
Virgo Constellation Contractions

  • What is the Astronomical Significance of the Sign? 
  • What is being 'Birthed' or about to be a 'Bust' as well?
  • Why is the Revelation 12 Sign in Vigo 'Center Stag now?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One is conjecturing that the ‘Climax’ of the Story of the Comet, Tsuchinshan C/2023 A3 saw its ‘Birth’ in the Constellation of Virgo on October 10, 2024. But the Day prior, Mercury was ‘Birthed’ also, along with a 4-Heavenly Body Conjunction no less. One was ‘reading’ that this Astronomical Array was perhaps insinuating that the ‘Message has been Delivered’, as Mercury is the Planet associated with the ‘Messenger of the Gods’. So, one is saying that in the next 4 Days, whatever that ‘Message’ will turn out to be, could very well have been ‘Monumental’ in Prophetic Terms, as it relates to both the Bride of Christ and Israel.

It will be about ‘Crossing a Threshold’, a Point of No Return. As it is understood, the Revelation 12 Sign is as the Motif of the Virgin overlayed with Prophetic Correlations. It is, after all, the ‘End’ the Mazzaroth or Zodiac Storyline of the 12 Signs of the Cosmos, etc. The Sign also is connected, Scripturally to the Revelation 12 Sign, and that in itself is the Rapture. It is the Sign of Israel that birthed the Messiah, but also of the Body of Christ that is to be Raptured, etc.

Here is what one wrote on the Chart. The Constellation of Virgo is also usually paired-up with Pisces in that as 1 Fish goes ‘Out’, the other goes ‘Up’. That is what will occur in relation to the End of the Church Age with respect to Israel, or the Remnant of Jacob. The Wife of the Lamb will go Up, while the Wife of the LORD YHVH will go out, i.e., in the Wilderness. One is a Spiritual Ascent, the other is an Earthly Descent. But in both cases, it is about an intense Labor and an Enemy that seeks to Destroy them both.

The purpose of this illustration is to depict the Comet Tsuchinshan C/2023 A3 as the Calendar Day approached Yom Kippur. The Comet crossed the Ecliptic on October 2, 2024, exactly 1 Year from the HAMAS Terrorist Attack on Israel. Then on October 9, the ‘Birthing’ of Mercury occurred in the ‘Womb’ Motif associated with the Constellation of Virgo. It is as if the ‘Message has been Delivered’.

Then the next Day, the Comet C/2023 A3 which some attribute it to being the ‘Star of Jacob’ was ‘Birthed’ also out of the Woman’s Womb on October 10, 2024. It was 1 Day from the Evening of the start of Yom Kippur on the Rabbinical Calendar. Also note that this Array of Astronomical Signs had a Quadruple Conjunction or ‘Square’ consisting of the Sun, Spica, Mercury and the Comet, etc.

Also note that the Comet exited the Womb of Virgo at the same exact Point that it entered it, approximately 180 Days prior. As to a possible Prophetic Meaning? Consider that Virgo is the Innuendo for both Israel and the Bride of Christ. What will be that ‘Message Delivered?’ Watch the Days ahead for a possible Monumental Occurrence dealing with Israel and the Church Age, perhaps. If this is not a 'Sign', a Heavenly Sign, then one does not know what one is.



Mercury and Comet Births


One was asked about how others present the Interpretation that the True Date and how to calculate the New Month was on October 4, 2024, not October 2 when the Wedding Ring Eclipse occurred. And that subsequently, all of the following Feasts of YHVH, notably Yom Kippur is to start on the 13th of October, etc. Is this Last Generation living in Biblical Times? One would say so. Consider what happened on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on the Rabbinical Civil New Year and the Feast of Trumpets. Here below is an Excerpt from the Article featured Online by Israel 365 News. See Link for more Information and Details. Is it, was it the Foreshadowing of the Day of the LORD?

‘On Thursday (10/2/2024) the 1st Day of Rosh Hashanah, a group of Jews smuggled Shofarot (Ritual Rams’ Horns) onto the Temple Mount and, despite Police Efforts to stop them, blew all of the Requisite Shofar Blasts for the Holiday. It should be emphasized that this is most probably the 1st Time since the 2nd Temple stood that the Shofar has sounded at Judaism’s Holiest Site’. 


Israel 365 News
October 6, 2024

‘Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, and sound an Alarm in my Holy Mountain: let all the Inhabitants of the Land tremble: for the Day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at Hand.’ -Joel 2:1


Why do some say October 4 was the ‘True’ Feast of Trumpets? Here is the ‘Reason’ for the Discrepancy, as best as one can explain it.

Based solely on Lunar Cycles, the New Moon occurred on October 2, 2024, thus the New Month and New Civil Year. This is as understood, based on the ‘Jewish’ Calendar. It is a ‘Fixed’ Timing and Cycle.

