Republican Party Lesser of Evils

  • Why are there so many Questions about the Attempt?
  • What does the Skull and Bones have to do with it?
  • ​What has happened to the Republican Party?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

Following the Assassination Attempt of the Former U.S. President, Donald Trump, the Republican National Conference ensued. What occurred on that Stage confirmed one’s Conviction that the Republican Party of the 2020’s was the Democratic Party of the 1990s. One was originally a Voting Democrat because of its Platform, mainly on Labor and Civil Rights Issue. It represented the Working Man and Woman going up against Greedy Corporate Republicans.

But then the Democrat Party lost its Morality and embraced Immorality as its National Banner. It went ‘Woke’, Feminist, Gay and Leftist. It espouses Marxist Globalist Platform that is essentially Luciferian to the core now. In turn, the Republican Party, since around Bush Jr., embraced the Morality of protecting Life, Marriage and the Judeo-Christian Values a Society needs to be built upon, if it is to survive. That was the Time one then voted Republican. But the Endless Wars in the Middle East and the shipping of all of America’s industrial Base to China changed one’s Vote.

And it was Bush Sr., who along with Kissinger and Nixon opened-up China for its Cheap Labor. But building-up China was and is part of the Luciferian Globalist Plan. No longer are they using the USA as the World ‘Police’, but China. In 1 Generation of 70 Years, China went form Billions on Bicycles to Millions in Trains, Plans and Automobiles, etc. Still, as then an Independent or Libertarian, one hoped that the Republicans could at least uphold the Moral Precepts of a Dying American Empire. That all changed in 2024 with the Republican National Convention. The following is the Observation many, like Donna Danna from 5 Doves outlined.

Donna Danna (21 July 2024)
GOP Surrenders To Some Of The Greatest Evils Known To Man At Its Convention


- A Prayer to a Pagan God; Vaheguru (Waheguru)

- A Pro-Abortion Porn Star praising Diversity;

- Homosexual Republicans expressing glee after the GOP stripped all Anti-LGBT Language from its Official Platform;

- And perhaps most significantly, the party officially nominated Former President Donald J. Trump and Running Mate Sen. J.D. Vance — both of whom approve Abortion to Horrifying Degrees — as their 2024 Candidates.

The One True GOD
Indeed, the Republican National Congress is seeking the Minority Votes and thus are placating them. But it was a very awkward Attempt at embracing Religious Pluralism. However, the Ecumenical could not be more happy as the Sikh Prayer was superimposed with images of Christian Crosses flashed behind her. This is Social Engineering at its Best. It is a Prime Example, of how Jesus warned that Wolves would be coming in Sheep’s Clothing.

According to Reports, Dhillon, who led the Hindu Prayer explained that she recited the ‘Ardas Prayer’. This is the Prayer which Sikhs say before a New Endeavor in order to praise God and ask for Protection. This would seem innocent and welcoming, only 1 Problem. According to Paul in the New Testament, prayers to Idols and Images are Prayers made to Demons. Demons are real and they seek a Body to inhabit and Worship from Humans. Here is the Prayer To Vaheguru, the Hindu God in English.

‘Dear Vaheguru, our one True God, we thank you for creating America as a unique Haven on this Earth where all People are Free to worship according to their Faith. We seek your Blessings and Guidance for our beloved Country. Please bless our People with Wisdom as they vote in the upcoming Election. And please bless with Humility, Honesty, Skill, and Integrity all those who conduct the Election’.

So, who does Americans trust in, which God? The Bible declares that YHVH is the only True GOD, and of whom Jesus proclaims Himself to be. See Revelation 1:17 and 22:13. See also Isaiah 44:6. Would Dhillon pray to the GOD of the Bible for such a similar Request? Not likely. Why is it always at the Expense of Christianity and Jesus as the Only True and Living GOD that other Religions are made to supplant it? And worse, why are not most of the Professing Christians allowing all that was noted on the List, in the House of YHVH?

Now, this next Section will be critical of all those Christians that consider or see Trump as a Messiah Figure. One cannot blame such People for going there. But in one’s Assessment, Trump is the ‘Lessor of 2 Evils’ in the U.S. National Elections Context. One does agree with many of his Policies and Decisions. But as a whole, one is not so sure he was and is solely telling the Truth and controlled by the Luciferians.

