
A Double Standard against Israel

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The following is one’s Political Science Assessment of the Israelis opening Fire on the U.N. UNIFIL Forces station in Southern Lebanon. One will attempt to show that the Solution to the Conflict in the Middle East, i.e., Israel and the Muslim Menace it faces will not be resolved through a Military Solution. Nor will it come from a Diplomatic Solution. No. The Solution will have to come and will come, based on a Religious Solution. And this is where one’s Biblical and Prophetic Interpretation will show. Why and how? It is because the Bible explains how it will all Playout and ‘End’.

The ‘Solution’ will involve a Military and Diplomatic Solution but foremost, it will have to be rooted and accepted based on a Religious Solution. Why? That is what the Muslims and the Jews understand or can or will be led to. One is inferencing the Biblical Narrative of how the coming Biblical AntiChrist will use the Military and Diplomacy to defuse the Middle East Conflict and bring ‘World Peace, etc. But his strategy and dealings will be, will have to be, based on a Religious Solution foremost.

One will try to make one’s Assessment based on a Balanced Approach that will consider ‘Both’ Sides. However, giving one’s Geo-Political Evaluation is coming from a Biblical Filter that seeks to interpret such Events in light of End Times Prophecy, especially concerning Israel. One will provide the elementary reason why the UNIFIL U.N. Forces are in Southern Lebanon and what was and is the Mission. Has it been Successful? No.

The UNIFIL Forces, United Nations International Force in Lebanon was constituted due to the agreed upon Cease Fire between the Israel Defense Force IDF and the PLO led by Arafat back in 1978 due to the South Lebanon Conflict. This was considered the 1st Lebanon War.  It was an Israeli Response to the Coastal Road Massacre of Jews near Tel Aviv by Palestinian Militants based in Lebanon. 

And here is part of the Double Standard that is always imposed on Israel. Whenever the Muslims Attack Israel, there is no U.N. Resolution condemning the Attacks. And when Israel responds and is about to completely destroy the Muslim Factions or Elements, the U.N. passed Resolutions to impose a Cease Fire. This was a Ploy of the Muslims that has always been capitalized in their Religious Quest to Destroy Israel. This is, in one’s Biblical and Prophetic Assessment, the ultimate Reasons and Context for underrating the Middle East Conflict.

Winner Takes the World
The Leftist Pundits, in the Media, the Military and the Governments of those in the West, the USA and Western Europe as well as those in Israel fail to see this for what it is really worth. At the core of this Muslim Contention is a Religious one. All the Conflict, coming from the Muslims, in terms of Suffering, Destruction and Blood has been a Religious Offering on the Altar of Allah in a Quest to gain control of 3 Prophetic Elements. And this is where ‘They’ have it all wrong.

1-The Promised Land.
2-The City of Jerusalem.
3-The Temple Mount.

The ‘Peace-Makers’ always fall back to the Failed Policies of a Cease Fire, Land for Peace and a 2-State Solution. Not realizing or wanting to accept that none of these Factors are acceptable to Islam. As mentioned, it is about an ‘All or Nothing’. If the Muslims wanted a 2-State Solution, they should have accepted theirs back in 1947 with the U.N. Partition Plan. This is why the PLO was formed. The PLO was expelled from Jordan as it tried to take over that Nation. That is called Black September. The PLO was also Expelled from Tunisia that tried to take over that Nation.

The Palestinians have been Parasites that suck the Blood out of its Hosts. In the case of Southern Lebanon. The ouster of the PLO allowed for a further radicalization of Islam that led to the formation of the Party of Allah. It was heavily subsidized by Iran. Hezbollah was founded by Nasrallah as a Backlash of the Intifadas concerning the Temple Mount. Slowly but surely, because the State of Lebanon became destabilized, and the decimation of its Christian Community, Hezbollah took over Lebanon. Realize that Lebanon before the PLO came in was a thriving Nation, not a Failed State that it is now.

Beirut was considered the ‘Paris of the Middle East’ and the entire State was deemed the ‘Switzerland’ of the Regions. No more. This is what occurs if you allow Islam to flourish in a Society. Lebanon was nearly 70% Christian and under its Society, it flourished. But when the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization came into and took over Southern Lebanon, it thrust the Fragile State into Chaos, Disunity and Destruction. The Muslim PLO massacred the Christian Communities that dotted Southern Lebanon. They initiated a True Genocide. And where were the Headlines?

