

End Times World Wars

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by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 

‘Then Esther sent this Reply to Mordecai: Go and assemble all the Jews who can be found in Susa, and Fast for me. Do not Eat or Drink for 3 Days, Night or Day, and I and my Maidens will Fast as you do. After that, I will go to the King, even though it is against the Law. And if I Perish, I Perish! So Mordecai went and did all that Esther had instructed him’. -Esther 4:15-17

The Spirit of Haman and that of the Prince of Persia is ‘Alive and Well’ in these Last Days that has risen once again, against the Sons of Jacob. The purpose of this Book is to examine and provide a Comprehensive Assessment, from a Biblical Perspective of how the Contention between the Sons of Jacob and the Sons of Haman or Amalek will come to a Head. They have been ‘contending’ already since Ancient History, that one will show. In the Book of Esther one sees this ‘War of the Seeds’ play-out in Israel’s Captivity. It is about a Duel to the Death and which Son will retain the Birth-Right.

In this Last Generation, the Clashes between these 2 Descendants of Jacob and Amalek will culminate in what one calls the Outer-Ring of the Russian-Led Gog-Magog War. Based on one’s Understanding, this World War will occur after the Rapture and to a large extent, the Place and the Timing will be as a result of the Rapture Event. Israel will have to go at it alone as the Support it had with the USA, mainly due to its Evangelical Christian Roots and Understanding of the Biblical Significance of Israel will have been taken out of the Earth. Those left behind ‘Woke’ Christian Churches and Congregations are now entirely Pro-Palestine and Anti-Israel as it is.

That is what the World and Israel gets for the Liberalization of the Gospel that was only a ‘Social’ and Prosperity Gospel and that of Entertainment. The Point is that Israel will have lost its only Real and Genuine Support. And True to National Israel’s Nature, it will turn to a Strong-Man, a Messiah Figure who will Promise and Initially deliver a ‘Peace and Security between them and the Prince of Persia, primarily. It is because the Inner-Ring of the Muslim Coalition will not have both Iran and Turkey on its Flanks, just yet.

The Invasion of Israel, some Time into the 7 Year Tribulating Period, after the Rapture will be the Outer-Ring led by Russia. Iran and Turkey will play a Key Role in this coming Invasion of Israel. As it is, since the Iranian Revolution, Both have sought to be the Dominant Power in the Region. They seeks to regain their World Empire Status that included ruling over the Promised Land of Jacob. To that End, the Goal of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is to surround not only Israel with its Proxies, like Hizballah in Southern Lebanon, but it has established a Choke-Hold of a Triangulation of a Shi’ite Menace. It threatens the entire Middle East, that is predominantly Sunni Muslim, etc.

Realize that the Arabs fear Iran more than Israel. And consider that the Persians are not Arabs nor speak Arabic, but only pertaining to their Muslim Scripture Readings. What this Book will present is a Comprehensive Array of Studies to show that after the Rapture, when the World will be saying ‘Peace and Security’, then Sudden Destruction will come upon those Left Behind on Earth. Since the Oslo Accords, the World has sought to impose a Land-for-Peace 2-State Solution to form a ‘State of Palestine’.


Prologue………………….……….….………..……….. 13

Coming Prince Of Persia……………………...………  21
Daniel’s 70th Week ……………………………………  47
Susa Star Gate.….…………………………………….  57
Hamedan Star-Gate…………………………………...  71
Tehran Star Map.......................................................  79

Iran Attack on Israel……………………………………  91
Why Israel Will Have To Go Nuclear ………….…….. 103
Images-Graffiti Messages…………………………….  111
Israel: The Empire Strikes Back……………………… 119
Netzah Yehuda Kfir Brigade…………..……………… 127

Iran Attacks Israel…………………………….………..  145
Israel’s Battle For Israel……………………………….  153
Images-Nuclear Facilities……………………….…….  159
Jerusalem……………………………………………….  167

Israel Support…………………………………………..  175
Are Christians ‘Zionists’?........................................... 187
Images-Patriotic Propaganda……….………………..  195
Hamas Gaza War 2023-24………………………...…  .221
‘Christ Is King’………………………………………..…  231

Pro-Palestine Protests………………………………...  243
The People’s Universities of Palestine……………....  251
Images-Pro-Palestine Encampments………………..  269
Pro-Palestine Encampments………………………....  285
Queers For Palestine………………………………..… 311

2-State Solution……………………………………..…. 325
Images-Soldiers of the IDF………………..………….. 337
Gog-Magog Prince………………………………..…… 345

ABC’s of Salvations…………………….………….….. 351
Book References………………………………………. 359

© 2024 PostScripts Publications
End Times World Wars
Then Sudden Destruction


Category: Religion & Spirituality
Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
Publisher: Lulu

Binding: Paperback
Interior: Color
Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Publication Date Revised: June 11, 2024
Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-304-28909-4

This Book will provide a Compilation of Biblical, Geo-Political and Astronomical Research that Ascertains how the coming World Wars will lead to the Biblical AntiChrist, a Solomon 2.0 that will instill a ‘Pax Judaica’ upon the World that guarantees Peace and Security to Israel and the World but will constitute a Deal with the Devil instead. This Book will Chronicle the Ancient Contention between the Sons of Jacob and the Sons of Haman or Amalek.

It is a glimpse of the Celestial Contention that started for Humanity in the Garden of Eden. The Events have pivoted the Seed of the Woman against the Seed of the Serpent. And this has been the Contention that is still Alive and Well. What one finds, that according to the Biblical Narrative, Humanity has found itself right in the Middle of the Celestial War and it has chosen Sides. In an Age of Deception, the Ruse will be that the Enemies of Israel and the World in general are forcing Israel into a Compromise to achieve what everyone and the Real Enemies of Israel extol, ‘Peace and Security’. It is a Façade and Luciferian Strategy to Divide the Promised Land as foretold in the Book of Joel.

So, if one is interested in Biblical Intrigue, Deception, World Wars, Ancient Alien Connections, then this Book is for you. Please consider purchasing a Copy to help Support this Type of Research. 
Order at Lulu Book.



© Published by Vegapost Productions
​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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