Possible Prophetic Template and Rapture Timing

  • Is the Tribulation 7-Years or is it only 3.5 Years? 
  • Will the Rapture coincide before this Time-Frame?
  • What is so mysterious about the Church Age?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com 
One believes that one knows, a bit more profoundly, why the Annual U.N., United Nations Yearly General Meeting in 2025 will be ‘Monumental’. What is interesting to also consider is how for the Year 2024 the U.N. General Assembly Meeting takes place exactly on the 7th-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, September 23, 2024. It could be perhaps ‘Coincidence’ as the Yearly U.N. Meeting Dates vary each Year.

However, in 2025, the U.N. General Assembly will also end on September 23, 2025. But the 1st Day of the High-Level General Debate will be on September 23, 2025. Furthermore, Rosh HaShanah or the Jewish Civil New Year occurs on that same Day. Coincidence? It so happens that 2025 will be the U.N. 80th Year Assembly since its inception in October of 1945. In the Year 2029, the Midst of one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline, Israel will have concluded its 80th Year Anniversary.

80th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 80)

However, based on the Luciferian Writings of the likes of Alice Bailey, the Year 2025 is when their ‘Great Reset’ is to be initiated and the advent of their ‘Great Teacher’ is to Come-on-the-Scene to implement all that. It will be their New World Order, etc. Further Elaboration about this will be covered below. This study is also meant to bring to one’s Attention, now other Brethren that study the End Times or Eschatology have devised a 2025-2032 Tribulation Period Timeline, as one has.

One’s 2025-2032 Tribulation Period Timeline is a ‘Work in Progress’, conjecturing when the possible Start of the 7-Year Tribulation Period is to begin. If so, it would appear to be ‘In-Line’ with the Luciferian Timeline, just the same. Coincidence? And that Year is? Based on one’s Studies and Estimations, it will be in the Fall of 2025. In one’s Theory, it is simply based on several Key Year Calculations. The 1st Estimation is based on the Crucifixion Year being 32 AD.

32 AD Crucifixion + 2000 Years = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025

The 2nd Estimation is based on how the Tribulation Timeline is also predicated on the Scriptural Template of how 1 Year is correlated to 1000 Years. Thus, if ‘2 Days’ is how long the Church Age is to last, then 2000 Years from 32 AD will be 2032 AD.

32 AD Crucifixion + 2 Prophetic Days (2000 Years) = 2032 – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025

Psalms Prophecy

Then the 3rd Estimation is based on the Numbers stated in the Life of the Prophetess Anna, being 84 Years and only having been Married to her Husband for 7 Years. If one correlates Anna as a Prophetic Type of Israel, a Widow who last saw Jesus at the Temple after His Birth, then Israel’s Birth in 1948 could very well correlate to Anna’s Age and Jesus’ Birth. How? It is based on the Countdown of when Israel, or ‘Anna’ will see Jesus again. This Year Calculation would then suggest that Year would be in the Fall of 2032. And based on one’s further Details, it would be September 11, 2032 on the Sabbath of Return. This Calculation would be based on the following Year Equation.

1948 Birth of Israel as ‘Jesus’ + Anna 84 Years Old = 2032 – 7 Years being a Widow = 2025

So, one is surmising that the Year 2025 is very Prophetic. It is that ‘Close’ in surmising then that the possible Year of Jesus’ Return could very well be in the Fall of 2032, based on one’s Fall 2025 start of the Tribulation Period. One will also interject how the Luciferians are expecting this same Year 2025, to be when their ‘Great Teacher’ is to ‘Show-Up’ and initiate the ‘Great Reset’. It is purely Speculation on this Side of the Rapture. Note that 2025 in the Chinese Calendar is the ‘Year of the Serpent’.

This then also leads to when the Rapture Event is to occur, being a Pre-Tribulation Period Scenario in one’s Interpretation. Now some may argue in reading all these Date and Year Counts, is it legitimate? Why consider and use the Enemy’s Rationale? It is because the Luciferians use the same Timeline as YHVH. They know it better than most Christians and surely most in the World who are Blinded by Satan’s Lullabies and Lies. Consider this Day Count also based on the Abraham Accords, for example.

