Is the State of Israel even Biblical?
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

One was asked, Why do Evangelicals support Israel’s ‘Genocide’ Against Gaza? Is the State of Israel even the Successor to the ‘Jews’ of the Bible? But YHVH is ‘Done’ with the Jews, and the Old Covenant, no? Well, simply put if Israel is seeking to ‘Genocide’ the Palestinians, so do the Muslims seek to Genocide the Jews. If the World and the Palestinians, HAMAS, Hezbollah, and the Iranians seeks to deny Israel a ‘State’ that the U.N. partitioned after World War 2, surely they also must deny the one the U.N. also had reserved for a State of Palestine for the Muslims, which the Arabs rejected. They rather declared War on newly-born State’s the Founding Jews called Israel.

Rather, a 7-Front War ensued with all of the Inner-Ring of Muslim Nations seeking to Genocide the Jews. So, as one who would be considered an ‘Evangelical’, one will be giving a Personal Point of View on this matter. It is not the ‘Popular’ Perspective nor the Leftist Politically Correct one either. One will only be offering one’s Assessment but it is based on Decades of study, as a Political Scientist and with limited Military Experience in both the U.S. Army and the IDF, Israel Defense Force. One has traveled to Israel and Muslim Nations and to over 18 other Nations. One has 2 Masters and a Biblical Worldview. Not that one is ‘Right’, but one would dare to say that one is ‘More Right’.

Not that all that was mentioned is ‘required’ to ‘Know Better’, but it definitely gives a Person more of an in-depth Appreciation to know how to respond. This is in contrast to most that are only Fair-Weathered and Arm-Chair Theologians or Naïve University indoctrinated Students protesting. All that it would take for the War against Gaza to stop and the suffering of the Victims is for HAMAS to lie down their Arms, release the Israeli Hostages and stop lobbing Rockets at Israel. One’s Response will be more so, philosophical and will just be responding in a long-about-way, as one’s Thoughts are penned to writing. So, this Response will be longer than usual.

The Word ‘Genocide’ is being used as a Gaslighting Ploy by the Media and the Muslims. It is not Israel that is conducting a Genocide in Gaza. Rather it was and is HAMAS that conducted it against Israel. It declares it and demands it in their Charter of Being and Purpose. And their sole aim is to eradicate the Jewish State, precisely. That is Genocide and it based on Islam. The Killing and Suffering of the People of Gaza have no one to blame but HAMAS and their Muslim Leaders. This is what Islam has brought them, Miserly, Death and Destruction. They are paying a Heavy Price for supporting their HAMAS Attack on October 7, 2023 against Israel.

The Zionist Entity

Israel does not ‘Occupy’ Gaza. It has not since they were forced out in 2005. And that Promise of ‘Land for Peace’, which is another Fallacy and Failed Policy was given to Israel as a Guarantee. It was a Promise that the Muslims in Gaza would no longer fire Missiles at Civilians, indiscriminately into Israel. So, did the Muslims in Gaza keep their Word? Of course not. They never intend to. Any ‘Cease Fire’ is a Ploy to only regroup, rearm and prepare for the next Attack. And that is the Point. But Israel will finish the War they did not start nor want. Note that nearly all of the Palestinians polled support HAMAS.

The majority of those Muslims that came across the Fence into Israel on October 7, 2023 were Civilians. And then all of the People back in Gaza came out on the Streets and celebrated HAMAS as they paraded half-naked Israeli Women, raped and beaten. HAMAS and Palestinian Civilians took Israeli Hostages, from Infants to Holocaust Survivors. Totally barbaric. It was HAMAS who systematically massacred entire Families in Kibbutzim. It is they, the Muslim Palestinians that conducted Genocide against Jews.

And all the Liberal-Leaning and Naïve Israeli Youth from that Festival at the Border, ‘In Support of Peace with the Palestinians’ that Day? They all got mowed-down by Muslim Machineguns. Israel will never have Peace with the Palestinians. The ‘2-State Solution’ is a Failed Farce. So, this has been a bit of a Context of why some Evangelicals, rather, support Israel defending its Civilians. Sure, no one is celebrating the Death of Innocent Civilians caught in the Crossfire in Gaza. But it is War. It is HAMAS that uses their own People as Human Shields.

HAMAS is more than willing to sacrifice all of Gaza and see their Children Dead, Diseased and Houses Destroyed than to accept the Jews, prospering in their own State, called Israel. One does not celebrate their Death, as did the Palestinians when they Attacked Israeli Civilians on October 7, 2023. It is the Palestinians, the Muslims who practice Genocide against the Jews on a Daily basis. Any Time a Muslims murders, stabs, shoots or kills a Jew in Israel, they Celebrate openly.

