A False Flag, Israeli Style

  • Did the Russians allow this Incursion to occur? 
  • What does the Kursk Incursion by Ukraine mean?
  • Is the Ukrainian Offensive Effective and Sustainable?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One was asked to comment on the Kursk Incursion led by certain Ukrainian Military Units who crossed into Russia in Mid-August of 2024. If one can sense anything about this obvious Russian Intelligence Failure and Embarrassment to Putin, it is that the Ukrainians still have the Will to Fight. No. This is a ‘Half-Truth’. That was allowed to occur by having the Ukrainians cross into the Russian Border was taken right out of the Israeli Playbook from October 7, 2023. Why?

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There is nothing more than Patriotism and Nationalism to fill the Ranks of a Reluctant Population that does not want War. The Notion of Defending one’s Home and Motherland is a Primordial Human Condition. The only difference in comparison to the HAMAS Incursion to Israel was the Death Toll. In Russian, at this point, the Death Toll cannot be compared. But for all the Military and Surveillance Sophistication that the Russians pride themselves with, surely through their Satellite Networks, they could have seen the Ukrainian Troop movements approaching.

In one’s Political Science Assessment, this was allowed to occur, a False Flag. Why? No longer are is there an Element of Surprise anymore due to Modern Warfare and Technology. They are, however, the ‘Victims of their own Success’. How So? The Ukrainian Incursion cannot be sustained. In fact, there is no Long-Term Strategy as to what to do with the Occupied Russian Territory. Perhaps they can utilize the maneuver to swap-out Land and/or Prisoners, etc. Initial Reports were based on limited Information.

One cannot really rely on the Headlines from the West. One does also watch RT Russian Television online, to see and hear the Russian State ‘Official’ Point of View. What is now being aired is that the Russians are having to accept this New Reality that they are not totally invincible. And worse is that Putin cannot ‘Protect’ the Motherland. What is known is that approximately 1000-2000 Ukrainian Troops crossed over into Russian Territory. And that at least 4 People had initially died due to Ukrainian Rocket Attacks on Civilian Apartment Buildings. Now as to why the Ukrainians would do that?

A Dog in the Fight

From what one has heard and can surmise, from a Military and Psychological Point of View, it was to bust the Low Morale of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as they are getting decimated by the Russians. The Odds are against the Ukrainians militarily. But the New Type of Warfare is being implemented. This is how Drones are playing a Key Role in Attacks and Warfare, Battlefield Strategy. Meaning that with very inexpensive and low-Tech devices, like Drones, they can take out Million-Dollar Tanks, Helicopters and Jets even.

Perhaps what also motivated the Ukrainians to incur across the Russian Border is to take the War to the Russian Civilian Population as the Russians have in the Ukraine. It could have also been as a result of the Ukraine being given the F-16’s and other NATO Military Hardware. Realize that it is essential a U.S.-NATO Proxy War against Russian. However, it has been reported by the Russian News Agencies that out of the 1000 Ukrainian Forces, about 300 have already been Killed.

So, one can see that this Incursion was a sort of Suicide Mission as the Ukrainians did not have any Air Support that in this Modern A.I. Battlefield is Key to have to be successful. So, one cannot entirely compare this Ukrainian Incursion into Russia as HAMAS did with Israel on October 7, 2023. It is because in the HAMAS Attack, you had both Military and Civilians engage in the Battle. Most of the Israeli Hostages were taken by Palestinian plain-clothed Civilians on Motorcycles and Golf Carts, etc.

As mentioned, the Ukrainian Forces will not be able to hold the Territory incurred upon as they do not have a significant Supply Chain that can be sustained. What is rather Ominous or a Foreshadowing of a Russian Catastrophe is how the Region and the City of Kursk is what the Russian Submarine was named after that sank. If one recalls, the Kursk was a Russian Nuclear-Powered Project 949A Antey (Oscar II Class) Submarine K-141. The Kursk sank in an Accident on August 12, 2000 in the Barents Sea. It was taking part in the 1st major Russian Naval Exercise in more than 10 Years. All 118 Personnel on board were Killed.

This Kursk Accident has haunted Putin every sense and it has now this Name Inference has ‘Surfaced’ again, no Pun intended. It was reported that Russian Officials misled and manipulated the Public and News Media in a Cover-Up. Putin refused help from other countries' ships nearby. Vladimir Putin was President during this Time. He initially continued his Vacation at a Seaside Resort in Sochi.

It was reported that he only authorized the Russian Navy to accept British and Norwegian assistance after 5 Days had passed. He and the Kremlin Hardliners rather sacrificed the lives of 118 Young Men, the finest Russian had to offer for the sake of their Personal Pride and to avoid a National Embarrassment. One suspects that Putin and the Hardliners will be repeating this Kursk Accident. Perhaps this is the ‘Revenge’ of all those 118 Kursk Submarine Sailors. But with the Russian Response now in full effect, the Ukrainian Force, what is left of it will eventually have to retreat.

A Proxy World War
One would thus say that the move was just for purely Psychological Reasons to put the Fear in the Russian Civilian Population to pressure Putin to resolve the War, sooner rather than later. What one wishes to stress in this Russian-Ukrainian War is how the Nature and Tactics of Warfare has now shifted due to Social Media and Cheap Technology. See John Haller’s Weekly Prophecy Update at the 57th Minute Marker for August 11, 2024. It is an Interview with an Israeli Professor that explains the Rationale behind this New Type of Warfare.


The same principle is occurring with the Houthis of Yemen in how they are downing entire Tankers and Cargo Ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea with impunity. And they are only using cheap Drones to do it with. So, we will see what the next Stage will be in this Russian-Ukraine War, that is senseless. Only the Globalist Arms Dealers are getting rich from such Wars and the Death of Russian and Ukrainian Young Men, mostly. It has also now been reported that Russia is planning a Retaliation against Kiev because of this.

If anything, the Psychological Effect might have helped the Russians in how they will now be more United in support of Putin. On the other Hand, many Russians are now sensing a Weakness in the Russian Armor and Pride. What is sure is that the Ukrainians have made such Military Advances with the Help and Finances of the USA and NATO. Clearly, Western Arms are now finding their way into Russia itself. And this is what is very Dangerous as this Ukrainian Incursion has escalated the Senseless War to a ne Level. It is ‘Red Line’ that Putin and the Hardliners in the Kremlin will not stand for.



End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come. ​

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In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors, that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

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