Where were the University Protests? Para-Military Muslim Faction that initiated a Rocket Attack on Israel back in 2006. This was the 2nd Lebanon War for Israel. As a response, Israel invaded Southern Lebanon. It lasted 33 Days, and on the 34th Day, a Truce was reached. Hezbollah declared ‘Victory’ as Israel suffered more than usual Deaths of its Soldiers. The Israel IDF Incursion into Southern Lebanon, in a Military Attempt to weed-out Hezbollah was not entirely successful, etc. There was a lot of Pressure from the Israeli Public to stop the War. Nonetheless, as a result the U.N. passed Resolution 1701 that stipulated a U.N. Peace-Keeping Force. It was made-up of 50 Member Nations that would provide 3 Key Prerogatives.

A Double Standard
With this Context of the UNIFIL Mission in Mind, has all 3 U.N. Objectives been met? No. One will address each of the Objectives and provide one’s Assessment from a Military Point of View, a Political Science Point of View and a Biblical/Prophetic Point of View. First, one will start with a Philosophical Framework.

 1. The UNIFIL Force would ensure and monitor that all of the Israeli IDF Military Assets would be completely withdrawn back over to the Israeli Border.

2. The UNIFIL Force would ensure that it would also ensure any and all Hezbollah Military Assets would be withdrawn North of the Litani River. This Zone would be a De-Facto Buffer between Israel and Hezbollah.

3. The UNIFIL Forces would aid in having the Lebanese Regular Army come in and take up the Vacuum, in-between Israel and Hezbollah Forces, etc. This was to ensure a Lasting Peace, relatively speaking.

The World woke-up to the Headlines of ‘Israel Attacks UN Peace-Keepers’. Consider that as with any Story or Event, there is always more than what is being reported and not all of the Perspectives and Reasonings are given nor are considered. News is always about a ‘Spin’. As News spread of this Incident, the Italians, the Spanish, Irish that have a Contingency in the UNIFIL Forces made a formal complaint to Israel and the UN, etc.

The UNIFIL Command, led by a Spanish General, Lazaro stated that Israeli Troops opened Fire that resulted in at least 4 UNIFIL Personnel being injured. However, the IDF stated that it had given the U.N. and the UNIFIL Command ‘Fair Warning’ of its Military Activities where the UNIFIL Outposts are situated. And that it gave ample Warning to ‘Leave’. However, the Italian Defense Minister in a Public Press Conference responded by stating that UNIFIL does not ‘Take Orders from the IDF’.

He has a Point, but here is where one will delve a bit into the Double Standard that is always leveled when it comes to Israel ‘Attacking’. Consider that Israel had not attacked Lebanon. Israel had not attacked Hezbollah. Israel decided to militarily incur into Southern Lebanon on September 30, 2024 because of the relentless Rocket Attack conducted from Southern Lebanon by Hezbollah. What is never portrayed for Perspective is how it was and has been Hezbollah that has, as of this Writing, lobbed over 10,000 Rockets into Israel.

Hezbollah has successfully ‘terrorized’ all of the Northern Population of Israel to the point of having to evacuate nearly 4 Million People. It is because Hezbollah ‘Opened Fire’ against Israel on October 8, 2023, the Day after the HAMAS Attack against Israel. And this is the Main Reason Israel’s Leadership decided to enter Southern Lebanon in what many are not calling the 3rd Lebanon War. Realize that this War is not against Lebanon, as a State, but Hezbollah that has essentially hijacked it. And this is now where UNIFIL comes into focus due to this ‘Open Fire’ made by Israel.

Muslim Mindset
The U.N. Resolution and Commitment to have 50 Nations ‘Keep the Peace’ was and is a ‘Noble Effort’ on the part of the World that love Peace and wish the Killing of Soldiers and Innocent and not so Innocent Civilians hurt, maimed and killed. But as to the Mission of UNIFIL? The only Success and Accomplishment that had been reached was ensuring that all of the Israeli IDF Military Assets were vacated from all of Southern Lebanon. Initially, the 2nd Objective to clear-out Hezbollah was just a Temporary Retreat for them. In their Muslim Mindset, a Cease-Fire is only afforded Time to Rearm and Reload in preparation for the next Engagement.