The Family gets a Lifelong Pension if the Son is killed or ‘Martyred’ for Allah and is to enjoy their 70 Virgins in Paradise. And the only Solution for these HAMAS Attacks to end against Israel is for Israel to totally destroy HAMAS. So, why would Evangelicals, mostly in the USA support Israel in their ‘Genocide’ of Gaza? These are very legitimate Questions but a misnomer as addressed. It is a Fight for Survival for Israel in light of Israel’s 7-Front War. It is fighting in Gaza, Lebanon, against Syria, Yemen and Iran, etc.

Israel had not attacked Hezbollah nor Iran, yet it is they that attacked Israel. And yet Israel is blamed. As with HAMAS, the Muslim Menace and Mandate of Hezbollah and the Mullah’s of Iran is, as Publicly stated, to ‘Erase the Zionist Entity off the Map’. This is Genocide. So, this ‘Evangelical’ supports the Jews and the State of Israel defending its very survival. Now, as to the need to address these particular Questions and for this Response? About a Day or so ago, as of this write-up, this Train of Thought about the Critique of the ‘Jews’ came to Mind.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Not sure why, but perhaps now one does know why, as it was to be in light of this Response, for what it is worth, as they say. What came to Mind is how one recounted the Summary of the ‘Jewish Experience’ in the Bible. And one imagined oneself being invited to Preach in a Jewish Synagogue. So one did in one’s Mind. It was and would be a Novel Event, as one recounted to them ‘Jews’, in all Respect and Sensitively, the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ about their Relationship with the Creator GOD, YHVH and His Messiah, Jesus. But one’s reply about the ‘Jews’ is that basically, their Experience has been about the Human Condition.

And that is just as the ‘Good, Bad and Ugly’ found in you, the Reader and me then. But when it comes to the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ of the Jews? The ‘Jews’ are different from you or me or any other Human. But what is the Difference? They have a ‘Deal’, a Contract or Promise from this GOD, YHVH. In reading the ‘Bad’ in the Bible, as it relates to the Jews, one has it in one’s Mind that, ‘One would never have done what Bad the Jews did!’ Really? No, one probably would have done the same ‘Bad’ as the Jews.

As one can only judge oneself, how is one doing when no one is around to see? Is it any different for them ‘Bad Jews’ now? You may know or realize that one was in the IDF as a Volunteer. https://www.postscripts.org/idf.html And the Jews there and then asked, ‘Why as a Christian are you here in Israel helping us Jews?’ One told them, ‘It is because one read your Bible and Jesus is your Messiah and now mine too. And it is because you are the People of Signs and Wonders’.

The Man looked back in Bewilderment. And especially after telling him, ‘You saved the World. You saved Humanity’. He replied what?! How?! One just said ‘Jesus’. He was stunned because perhaps he had never had a Reply like that given. Sure, as a Follower of Jesus the Jew, one was in the Rotschild’s ‘Jewish State of Secular Israel’. Their Jewish Flag has the ‘Star of their God, Remphan’ on it. The Orthodox Jews spit at Christians. Then 1 Day, the Biblical AntiChrist, a Jew will literally rule the World, etc.

When taking Public Transport, riding with Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem, their Stare at me was one of ‘Murder’ in their Eyes, it seemed. Yet ironically, it is they, this Type of Jews that know more about the Bible and have more in common in this respect, personally than most Secular Jews. Then other Jews have stated, that as soon as their Sanhedrin is instituted to govern all of Israel, they will start killing the ‘Christian Idol Worshipers’. Well, they have a Point.

Most Christians in the World pray to Idols or Icons, and that is Idolatry. But one joined the IDF despite the Jew’s present Spiritual Condition. Why? It is because of their Future Position. One did it for what is to come for them in Jesus and to be a Witness for Him, now while there is that Church Age Overlap with a Reconstituted Israel. See Ezekiel in how YHVH would bring back His Earthly People from the Ravages of the Valley of Dry Nazi Bones and Concentration Camps. Sure, most Jews do not even believe in their own Version of Judaism Today. Their Founding Fathers were Communists, etc. So, one is not necessarily a Fan of the State of Israel.

The Synagogue of Satan
And one does also call-out many Brethren in Christ Jesus for what one calls ‘Israel Worship’. Israel has become a literal ‘Sacred Cow’ to many Evangelicals, a True Idol of how Israel ‘Can do No Wrong’. But as one who has studied History, Political Science and Eschatology, one is convinced that YHVH has been in the Business of a Process, a Journey of the 3-Fold Restoration of Israel since 1947. And that Restoration is what Jesus spoke about in the Olivet Discourse to the ‘Jews’, His Disciples. One’s Theory is that as the Temple, Jerusalem and the Land of Israel would be Destroyed for Israel’s National Rejection of Jesus, so would all 3 Factors be Restored, in that same Order before Jesus returns.

