Astronomical Assessments

  • Can the Rapture Year be Calculated or Knowable? 
  • What if one used the Life of Jesus as a Template?
  • Is there an Astronomical Witness that provides Proof?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

The purpose of this study is to provide Evidence, from a purely Astronomical Framework of how Jesus’ Life-Span will be highlighted in the following Time Markers. In most cases, there was an Astronomical Correspondence that one will also depict for a Visual Aide. By doing so, one can then, with some measure of Accuracy and Confidence, suggest when the Church Age will conclude. It is then conjectured when the Rapture Event is to occur. Thus, this Astronomical Correspondence will be based on Patterns.

One has written extensively on what one asserts could be the Rapture Date. And that in one’s Estimation, one only holds to a singular ‘High Rapture Watch Date’. Now, understand that all that one presents is a Working Theory. It is one’s best attempt at Interpreting the Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars Above, and the Geo-Political Events on Earth Below. The following are the Highlighted Dates that one will correlated with their Astronomical Correspondences.

1-Born in Bethlehem as foretold                     September 11, -3 BC.3760 Rabbinical
2-Visited by the Magi in Bethlehem.               December 25, -2 BC 3759 Rabbinical
3-Turned 18 Years-Old.                                  17 AD 3778 Rabbinical
4-Began His Public Ministry.                           October 31, 29 AD 3790 Rabbinical
5-Crucified and was Resurrected.                  April 14, 32 AD 3792 Rabbinical
6-Rapture and End of Church Age.                Year 2025
7-Return of Jesus with Bride of Christ.          Year 2032

One is presuming certain Historical Facts. Like, the Year of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection coincided with the commencement of the Church Body on Earth. Realize that the Church Age has a Prophetic Shelf Life. And one subscribes to a Dispensational Model of a 7000-Yeaer Human History Time-Frame. Also, one is of the interpretation that there existed Worlds, an Earth and Civilizations of Beings before Adam. Thus, the Earth is both ‘Young’ and ‘Old’. But that is for another Topic. And thus, one’s Working Theory is that the Prophetic Template of 1 Day is as 1000 Days and Vice Versa, will project how long the Church Age is to exist before its Commission is concluded.

And that will then be the Year of the Resurrection and Rapture Event, etc. So, based on one’s Theory that Jesus was killed and subsequently Resurrecting in 32 AD, and if one then applies the 1-to1000 Year Prophetic Template, the Church Age, all-inclusive would ‘End’ on 2032. And if one then Reverse Engineers the 7-Year Tribulation Period, that adjustment would be 2025. To this End, one presents the various Key Time Markers of Jesus’ Life, corresponding to the Astronomical Alignments and/or Cosmic Conjunctions to strongly suggest that this is the True Timeline.

Knowing the Day and the Hour?
And in turn, that can lend Credence to how the Year 2025 is then the Year of when the Tribulation Period is to begin. This in turn means, that if one holds to a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, then any Time prior to the Fall of 2025 is when the Rapture Event is to occur. Now as to the Specific Rapture Event then? One has suggested this Calculus before, of the Month, Week, Day and Hour. However, the Year has been elusive. One is referencing one’s July 23 (723) True Pentecost of Acts 2 and New Wine First-Fruits Correlation. It is a New Understanding and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. It is based on there being 3 Portions of a 50-Day Count, starting from the Day after the Exodus of Nisan 15.

Now, one can hear in one’s Mind all those that say, ‘But no one knows the Day or the Hour’. In the Context of what Jesus was debriefing the Disciples with, there is no ‘Rapture’ Event inferred. Other People will say, why eve try? So long that one is ‘Within the Season’, that is ‘Good Enough’. Perhaps but that is not how YHVH works. YHVH has always been, Precise, Conclusive and down to the Year, Month, Week, Day and Hour. Now, one is not being Dogmatic about all this but in considering the Logic of some that assert this, let us consider its implication.

If most People, because Prophecy can be so ambiguous or uncertain, give-up even trying to study it. It can be rather frustrating as so many Interpretations are Personal, which they should not be. But then the Logic goes something like this. ‘We do not know the Day or the Hour of the Rapture nor the 2nd Coming, but it is near’. Now Near? ‘Soon’. How Soon? OK. Fine. But one can argue that all the People of YHVH that lived some -2000 Years prior to the Birth of Jesus and the Cross said the same Thing.

