

Tied to the Rapture of Elijah

  • What were the School of the Prophets for?
  • What was Significant about the Number 50?
  • How can their Witness of Elijah tie-in to the Rapture?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One finds it rather interesting that when it was 'Time' for Elijah to be Raptured into Heaven, those 'In the Know', knew of the Year, Month, Day and Time. These were Elijah, Elisha and the 50 Men from the School of the Prophets. Imagine that. The Point that one wishes to stress is the obvious Factor of 50 that deals with now many Prophets there were and their Connection to 'Knowing' the Timing of Elijah's Rapture.

The other Prophetic Aspect about the Numerical Factor of 50 is how it is Scripturally tied to a Jubilee Count of Release, the Release Year of Freedom and that of Pentecost, or at least a Count of 50, which is what Penta means. Now in a pure Technical Sense, the Word Pentecost just refers to a 50 Day Count. It is no different in the Hebrew where a Shavuot is the exact same Count and Principle. One's Point is that in the Argument of how one presents that case that the Acts 2 Pentecost is not the Shavuot of the Grain First-Fruits, it is not the same.

What has occurred, in the Church, in one's Opinion is that the Church Tradition has established that the Jewish Shavuot of the 1st 50 Day Count that is the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain has not been overlaid, confused with it also being the Pentecost 2nd Count of 50 Days. And that 2nd 50 Day Count coincides, rather with the Feast of the First Fruits of the Wine. Thereafter, the 3rd Phase of a subsequent 50 Day Count corresponds to the Feast of the First Fruits of the Oil, etc.

All that to say, what if the Pentecost Implications of the 50 Prophets, the Rapture of Elijah and the Knowing of the specific Year, Month, Day and Hour can be known of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ? One other Point to consider is that in Israel, at that Time and Place, the Word of YHVH was fairly 'Known' and Understood. But Israel's Spiritual Condition was one of being Apathetic, and Negligent towards the Will of YHVH. Yet out of the Multitudes within the Earthly Nation of YHVH, in Israel, only a select few in comparison knew of the Elijah Rapture's Timing. 

There were only the 50 Prophets from the School of the Prophets at Jericho. And then, there were Elijah and Elisah, making a total of 52 People out of perhaps the entire Population of Israel. One's Point is that in such a similar Spiritual State, in the Last Generation where there is going to be a similar 'Hand-Off' and Dispensation from the Church Age back to Israel, only a 'Few', in comparison know about the Rapture's Timing. And that it could likewise be down to the Year, Month, Day and Hour. Now, personally, one has attempted to ascertain all that and one is not sure one is in that Camp of the 50 Prophets as one is not a Prophet in the Biblical Sense.

Year, Month, Day, Hour Known

But the New Testament has provided Clues as to the Rapture's Timing to all those that are now considered 'Prophets' in the sense that they speak the Gospel of Jesus, etc. What is not deniable is the fact that with each Passing Year, Month, Day and Hour, the Rapture Event is coming into greater Focus. The Church Age will eventually come to the Conclusion of its Commission. And thereafter, the Prophetic Focus will revert back to the Prophetic Economy of Israel. It will be like the Passing of the Baton from Elijah to Elisah.

And what is most profound, if one interprets and understands the Task of Elijah and the Expectation of the Jews, is that Elijah is to return, literally. This is where the Revelations come into play. One is convinced that Elijah will be 1 of the 2 Witnesses during the 7-Year Tribulation Period. And this is corroborated in how on Mount Hermon, one believes it was there and then that both Elijah and Moses appear, as witnessed by the Apostles of what their 'Assignment' was and is to be in Jerusalem. As they were talking with a Transfigured Jesus, the Return of Elijah is mirroring the Return of Jesus as well as Moses to conclude the Final Chapter of Israel's Redemption.