What is left is the Restoration of the Temple. This will occur, in one’s Estimation after the End of the Church Age that is concluded by the Rapture Event. Then Israel still owes YHVH that 1 Last Sabbath Rest of the Land they did not Keep. Israel will need to pay it. And this is the 70th Week of Daniel or the 7-Year Tribulation Period, etc. But during this Time and Place, it will be the Synagogue of Satan, the False Prophet and the AntiChrist that will prevail and rule the World from the Promised Land, from Jerusalem and from the Restored Temple. This is Lucifer’s Plan and Objective since Eden and then since the Tower of Babel. But it is Jesus who has identified and called-out the Synagogue of Satan in the Jewish Psyche.

And it is His Problem and Jesus will resolve it, once-and-for-all at His Return. Sure, most of the Jewish Leadership in Israel are of the Ashkenazi Branch and Luciferian, directly or indirectly. But what is rather fascinating, in terms of Ethnology, is how many Nations on Earth are now Mixed with the Jews, racially or how it is that the Jews mixed with the Nations. This is because of the Last Diaspora of Rome. It is still in effect. When one was in the IDF Military Base just outside of Jerusalem, one interacted with Black, Brown and White Jews in Uniform. One spoke Spanish to one Jew, English to another Jew and some French to yet another Jew. So, not ‘All’ Jews were and are Kazarian.

Some are, but also realize that at 1 point in their History, the Kingdom of Kazar was entirely Christian. So, are the ‘Jews’ of Israel really ‘Christian’ and they just do not realize it? And if the ‘Jews’ of the State of Israel that live there are not the Jews of the Bible, where are the ‘True Jews’ of the Bible Today? Where are they, from where YHVH is to draw them back to the Promised Land in these Last Days? Please do not say they are England and the USA. Please. If that is the case, having Spanish Blood would and does make every Mexican a Crypto-Jew then. It is because more Jews fled to New Spain, or Mexico after the Explosion from Spain than to England or the 13 Colonies.

One just sees it that Jesus is not ‘Done’ with the Jews, because that is what the Bible teaches. And as Jesus stated, He will not come back until the Jews say, ‘Blessed’, etc. This is why Lucifer will Deceive the Jews also, in that the Covenant that will be made with the False Jewish Messiah with Israel, the State, will be broken. If all these ‘False Jews’ living in Israel are not the True Jews, then there would be no need for Lucifer to slaughter them there and then. It is because they are and the Luciferians, just as much or more want all the Jews to be slaughtered. Why?

The Church Age Intermission

If there is no Jew to say, ‘Jesus come Back’, then Lucifer can maintain his grip on all the Earthly Kingdoms and Thrones he currently still possesses. So, Israel is not ‘Done’. They are just in a ‘Time-Out’. The present Church Age is an Intermission, and one that is about to conclude its Commission, etc. Sure, the Leadership that runs the State of Israel and every Nation on Earth to include the USA, are of the Luciferian Kind, of the Synagogue of Satan. But so are the Freemasons, the 3-Letter Alphabet Agencies and so on that run the World also. All these People involved have just Sold-Out, as many have of any Nation, including the USA. Does not the USA really ‘Rule’ the World presently still? Did not the USA commit Genocide against the Natives.
Did it not enslave the Africans and ‘Stole’ half of Mexico’s Landmass? So, is the USA really ‘Jewish’ after all? Realize that, whether you like it or not, every Follower and Believer in Jesus are now part of ‘Them’, the Jews. And ‘They’, the Jew are now part of ‘Us’. In what sense? Believers in Jesus are grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel. Theologically it is now about the ‘New Man in Christ’. And this is by Adoption and by Blood, the Blood of Jesus. But the Bible does teach that ‘Not All Israel is Israel’. And there is an ‘Israel of GOD’. However, the Bible in the New Testament says the same thing about those who profess Jesus. ‘Not All who say LORD, LORD are Saved’, etc.

But the Church Body is not the Replacement of the Jews. They are the Physical Bride. The Church Body is the Spiritual Bride. One is of GOD the Father. The other is of GOD the Son. It is a case of ‘Apples and Oranges’. Do not mix them-up. If one recalls, in Jeremiah 32, YHVH states that Israel will always exist before Him, unless the Sun, Moon and the Stars cease to exist. You see, if Israel did ‘Not Matter’ or is ‘Done Away’ with, then why do the Luciferians seek to still deal with the Jews? What? As they pertain to the Promised Land, the City of the King, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount that had and will have that Facsimile of the very House of YHVH on Earth? Yes.