‘When is the Messiah coming and dying? What? Well, it is Foretold sometime in the Future. No one knows the Day or the Hour. But it is about 2000 Year from now, it seems’.

One’s Point is that the same disposition of YHVH’s People had a ‘Mental Block’ of sorts in not even attempting to discern the Times. And part of that was based on Astronomical Signs that precisely pointed to all such Event. How so? Consider the Magi of the Persian Empire that realized and understood the Astronomical Signs of Jesus Birth, that of the ‘King of the Jews’. Realize that there were only but a handful of Faithful, like Simion and Anna at the Temple seeking and waiting, worshiping.

And it was to such that the Messiah’s Year, Month, Day and Hour was realized. Consider the Rebuke Jesus gave the Sanhedrin Elders of Zion that ‘Missed’ Jesus’ Day of Visitation. Jesus held them accountable, and all of Israel for that Failure. It cost Israel a National Judgment and Diaspora that Israel, to this Day is still experiencing. Now it is not that not ‘Knowing the Day and Hour of the Rapture’ is on par with being Judged.

But Jesus did command His Body on Earth to Watch. Watch what? The Signs of the Time and His Return. So, that Time-Frame? Is that knowable. If Jesus expects His Bride to Watch, what is she supposed to ‘Watch’? This is where one would suggest, the Astronomical Signs Above and Geo-Politics Below in line with the Bible Teachings. The following will be several Scriptural References how Timing is precise and determined.

…At the Right Time
One’s Point is that YHVH never does anything ‘Randomly’ or in terms of an Event being just ‘Imminent’. No, YHVH created Humanity at a certain Point in Time. The Flood of Noah came at a certain Point in Time. The Israelites coming out of Egypt occurred at a certain Point in Time. The Temple of Solomon was built and dedicated at a certain Point in Time. The Messiah’s 1st Visitation and corresponding Birth occurred at a certain Point in Time. Then Jesus’ Death and Resurrection occurred at a certain Point in Time. As one can see, thereafter the Church Age Body of Christ was also constituted at the ‘Right Time’.

So, one is just following the Prophetic Pattern to strongly suggest that what remains of Prophecy, conserving the End of the Church Age, the Start of the Tribulation and the Return of Jesus is to also occur at a certain Point in Time. They are going go happen. What is the Issue or Problem is that one just does not have all the Facts or Factors to pinpoint the Timing. And that is OK. It is not that having to know the precise Day and the Hour of the Rapture and the Last Day of the Church Age, is essential for Salvation. Knowing or not knowing does not affect one’s Standing before Jesus.

What does is how it can be known to have Perspective as to when the coming Judgment is to start. Realize that this Period of the Church Age is not going to continue indefinitely. No. It is a Prophetic Parenthesis or Intermission of what is coming upon the World. Judgment. And it is in light of this coming Tribulation Period that the more one is aware of, and its Timing, perhaps that will incentive both the Preacher and those begin Preached to of the Great Escape that awaits the Bride of Christ. Here below are just a few instances from Scripture of how Timing was and is Everything.

Jesus came to Earth to Die for Adam’s Fallen Race. Jesus’ Death on the Cross was on a Precise Year, Month, Day and Hour. His Mission was to be Human Substitute and Willing Offering, not a Human Sacrifice to pay for all Sins of Humanity that has kept it away from YHVH and Salvations. ‘At the Right Time, Jesus died for our Sins’. -Romans 5:6

During the Wedding at Cana, Jesus was asked to address the Wine that had run-out by His Earthly Mother. Jesus replied to Mary, ‘My Time has not yet come’. -John 2:4

Jesus had to begin His Public Ministry at a Precise Year, Month, Day and Hour. He even argued with His own Earthly Family about needing to go ‘Public’ and up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast. However, Jesus told them this. ‘Although your time is always at hand, My time has not yet come’. -John 7:6

