'Then another Sign appeared in Heaven: a Giant Red Dragon with 7 Heads, 10 Horns, and 7 Royal Crowns on his Heads. His tail swept a .33 of the Stars from the Sky, tossing them to the Earth. And the Dragon stood before the Woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her Child as soon as He was born.'  -Revelation 12:3

The following are free items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various resources related to the coming Planet X. My research into the 2nd Sun phenomenon has produced over 10 charts, 8 essays and a book. The book encapsulate my findings of the Astronomical Correlation of the 2nd Sun to the Star alignments of the Constellation Virgo.

I was one of the first to document the Red Dragon Google cover-up anomaly. Many believe this 2nd Sun will be the cause of the Seal Judgment of the book of Revelation. The Ancient Records attest to the fact that long-gone civilizations like the Sumerians had documented this Celestial Body's Orbit. The following are Free Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a topic.

The purpose of the Codes is to give people a pictorial format that summarizes  certain Biblical concepts, theories and/or ideas related to the Planet X theory. The charts are meant for a poster size printouts. The original dimensions are of a 11x17 inch, USA standard paper measure. Click on the icon to download the free Chart PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.

The purpose of the Charts is to give people a pictorial format that summarizes  certain Biblical concepts, theories and/or ideas related to the Planet X theory. The charts are meant for a poster size printouts. The original dimensions are of a 11x17 inch, USA standard paper measure. Click on the icon to download the free Chart PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.

The Red Dragon of Revelation
The purpose of this book is to present various insights for and against the Planet X phenomena. It will be presented in a philosophical construct and prophetic context. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of subject matter surrounding this notion of an allusive extra solar system 2nd sun. The book will introduce such a topic to the novice and gather the main tenets of the phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various arguments for and against the hypothesis. This book is not a scientific based exposé of Nemesis and/or Nibiru. However, scientific facts and figures will be presented. A historical and Biblical context will be presented.

-Purchase hardcopy with Lulu Publication online.

-Download PDF version with Donation of $10 USD.