israel to Israel and contribute to the Security of Israel in Israel.

Purchase a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1055.
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