In speaking to His Disciples, Jesus would often reiterate His Mission to them. At that Time, most if not all of the Disciples did not comprehend the full extent of the Statement that Jesus of Himself and Purpose. ‘In 3 Days, the Son of Man will Rise’. -Mark 9:31


Pentecostal Intermission
Now, why one is going over these Astronomical Correspondence relative to Jesus’ Lifespan is that many Students of End Time Prophecy still believe or hold to the Notion that Jesus was Crucified in 30 AD. And that the 2000 Church Age is an ‘Approximation’ and not necessarily needing to be that exact or down to the exact Year, Month, Week, Day and Hour even. Thus, they are expecting the Return of Jesus in 2031. And? That means that the Rapture has to occur then on 2024. Realize that this Calculus is not Logical. Already the Main or most Popular Feast of Feast of Trumpets has passed for 2024.

Return of Jesus 2031 – 7 Year Tribulation Period = 2024? (No)

Then what remains, is Yom Kippur and then Sukkot, but those are faintly dealing with a possible Rapture Timing. What one is surmising that the Gregorian Year of 2025 and the Rabbinical Year of 5785 is when the Rapture Event has to occur, based on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline. Most Students of the End Times do not factor or take into consideration that there has to be a Gap Time for the AntiChrist to then be Revealed, set-up the World Beast System and build the 3rd Temple.

What one can concede is that this Gap Time from when the Rapture Day occurs and the Start of the Tribulation Period begins is increasingly narrowing and becoming shorter by the Day. But all that to say that the Rapture, the Time Gap and the Start of the Tribulation Period can still all occur in 2025. However, as noted, one’s only High Rapture Watch is July 23.

And again, that is predicated on the Astrological Leo New Year and the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest. One is still convinced that when the Rapture occurs, it will be based on the Prophetic Typology of Boaz and Ruth and the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest. And that Day is a July 22nd. And that is when one surmises the Acts 2 Pentecost actually occurred. This Timeline is also corroborated with the Exodus Event. Now to the Astronomical Associations based on Jesus’ Lifespan to provide the Evidence of how one’s Timeline will show that -3 BC was Jesus’ Birth, 32 AD was Jesus’ Death and Resurrection along with the Start of the Church Age, and thus, the Year 2032 will be when Jesus returns.

1-Jesus was born in Bethlehem as foretold. – In September 11, -3 BC.

During this Year in the Havens, the King Planet of the Messiah conjoined the King Star Regulus in the King Sign of Leo. It was a Triple Conjunction. This is what alerted the Magi in Persia that a King was Born. There was also the Planets of Jupiter and Venus that were conjoined in the Face of Leo before Jupiter went on its Retrograde that produced the Triple Conjunction in Regulus. Coincidence? No, not in one’s Book, as they say.

2-Jesus was visited by the Magi in Bethlehem. – On December 25, -2 BC.
Then 15 Months later, Jupiter was in the Constellation of Virgo. This was and is the Revelation 12 Sign that foreshadows the Motif concerning Israel, primarily but also that of the Church Birde of Christ. The Reason why this Timeframe was and is important is that Jupiter was also doing a Retrograde in the ‘Womb’ of the Constellation Virgo. And? It appeared to ‘Stop’ before continuing in its forward trajectory. And? That is what eh Magi of Persia noted that in the Sky and led them to Bethlehem. This was the Christman Star, the Star of Bethlehem. This corroborated the Notion that Jesus was a Toddler by then, the Child-King, etc.

3-Jesus turned 18 Years-Old. – In Jewish Year startling 16-17 AD.
The Bible states that Jesus grew in Wisdom and Stature. Obviously, the reference is addressing Jesus’ Humanity in how as a Human, Jesus was in a Body that experienced the Normal Human Growth Cycles. However, Jesus was Keen for his Age as He was found with the Doctors of the Law at the Temple discussing the Law. Not realizing that the Elders of Zion were discussing the Law and the Prophets with the Law-Giver and the Promised Prophet Moses spoke about would come, in the Flesh. But given this -3 BC and then -2 BC Reference Points, it would mean that Jesus turned 18 in the Year 17 AD. And? It one adds the Prophetic Template of 1 Day = 1000 Years, then the Following.

