
Predicting the next Major Middle East War

  • What is the Phi Ratio and why is it Important?
  • Does the Ratio affect Prophecy? Wars?
  • ​Can the Ratio be used to predict Future Events?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 
The purpose of this study is to present a Chart to illustrate that based on one’s Theory of the Phi Ratio being a Pattern of ‘GOD’s Signature’, it can be applied to the Patterns of Israeli Wars, Past, Present and Future, perhaps. In this case, that of the Wars between Israel and its Muslim Inner-Ring Enemies. One theorizes that by knowing 2 Events on a Timeline, the 3rd Event will follow, approximately. One has applied this Phi Ratio Pattern to predict when the 3rd Major War in Israel is to occur.

This in turn is also based on the many Minor Wars that have ensued and will again be based on the Phi Ratio Pattern Theory. Applying this Phi Ratio Pattern to Biblical Prophecy, one theorizes that Events such as when the 3rd Temple in Israel is to be built, for example, can be ascertained. This Phi Ratio Pattern is seen in Creation and one presents how the Cycles are observed in the 3 Series of World Wars, World New Orders, Blood Moon Tetrads and Israel’s start of its last Prophetic Week per Daniel, etc.

One has taken the Chart, plotting the 2 prior Lebanon Wars on a Timeline. If what the Triangulation is suggesting, this coming 3rd Major Regional Israeli War will occur in the Mid-August to Mid-October, 2024 based on this Phi Ratio Pattern one is suggesting. And if so, the 9th of Av would be the Prime Day to have this Major Attack upon Israel commence, perhaps. The following are the Partial List since the 1st Lebanon War of how many Wars, Conflicts and Operations Israel has had so far.

LIST OF CONFLICTS - War of the Seeds
1985 South Lebanon Conflict 
1987 1st Intifada
2000 2nd Intifada
2008 Gaza War 1: Operation Cast Lead
2012 Operation Pillar of Defense
2014 Gaza War 2: Operation Protective Edge
2021 Israel–Palestine Crisis
2023 Gaza War 3: Operation Iron Swords

Now, what one is insinuating is that the Gaza Wars that have occurred back in 2008 and 2014 are a Prime Example of how the Phi Ratio works. In Hind-Sight, one should have known and considered that by plotting the 2 prior Gaza Wars, officially designated as such, one would have, with a measure of Confidence been able to gauge the 3rd Gaza War. This 3rd Gaza War, called ‘Operation Iron Swords’ is the Retaliation by the IDF for the HAMAS October 7, 2023 Attack against Israel. The issue is a bit convoluted in that it depends on what the Military Action on the part of the IDF was designated as.

For example, in 2012, there was the ‘Operation Pillar of Cloud’ and it involved an IDF Military Strike against Gaza at the Time. But it was not considered a ‘Gaza War’ as was the case in 2008 and 2014, etc. Now, how the Phi Ratio of these 3 Gaza Wars play into when the 3rd Lebanon War is to occur, is based on their Phi Ratio linkage. That is, the Phi Ratio of the 3 Gaza Wars overlap and link, in-sync with the 1st and 2nd Lebanon Wars.

That is to say and strongly suggest that based on this Phi Ratio Pattern, to reiterate, the likelihood of the 3rd Lebanon War will occur in late 2024, if not in 2025 sometime. One would venture to say, anytime on or after the 9th of Av. It will remain to be seen. And in some Interpretations, perhaps this coming 7-Front, Major Regional Israeli War with its Inner-Ring of Muslim Enemies will constitute the Psalm 83 War.

The following is an Incomplete List of Massacres and Atrocities carried-out by Muslim Arabs against Jews before Israel’s Declaration of Independence and U.N. Vote of 1948. Contrary to Popular Narrative, the Muslims did not ‘Live Peacefully’ nor Coexisted without Violence with the Jews before their Independence in the Promised Land. Note the concentration in the Year 1929 and how in particular, Jaffa had the most Reoccurring Massacres of any single locale with 4 Events.

1834 – Looting of Safed
1886 – Petah Tikva Pogrom
1908 – Jaffa Massacre I
1920 – Nebi Musa Pogrom
1920 – Tel Hai Massacre
1920 – Metula Massacre
1921 – Jaffa Massacre II
1921 – Bnai Yehuda Massacre
1921 – Menaheima Massacre
1921 – Ayelet Ha’Shachar Massacre
1929 – Jerusalem Massacre I
1929 – Hebron Massacre
1929 – Jaffa Massacre III
1929 – Gaza Massacre
1929 – Nablus Massacre
1929 – Jenin Massacre
1929 – Acre Massacre
1929 – Tel Aviv Massacre
1929 – Har Tuv Massacre
1929 – Kfar Uria Massacre
1929 – Be’er Tuvia Massacre
1929 – Beit She’An Massacre
1929 – Gedara Massacre
1929 – Moza Massacre
1929 – Mishmar Ha’Emek Massacre
1929 – Chulda Massacre
1929 – Ein Zeitim Massacre
1929 – Haifa Massacre
1936 – Jerusalem Massacre II
1936 – Anabta Massacre
1936 – Jaffa Massacre IV

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1037.
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