After all, he allowed himself to be manipulated and used by the Angel of the COVID Death Shots, Fauci. He may not be ‘Beholding’ to anyone but owes them his Ascent to Power in New York City. And remember that he was a Democrat. But as to the Lesser of 2 Evils? Remember what Lenin said of the Opposition. You lead it. Now the following was forwarded that insinuates that the Word MAGA, Make America Great Again is a veiled Luciferian Motto. How so?

It has been reported that the Highest Level in the Church of Satan is MAGA, short for MAGUS. MAGA means a ‘Witch’, the Feminine Form of the Latin word MAGUS, Latin for Sorcerer. But to be fair, if that was the case, then why did Witches in droves come-out when Trump won his Election to curse him Nonetheless, MAGA is the 5th and Highest Level of High Priest in the ‘Church of Satan’.

Registered Member                - No Degree
Active Member Satanist          - 1st Degree
Witch/Warlock                         - 2nd Degree
Priestess/Priest                       - 3rd Degree

Magistra/Magister                   - 4th Degree
Maga/Magus                           - 5th Degree

Source: ChurchofSatan.com


Sure, it could all be mere Coincidence or one reading into the Term. But consider how People have pointed-out that Trump always tells the Story of the Snake. It is one that bites the Woman who takes him in. Many are insinuating that this is how the Luciferians are telling the Christians and America how they have been Poisoned and causing their eventual Death. Tangibly? Consider the COVID Kill-Shots, etc. So, if Trump is ‘Working with Them’, Them being the Luciferian Cabal that truly runs the World, why would ‘They’ have wanted Trump Dead?

Good Question as to why ‘They’ wanted to take out Trump if he is really on their Side? One is more convinced it is a little-bit of ‘All the Above’.  As noted, the Luciferians cannot pull this one on Biden winning again as he is just too physically old to ‘Sell’ to the People, with any measure of Credibility. They need a way-out. But although Biden, or more like his Wife wanted Biden in the Race, the Powers-That-Be told Biden to step-down. In All Honestly as they say, Biden has 1 Foot in the Grave already as it is.

Even during this Televised ‘Last’ Message to America, Biden had notably read a pre-script from a Teleported. And then, he looked Weak and Frail. And True to the New Democratic Party, it could not pass over a Woman, and that of a Biracial one, African and Indian. To do so would go against all the Radical Leftists who had worked so hard to take over the Democrat Party Platform. And with this ‘Check-Mate’ done on Trump, the Kamal Nominee has galvanized all the Feminists and LGBT+ Community. Guess who she 1st met to discuss Politics with? Drag Queens. This is your ‘New Democratic’ USA, no Christians need to Apply.

And what is Trump's worst Opponent, worse than Kamala or whomever might be the Candidate? It is Trump himself. He is his own worst Enemy. He cannot just keep his Mouth Shut. So why Assassinate him? The Main reason is that in Trump, the Luciferian Cabal cannot totally ‘Control’ him. They cannot take the Chance. Now for Trump, having a Near Death Experience does change a Man.

If he is now truly a Christian and Follower of Jesus? That remains to be seen. But the Parallel to Reagan is uncanny. Reagan did seem to do a Turn-Around in terms of Faith in Jesus and professing it publicly. If one might remember, Newt Gingrich said Trump had not been ‘Initiated’ in the ‘Rites’ of the Luciferian Secret Societies. And he ought to have known. So, despite Trump working with all of them, he was not part of them, to the Core.

Trump’s Assassination Attempt
The Cabal presumed that they could have, but when Trump supported Policies going contrary to the Globalist Agenda, they needed him out of the way as it disturbed their Plans. See Video below.

Fake News Daily Official

Now, how will a Trump Presidency factor in with Biblical Prophecy? If Trump has a 2nd Term,  will he still help Israel? Good Question in that if left behind, Trump will aid Israel to help it defeat the coming Onslaught of the Inner-Ring of Muslim Para-Military Factions that will come against Israel. This will be the Psalm 83 War. But despite that effort, the Rapture Event will devastate the USA overall. There has to be that ‘Continuity of Government’ nonetheless.