16-17 AD Jesus turns 18 Years + 2000 Years = 2016-17

This so happened to be when the Revelation 12 Sign, Astronomically configured in the Skies that Year. And? Then 7 Years later, in 2024 was when it reached its Anniversary. But have in Mind that the Revelation 12 Sign is not done just yet. One contends that in 2029, based on the 12-Yeear Jupiter Cycle, the Planet of the Messiah will next be in the Womb of Virgo. It will also have its Retrograde Motion there and then. And? One surmises that 2029 will be the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

4-Jesus Began His Public Ministry. – On October 31, 28 AD.
Given the 3 prior Year Time-Markers, one can then show on the Timeline of when Jesus started His Public Ministry. It is based on the Bible were it states in the New Testament that Jesus was about 30 Year of Age when He began to Preach and Teach Publicly This follows the Rabbinical Protocols of how Rabbis or Teachers could take-on Disciples starting at Age 30. This means that Jesus started His Public Meeting in the Year 28 AD. This was 3 Months after His Birthday.

No the next Portion is Speculative but one is convinced that what started His Public Ministry was on the occasion of Proclaiming the Year of Jubilee. That is when in the Synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus was chosen by Family Lot to Read the Torah Portion for that Sabbath. It so happened to be Isaiah 61. If one uses the Online Day Calculators, and incorporating the Fall Equinox, then the Feast of Yom Kippur occurred on October 31-November 1, 29 AD. And? That is how the Luciferians have apostatized it to be associated with Halloween and the Day of the Dead. Coincidence? No.  

November 1, AD 28 to April 14, AD 32
= 3 Years, 5 Months 13 Days
= 180 Weeks
= 1,260 Days

Source: https://www.calculateconvert.com/calculators/date/history.php?era2=adce&month2=11&day2=01&year2=28&era=adce&month=04&day=14&year=32

5-Jesus Crucified and was Resurrected. – On April 14, 32 AD.
This Time Marker would then corroborate one’s Theory that 2032 is the Year of the Return of Jesus. This Time Marker is also corroborated with one’s Interpretation of Artaxerxes 2, Esther’s Son who proclaimed the Edict to Restore Jerusalem. One surmises that it was done on the Spring Equinox, in March 20, -444 BC. Here is the Date Calculation leading to the Sabbath Triumphal Entry of Jesus to Jerusalem, contrary to it being on Palm Sunday.

-445 BC Artaxerxes Decree + (483 Years x 360 Day/Year) 173,880 Days = April 14, 32 AD


One’s Sabbath Entry into Jerusalem is corroborated in how in John 12:1 , it states that just 6 Days prior to Passover, Jesus was invited to a Sabbath Evening Meal at Lazarus’ House. This is why the Triumphal Entry could not have been on a Sunday, nor the Crucifixion on a Friday. The Banquet or Dinner for Jesus could not have occurred o on the Sabbath as all the Multitudes that are noted in the Gospels are said to have traveled to Jerusalem to see Lazarus and prepare for the Passover. No Religious Jew was/is allowed to Travel on the Sabbath.

This Stipulation will be shown how precise it has to be, because Jesus’ Start Date of His Public Ministry is directly tied to, by the exact Day Count 1260 Biblical Days. One is surmising that this is and was the actual duration of Jesus’ Earthly Ministry, a 3.5 Year one that concluded on April 14, 32 AD. This is to the Day, if one then is insinuating a 29 AD October 31-November 1 Timeline.

6-Return of Jesus with Bridge of Christ. – In the Year 2032
Thus, if 32 AD was the Year Jesus Died and Rose again, and the Church Age started, and if one applies the 1 Day = 1000 Year Prophetic Template, then the Year 2032 would be when Jesus is to return. Now, just because one is showing reoccurring Years, 2025 and 2032, does not mean that one’s Timeline Theory is correct. It is one’s Best Guess or Estimation.

32 AD Death/Resurrection/Church Age + 2000 Years = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025

But if one is showing how the Astronomical and Jesus’ Lifespan Time Markers are appearing to correspond, then perhaps such a Notion is Valid and True. However, it will remain to be Tested. And in the case of Prophecy, it can only be Tested as it occurs. One will not know for sure if it was True, Accurate until on is on the other side of the Timeline, Prophecy or the Rapture Event itself.