But not before the Bride of Jesus is rescued from the Hour of Testing that is to occur after the Rapture Event, to Test the Inhabitants of the World, etc. One Reason, perhaps why there is so much Contention about such topics as Pentecost being the New Wine Feast instead of the New Grain is because there is so little Evidence. One suspects that during the Writing of the New Testament, the Reason why so much was left out, was because of Familiarity and Common Knowledge at the Time.

Meaning that at that 1st Century World, these Subjects and Topics were not Contended, at least not as much as they are now or Questioning. But now since we are about nearly 2000 Years removed from that Society and Times, the Common Knowledge and Understanding has faded a lot. So, that seems to be then 'Missing Pieces' that our Modern Society and Understanding cannot reconcile. But for example, if one reaches 'New Wine' in an online Bible Software, like Blue Letter, one will see that in Deuteronomy there are 7 References in Scripture of the Feasts of Grain, Wine and Oil in that Book alone. 

There are other correlating 'Grain-Wine-Oil' Scriptures also in Isaiah and Ezekiel. So, the Point is that while those Objecting to the Acts 2 Pentecost being on the Feast of New Wine, because 'It is not in the Bible' is unfounded. And such a 50-Day, 50-Day, 50-Day Count is not only found in the Temple Scrolls that were guarded by the Ancient Essenes. Now, one does find it interesting that the mentioning of the Grain-Wine-Oil Scriptures in the Bible do seem as though they are 'Veiled' or not emphasized.

But that is just how the Subjects of the Rapture and the Church Age and the Bride of Christ Concept were also 'Veiled' to a dree. It was not until the New Testament Writing and Revelation that such Concepts were fully developed, etc. Now, as to your Question about the 3rd Day and its connection to the Cana Wedding? Well, that Phrase is 1 of those Mysterious Sayings and Revelation found in the Bible.

It is Prophetic for sure, but it is a Concept that provides only limited Insights into its full meaning. It is at least where one is at in the Understanding of it. But when the Bible mentions a Time, Place and Hour, it is Extremely Significant. So, the Cana Wedding took place on the 3 Day, Jesus rose from the Dead on the 3rd Day, etc. The 3rd Day is Tuesday. Now, perhaps that is when the Rapture Event is to take place? One aspect of the Saying and Timing is that it has to do with a Miracle. Well, in fact any aspect of YHVH performing something or anything is a Miracle.

But in this case one would think that is a Key to the Puzzle in understanding the Context of what the 3rd Day means. It will have to be about a Miracle. If one goes back to the Creation Template, then it is also about a Separation occurring. On the 3rd Day, YHVH separated the Land from the Sea and created vegetation on the Land. And this was before the Sun was created on the 4th Day, etc. Now one subscribes to the Gap Theory, so one argues that this was a 'Re-Creation' or Refurbishing of Earth to make it suitable for Adam, as the World or Creation that was 'Became Formless and Void', but that is for another Study.

All this type of Research can become ambiguous or confusing in doing so. One well leave it at that and relegate it to the Mysteries and Information that is 'Veiled', for now until we are on the other Side of the Rapture. Only then will we be able to see plainly and understand fully. As the Blessed Hope approaches, which is Jesus, the Holy Spirit will reveal things in the Heart and answer those Questions. One sincerely believes so, because in Scripture, YHVH instructs us to Ask, Seek and Knock and He shows and tells us Wonderous Things.



The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture Event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from Political, Social, Religious and Esoteric Sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture. It would appear that the world is vastly different now and going through an apparent 'Reeducation, Redefinition and Reset'. The book will consider how the present Transformation of Humanity will see it come through on the other Side of the Rapture. 

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Apocalypse Broken Seals
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle various Precursory Events leading-up to the breaking of the Seal Judgments in the Book of Revelation. Such events are inevitably leading-up to the collapse of the current Word Order. Many events will be assessed based on their Political, Economic, Religious, Esoteric and Occult Nature that appear to be converging on the coming Transformation and End of the Church Age. Others believe that there has been an acceleration in the momentum of Biblical Prophecy in these Last Days of the Church Age.

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