It is because Israel is what and how YHVH has intersected Humanity with. YHVH set-up Israel at the literal Geographical Crossroads of Humanity. And He placed the Jews there to be the Light and Salt of His Answer to Adams’ Failure. And that is? Jesus, the Jew. The Savior of the World was, is forever will be a Jew. Yes, the Synagogue of Satan thinks and is planning accordingly to Rule the World. And it is through its Jewish Sanhedrin, when they get Power, after the Rapture, that will be the Agency to behead all those that come to Jesus and not take their False Messiah’s Mark.

So, it is because YHVH chose Israel. And the ‘Jews’ of Today are who are left. It is because that is the 1 Tribe that YHVH has kept alive as all the rest have been Judged-Away. It is because of His Promise to Abraham and then to David that at least 1 Tribe would at least survive. And not because of how Righteous they were not, it is despite it. It is to show the World, as a Witness, a Testimony of what Grace is, truly Unmerited Favor. And that YHVH keeps His Promises, etc. And if any People or Nation can be the Poster Child for that Unmerited Favor, it is the Jew. How so? One must realize that YHVH took the worst of Humanity to make it the Head. The Bible tells how Israel was like the Butt-Hole where the Feces comes out of and smells. And?

The Bride of Christ
YHVH has demonstrated to the World how He can transform a Nation, a People to be the Head of the Nations, that leads and commands, etc. But it is only during the Millennial Kingdom, where Jesus, the Jew of the only remaining Tribe of Jacob’s 12 Sons will rule not only Israel, and the entire World, but the Universe from that Place. And His Bride is to Co-Rule and have all that He is and has. This is what the Jews missed-out on and forfeited. This is why the Jews are Jealous and despise the ‘Goyim’, especially those of Jesus. But it is because it is a Love-Hate Relationship. Believers in their Jewish Messiah are Adopted. Consider what Orphans have to go through with Step-Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters.

Nonetheless, there is a Legal Equivalency and with all the Benefits and Inheritance that the Natural Sons have, etc. So, ‘Yes’, the Bible is about the Depravity of Humanity, and the Failure of the ‘Jew’. But that Human Failure started before any ‘Jew’ existed. Recall how Human History began. It started with the Murder of a Fellow Brother. It was only the Jews that later came to narrow down through whom YHVH then ‘chose’ to execute His Plan of Redemption through, i.e., Jesus. And that includes the whole Race of Mankind. So, Yes. ‘To those who were given much, much is Required’. And the Jews ‘Blew it’. But so have everyone else, except Jesus, the Jew.

So, has the Church with its Laodicean Last Iteration that is finishing-off the Church Age no better than Israel? Nearly every Church in the USA now flies the Rainbow Flag, need one say more? As to the Jews wanting to ‘Rule the World’? Has not every other Race and Empires done the same? You had the Sumerians, the Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Chinese, Mongols, Egyptians, Arabs, Byzantines, Alexander the Great, Cyrus, Xerxes. You had Genghis Khan, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, the Portuguese, the Spanish, the French, the British, the Japanese, the Americans? Where they ‘Jews’? No. Sure, what they all had in common was the Spirit of the AntiChrist and how Lucifer gave them Power and Dominion, and still does, etc.

But realize that the Bible, concerning the Jews is about the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ as mentioned. Consider the Good. You read about it in the Summary of the Book of Hebrews. It is referred to as the Hall of Faith. The Bible is about Amazing and Incredible People, Jews who worked-out their Faith in YHVH, but also a few Goyim. And in the Times of Jesus’ Ministry, He was even marveled at how some Gentiles had more Faith than the Jews. Imagine that. Then you had the Faith of the Patriarchs, despite all their Lacking and Liabilities. As it has been said, Moses was a Stutterer, a Murderer.

Noah was a Drunk. David was a Womanizer, Adulterer, and Murderer. Gideon was a Coward, and the List goes on of how despite their Disqualifications in the Eyes of Men, YHVH showed and shows how He can, like Jacob, turn him from a Scoundrel to a Saint, from a Jacob to an Israel, which means a Prince of Elohim. Jesus Qualifies the Called, He does not Call the Qualified. So, the State of Israel is a literal Visual Aid, at a National Level to the Nations. That is what YHVH is doing with each Person who has called on the Name of Jesus, the Jew’s Messiah, individually and through the Church Body on Earth, Spiritually.