September 15, 2020 Abraham Accords to Hamas Attack on October 7, 2023.
= 1117 Days or
= 3 Years 22 Days (322 Skull and Bones Innuendo.)

Based on this Fall 2025 Year Scenario, the Rapture Event would have to occur prior to his Time-Frame. Of course, one can be wrong in this supposed Timeline Year Calculation. Nonetheless, pertaining to this possible Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline? One was led to the Work of Karl Lawley from Kingsburg, California in the Central Valley. He has a Ministry called ‘Porsches and Prophecy’. Lawley has also written a Book, entitled ‘Encrypted’. His Tribulation Theory and the main Notion for the 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline is based on the Psalms-to-Year Correlation Theory. It is contingent upon the interpretation of the 15 Psalms of Ascent.

This Psalm Theory has been researched before by many End Times Students of Prophecy, most notably the Late J.R. Church. His ground-breaking Book is entitled, ‘Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms: I Will Open My Dark Saying Upon The Harp - Psalm 49:4’. Lawley further develops the Notion and adds the subsequent Timeline of a possible 2025-2032 Tribulation Period as a result. The following is what one emailed to Lawley, making him aware of one’s similar 2025-2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. At least, that is where one is at on the Learning Curve in the study of the End Times.

My Name is Lu Vega. I also do Charts and End Times Timelines. My Research can be found on my Website: www.PostScripts.org. I was made aware of your Research and your 2025-2032 Tribulation Timeline also by 1 of the Online Members at the Revelation 12 Sign Daily Blog Post. I heard you out and appreciate your Research.


Will the US turn on Israel this Year? New Matching Timelines.
Karl Lawley

I surmise that 32 AD was the Crucifixion Year as well. I wrote a Book about it. You are welcome to have it in PDF format to check out.

Circumstantial Evidence why it was in 32 AD
When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus' Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one's Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to ‘Convince’ or to ‘Prove’ the Year, as that is beyond one’s Ability. 

Free Online PDF Version

In 1 Amazon Review, the following was posted.
5.0 out of 5 stars Best Book of The Year

Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2024
Verified Purchase

‘Would give this book 10 stars if I could. Diagrams and drawings make for more interest. Very detailed and informative. Well worth it’.


In my Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline, I do venture to be Day Specific, but only because of the Amazing Day Counts surmised. See the Charts below that shows the possible Fall 2025 Tribulation Period occurring during the ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ after the 8th Day of Assembly. Then, exactly 1260 Days out will be the Eve of Passover in 2029. Then 1260 Days out will be September 11, 2032, which is the Sabbath of Return. Return of Jesus? LORD of the Sabbath?







One surmises also that the 'Covenant with the Many' will be between the coming AntiChrist and the Nascent Sanhedrin of the 70 Elders of Zion, or the Many L'Rabbim. See this Article Rationale.

A Word Study of the Hebrew Text​


Why one is extremely interested in the Year 2025, is that it appears to be a Watershed Year for the Globalists of the likes of Helena Blavatsky and Roerich. Consider that Alice Bailey, the Luciferian Prophetess of the New Age and the United Nations publishing House, Lucis Trust, spoke in Prophetic Terms about 2025 as mentioned. What is the significance of the year 2025? It is about establishing their New World Order by 2025. It is the Great Reset, as Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum promoted, etc. The following are famous Quotes from Alice Bailey about the Year 2025. Emphasis added.

‘A Great General Assembly of the Hierarchy is held in the 25th Year of every New Century. The Members of the Hierarchy meet at that Time to make Decisions that determine their Plans for the remainder of the Century, based upon what has or has not transpired by that Time. The next Assembly, in 2025, will be of Monumental Importance. It will launch the Events of the Millennium in which the Aquarian Civilization is due to emerge into Manifestation’.
- Nancy Seifer, Disciples and the Year 2025 by, Esoteric Quarterly, Fall 2006.