It is an ‘All or Nothing’ Strategy that the West consistently fails to assess properly. Unless you kill every last Muslim, any standing one that is left alive, no matter how decimated their Land, Resources or Military becomes, it is a Victory in their Eyes. This is why Israel ‘lost’ the 2nd Lebanese War, etc. What happened is that in the 3rd Objective, the Lebanese Regular Army was brought in, reluctantly and ill-prepared and ill-equipped to fill-in the Vacuum, between Israel and Hezbollah.

In fact, most of the Men were and are sympathetic to Hezbollah or were intimidated to be so, or else. What occurred is that gradually, the Lebanese Regular Army retreated and allowed Hezbollah to creep back into all of Southern Lebanon. And this is how this tight association led to the IDF killing 2 Lebanese Army Soldiers. According to the IDF, the Open Fire resulted in what they had assessed was an ‘Existential Threat. But here is where Israel has to be extremely careful because of the Double Standard that one is pointing out. Obviously, the IDF knows about this Conundrum.

It is a matter of ‘Damned if you Do, Damned if you Do Not’. Either way, the World Court of Opinion is always against Israel when it comes to defending and responding to the Muslim Attacks. Realize that it was HAMAS that started the war in the South. It was Hezbollah that started the Front in the North. It was Yemen that lobbed Ballistic Missiles at Israel. It was Iran that on 2 occasions now struck Israel.

And how here is another ‘Spin’ that the U.N. has propagated to the World. The U.N. has called the Mission of the UNIFIL a ‘Success’. Why? They see that for the past 18 Years, there has been ‘Peace’ between Hezbollah and Israel. Really? Here is the complacency and again, a Double Standard when it comes to Israel. How so? For all those 18 Years of ‘Peace’. Hezbollah has been allowed to function, maneuver within all of Southern Lebanon.

It has fortified its Stronghold and built Underground Networks of Tunnels. It stockpiled Weapons and Missiles to overwhelm Israel’s Defenses, etc. And? And where was or is UNIFIL, whose Mission was and is to Clear-Out Hezbollah Elements? It has allowed Hezbollah to use UNIFIL as a Human Shield as it does with the Lebanese Civilians. And one’s Point is? Where were the World Headlines when over 330 UNIFIL Soldiers from 50 different Nations have been murdered by Hezbollah, a it Opens Fire on them? Yet when the IDF is responding to Hezbollah’s Attack, gives Fair-Warning, Israel is the Villain? And here is what is not reported.

Under Fire
Even though UNIFIL ‘Looks the Other Way’ when it comes to Hezbollah Presence in the Buffer Zone, Hezbollah has Opened Fire on the U.N. Peace-Keepers. Where have the World Headlines been in those cases? There was the deliberate Ambush of a UNIFIL Convoy in 2022 that left a Young 23 Year Old Irish Pvt. Seán Rooney, dead. There have been over 330 UNIFIL murdered by Hezbollah as of 2024, reported by U.N. Statistics.

Source: https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/fatalities

But no. There has not been ‘Peace’ between Israel and Hezbollah for the past 18 Years (6-6-6). So, on September 30, 2024, the IDF went into Southern Lebanon to do what the UNIFIL should have been doing all along, its Job of ensuring no Hezbollah Elements would be there to threaten Israel. Then on October 4, 2024, the IDF ‘Opened Fire on a UNIFIL Post that injured 2 Peace-Keepers from Indonesia. Later on it was reported that the IDF had shot and killed 2 Lebanese Soldiers.


Raw Footage: Hezbollah Hides Next to UNIFIL


So, on 1 Hand, Israel is taking all Measures, regardless of World Opinion or Reaction to its Actions. But if Israel wants the Sympathy of the World or at least to try in obtaining it, killing Lebanese Soldiers and Opening Fire on U.N. Peace-Keepers is not the way to go. But on the other Hand, not acting or reacting will certainly lead to further Killings of Jews in Northern Israel, particularly. As it is, Lebanon is a Failed State and hijacked by Hezbollah. Israel is actively bombing even Beirut that as once considered more-or-less a ‘Safe Zone’

It is because, as one surmises, Hezbollah is closely tied to the Lebanese Army and works within the Framework of Networks and Sympathetic Associations with impunity. And it all occurs under the noses of the UNIFIL that is targeted just as much. With over 330 UNIFIL Personnel Murdered by Hezbollah, where are the World Headlines condemning Hezbollah for those Killings? It is about a Double Standard when it comes to Israel’s Reactions and Retaliations.



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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

This is PostScripts News Article #1098.
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