7- Rapture and End of Church Age. – In the Year 2025
So, based on these Astronomical and Timeline Markers of Jesus’ Life, one is then Reverse Engineering the Time of Jacob’s Trouble or the Tribulation. On is assuming a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario. But again, one is surmising that it will be one’s Highest Rapture Watch Day on a July 23, regardless of Year. But if one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline is to be accurate, then the Rapture Event has to occur before the Fall of 2025. If not, then one’s Theory based on all these Astronomical and Timelines are Null and Void, Nothing Burgers.

​Return of Jesus 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation Period = 2025

One is also considering that the 7-Year Tribulation Period is included in what the Church Age will consist of, being exactly 2000 Years from Jesus’ Death and Resurrection and the start of the Church Age, etc. One is also surmising that this 2032 Return of Jesus and the Start of the 7-Year Tribulation Period is predicated on the Year 1952.

1948 + 3 Year Law of Trees = 1952

It is because that was the 1st Shemitah or Sabbath Year that Israel synchronized back to the Sabbath of the Lands. This Notion is also based on the Law of New Trees, in that a Newly Planted Tree in the Promised Land has to within 3 Year and in the 4th Year is when the Fruit can be eaten and not deemed Unholy, etc. Then if one uses this Year 1952 and adds the 80 Year Factor of Psalm 90, then the following Timeline emerges. And this is not taking into account that one as also presented 3 other Timelines that factor in a Year Count that lead to 2025 and 2032. These are the Life Timelines of  the following.

2-Anna the Prophetess

1948 + 3 Year Law of Trees = 1952 + 80 Years (Psalm 90) = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025


So, as one can sense, based on this Evidence, one has  hard Time accepting that Jesus was Crucified in the Year 30 AD. It is because if one then applies the 2000 Year Prophetic Template of the Church Age, the Return of Jesus would be in either 2030 or 2031. And if one then backtracks the 7 Years for the Tribulation Period, it means that Mathematically, the Rapture should have occurred back in 2023 or 2024. And obviously for the Tribulation Period to begin, most Students of the End Time presume that the Day the Rapture Event occurs, the Day after will be Day 1 of the Tribulation Period.

It has to be all set-up with a Temple conducting Daily Sacrifices on a rebuilt Altar of Sacrifice, the World United and the 10 Confederated World Order already having given all Power to the AntiChrist. Is one allowed to be skeptical here? Realize that just the shear Notion of there being 10 Regional Kingdoms or World Rulers, 3 of them have to be subverted by the AntiChrist. That take Time. It means that the AntiChrist will 1st need to Conquer through Peace, as that is what the 1st Seal of Revelation is all about. It is not Jesus and neither is Jesus coming on the 6th Seal.

Now, as alluded to, many Students of the End Times will argue that the Rapture’s Timing and that of the End of the Church Age, does not need to be exactly, precisely 2000 Years, but an ‘Approximation’. Again, circling back to the reason for this Study is to demonstrate that there is NOTHING in Scripture that YHVH has done or will do, in one’s Interpretation, is an ‘Approximation’. Others will say, but it is ‘Good Enough’, we are Close. True, the End of the Church Age and the Rapture Event is ‘Close’. But its ‘Approximation’ and Doctrine of Imminency is not ‘Good Enough’. Consider NASA Scientists and Engineers telling the Astronauts in Space when their Fuel is to run out? Or what Coordinates they are to land? Or a Brain Surgeon that graduated with just a ‘C’ Grade Average attempting to cut-out a Tumor but tells you it is an ‘Approximation’.

No, any Attempt at Redemption or Attaining Immortality by Man’s Efforts is not ‘Good Enough’. Only Jesus’ Efforts and Work is efficacious and ‘Good Enough’ a Human’s Body, Spirit and Soul. Consider the Work Jesus, in His uncorrupted Humanity, Flesh, Blood and Boned did for Humanity. After being Tortured and Crucified as a Criminal and rejected by Israel as their True Messiah, consider that Jesus ascended to Heaven, in Bodily Form, with a Human Body of Flesh and Bones only now Incorruptible and Eternal. Consider that a Human Representative is there in Heaven.