‘How Humanity responds to the Increased Spiritual Stimulation brought by some Members of the Hierarchy in Active, Visible Presence on Earth will have some bearing on the Timing of the Reappearance of the Christ, the World Teacher. When Humanity demonstrates its Readiness for and Receptivity to the Powerful Energy emanating from Shamballa, according to the writings of Alice Bailey, the Christ will return to bring the Next Stage of Initiatory Teaching’.
Source: https://spiritualperspectives.online/2025-developing-a-vision-of-possibilities

‘Thus a Great and New Movement is proceeding and a tremendously increased Interplay and Interaction is taking place. This will go on until A.D. 2025. During the Years intervening between now and then very Great Changes will be seen taking place, and at the Great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every Century—in 2025 the Date in all probability will be set for the 1st Stage of the Externalization of the Hierarchy. The Present Cycle (from now until that Date) is called technically The Stage of the Forerunner. It is preparatory in nature, testing in its Methods, and intended to be Revelatory in its Techniques and Results. You can see therefore that Chohans, Masters, Initiates, World Disciples, Disciples and Aspirants affiliated with the Hierarchy are all at this Time passing through a Cycle of Great Activity.

Adjustments and Alignments within the Hierarchy, Page 530.

10 Point Plan to Destroy Christianity
Stewart Kabatebate

‘Christianity must also be overthrown because it is based on Jewish Sources; the Rule of Christ must come to an End, because only the Rule of Force is Right. In the World Order of the Axis Powers, the Individual has no Rights. He has no Freedom except in so far as he serves the State’. – Alice Bailey

‘By 1945, we shall have the Inner Structure of a World Faith so clearly defined in the Minds of many Thousands that its Outer Structure will inevitably make its Appearance before the End of the Century. The Inner Structure of the World Federation of Nations will be equally well organized by 1965 and its Outer Form taking rapid shape by 2025’. – Alice Bailey


Now when many People ask, ‘What Time is it Prophetically?’ One has the Scriptures as a ‘More Sure Word of Prophecy’, as the Apostle Peter states. However, a lot of the End Times is deliberately left Vague by the Holy Spirit. One’s best Efforts are just to try and connect many of the Dots, as they say. It is also because concerning Prophecy, it is presented as being only able to look through a ‘Foggy’ or Dim Mirror or Looking Glass of sorts. Notwithstanding, there are Tangible Correlations that can attest to what Time it is Prophetically. And those are? One can sense the Time-Frame or Prophetic Season by keeping an Eye on Israel.

One is convinced that the Nation-State that was ‘Birthed’ in 1948 is the start of the Countdown to the Return of Jesus. It is the Last Days Sign of how YHVH is in the process of getting Israel ready for its Rendezvous and Redemption. This is despite the Argument that many People see Israel as just a Zionist Political Entity sponsored by the Luciferian Rothschild’s and the Rockefeller’s, etc. Consider that once the Church Age Commission concludes the Age of Grace, the Prophetic ‘Baton’ will be handed back to Israel’s Prophetic Economy. That being determined, then the 3 Main Aspects to be correlated in terms of ‘What Time is it’, are the following.

Prophetically, they are based on the Promised Land of Israel, the Capital City of Jerusalem and the coming 3rd Temple on the Temple Mount. Then, the next Aspect and/or Factors to consider any possible Prophetic Correlation to where and when one is at in the Timeline has to do with what the Luciferians are doing. Not that by doing that, one seeks to validate their Evil Work, but that the Bible does admonish the Followers and Disciples of Jesus to not be ‘Ignorant of the Enemy’s Devices’, etc. Thus, it is incumbent upon every Student of the End Times to have a ‘Finger on the Pulse’, as they say in what the Rulers of Darkness that run the World, for now are doing and planning.

An Abrahamic Hybrid Religion

Exemplary are how the Teaching and Statement of the likes of Alice Bailey and the Luciferian Albert Pike have been attributed to have divulged regarding their Luciferian Agenda and ‘Great Work’, etc. The following is taken from a Post that speaks to the Year 2025 and how it appears to be a Convergence of Prophecy. One cannot help but to think how the Rapture Event will facilitate the Evil Endeavors of the Luciferians as the Restrainer, i.e., the Holy Spirit will have been set aside because of the Rapture. In a YouTube Comment, @itisfinished430 did the Research in showing how Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars, for example, are proving to be correct and not a ‘Hoax after all.