If one saw the Congressional Meeting with the Director of the Secret Service, one can see how the Luciferians have totally co-opted the U.S. Government. Clearly the Director of the Secret Service is only a Figure-Head. She, Kimberly Cheatle did not even know basic Operational Numbers and what happened during the Assassination Attempt of Trump on July 13, 2024. Who was in charge and given the Orders to leave the Primary Building in the Direct Line of Sight is who is the Operative of the Shadow U.S. Government. The AGR International Building has now become the Grassy Knolls of John F. Kennedy’s Assassination.

So, in the ‘Look Here’ Department, a Thought came to Mind. One wondered, ‘What is the Connection in terms of Distance from the Trump Rally at the Butler Show Grounds, PA, to the White House?’ According to Google Earth, the Ground Length in Kilometers is exactly 332 Kilometers. And? One could not help but see the Skull and Bones Motif and their 322 Numerical Signature about the Attempt then.

But in one’s Book, the AGR Building is now the Grassy Knolls of the John F. Kennedy Assassination. And if that is the case, then for sure the Shooter was not a ‘Lone Wolf’ or Lone Shooter. There have been many YouTube Channels demonstrating how multiple Shots were  being fired based on the Dissection of the Sound Bites from various Videos of the Event, etc. Here below is a Chart made to show this 332 Kilometer length to the White House. Coincidence? Could be, but not beyond the Realm of Possibility in this ever-crazier World and Presidential Election.

Trump Assassination Attempt – Skull & Bones 322 Link

Continuity of Government
It was only 150 Feet from the Podium where Trump was standing and speaking and allowed to. This is despite the Secret Service having direct Eye-Sight Contact and confirmation of a Threat identified. What one noticed during the Congressional Hearing is that Cheatle mentioned ‘Continuity of Government’. What? For those that are not aware of the Phrase. It was and still is a Secret Plan to keep the Government of the USA intact and functioning after any Catastrophe or Event that forces the Government to go into Exile, for example as most 3rd World Banana Republics do. And?

The U.S. Constitution gives provision for its Citizens to Voluntarily dissolve the existing Form of Government, if need be. The Point is that now, the Legislators of the USA have created a ‘Monster ‘and it will not Die nor be allowed to Die. It will rather kill any and all that will try to kill it. It is a True ‘Sky-Net’. Here is the Excerpt where Continuity of Government was mentioned. It was a Freudian Slip on her Part, but as a Political Scientist, one would have loved to hear more about it at this Time and Place.


Had he'd been the Sitting President, would he have had the same Security he had on July 13th or would have been beefed-up?

There is a difference between the City… So, your Answer is he didn't? …And Continuity of Government and the

Responsibility… He did not. OK. There wasn't a Cat Team, Full Cat Team on-site. There wasn't Counter Surveillance Teams…

Secret Service director grilled on Trump assassination attempt
Fox News

So, back to Netanyahu and the transferring over the World Governments to the coming AntiChrist? Realize that to the Luciferian Cabal, it is Netanyahu that will be around after the Rapture to Transfer Israel’s Government over to the Sanhedrin and their AntiChrist False Messiah.  Well, it is Political Conjecture on one’s Part. But realize that currently, Netanyahu is held in Power by the Religious Parties. And when the Rapture occurred and the USA, in general can no longer be counted on, then the coming AntiChrist will be making that ‘Deal’ and the Sanhedrin will be elevated to Power as it eclipses the Prime Minister’s Office, regardless.




Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA.  The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' mean? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA. ​

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Celestial Omens of Judgment
The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc.

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Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what it looks like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.

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Orchestrated National Collapse
The Fall of the Phoenix chronicles the Code of the 33 Sabbatical Cycle Countdown since 1792 for America’s Demise. Various Celestial Signs are taking place that appear to also be Signaling a Prophetic Countdown to the coming Fall of the Phoenix, America. This Book will also focus on Key Spiritual Signs of the Times that appear to have also 'Clocked' America’s Destiny that have sown the Seeds of its own Destruction. It appears that the Fall of America, the Fall of the Phoenix in Biblical Prophecy will be the Resetting of this New Beginning.

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© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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