The Yield of a Fruit
It just depends how much one allows Jesus to work in one’s Soul’s Type of Ground. It is also about how one is willing to Yield or should. The Faith in a Person can be compared to Fruit. It can only Yield or not. So, the Bible is about Amazing Men and Women of Faith who just Yielded. It is about Prophets that did Signs and Wonders, parted the Sea, sent Plagues, withheld the Rain, etc. The Jews fought Giants. But then there is the Bad. The Jews were Rebellious. They did the opposite of what YHVH instructed. They interjected the Traditions of Men or the Oral Law to supersede the Written Law. They did worse than the Pagan Nations in some cases.

They sacrificed their Children to Molech, etc. The Jews Murdered, Bribed, Stole and Swindled many out of their Possessions. 1 whole Tribe went ‘Gay’ and all of Israel fought a Civil War because of it. Yet, that Tribe of Benjamin would rather Die than Repent. Then there is the Ugly. One would characterize this Aspect in how the Ultimate Betrayal was to reject Jesus, Nationally. So YHVH rejected them, Nationally. Also realize that YHVH expelled the Jews from the allotted Promised Land for their Sins of Disobedience, 3 Times. But that this 3rd Time was to be the Last and Final one. So, because Israel rejected Jesus, the Jews that have remained are currently partially Blind.

Realize that many Jews are still coming to Jesus, individually though, not most. And realize that 2/3 of the Jews will perish after the Rapture. This is due to their Leaders, the Sanhedrin confirming the Covenant with the AntiChrist, rather than with Jesus or YHVH, etc. So, yes, ‘Greater Israel’ will be a Reality, but it will be during the Millennium that it will be truly achieved. But not before the Jew, Jesus will kill everyone that rose-up against Him and His People at His 2nd Coming. The Slogan from the ‘River to the Sea’ is rather ‘From the Euphrates to the Nile’. You think the Goyim and Iran are so Saintly?

One would rather side with Israel than Iran or the Muslims. Think of the Princes behind their Powers. The Prince of Persia is still there, in Iran, alive and well and making a lot of Ruckus. The Point is that if the Jews in Israel are not the ‘Real Jews’, then why is Iran and all the 7-Front Para-Military Factions attempting to destroy these ‘Jewish’ Imposters? The Word ‘Jew’ comes from Judah, the Tribe of Jesus and the only one left, as mentioned. It was because of a Promise YHVH made initially to Abraham then reiterated to David. That Promise kept being refined in its Terms and Conditions. Also, note that in Times of War, Judah was to go out 1st and fight as the 1st Line of Offense.

Yes, the Old Covenant ‘Ended’ with Jesus in the sense that He came, as He stated, ‘Not to do away with the Law, but to fulfil it’. But realize that not all Israel rejected Jesus. The New Testament was written by Jews, for Jews and Non-Jews and in Israel. Yes, the Rabbinical Iteration of what Judaism has become is not the Authentic Faith of the Bible. One would agree with that. Sorry, but on the contrary, all what remains of Prophecy, yet to be fulfilled directly and precisely pertains to the Jews and the State of Israel. Now one would and does agree that the Idiom of what most Evangelicals deem, ‘Bless Israel and one will be Blessed’ or ‘Curse Israel and be Cursed’ does not apply to the Nation of Israel but to Abraham in his locality. If one then argues, as most do, that the Descendants within Abram are what are the Jews of Today? Sure.

The Unconditional Love
But then, one needs to also equally ‘Bless’ the Muslims of Ishmael and the Followers of Jesus. Why? They are just as much the Descendants of the Faith of Abraham’, no? So, it was asked. ‘So how can the current mass murdering genocidal regime be the apples of God's eyes and the Chosen Ones?’ Well, how could the Roman Catholic Church, taking the Name and Vicar of Jesus on Earth, considered the ‘Mother Church’, torture, maim, molest and murder countless People in the Name of Jesus? As mentioned, it is about Position and Condition. If one is a Father or Mother and has a Son or Daughter that one raised and taught what is Right and Wrong and bears one’s Family Name and even has one’s ‘Likeness and Image’… And then they go off into a Rebellious Lifestyle and Murder, Steal?

Do they somehow become less of one’s Son or Daughter? So, as the People of YHVH, of Jesus, both in the Earthly Realm and the Spiritual Realm? If only they all would obey the Gospel of Jesus. If His People truly abided by it, the World would be a different Place. But one does believe in the Just War Doctrine, where Christians need to defend their Property and Family. But some Christians are purely Pacifists and that is a Matter of Conscience. Yes, the Bible is depressing in reading all that Humanity is, did but can become in Jesus. As mentioned, it shows the Depravity of Mankind but the Hope of Recovery and Redemption that is only possible in a Jew, that being Jesus.