Note that the all 3 World Wars were and are basically against Christianity and how the 3 Phases are designed to totally defeat it, or at least make it irrelevant. Despite that being totally impossible due to Jesus’ Promise that the Gates of Hell would not and cannot prevail over the Church, once the Rapture Event occurs, the Restraining Hand will have been removed. So, at that Time and Place, what is left of the ‘Christianity’ Shell will be filled with the False Ecumenical Types that will join the New Luciferian Hybrid Religion that will be centered on the Abrahamic Faiths.

This is why one surmises that on the Temple Mount, there will be those 3 Abrahamic Houses that will unite the World in a False sense of Peace and Security. All 3 Abrahamic Faiths and Houses: False Christianity, False Islam and False Rabbinical Judaism will mesh as the New World Religion that is and will be Luciferian to the core. That is the Aim of the 3rd and Last Phase of World War 3 in how Political Zionism is being pivoted against Islam in which the World will grow weary of the War, Death and Destruction. As Israel will be forced to use the Samson Option, by going Nuclear because it is out-manned, it will be the cause for the New World Order, the Reset as the Rapture Event will also provide the Rationale for a World in Psychosis and Shock.


Albert Pike's Writings also mention a Great War in 2025, following the Transformative Events of 2024.

Pike writes:
‘The Year 2025 will witness the Great War, the War of Armageddon, the War of the Gods, and the Final Defeat of the Material Forces’. (Page 945, Morals and Dogma.)

Additionally, he mentions:
The War of 2025 will be the Last Great Conflict and will mark the End of the Material Era and the beginning of the Spiritual Era’. (Page 817, Morals and Dogma.)

Pike also connects this War to the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple:

‘The War of 2025 will be fought over the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon, and the establishment of the New Spiritual Order’. (Page 753, Morals and Dogma.)

However, these passages suggest a connection between the Transformative Events of 2024, the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple, and a Great War in 2025.


A Titanic Ship Syndrome
Thus, the Window from September to October of 2024 Time-Frame is very interesting to keep an Eye-Out on. One cannot help but see the World, especially in the USA and Europe as the Titanic Ship Metaphor. In the Upper Decks, People were playing, lounging around, setting-up Deck-Chairs, listening to the Band and eating, chatting, etc. But in the Lower Decks, the Water was coming in fast and filling-up the Sections as People were starting to Panic and Drown.

It seems all is getting back to ‘Normal’ after COVID but that was just the Beta Test. It is all a Façade. Here is a Chart that was forwarded to me about the FDIC Unrealized Gains from 2008-2025. It basically is a ‘Snap-Shot’ of the State of the Money Supply in the USA. If what the FDIC reports is accurate, the coming Economic Collapse in America will be at least 10X worse than in 2008.

FDIC Unrealized Gains from 2008-2025

Then with the West Bank, or the Ancient Highlands of Biblical Judea and Samaria about to burst into another War Front, and the Russians inflicting a massive Blow to NATO Advisors and Western Mercenaries, with the latest Attack on Ukraine, the World is primed for an ‘Event’. It appears that the Neo-Cons running Washington D.C. are egging-on Russia to the Brink of a Nuclear Retaliation against the USA. This could be the Strategy of the Luciferians in how the USA will be or could be Destroyed.

That Scenario could provide the ‘Cover’ for the USA to default on its Trillion Dollar Debt that it is Mathematically Impossible to pay back. It has gotten to the Point that all of the Tax Revenue gathered can no longer pay for just the Interest on the Debt. The next planned Pandemic is in the Works and the 30+ Million Illegal Migrants that have been allowed to enter the USA are serving a purpose. They are replacing all the Aborted, will be voting Democrat, causing Chaos, Crime and a strain in Social, Medical and Educational Services.

The Democrats have essentially abandoned the Black Voters and replaced them with the Migrants. It has been conjectured that the Migrants will be used by the U.S. Army in a Fast-Track to Citizenship because the Federal Government can no longer fill the Ranks with New Recruits because the Army has gone Gay with its DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Initiatives. But the Migrants will then be used to round-up ‘Dissidents’ when it all comes ‘Down’, after the Rapture, one conjectures. It is in light of the coming Collapses, on all Fronts: Economic, Social, Medical and Moral, etc.

