Escaping the Snare that has been Broken

  • Is there a Psalm-to-Year Correlation of End Times?
  • When does this Timeline start the Tribulation?
  • What is the 'Snare' or Trap spoken in the Psalm?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to further elaborate on the Karl Lawley Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline of a Fall 2025 to a Fall 2032 Time-Frame. This possible Tribulation Timeline is particularly important, but also because it happens to match one’s Tribulation Timeline, so one is a bit biased about it. One’s Understanding is also that Psalm 120 would correspond to the Year 2020 and so on. One will just log the Correlation between the Psalm-to-Year Theory. Note that the Timeline, according to Lawley has a dual Psalm Numbers running together also. In this case, it is Psalm 77 that corresponds to the Start of the Tribulation Period, which is how ‘Old’ Israel is in 2025.

The ‘77’ corresponds to Israel’s 77th Year since Independence in 1948. One will see why as the study is developed. Lawley does have other Charts, but they are on the Videos as that is how one took a Screenshot of the Psalm Timeline from. He mentioned Facebook, where he could post the Charts but there is no Link to that on his YouTube Channel that one could find. But ‘Yes’, if the Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline is correlating to the Psalms of Ascent, from 125 to 132, and from 77 to 84, then the Rapture Psalm corresponds to Psalm 124 (2024). In that Psalm there is Central Theme of an ‘Escape’ and how the Snare has been broken as the Dove or Birds ‘Escape’.

This is what will actually occur at the Point of the Rapture Event. The Apostle Paul describes it as a Prophetic Reversal. It is as the World is clamoring ‘Peace and Security’, then ‘Suddenly’, destruction or the Snare will fall upon them. It is the Bride of Christ, whom the Luciferians and Synagogue of Satan have been working throughout the entire Church Age to ensnare the Bride of Christ from ‘Escaping’, that will Escape. Yes, the New Testament espouses ‘Escapism’. So, it will remain to be seen if, after all, what remains of the Year 2024 is how that is the Corresponding Year that the ‘Escape’ occurs, i.e., the Rapture. Would that not be Amazing?

Praise be to the LORD, who has not let us be torn by their Teeth. We have Escaped like a Bird from the Fowler’s Snare; the Snare has been Broken, and we have Escaped’. -Psalm 124:6-7

Also, will the Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary signal the Rapture as it did in 2017? See Chart at End-Notes. It depends on when was the Jewish New Year, 5785. Notice how using the Rabbinical Calendar, September 4 was Elul 1. Then September 18 was Elul 15 and then October 2 was Tishrei 1, the 7th Month. But if one is reading the Psalm Tribulation Timeline correctly, correlating to 2024, there will be War. As it is known, War is already occurring with Israel and the Ukraine, mainly in the World. But it is what occurs in Tandem with the Rapture Event that will change the World forever.

Rumors of War

One contends that the Great Rapture Escape will facilitate the Great Luciferian Reset of the Globalists. It will usher in their Order out of Chaos ‘Great Reset’. But where one does see the Timeline differently than Karl Lawley is how the Psalm 83 War will occur next and what will likely bring the need to have a World Ruler or Government. That will be the Excuse. One does believe the Psalm 83 War is before the Ezekiel 38 War as Lawley believes is presently underway. For those that want to dig deep and see one’s Assessment of the possible End-Time War Scenarios and how they all will or could play-out, here are the Articles to consider.

#820. Isaiah 17 Nuclear Damascus Strike

#298. Psalm 83 War

#299. Ezekiel 38 War

One is convinced Israel will have to resort to Tactical Nuclear Strikes in Isaiah 17. Then the Psalm 83 War will be with the Inner-Ring of Muslim Nations in Retaliation. Because the Middle East will go ‘Nuclear’, and the USA will have been Devastated, the World will clamor for a World Leader to stabilize the World. As it is, the West and the USA is provoking Russia to go Nuclear also. There will be such a Psychosis, beyond compared to COVID that the Peoples of the World will demand ‘Peace and Security’ at all costs.

This is where one surmises that the Rapture Event will have helped facilitate the ‘Great Reset’ that the Luciferian Globalists have been working on to transition into their New World Orders since Eden. Then during the Tribulation Period, the Ezekiel 38 War will be with the Outer-Ring of Muslim Nations led by Russia, Turkey and Iran. If this Psalm-to-Year Tribulation Period Timeline is the ‘Real Deal’, then the Rapture Event ‘has’ to occur prior to this Scenario, and it is only based on Conjecture and a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.