And that is the Story of Israel, of the Modern-Day Iteration of what is left for Jesus to have to deal with. And it is not ‘Pretty’, it is Biblical though. Jesus is not done with them. That is why the Stop-Watch is on Pause for them now. After the Rapture of the Bride of Christ, that Stop-Watch will Start again to finish their ‘Game’. And Center Court will precisely be the Promised Land, the City of Jerusalem and the Temple to come. This is what is currently taking place and being worked-out Geo-Politically. It is just a Reflection of what is occurring and falling into place Spiritually or Prophetically. Yes, it is sad to think that the Path back to Paradise is extremely Narrow and Few will end-up finding it.

Consider that out of Billions that were surmised existed during the Time of Noah, only 8 Persons out of the entire Earth of that Time were Saved. And Jesus said, that at His 2nd Coming or Return, it would be precisely how the World of that Last Generation would have such Conditions and Circumstances existing. Also realize that Jesus has to return when the 3 Factors that He forewarned would be Destroyed, would be Reconstituted. There was a Temple. There was a City governed by the Jews. And there was a Nation of Judah or Judea under the Control of the Romans.

Similarly, although Israel is a Sovereign Nation, it is swayed and controlled to a Degree by the Successors of Rome, the E.U., and the USA. Realize that presently, the entire World is under the 4th Beast System, based on the 4 Metal and Beast Type of Elements as depicted in the Dream of that Statue, King Nebuchadnezzar had and Daniel interpreted. The last Iteration will be Rome 2.0. It will be those 10 Toes and it is from Israel, from Jerusalem and from the Temple that the False Jew Messiah will rule the World during that last Sabbath of Years, i.e., Daniels Last Week, etc. Sure, all is Vanity as King Solomon realized. He ought to have known.

Obedience rather than Sacrifice
He had it all, but the Women were his Weakness and they did him in. But one can say also that the New Testament is about those Believers and Followers of Jesus that also, even from the very start, departed from the Faith. They ignored the Commands of Jesus. They were Stiff-Necked, Whining, and Complaining People, etc. But in the case of the Church Body of Jesus on Earth presently, realize the 1 Key and Monumental Difference Israel as that Body, physically did not have and does not have presently. And that is? The Jews did not have and do not have the Corporate and Individual Indwelling of GOD the Holy Spirit. But even with the ‘Helper, and not wanting to violate one’s Conscience and Volition, Jesus will not force nor coerce the Bride to do anything because everything has to be done because she Loves, His People Love Him.

To Love is to Obey. And one Obeys because one loves a Person in seeing who they are and how they loved one, to the Point of Death, in the case of Jesus, the Jew. Now one believes in ‘Once Saved, Always Saved’. But that is contingent upon a Genuine Conversion that takes place in one’s Heart, not just in one’s Head, intellectually. Now, one also Believes that if this is the case, then as Romans states, Jesus cannot go back on this Word of having promised to Save, because one has come to Him on those Premises and Promises, etc. But one believes that one can lose the Rewards that accompany one’s Salvation. And that Salvation is a Totality in its Gift.

But because Humanity still lives in Space, Time and Matter, the Salvation Package can be and is delineated into a Past, Present and Future Tense Salvation. We were Saved, we are being Saved and we will be Saved. And these 3 Facets of Salvation follow one’s Constitution of the Spirit, Soul and Body. What was Saved at Calvary was one’s Spirit. Jesus relit that Spirit that Died back in Eden. Now what GOD the Holy Spirit is ‘Saving’ presently is one’s Soul. And in this Aspect and Process, we get to have a say in it. This Salvation is to the Degree that one is allowing and Yielding to the Spirit, like that Fruit Analogy, so Jesus can work and remake our Being as one consistently repents.

And that ‘Fruit’ or Yield is what one will be taking on into Eternity as a Reward. This is the Process of Sanctification and is the Works that will be Tested at the Bema Seat of Christ right after the Rapture occurs. It means that one is needing to be separating oneself from all that Jesus does not want in one’s Life, the ‘Bad’ and the ‘Ugly’, etc. Then in the Future, there is that Promise of the Redemption of the Body. That will happen at the Resurrection and Rapture Event. And that follows the Order of the Resurrections. So, there is a lot of Hope to be expectant about in the Bible.

The ‘Good’ is what is all promised and awaits the Bride of Christ. Consider that this Bride of Christ, in some Mysterious Way, will be the Co-Heir, and the Co-Ruler with Jesus? Did you hear that? Realize that the Bible teaches that the Father has given the Son, ‘All Things’. ‘All Authority’, in Heaven, on Earth and under the Earth. This means All that there is. So, imagine what it will be like to be looked upon by the Myriads of Angel Ranks and Beings in all those places mentioned, to know and realize that mere lowly Humans were taken from the Dung Heaps of Earth and transformed to ‘Israels’, just like the Jew named Jacob or Yakob to sit in the Highest Throne of Majesty.