Moon Phase Calendar for the current Month of October 2024

However, the Karaite and Zadok Calendar and Tradition holds that the Start of the New Month, every Month happens when the 1st Sliver of the New Moon is sighted. The Moon has to be at least 2-3% Illuminated. Thus, it was not until the 4th that this occurred.

More Info on this Interpretation.

Calendar Corrections
Thus, the Discrepancy of how to interpret when the Jewish Month is to begin. Pick your Calendar and Interpretation. But because of this Calendar Discrepancy, you will have many Months in which the Jewish Feast will not all occur on either a New or Full Moon and are ‘Out of Sync’.

In one’s Opinion or Assessment, the ‘Correct’ or ‘More Correct’ determination of when the Civil New Year occurred was on October 2, 2024. The Wedding Ring Eclipse ‘Gave it Away’, and it is how the Calendars, in this case the Lunar one is recalibrated with the Solar one, in one’s Interpretation.

Consider that the Torah has the Feast of Trumpets in 2025 to have occurred back on September 5, 2024. It was at least 1 whole Month Prior to both the Zadok and Rabbinical Calendars.

With the Year currently being 5785, then there are still some 200+ Years left before the Return [of Jesus]. Presuming a 6000 Year duration for Mankind, etc. Compared to the Christian (Roman Catholic) Calendar? Why that Discrepancy?

1. The ‘Jews’ or as in the Rabbinical Iteration that has claimed and does, are the arbitrators of what Judaism has deemed the Timeline. One is Identifying ‘They’ as the Rabbinical Ruling Class that was and is now once again the reconstituted Sanhedrin. These are the ‘Elders of Zion’ and what Jesus exposed as the ‘Synagogue of Satan’.

2. ‘They’ will not synchronize the Year Count to Jesus, which one surmises was born in -3 BC and died in 32 AD. To do so would have them capitulate to the Notion that Jesus was the Messiah. This will implicate them, on behalf of all Israel, that they had rejected Jesus as Messiah and are to be blamed for Israel’s 3rd and final Diaspora.

3. Thus, based on their 215 Year Discrepancy, is a deliberate obfuscation, in one’s Opinion to not expect Jesus’ Return or when Daniel’s Last Week is to occur. These False Shepherds will be and are in line with how ‘They seek to change Times and Laws’.

4. The Gregorian Roman Catholic Calendar has done the same. They have taken 10 Days out when they converted from the Julian one. So, where did those Days go? Realize that Man’s attempt at telling what Time it is, is relative to its Culture and level of Mathematics.

5. This is why the Ancients relied on the Astronomical Clock based on the 2 Solstices and the 2 Equinoxes. YHVH’s Celestial Clock is ‘Perfect’ But even that, based on Earths’ Rotation, given a Globe Model, has been altered due to the Flood of Noah.  

6. It is believed that before the Flood, the Solar Year was 360 Days a Year. But then based on Enoch, the Solar Year was 364 Days a Year. So, which one was it? There is just so much Discrepancy across the Board and not just with the Jewish Calendar. And realize that there are 8 of them. Rabbinical, Zadak, Essene, Torah, Enochian, Creation, etc.

7. And even within Rabbinical Judaism, there is the Discrepancy of when the ‘Head of the Year’ begins. Is it Tishrei 1 or Nisan 1? It is both. But which one YHVH prescribed to Moses? And why is that not honored above the other? It is because Mankind is Divided and not in Unity. And this Level of Division was last made at the Hands of YHVH at the Tower of Babel. It is like asking, ‘Why are there so many Denominations?’

This is what one currently understands because it is the $60 Million Dollar Question. So, all that to say, that one, personally does not know and have not come across a satisfactory Answer in 44 Years of studying Time, Scripture and Prophecy. We are only relegated to deal and work with the Numbers or Years are given, presented and presumed. In one’s case, that is one is more so a Dispensationalist. This Matrix helps ‘Approximate’ the Time or Day one is at. It is assuming a 7 Day Creation Template to a 7000 Year Prophetic Economy of Mankind. And?

It is the Birth and Death of Jesus that recalibrates all the Discrepancies and Differences in what is out there and what is presumed. This is why, if Jesus was Crucified in 32 AD, then one can reasonably calculate the End of the Church Age, still keeping the 1 Day as 1000 Years Prophetic Template. This is one’s best attempt at ascertaining the correct ‘Time’, at least at this Point in Time and often state, ‘Where one is at on the Learning Curve’. Anyone is welcome to download one’s Book, in PDF Format on the Circumstantial Evidence on why 32 AD was the Crucifixion Year.



Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one's Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to ‘Convince’, or to ‘Prove’ the Year, as that is beyond one’s Ability. 

Free PDF Download. 5 Star Rating on Amazon. * * * * *



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