Escaping Earth’s Gravitational Force

  • What is so interesting about this '2nd Moon' Asteroid?
  • Does it depict the Ancient Christian 'Sign'?
  • Is there a possible Prophetic Implication about it?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

With the possible depiction of a Double-ICHTHYS Sign suggested in how the Trajectory of the Star of Jacob Comet was being depicted in the Revelation 12 Sign for 2024, what is more striking was the ICHTHYS Motif that the ‘2nd Moon’ Asteroid 2024 PT5 was depicting, due to its Trajectory. Now realize that the exact 2520th Day of the Revelation Sign, using the 360 Day/Year Count was on August 17, 2024. But note that the Day Discrepancy to the Calendar Anniversary of September 23, 2024 was exactly 37 Day or 888 Hours.

August 17, 2024 + 888 Hours (‘Jesus’) = September 23, 2024

For those that have a grasp of Biblical Numbers, that 888 Value is another way of saying ‘Jesus’ in Greek. And True to the Revelation 12 Sign Motif, the Man-Child is Jesus on 1 Level of several Interpretations, etc. What is rather interesting to note also, is that in reading and researching this Asteroid, Asteroid 2024 PT5, most of the Articles, which are really a ‘Mirror’ of each other, describe the Size of the Asteroid in a singular way. The Writers use a School Bus to inference the Size Comparison of the Asteroid. And what is also interesting, is how the Asteroid is 33 Feet in Length. As one knows, that ‘33’ is also a very significant Biblical Number. See Chart Link for the illustration.

ICHTHYS Fish Symbol Trajectory

Now, again relying on some Poetic License, this ‘ICHTHYS’ Asteroid 2024 PT5 could be a Prophetic Inference of how the Fish Symbol, like a ‘Lasso’ is coming to gather the Bride of Christ from off the Earth in the Rapture Event. As it is, the ICHTHYS ‘Fish’ was a Sign, literally and a way of Communication among the Early Chrisitan Communities, etc. One is not implying that the Rapture will occur during this Time-Frame. It could but, as the ‘Sign is not the Event’, it is broadcasting what is to come, some Day.

And consider the School Bus Inference. A School Bus is used to take Students to-and-from their Home to School. But eventually Students will Graduate from their Schooling and there will be that Last Day when they will be riding the School Bus for the Last Time. And has not the Church Age been like a School, a Hospital, an Embassy? Has not the Local Congregation been like a School that one goes to learn about Jesus, Heaven, Hell, the End of Days, the Enemy’s Tactics, etc. But 1 Day, the ‘School Bus’, or more like it, will become the ‘Rapture Bus’, metaphorically speaking.

Enter the Red Dragon

And it will take all such Students of Jesus, and what was taught and learned, all the way to Meet the ‘Principle’ of the School, no? Sure, it is a Poetic Stretch but consider how this Asteroid just happened to occur at the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign and how it is described, Astronomically. Where? From Earth’s Perspective on September 23, 2024, it eclipsed right at the Heart of the Draco Constellation, i.e., the Red Dragon. Coincidence? Perhaps. But the Asteroid is described in terms of how the Earth has ‘captured’ this Body.

And for a certain duration of Time, 56 Days, approximately, it is bound to the Earth. But then around November 25, 2024, the Bond to Earth is broken as the Asteroid is then ‘Released’ to travel to the Sun, ‘Freed’ or having ‘Escaped’. Is that not what is the case, Spiritually Speaking, what is to occur at the Resurrection-Rapture Release? How so? The Body of Christ is bound on Earth, to Earth. There is a Force that keeps it below, temporarily as it is with this ‘2nd Moon’, 2024 PT5.

But 1 Day, the ‘Rapture Bus’ will leave and ‘Escape’ Earth’s Gravity and Force. The Resurrection and Rapture Event will defy all Laws of Physics on Earth. And that Rapture Bus will drive away from Earth, headed for the True Sun, or rather the Son. And what a coincidence that the Orbital Escape will occur on Thanksgiving Day, i.e., a USA Christian Feast on November 25, 2024? Will it not be the case that, as the Rapture Bus is headed for Glory and one’s Rendezvous with Jesus, the Bride of Christ will be giving Thanks all the way there?

Now, from Earth’s Perspective, where did the Asteroid 2024 PT5 originate from? This is hard to tell as it is an Orbital Body. It just so happens that the Asteroid 2024 PT5 conjoins with the Star Aldhibah, the Heart of the Red Dragon Constellation on September 23, 2024. As noted, this Constellation is referred to as Draco. The Name of the Heart Star, Aldhibah comes from the Arabic, Al-Dhi’b, which is the Feminine Form of ‘The Wolf’.

 And sure enough, has not the Agencies of Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah and others are circling Israel as ‘Wolves’? Does not Jesus in the Bible warn the Church to be aware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing? Like Israel, the same Enemy seeks to Deceive and Devour. So, is it mere ‘Coincidence’ that on the precise Day of the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, that also has a Red Dragon Motif associated with it as well, is when the Asteroid PT5 eclipsed the Heart of the Red Dragon in the Sky from Earth’s Perspective?



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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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