And one conjectures also that the Rapture Event is what will trigger the Fallout, in one’s Estimation. Remember that the ‘Old Order’, currently being the USA has to implode and be reduced to Ashes so that out of it, the New Order can be birthed and rise as their Mythical Phoenix. And to that End the Luciferians that is why they are ever edging Russia, Iran and the World to the brink of World War 3. Thus, this is why the Year 2025 is pivotal to the Luciferians. And consider that in light of the Rabbinical Calendar, the Year 2025 technically starts on October 2, 2024 on the Civil New Year.

Confirming the Covenant

And that Date coincides with the Annular Ring Solar Eclipse. This is the Astronomical Bookend to the Religious New Year Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024, which was the Last and 3rd Great American Eclipse. So, it appears that every 25th Year of every Century, the Luciferians who run the World, for now, converge to meet and decide the Fate of the World. Will this Time and Place coincide with the Debut of the Biblical AntiChrist False Jewish Messiah? Will he at that Time and Place ‘Confirm the Covenant’ with the Many?

Based on prior Research, one is more convinced that the Covenant is with the L’Rabbim or the Sanhedrin that make-up the 70 Elders of Zion. One surmises that the AntiChrist, like King David and Ezra will convene with Israel after the 8th Day of Assembly, called Shemini Atzeret in the Fall of 2025. In Biblical Times, it was at that Time that Israel dedicated themselves to YHVH and the Temple was either Dedicated in the case of King David or Rededicated in the case of Ezra and Nehemiah.

Essentially, their Kings and Prophets ‘Confirmed’ their Covenant, the Moses Covenant as Israel will be under once again as in Biblical Times after the Church Age ends. Their Kings and Prophets basically all read or reiterated out-loud the Law of Moses as it was on Mount Sinai. And the 70 Elders and the whole Congregation of Israel said ‘Yes’. It can also be seen as a Renewal of Israel’s ‘Wedding Vows’. But as the Old Testament teaches in Isaiah, Isreal will rather be deceived to marry the AntiChrist that will turn on them at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation. It will be a Covenant with Death and Sheol, etc.  

This, in one’s Interpretation is what the Covenant with the Many will consist of. So, the Year 2025 is where, according to the Writing of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey and Albert Pike, their Great Teacher and Christ is to appear and take control of the Great Reset to be implemented and rule the World, openly. These have been one’s interesting Insights about the Year 2025. One believes it is just how close the Rapture Event is to occur prior to the supposed Collapses, War and Reset Timing; it must be or has to be, perhaps.



In the Shadow of the Tribulation
Not if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset. Thus, the World War Reset. One will take a Biblical Point of View and Interpretation to help Explain what is really going on in the World Gone Mad. It is essentially a Spiritual World War, and from Ancient Times. 

Order a Hard Copy at Amazon Books. 5 Star Review. * * * * *


Order out of Chaos
The purpose of this Book is to present an array of Comprehensive Studies  suggesting that 2025 is the probable Year of the Start to the Tribulation Period. The Series of Studies strongly suggest that the Shemitah that started in 2022, with its subsequent 7 Years will Mark the Mid-Point at the Passover in 2029. Thus 3.5 Years prior is Fall 2025 when the Whore of Babylon System will Rise to Rule the World, Religiously, Economically and Politically.

Order a Hard Copy at Amazon Books. 5 Star Review. * * * * *



Doomsday Signs of the End Times
What is the 'Beast'? Who is or will be the 'Beast'? Why does the Bible call this coming Man, the 'Beast'? The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Lucifer's AntiChrist has risen in the World and about to make his Great Debut. The Book will present Evidence on how Prophetic Variables such as Astronomical Time Markers, End of the Church Age with the Rapture, and the Orchestrated COVID Tyranny will result in the eventual Mark of the Beast.

Order a Hard Copy at Amazon Books. 5 Star Review. * * * * *


​Last Luciferian Beast Empire
This Book examines the case for the Countdown to the coming Apocalyptic New World Order that will be tied to Daniel’s 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle of the Terminal Generation based on Sacred Knowledge, Past, Present and Future. Evidence presented will examine Astronomical Heavenly Signs, Biblical Types and Parallels to suggest when the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are soon to be Debuted. The 'Image of the Beast' as foretold that will cause the coming 3rd Temple to have an Abomination that causes Desolation.

Order a Hard Copy at Amazon Books.


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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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