The 3-Fold Redemption
Sadly, in a Time and Place where the Body of Christ should be grasping Prophecy because it is the Last Days, most in Modern Christendom rather ignore it to their Detriment and Demise. Few dare to delve deep into Eschatology, Numerology, Prophecy, etc. One can only speak for oneself in that one has spent over 40 Years studying the Bible and attempting to dig deeper. But it has been only because one wants to ‘Dig Deeper’ into who this YHVH and this ‘Jew’, Jesus is and why and what He did and what that Means at a deeper level. It is all about Love.

If it is ‘All True’, then it is beyond Comprehension and one cannot wait for that Final Stage of one’s Promised Salvation will be, the Eternality of one’s Body. There will be no more Pain, Blood, Sweat and Tears. But one will have a Body of Pure Energy and an Indestructible Life, just like the Body that Jesus has now, in Heaven. So, one’s Point is to not dwell on the Bad and the Ugly of the Jews in their Biblical Past. But one must know and understand the Past to have Perspective and appreciate the Future that awaits. The Bad and Ugly of the Past serves or should serve for what not to do.

And note that the Jews still have to go through 7-Years of ‘Bad’ and ‘Ugly’ before they will see the Good in Jesus. But the Good that was and is yet to come is to be found in a Jew, and His Name is Jesus in English. He did bring a Better Covenant. And one is partaking of that even now. The Holy Spirit is that Sample, and it is only a ‘Down Deposit’ the Bible teaches. It is but a Foretaste of the whole that is yet to be realized and entered into. There is a Wedding to attend to and then to return back to Earth to teach and lead the Nations to Jesus during the 1000-Year Kingdom on Earth. But realize this Truth. Until that Time comes, there is a Jew in Heaven representing All of a Redeemed Humanity.

In Heaven, some way, somehow, a Physical Human Being, a Representative of all the Redeemed of Adam’s Fallen Race is sitting on the Right Hand of GOD the Father, ruling all that is, was and will be. And does not the New Testament teach that the Believers and Followers of Jesus, in the Spirit are now presently also ‘Seated with Christ Jesus in Heaven?’ But to appreciate all that Eschatology, Prophecy, Numerology, it would help to know some Hebrew and Greek. But not necessarily needed as there are Study Guides, Concordances, Translations, etc. But the Key is digging deeper for the Good. And the only real ‘Good’ of the Jews is Jesus. So, how many Followers and Believers of Jesus take the Time and Effort to know Jesus to that ‘Deep’ Degree?

The Issue of Love or how much one Loves Jesus back. As one’s Salvation is really about a Relationship, much like it was with Adam and YHVH ‘Walking together in the Cool of the Evening’ in Eden. A Relationship takes Dedication and Discipline to maintain. But it is because Humanity was created and is endowed with Free Will. One would not have it any other way. And it is about Love. Love is about having a Choice. That is the Challenge; it is to keep that Love, that Flame alive. Consider how Lovers or Newlyweds seek to spend all their Time together, initially. They cannot wait to see each other, write, text, speak, it seems. They want to know all about each other. And then they make a Commitment, a Covenant, a Promise to be exclusive with each other.

The Transference of Disposition
A couple then ‘Promises’ not to Cheat. Well, then Complacency, Routine sets in. Then Temptation comes in, as the ‘Eve’ in us seeks other Lovers. That is what led Israel or what are now the ‘Jews’ to the ‘Bad’ and the ‘Ugly’. Israel was and is and will be all about this type of Relationship that was and is and will be exclusive with the Creator GOD, YHVH. That was and is and will be all about the Bride of Christ, in terms of their Jewish Messiah now, i.e., the Parable of the 10 Virgins. The Challenge for the Church Age is to maintain that Love, that Relationship to not fall into the ‘Bad’ and ‘Ugly’. Refer to the Parable of the Seed falling on the different Types of Ground, etc.

And did the Apostle Paul not warn and admonish the 1st Church, Ephesus of why they left their 1st Love? And does not a Resurrected Jesus also warn and admonish the 7 Churches of Asia in the Last Book of the Bible to Repent, all but 2, Sardis and Philadelphia? Well, one hope this gives a bit more Perspective of how one sees things, especially in light of the Jews and the State of Israel, and why Evangelicals support Israel that is labeled by its Enemies and the World and Genocidal.