But also consider that the Jewish Calendar straddles the Gregorian Year Count by a few Months. Meaning that the Jewish Year of 5785 has already started, as in ‘2025’. Nonetheless, the Psalm 124 Great Escape, as in the Rapture Event that closes-out the Church Age will 1 Day occur. It will occur on a specific Year, Month, Week and Day. Many End Times Students of Prophecy can ‘Smell it in the Air’, as they say.

One has to just keep referencing how close the End of the Church is because beyond the Year 2028, the Year Count will have exceeded the 80-Year Generation, ‘If by Strength’ from Israel’s Rebirth in 1948. When asked about this Karl Lawley Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline, one had further Observations about it. Consider the following. The Year 2028, based on this Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline, is when many of the Jews in Israel, especially, that believed and accepted the False Messiah will start to question the ‘Official Sanhedrin Narrative’. It is then in the Year 2029 that the Jewish Remnant flees to the Wilderness, i.e., Petra, Bozrah, etc.

The Great Escape

Now remember, this Psalm-to-Year Correlation is only a Working Theory. But if the Year 2029 is the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Psalm Timeline, then the Revelation 12 Sign Prophecy will be fully realized at this Point and Time. How so? It has yet to come True, fully in one’s Estimation. It is because although the Revelation 12 Sign cast its Prophetic shadow, ‘Backwards’ into the Church Age, it is nonetheless a Multi-Layered Prophecy and Motif that signals a Rapture Event.

And that, by correlating the Man-Child with the Body or Bride of Christ, would make it plausible to then be a Sign to the Church, just as much. But it is just a matter of Time. But it is Psalm 129 or the Year 2029 that the Remnant Jews then flee to the Mountains and the Wilderness as Jesus commanded during the Olivet Discourse. That Discourse was not about the Rapture, nor the Body of Christ that did not exist at that Place and Time.

The Prophetic Frame of Reference was and is exclusively the Remnant Jews during the Time that the Abomination of Desolation is set-up in the 3rd Temple, etc. And as Jesus referred to the Prophet Daniel, it is when the AntiChrist breaks the 7-Year Covenant with the Many or as one surmises, the Sanhedrin of those 70 Elders of Zion. Here are the other Charts configure by Karl Lawley dealing with the Psalm-Based Tribulation of a Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline. Here is the Google Drive Folder where one has place many of the Charts in PDF Format to download Online.


Fall 2025-Fall 2032
Karl Lawley

One has also done a Scripture Chapter Number-to-Year Correlation. The Chart Timeline is based on the Warnings of Jesus from the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24. Lawley also wrote a Book about this Psalm-to-Year Tribulation Timeline, over 600 Pages but it does not contain the Charts, except the 1 shared originally.

A Verse-to-Year Possible Prophetic Correlation
Luis Vega


Based on the Sabbatical and Shemitah Overlap
Luis Vega


Based on the Speculated 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline
Luis Vega

Suddenly the Snare…
The Google Drive Folder will have 4 Charts one has provided that are based on one’s Work and Research pertaining to the Verse-to-Year Theory. Here they are specifically. As to how Jesus Christ will reverse the Snare and have the World and its Luciferian Elites fall into it, much like Haman in the Book of Esther, everything will be and is Normal until it is not… Remember Jesus stated that the End will be as in the Days of Noah, the Days of Lot. The Destruction of the USA, that is hindering the coming Great Reset will fall like in the Days of Babylon when King Bel-Shazzar brought the Holy Vessels of YHVH’s House to be used in his Drunken Orgy.

The Babylonian Empire was taken from the South as the Army of Cyrus the Great crossed the Border and the River Euphrates. They had infiltrated the Land with Spies and had prepared in advance to ‘Sudden’ take-down of the Empire. One is convinced that is what is happening to the USA and ultimately will. Remember the 3 Great American Total Solar Eclipses that started exactly 33 Days from the Revelation 12 Sign back in 2017. There is a Great Snare that has been placed for the USA and its People. But the vast majority of the People of the USA and the West in general are blind and deceived into think that ‘All if Fine’. All is Normal.