But that the only Element that is Physical, there as a Witness for all of Heaven to behold is the Human Blood on the Mercy Seat in Heaven. This is Amazing to consider as Heaven, wherever it is at exists in a Spiritual Dimension that cannot allow any Human Flesh or Corrupted Blood and Bones. But Jesus. He sits now on the Mercy Seat, a Human of Flesh next to Majesty on High, YHVH. And consider that whatever were the Dimensions of what constituted the Form and Likeness of YHVH’s Image and Form, it is now in Proportion to the Human Body of Jesus.

So, for YHVH to redeem Mankind from its Fall, Jesus had to be Precise, Accurate and On the Mark, but still be 100% Human, etc. This was why there was a need to be born Genetically uncontaminated by Adams Genome. He never did any Work, Miracle or Statement out of Randomness or Chance. Everything was calculated, right down to His Incarnation, Bar-Mitzvah, Baptism, Start of Ministry, Proclamation of the Jubilee, Triumphal Sabbath Entry to Jerusalem, Passover Human Offering, His Death and Resurrection. 

Then when GOD the Holy Spirit would needed to have come Down to Earth to indwell in the Body of Christ, for the 1st Time in Human History, a Collective Living Organism on Earth, representing the Body of Jesus, etc. And, so because of these Prophetic Patterns, one is just contending that Jesus will continue in such a Pattern and Practice when it comes to 2 Events that are on the Prophetic Horizon, and that is the Conclusion of the Church Age Commission. And that Event is concluded by the Resurrection and Rapture Event. Then the Last Prophetic Week or Sabbath owed by the Jews to YHVH. This is called the 70thh Week of Daneil or the 7-Year Tribulation Period. Then there will be the Return of Jesus to conclude all Prophecy.

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Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one's Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to ‘Convince’ , or to ‘Prove’ the Year, as that is beyond one’s Ability. 


To End the Church Age
The Bible describes that when the Rapture Event happens, it will coincide with a 'Sudden Destruction'. What is that? Will it be a Nuclear Exchange? Will it be World War 3 or a Regional Conflict? The purpose of this Book is to investigate and present possible Scenarios of the Signs that have occurred Above and Below. What are those Signs about? The Signs Above pertain to the Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars. The Signs Below pertain to the Geo-Political Events that center around Israel in particular. Why Israel? 


The Hour of Testing
The purpose of this Book will Chronicle various Events that are preparing Humanity to be Transitioned into the Tribulations Period. It is a Timeframe of 7-Years where the Luciferian Globalists, Israel and the World will be Tested for 1 Prophetic Hour. Jesus warned that this Last Sabbath Cycle to conclude Man’s Rule on Earth will be the worst and most Horrific Time that Mankind has experienced. See and Read how Jesus will Rescue His Bride as the Signs approach the End of the Church Age that is concluded by the Rapture Rescue.


Vengeance of Jesus
The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle the Reasons, Evidence and Events that will cause the Wrath of the Lamb to fall on Humanity. The Wrath of what Lamb? Jesus. One will present the Evidence and Clues of what that will look like as it is chronicled across the Daily News Wires and throughout the Bible. But also, how it has been foretold in detail in the Book of Revelation. What is the Wrath of the Lamb and who is the Lamb? In the Book of Revelation, specifically, the revealing of who this ‘Lamb’ is unveiled.


Coming Tribulation Period
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Comprehensive Study of the Political, Social, Religious and Biblical Factors demonstrating just how close the End of the Church Age is and ready to Transition into Daniel’s 70th Week of Years to include a time of ‘Great’ Tribulation for the World and Israel where Faith will be under Fire. The Last Sabbatical Cycle of 7-Years will be the most intense time in Human History. For details and the way to ‘Depart’ or escape from such a Time, refer to the Book of Revelation. His Name is Jesus. 


The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from political, social, religious and esoteric sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture. It would appear that the world is vastly different now and going through an apparent 'reeducation, redefinition and reset'. The book will consider how the present transformation of Humanity will see it come through on the other side of the Rapture. 


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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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