Israel, Jerusalem, the Temple and the Jews are on their way to have a Divine Rendezvous with Destiny, with Jesus, the ‘Good Jew’. And how World Events are being allowed to fall into place by the Luciferian Globalist, so that they can have their last attempt at getting their 15 Minutes of Fame. But realize that all this is to gather Evidence and Proof on Judgment Day against them. All those who are the Redeemed of Jesus are Witnesses, especially now that there is that Overlap with Israel and the Church as it was with the 1st Century, by 38 Years.

32 AD Crucifixion Year, surmised to the 70 AD Destruction of the Temple = 38 Year Factor

Consider that if one does a Factor of 2 Counts of 38 Years, that will be 2024 since 1948 when the State of Israel was ‘Reborn’. This is to suggest that the Year 2025 is when that Stop-Watch of ‘Israel Time’ is to recommence to finish their Redemption, just like all those Non-Jews were through the 2000-Year Church Age Intermission, etc. After the conclusion of the Church Age Intermission, it will be Jacob’s Turn, for Jesus to redeem the Jews that remain. Jesus will then turn the Jacob’s to Israel’s.

Consider, then prophetically, how it was Jacob who had to work ‘Double’ Time to redeem or buy-back 2 Brides, Leah and then Rachel, etc. Interesting, no? That is how it is playing-out presently. Really the Synagogue of Satan aspires no different than what the Muslims do also. They both seek to take-over the Promised Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. They both await their Messiah who will kill and destroy all those not converting to their Religion. And they will ‘Rule the World’ and enslave everyone else, no? And does not the Christian Eschatology depict this same scenario? And? Will the ‘Real’ Jesus please stand-up?



A People of Signs and Wonders
What is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble?' Where does it come from? Where in the Bible does it reference it and what is the Prophetic Context being inferred? This Book attempts to chronicle the various aspects that point to the coming Time when Israel will be in Dire ‘Trouble’. One can argue that since Israel’s Modern ‘Re-Birth’ in 1948, there has been nothing but ‘Trouble’. Why? One will present the Factors that will lead, to what one does interpret will be the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Daniel, known as the 70 Weeks of Years.


In the Midst of the Tribulation 
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. 


3 World Wars Israel Still Has To Fight
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Notions of why Jerusalem, of all the Cities on Earth will draw all Nations against her in the Last Days. The Old Testament Prophets wrote of how the entire World would be getting ‘Drunk’ over Jerusalem in an attempt to possess her. Why? Control Jerusalem and one Controls the World. This is predicated on the Biblical Nuance that the City was deliberately placed at the Center of Humanity. It was placed by the Creator of the Universe, of Humanity, that is YHVH.


Burden of the Nations
This Book ascertains Events surrounding Israel as the Fig Tree Nation and how it is being contested by the Nations and coming from the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’. It is a ‘Battle over Zion’ and who will get that as the ‘Winner takes All’. This was not the case initially when the Palestinians had a chance at having their own State. They rejected the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947. This Book will examine the Political, Social, Religious Factors of how Israel is fast approaching its ultimate Rendezvous.


He Who Comes in His Own Name
The purpose of this Book is to correlate the first 13 Kings of both the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel with that of the first 13th ‘Kings’ of Modern Day Israel in terms of its Prime Ministers since 1948. This study suggests that perhaps the 13th Person to Rule the Modern State of Israel will have a Parallel Destiny in terms of what the Number 13 means, what the Term might represent, and if it could be associated with the last Ruler of Israel before the Rightful King returns, Jesus.


Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifices
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for the Redemption of Israel of how the Rededication of the Altar of Sacrifice is directly related as the Precursor for the coming 3rd Temple, the AntiChrist and the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. The Religious Jews along with the Sanhedrin Rededicated the Altar of Sacrifice on December 10, 2018. This Rededication 'Echoes' the one also performed by Nehemiah at a similar 70th-Year Time Marker.


​Last Luciferian Beast Empire
This Book examines the case for the Countdown to the coming Apocalyptic New World Order that will be tied to Daniel’s 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle of the Terminal Generation based on Sacred Knowledge, Past, Present and Future. Evidence presented will examine Astronomical Heavenly Signs, Biblical Types and Parallels to suggest when the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are soon to be Debuted. The 'Image of the Beast' as foretold will cause the coming 3rd Temple to have an Abomination that causes Desolation.


Abode of the AntiChrist
The Olivet Discourse basically consisted of a Prophetic Outline or Blueprint that would involve the Restitution of 3 Factors that have to be in place before Jesus' 2nd Coming. The Factors disclosed by Christ start with the Temple, then Jerusalem and end with Israel. Christ foretold that these 3 Factors would be Destroyed, in that precise Order. The Olivet Discourse went on to disclose that miraculously, the same would involve a Reinstitution, but in Reversed Order at the End of Days signaled by the budding of the Fig Tree.



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