There is nothing going to happen. Let us make merry, Drink and we want our Abortion Rights, Kamal Harris, LGBT+ Rights and to have Pornography Books in our Public Schools and Libraries, have Drag Queen Lap-Dance with our Children and jail any Abortion Protester who reads aloud any Bible Verses or Prays, etc. Here is a Video Teaching that was forwarded to me about ‘Suddenly’ how the Destruction and Judgment will come to the USA. It is over 1 Hour long but it is worth the hearing as it addresses the current Spiritual, Prophetic and Geo-Political condition of the USA, in particular and the World.

Jamie Walden

It is about the Bride of Christ being prepared for the ‘Suddenly’, that is coming and how he emphatically broke it down as to what is coming to the USA and why. It is 1 of the best Exposé of what is the Current Condition that is being or desired to be ‘Normal’. One can see why one had virtually no objections to what was being preached in that Walden is Ex-Military and has a Mind-Set of being a ‘Soldier for Christ’. It all resonated.

One was and is impressed with his knowledge of History, Geo-Politics and the Workings of the Luciferian Elite. Walden also has a Book entitled, The Omega Dynamics that addresses the Spiritual Warfare most Contemporary Christians are losing. He speaks about a ‘Normalcy Bias’, in how, in the USA in particular, decisions to Destroy it have already been made. But it is they, the Luciferian and Globalist Synagogue of Satan that will not Escape their own Snare. Such Decisions have been made from Washington DC, by those Agencies led by the Synagogue of Satan that have virtually assured that when the ‘Suddenly’ comes to the USA, most of its People will be caught unawares and ill-prepared. Sadly it will be the People that will also be caught in the Snare with them.

Tribulation Period
But like many Examples of Faith and Preparedness found in the Old and New Testament, a Follower and Believer in Jesus are to be found Watching, Waiting and Worshiping in the Midst of the expectant ‘Suddenly’ that is to come, or as Walden argues, has arrived. So, what of the Psalm 77 and its connection to the Start of the 7-Year Tribulation Period? One can see why Lawley correlated this Psalm. In one’s Personal Research, one came across how several Persons of the Bible, notably Caleb, Jacob and Anna that were directly associated with the Number 77 and/or 84. In the case of Caleb, here is the Article delving into the possible Prophetic Significance of when the Tribulation is to start as well as the Rapture Event should occur prior.


Caleb 77-Year Code

In that Article, one shows how Caleb, he and Joshua were the only 2 of the Millions that crossed over into the Promised Land. And based on one’s Year Count, Caleb entered the Promised Land with that New Generation, led by Joshua when Caleb was 77 Years old. But Israel took 7 Years to initially clear-off the Land from the Natural Inhabitants of the Land. YHVH used the Israelites as an instrument of Judgment for all the Generations of Wickedness the Canaanites were involved with, Temple Worship Prostitution of both Females and Males, Baby Sacrifices, Sexual Perversion, etc. In the case of Anna’s 84-Year Code, here is the Article Link.

#768: 2032: YEAR JESUS RETURN?
A Prophetic Timeline based on the 8th Day 

So, it was not until the 7th year, being when Caleb was 84 Years Old that he then was able to enter and possess his Inheritance. One contends that this is exactly the Prophetic Template of the 7-Year Tribulation Period in which the 77th Year of Israel returning to the Promised Land occurred, but not until the 84th Year, that Israel will fully possess its Inheritance. This is where the 77th Year since the 1948 Rebirth of Israel corresponds to 2025 and then 7 Years later, the 84th Year would correspond to the Year 2032.

May 14, 1948 to May 14, 2025
= 76 Years, 11 Months, 29 Days (77th Year)
= 923 Months, 29 Days

Thus, according to the Psalm-Based Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline, the year 2032 is when the Greater Joshua, Jesus will be truly also the Captain of Israel’s Salvation who lead them into possessing the entire Promised Land, etc. If the 2nd Coming of Jesus is indeed in 2032, then 3.5 Years before that would be Spring of 2029. The Mid-Point would be Passover to be exact. Coincidence? This is the Year in which Israel would still be 80 Years but would cease to be an Independent State/Nation. Why?

2 Brides Married
That is when the Abomination of Desolation is set-up in Israel and the AntiChrist takes full Dominion of not only Israel but the World. Consider what the Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had to say about Israel and reaching an 80-Year Time Marker. He admitted that Israel has never existed un-divided beyond its 80th Year. And that 80th Year Time Marker will be the Jewish Year straddling the Gregorian Year of 2028-29.

Now, the other Biblical Figure that has also 77-Year and 84-Year Factor that could be correlated to Israel’s coming Tribulation Period and based on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline is Jacob. In this case, Aaron and ‘God a Minute’ did a really nice job is finally coming-around to this Timeline and the Year 32 being the Crucifixion Year. Here is the Link to his YouTube Video about it.

How Old Was Jacob When He Married Leah & Rachel?
God A Minute?

The Premise is that when Jacob went to live with his Uncle Laban, back in Haram, fleeing from his Brother Esau, having fallen in Love with Rachel, he pledged himself to work 7 Years to marry her. However, Laban being just as a Scoundrel as Esau, tricked Jacob with Leah, the Oldest instead of Rachel, the Youngest of the 2 Daughters of Laban. Nonetheless, Jacob still pledged to work an additional 7 Years to then marry Rachel. Thus, if Year 1 is the 77th Year that Jacob was of Age, then the 2nd 7-Year Period would correspond to the 84th Year.

                Jacob as Israel – Typology of the 2 Marriages

          Year: 1 ------------------------ 7th Year --------------------------7th Year
                                                Married Leah                         Married Rach
    Age:70 Years Olde          77 Years Old                          84 Years Old

    Israel:   2018                            2025                                         2032
   (70th Year since 1948)

Notice that what is spectacular about this Jacob-Double Marriage Timeline is that it appears to match perfectly with Israel’s Modern Timeline. It was the case that in 2018, that was precisely the 70th Year Anniversary of Modern Israel’s Independence, since 1948. Coincidence? And, amazingly, the Altar of Sacrifice was ceremoniously dedicated on the walls of Jerusalem. That commemorated also another 70-Year Prophetic Time-Marker in that it was 70 years after the Babylonian Captivity that the Altar of Sacrifices was dedicated thereafter in Jerusalem.

May 14 1948 =  Iyar 5, 5708
= 5708 + 77 (Caleb and Jacob Age Count) = Hebrew Year 5785 or 2025
= Rosh Hashana 5785, Jewish New Year is October 2, 2024
= Annular or ‘Wedding Ring’ Solar Eclipse

Jacob’s Troubles
This Typology and Timeline appears to match that of Caleb entering the Promised Land initially with the New Generation but having to wait 7 additional Years to possess his Inheritance. This Time Template would also correspond to the Anna 84-Year Code in how she became a Widow after only 7 Years of her Marriage. And in the 84th Year of her Life is when she saw and held Jesus at the Temple during the 8th Day of Dedication, etc.

How Old was the Biblical Patriarch Jacob when he 1st married?
‘With this further Insight we can determine that Jacob was 84 Years Old (91 - 7) when he made both Leah and Rachel his Wife. We also now know he was 77 (91 - 14) when he 1st met Laban and agreed to work for the Right to Wed’.

Source: https://www.biblestudy.org/question/age-of-jacob-when-married.html#google_vignette

There is also 1 other Time Marker Correspondence that is referenced as a Time Marker in the Bible. It has to do with the Reign of Tiberius Caesar. In Luke 3:1, it states that the Word of YHVH came to John the Baptist in the Wilderness. This is after the 1st Year as it is historically noted that the Emperor of Rome, Tiberius was Caesar from 14-37 AD.

1948 Israel + 77 Year Factor = 2025 + 7 Years of Jacob’s Trouble = 2032

Thus, if this Scenario corresponds, truly to 14 AD, the 15th Year of the Reign of Tiberius Caesar would be 29AD. If one then superimposes the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template, it would make the following Year Count to consider that would appear to also synchronize with the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline.

29 AD + 2000 Years (2 Day Church Age) = 2029

If one then factors in the Great Tribulation, convinced it is relegated to the 2nd Half of the 2520 Day duration of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, all inclusive, then that would be 1260 Days or 3.5 years. Thus, the following Time-Frame.

2029 Mid-Point of 7-Year Tribulation + 3.5 Year Factor (Jacob’s Trouble) = 2032 – 7 = 2025



Rapture Door #1, Door #2 or Door #3?





Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why? ​​



End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. 


Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the Astronomical Signs above that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth. Lastly, the Book will delve into how the Church Age plays in all this and how Israel will resort to a False Messiah that will promise them, a false sense of Peace and Security.  


Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA.  The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lenses and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' means? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is, that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA. 


In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors, that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 


© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1071.
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